The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

1K 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.2
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 1
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 5

12.The Truth-pt. 4

10 1 0
By nayliafolo16

In the morning, Ally woke up and her eyes were still wet and a little bit red. She looked around herself and then at her phone. It was 10:45. She sighed and looked up at the celling. She stood up and walked up to the mirror.

She was looking in the mirror still sleeping and thinking what happened last night and trying to remember when she came home.-"I don't remember coming home."-she mumbled and heard a knock on the door.-"Come in."-she mumbled and Henry walked in.

"Hey, good morning. How are you feeling?"-he asked closing the door.-"I don't feel anything. Like I lost all the feelings."-she mumbled.-"You just woke up?"-"Yeah. I don't even remember coming home."-"It's because you fell asleep in the car and I carried you here."-Henry smiled.

"Really?"-"Yeah, I knew if I wake you up, you'd be crying all night."-he said. Ally looked at him and hugged him.-"Thank you."-she sobbed-"I still can't get over everything. I'm feeling so bad."-she started crying again.

"Don't. Harry's not worth your tears."-Henry said calmly rubbing her back.-"You're right. But I can't stop."-she mumbled.-"I see you still have my hoodie."-he laughed.-"Oh my God! Really! I'll give it back to you right now!"-she said and wanted to take it off.

"No, no. It's fine. Keep it."-he smiled.-"Really?"-"Yeah."-he smiled.-"I'm going to get something to eat because I'm starving."-Ally said walking towards the door-"Do you want something?"-she asked.

"No. I ate at home. Thanks."-he smiled-"Also, yesterday, I told your mom that Harry cheated on you and that's why you got so upset."-"Oh, okay."-she nodded and looked down. They went downstairs where Molly was preparing breakfast.

"Ally! Baby. Good morning."-she smiled and hugged her.-"Morning mom."-she mumbled.-"How are you?"-"Good."-Ally mumbled and sat down. Molly looked at Henry and he gave her a sad look. Henry sat next to Ally and Molly was looking at her worried.

"Can you stay here today? I don't want to be alone."-Ally mumbled.-"Yeah, of course."-Henry whispered.-"I have to go to work guys. See you in the afternoon."-Molly said and kissed Ally's forehead.

"Take care of her."-she whispered on Henry's ear and he nodded.-"Thanks for staying. I really need someone to be here right now."-Ally mumbled.-"Of course. But you know, we won't be crying all day."-he laughed and Ally looked at him-"What are you looking at? You're stuck with me. I'll make you forget everything."-he smiled and Ally laughed.

The whole day they spent at Ally's house. Henry was doing everything to make Ally forget about everything what happened. They were watching movies, listening to songs, singing, dancing and laughing.

For lunch, they ordered pizza. When they ate it, they were sitting on the bed next to each other in silence.-"Thank you."-Ally smiled and Henry looked at her-"For... always being here."-her voice broke and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey, don't cry."-he rubbed her back.-"I just can't believe that I skipped many missions because of him, and you could've been in danger. I couldn't forgive that to myself."-she sobbed and looked down-"Or to lose a friend like you."-she said and her eyes got full of tears.

"Ally. Don't cry again."-Henry said and hugged her.-"I can't control my feelings."-she sobbed.-"I have an idea."-he said.-"What is it?"-Ally wiped her tears.-"Close your eyes and think of the happiest and funniest moment we had. I'll do the same and we'll see if we were thinking of the same."-he said.

"Okay. Let's see."-she smiled and they closed their eyes. As they were very close to each other, and Henry felt that he slowly started getting closer and closer. Ally found the happiest and funniest moment she had with Henry, and it was the night when they were on the advent at the park.

Henry was still trying to find the happiest and funniest moment, but he couldn't really focus.-"Is this smart what I am doing? Should I do it or not?"-he was thinking-"I'll do it, I'm really close and there's no way back."-he was thinking and got butterflies in his stomach.

"Kiss her, Henry already!"-he heard his inner voice. He didn't move even if their noses were almost touching, but something was stopping him. Ally felt that Henry is very close to her, but she didn't mind.

They were like that for a few more moments and then they heard the front door open.-"Ally! I'm home!"-Molly yelled from downstairs. Ally and Henry opened their eyes at the same time and caught each other's look. Ally looked at the door and smiled.

"What were you thinking of?"-she asked smiling.-"Kissing you."-Henry was thinking-"Um... let me hear you first."-he smiled.-"The night when we were on the advent at the park."-she smiled-"What about you?"-she asked.-"I couldn't choose. They're all my favourite."-he smiled.

They were smiling and looking at each other when Henry got a message from his mom.-"I have to go home. We're going together to school tomorrow?"-he asked.-"What do you think?"-she said and they laughed.

They walked downstairs.-"Hi guys. Did you have fun?"-Molly asked.-"Yes."-they both said at the same time.-"Great."-she smiled at them.-"See you tomorrow then. Bye."-Henry said and walked out.

Ally went after him and closed the door.-"Thank you. For everything."-Ally said quietly.-"You're welcome. I'm here to help."-Henry smiled-"Don't you dare cry tonight. I'll see in the morning if you were crying."-"Okay, I won't. At least, I'll try."-she laughed.

"If you need, call me."-he said and Ally nodded. She smiled and hugged him.-"Good night."-Henry whispered on her ear.-"Good night."-Ally whispered back. When Henry left, Ally walked back in.

"Everything okay, sweetie?"-Molly asked.-"Yes."-Ally smiled and sat on the couch.-"I see Henry fixed your mood."-Molly said when she sat next to Ally.-"Yeah, he did."-Ally laughed.-"You're still wearing his hoodie. You didn't give it back to him?"-Molly smiled.

"Yeah, I didn't change. Also, Henry said I can keep it."-Ally said playing with the hoodie strings.-"Oh yeah? Isn't it a little bit too big for you?"-"The sleeves are long a little and it looks big on me but it's nice and warm. And I like warm clothes."-Ally smiled.

"Henry's hoodie is nice and warm. Hmm... Ally?"-Molly said raising her eyebrows.-"Mom! Stop shipping me and Henry!"-Ally laughed.-"But you could've made such a cute couple!"-"You're annoying."-"Do you know who also agrees with me? Kris, Henry's mom."-Molly said and Ally covered her ears.-"I can't hear you! I'm going to bed, by the way."-she said and walked upstairs.-"Good night!"-Molly yelled.-"Good night!"-Ally yelled back.


It was the last day of the first semester. As usual, the students weren't doing anything special. Everything was kind of normal, but the teachers were acting weird the whole day.-"Is this just me or the teachers are a little weird today."-Jasper whispered to Henry and Ally.-"No, they are weird."-Ally whispered and then Henry turned to Jasper too.

The Biology teacher walked in all pale and looking at the ground.-"Hello everyone. Since this is the last day of the first semester and your last Biology class, we won't be doing anything. I just have an announcement which the principal asked me to tell you."-she said with her voice breaking.

"Did someone die?"-Ally whispered to Henry and he laughed quietly.-"As you probably noticed that your classmate Harry Wist is not here today."-the teacher started. Henry and Ally gave each other a worried and confused look.

"It's because he died yesterday in a car crash."-the teacher said and tears filled her eyes. The whole class gasped, and some girls started to cry.-"What?"-Henry looked at the teacher confused.

As Ally heard Harry's name, she remembered what exactly happened started tearing up.-"Ally?"-Henry asked worried-"Don't think about what happened that night, okay?"-he whispered and tried to calm her down.

"We got that information this morning. Also, I'm sorry Ally, I know you guys really liked each other and you were a very cute couple."-the teacher said looking at Ally who was trying so hard not to cry.

"Wait. I'm confused. Isn't Harry the Dark Guy?"-Jasper whispered.-"He obviously faked his death so he can escape."-Henry whispered.-"Oh. I get it."-Jasper nodded.-"I'm sorry for your loss, Ally."-Kelly said sarcastically turned to Ally.

Ally ignored her. She really didn't have energy to fight with her so she just kept quiet.-"Miss.?"-she spoke out.-"Yes, Ally?"-"Can I please go to the bathroom?"-her voice was breaking.-"Yeah, of course."-the teacher nodded and Ally walked out.

"She can't keep her tears anymore."-Henry whispered to Jasper watching Ally leaving.-"It still hurts her?"-Jasper asked.-"I've spent the whole day yesterday calming her down and making her forget about it."-he mumbled.-"That's not good."-Jasper whispered.-"Also, the principal wants the whole class to come to the funeral after Christmas."-the teacher said.

Ally was in the bathroom crying above the sink trying to calm down. Suddenly someone walked in. It was Piper.-"Ally?"-she ran to her-"What's wrong?"-she asked.-"You heard about Harry, right?"-Ally sobbed.

"That he's your dad's heir? Yes, Henry told me about it. Why?"-"He faked his death now just so he can escape."-Ally started crying again.-"And you're still not over that he's what he is."-Piper said and hugged her.

Biology, which was the last lesson that day, finished. Ally still didn't come back, and Henry and Jasper took her stuff and went to the bathroom. They stood in front of the door.-"You know we can't just go in the girl's bathroom."-Jasper said.-"No way, Jasper!"-Henry said sarcastically.

After a minute of standing in front of the bathroom, Ally came out and her eyes were a little bit red.-"We got you your stuff."-Jasper said.-"Thanks."-she sobbed taking her backpack. Henry was looking at her and then he hugged her.

"Let's go home."-Henry whispered-"Jasper, can you tell Ray that I took Ally home because she's not okay?"-he asked.-"Yeah, of course. See you guys."-he said and left.-"Come."-"Henry, we're not going home. We have to find the answers and the right person is Harry's aunt."-she said.

"Ally, look at yourself. You're barely standing and can't even think about Harry without crying. I'll take you home."-"Henry, please listen to me."-"Okay, fine. Let's go."-he said and they went to Harry's house.

Ally knocked on the door, but no one responded. The door was open, and they walked in.-"Elisabeth? Are you here? The door was open!"-Ally yelled but no one responded. They went in and looked if Harry's aunt or uncle were there.

The house was empty. Henry walked in the kitchen while Ally looked in the living room.-"Hey Ally? Look at this. Looks like a letter."-Henry said taking a piece of paper from the kitchen table.-"Let me see."-she said and took the paper.

She unfolded it and it was a letter for her.-"This is for me?"-she said confused.-"Read it."-Henry said and Ally started reading out loud:

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