finding y/n

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*3rd person pov*
"How are we going to find her?" Peter asked.
"There are Hydra bases all over the world." Steve said. "How do we know where she is?"
No one said anything, as they all thought hard about how to find her.
"I know. We'll just hack into her phone on an external device and see her last location." Tony suggested. Everyone followed him to his lab and he started typing on his computer.
"Um. Well. Chances are her phone is no longer with her."
"Why not? Where is it? Bucky questioned.
"In the river."
"Damn it!" Bucky banged his metal arm down on the table, so hard that it cracked down the middle.
"Ok! Ok calm down." Steve yelled. "It's only been a day so they can't have taken her far. Search for the nearest Hydra bases in or around New York and just to be safe, check for unusual air traffic in the past day, including airport footage from nearby airports and look for suspicious activity." He commanded the room. Instantly, the avengers spread themselves out in the lab. Some were typing on computers, others on the phone to all sorts of people. Sam, Thor and Peter left the tower to look for her in person. They split up and spent hours checking every alleyway and dark corner in a 100 mile radius. About 8 hours later and the sun had begun to rise. Night had come and gone in no time.
The avengers all reconvened in the lab at around 7am.
"Any sign of y/n" Wanda addressed the people who had gone out. They all shook their heads and took a seat.
"No unscheduled planes have left the city or surrounding areas." Nat reported.
They all looked to Tony, who finished typing something before saying "I think I found something."
"A Hydra base," he continued "underground along the coast of New Jersey. It's the nearest one that hasn't been abandoned or blown up."
"Ok. Let's go to New Jersey." Bucky and Peter were the first to the door.
"Are you sure you guys should be going? Don't you think you should stay home and we'll take care of it." Steve asked.
"She is my sister. I am going to get her and you are not stopping me." Bucky said walking off.
Peter was still in the doorway "yeh, what he said. Minus the sister thing. She's my friend."
"No you're definitely not going, kid. You need to stay here. You need to rest." Tony argued.
"Mr. Stark -." Peter protested.
"Nope. Enough out of you. Don't make me call your hot aunt."
"I agree with Tony." Barton said "you can get hurt out there."
"Thank you Clint. You can babysit." Tony gestured to the others to follow him out the door.
"What, no I don't want to babysit."
"I don't need a babysitter."
"He's sixteen he can look after himself."
"Just let me come I'll be fine."
Clint and Peter squabbled over each other.
"I don't care. You're both staying. We'll be back soon." Tony called back after he had already walked away.
Peter sighed and Clint slumped in a chair, as the rest of the avengers walked out of sight.

They got to the loading bay and Tony saw Sam and Nat giggling.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"Nothing. Just Barton has the job of a 13 year old girl." Nat laughed.
"He ain't even getting paid. He broke homie. Like Cinderella." Sam inputted. "Before the bibbity bobbity boo."
Sam and Nat broke out laughing.
"Ok. Stop acting like immature teenagers. Or you'll be staying home too." Tony warned, and they hurried onto the jet. He turned and saw Wanda about to get on.
"Wanda you should probably stay home too" he said to her "this is dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt. You're still young."
"No" she looked at him "you're just still mad I called you weak earlier when you tried to lift Mjölnir."
"Maybe. Go back inside."
Wanda gave him a death stare, but didn't fight his decision. She grumped back down to the lab, where the others were.
"What are you doing here?" Peter asked.
"Tony wanted me to stay too." She sighed.
"Yay more kids to babysit." Clint said sarcastically.
The three watched the plane take off out the window and then Clint sighed "so what do you want to do?"
Peter immaturely suggested "hide and seek?" as a joke but Clint looked at him and smiled.
"Good idea" he grinned "very good idea."
Peter started to count while the other two hid. It was a bit odd for two grown teenagers and an adult to be playing a kids game, but it took their minds off the situation. Peter found Wanda quickly, but couldn't find Clint, who was hiding in the vents. 

Peter Parker + y/n Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon