meet y/n

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The sound was faint. Quiet. You wanted it to go away.


It was louder. You were being brought back to reality.

"y/n are you listening?!"

Back to reality now. You were in school. Calculus. Ugh. And no, you weren't listening. You were staring out the window. Thinking about ... nothing.

"huh. UuuUuuuUUuuuuh"

"y/n please tell me you were listening. Answer the question." the teacher sighed.

The class begin to laugh. You felt your cheeks tint a rose colour, which grew stronger as you felt someone breathe down the back of your neck.

"*some math thing idk*" was muttered into your ear and you repeated it without looking back.

"*some math thing idk*" you smiled.

"Very good" said the teacher " but may I remind you that Mr Parker will not be at your disposal during your final exams."

You turn to see the boy behind you, who had gone red in the face, saying something to the dark-haired boy to right, but you couldn't quite make out what he was saying. You made eye contact with the dark-haired boy and gave him a small wave. The boy, 'Mr Parker', noticed your wave. He put his hands behind his head and laid his forehead on the desk. After a few moments, he looked back up to see me still looking at him. You felt a smirk on your face and your left eyebrow raised. He smiled sheepishly at you as you turned back around.

The teacher had turned back to the chalkboard and was writing out a mix of numbers and letters that made no sense, so you turned back to the window and zoned out again.

*later at lunch*

You go to take your usual space in the cafeteria with your friends...

"Penis Parker!"

... and Flash. He was not your friend. He was a douchebag. Especially towards Parker. Normally, you wouldn't have taken any notice. And you wouldn't have this time if Flash had not screamed it across the cafeteria as you sat down. You noticed Parker slump down into a chair the far end of the cafeteria, sliding very low into it.

"How's your girlfriend?" yelled Flash, "oh that's right. You don't have one."

Half the room was laughing, about a third didn't care, and very few were silent, staring at the poor boy. You found yourself one of those few people.

Two people approached him, the dark-haired boy from earlier, and a girl. Her name was Michelle, you think, but you weren't sure. You felt bad that you didn't know who these people were, even though you have been going to school with them for about 2 years now. The small group left the cafeteria and you hesitantly followed. You caught up with them as they were going into the library.

"Hey. Can I, um, talk to you for a minute?" You gestured towards Parker, and the others shrugged and walked into the library, leaving the two of you alone in the hallway.

You looked blankly at the boy, while he stared at the floor. You didn't really know what you wanted to say.

"Sorry about Flash, he can be an idiot sometimes."

He doesn't say anything so you continue.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm y/n, y/n y/l/n"

"I know." he smiled.

"This would be the part where you tell me your name" you remind him.

"Oh. I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He offered his hand and you shook it, grasping him a little more than what felt right.

"Well I better get going now." You sigh, turning back towards the cafeteria. You manage to walk all the way to the double doors and put your hand up to open them before a voice stops you.

"Wait! Do you, uh, do you want to join us, maybe? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to."

You take your hand back from the door and turn towards him.

"Yeh, I would love to."

Peter waits for you to walk back to him, and it was obvious he was trying to hold back a smile. He opened the library door, and you walked through, but waited for him to follow before approaching the table where his friends were sat.

"Hey guys. This is y/n. y/n, this is Ned and MJ."

"Hi." You smiled and waved at them, as peter pulled a chair out for you. What a gentleman. As soon as you sat down, Ned started talking about a lego death star thing.

"hey y/n, peter and I are building it tonight, wanna join?"

You wanted to say yes, you really did. Even though you have no idea what it was, it sounded better than what your plans were.

"I'd love to, trust me. But I made plans with Liz and Betty to study at this café." You had been looking at your hands, fidgeting, and looked up to see Ned and Peter exchanging confused faces.

"What" you ask, slightly concerned.

The boys laughed at each other before Peter admitted "We just didn't picture you as the sort of person to study".

You think back to your earlier interaction and understood their point. "maybe I need a tutor" you laughed.

"I'll tutor you!" Peter replied quickly.

"Sure" you didn't take a second thought about the speed of his reply. Peter was nice, dorky, but nice. You were just glad you could spend more time with him, but more importantly, less time with your other 'friends'.

Peter Parker + y/n Where stories live. Discover now