Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

70.5K 2.2K 871

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club
Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??
Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick

2.6K 106 18
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

Sometimes life was weird.

Well, honestly, life was weird a lot of the time.

But you never expected to be startled with something so abnormal on a Monday morning.

Even your teacher was shocked and had to do a double-take when Puck entered the choir room.

A bald Puck

"Who is that guy?" You overheard Brittany as a shocked Santana.

The sam Santana who came up to you after the lesson and told you, "Puck doesn't turn me on anymore."

"So what? Is that my job now, or something?"

You shut your locker door, glancing at the girl before she followed you down the hallway.

"I'm being serious, Y/N. It's like he's not hot anymore."

"Are you sure it's the hair that's doing it and not just the fact he's a man?"

Santana scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Am I coming over tonight, or what?"

You stopped. Looking into her brown eyes for a few moments.

"Okay. Come the usual way at the same time. My dads may joke about me having cheerleaders sleeping at the house, but they'd flip if they found out."

She smiled at you seductively, running a hand down your arm, "See you then." Then she spun on her heel and left.

"What did she want?" Quinn asked, walking up to you.

"It's Santana," you reasoned, with a shrug, feeling kinda shitty that you were lying to the blonde. It wasn't like you were dating her, so why did it feel like cheating? "She always flirts for no reason."

"She was flirting?"

"Why? Jealous?" you teased.

The blonde shook her head, eyes looking onto the ceiling. But never once denying your words.

"So, can I maybe stay over tonight?"


"Uh. sorry, no." At her sad face, you rushed to think of a lie. "Rachel's making me watch all these sad musicals with her. Said something about it mirroring her misery." You rolled your eyes. "We're gonna be up well into the night with her sobbing and cry-yelling about the story. You don't want to be there. Trust me . I'm only saving you. How about this-" You held onto her arm, still wanting to make her happy, hoping to give her something to look forward to. "-Stay over this weekend. The whole weekend . Come Friday night, and I'll drive you to school Monday morning. You won't even need to see Puck during that time."

Quinn smiled brightly at that.

"Really? Your dad's won ' t mind?"

"You, kidding?" you asked rhetorically, "They love having you over. I think they miss you being there more than they will me and Rachel, when we go to college."

She giggled, "Well, I am very likeable."

"That you are, Fabray."

'That you are...'


"I am very disappointed in you guys."

"Always know how to start a lesson, huh, Mr Schue?" you asked, walking into the room, a little late for the club meeting.

Finn turned to your sister as you sat down beside Brittany.

"Can't believe you narked on us."

"Don't get mad at me for exposing your laziness," she shot back.

"Wait. Hold up. What's going on?"

"Your sister bugged the choir room and told Mr Schue that some of us weren't singing during rehearsals."

'Oh, fuck'

"Yes," Rachel said, directed at you, "Even you. I am tired of carrying all of your weight. Regionals is in a month , guys," she continued. Looking around at the rest of the team.

"I'm just trying to understand what's going on here," Mr Schue said, " Finn , why did you stop singing?"

"Because you started giving all the male leads to Jesse. Kind of shook my confidence, you know?"

'Now you know how the others feel'

Santana sighed. "What difference does it make? Everyone knows that my job here is to look hot."

You pulled an 'okay' face, nodding your head to the side.

"You are hot."

Quinn glared at you momentarily, but you paid that no mind. The blonde rubbed her hands together as she gave her own reasoning.

"My baby hormones are making me moody."

"You're telling me," you mumbled to yourself, but still gaining a smack to the knee from the girl, as she had inadvertently heard you.

"There are so many lyrics," Brittany spoke next.

You shrugged yourself. "We all know that I'm here just to stop Rachel from doing things that will make me want to rip out my own eyes."

"And yet, you didn't stop 'Run, Joey, Run'," Quinn pointed out.

"In my defence." You pointed to the girl. "I don't really know what 'Run, Joey, Run' was until then. Also ! That was a comedic goldmine, and you can't deny that."

"Okay, no," your teacher stopped your and Quinns conversation, bringing the topic back to the problem at hand, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."

"I bet I could out logic that statement," you mumbled.

"A Glee Club is about a myriad of voices coming together as one," he said, linking his fingers together, in demonstration, "All right? This ends now. Which is why your assignment for the week." He paused, mulling his thoughts over. "Is for each of you to come up with a song that best represents how you see yourself, where you are in your lives right now . Your voice then... you're gonna stand up here and sing your hearts out. All of you ."

"Solos?" Kurt asked excitedly, "In front of everyone?"

"The Glee Club has lost its voice. It's time for us to get it back."

"I'm gonna sing 'Run, Joey, Run'," you joked.

Everyone, but Rachel, collectively gathered to fill the room with a resounding, "No!" As you cackled.


Twenty-four hours of Rachel badgering on at you about not singing in the club later. And you were sat in the midst of another Glee Club meeting.

You were sitting by yourself in between two empty seats, which you had your arms stretched out over their backs. Santana and Brittany behind you, and Matt and Mike in front of you.

Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Puck leaned in closer to Mercedes, "Girl, you got more curves than a Nissan ad," he tried to flirt.

"Seriously?" the girl replied, " That's what you came up with?"

"How he managed to get far enough to even get a girl pregnant is beyond me," you spoke to yourself as a slight cringe came over your face.

"She felt fat, and he got her drunk," Santana stated.

"I'm sorry." You slowly turned to face the girl, trying to process this new information you had just been given. " What? "

Just as you were about to snap at the buzzed boy, your teacher stopped that from happening as he entered the room.

"All right, guys." He clapped his hands. "Let's get things started."

"As I was first on the sign-up sheet, I'll kick things off," Rachel said, quickly taking the place at the front of the class from the man.


"I have chosen Miley Cyrus' 'The Climb' . Because it's about overcoming obstacles and beating the odds. In my case, the obstacle is you , my lacklustre teammates, who refuse to carry their own weight."

"Oh, gee, thanks. Love you, too, sis."

Turning, she directed Brad that he could start playing.

Little did you know, that was what was about to happen in the following seconds, would make you have to hold your laughter in harder than you did for your sisters project, for the previous Glee Club assignment.

I can almost see it

That dream I'm dreaming

'Wait. Is this how the song was supposed to sound?'

But there's a voice inside my head saying

You'll never reach it


'It very much did not '

As soon as you realised what was happening, you had to reach over and try and hide your smile behind the collar of your shirt.

Soon finding that that wasn't going to work, you pulled the bottom of your T-shirt up to successfully cover it this time. Your bare stomach still clearly gave away your hidden chuckles as it jostled with every one.

Every step I'm taking

Every move I make

Feels lost with no direction

My faith is shaking

Oh, this was gonna kill you.

Death of laughter.

Your sister ' s final punishment for not singing when you should be.

But I

Gotta keep tryin'

It wasn't only the rest of your classmates who were pulling confused and pained faces at having to hear someone sing so out of tune. Your teacher and the piano player was among them.

Even your sister was confused as to what was going on.

Gotta keep my head held high


Finally, a release, a saving grace , from your teacher interrupting her performance.

"I think you've lost your voice."

Your sister looked forward, staring off into space, as a look of pure horror swam there.

"Oh, there is a God!"

"We need her voice to perform next month, Artie told you, worry in his eyes.

"Oh, come on," you scoffed lightly, "It'll be back within a week. Then your tone took on a dreamy one as you looked up at the corner of the ceiling, "It will be the quietest week of my life." An excited gasp tore through you. "I might be able to sleep in for the first time ever ."


The doctor's office was a change of scenery.

You were messing around with some of the latex gloves. Snapping one onto your hand, Finn rolling around on the stool.

You were both just two big kids.

As your sister waited, in the blue gown, to be seen by the doctor.

"What if he says I'll never sing again?" Rachel asked suddenly, "I mean, who am I without my voice?"

"Rachel Berry."

"I- I'm just this spoiled annoying child-"

"Hey, you said it, not me." You shrugged, at the same time, Finn spoke. The boy, saying something way nicer than what you just did.

"Don't say that. There's, like, so many awesome things about you."

Your sister stared at the boy, hope filling her eyes.


Finn scoffed a laugh, trying to brush the question away just so he wouldn't have to answer it.

"Look, he's not gonna say you'll never sing again."

Just then, the doctor drew back the curtain and entered the room further.

"Bad news, Rachel. You'll probably never sing again." The girl gasps. "I'm kidding."

"Doctor, I feel like I should let you know that that's not a nice thing to do to my sister. No matter how funny it is," you said humorously.

Rachel glared at you, her attention returning to the doctor when he continued speaking.

"You have severe tonsillitis, which has resulted in an inner ear infection. From the looks of things, it's not the first time. You should have had them out years ago."

"Does that mean she's not allowed to talk for a while?" you asked, leaning forward hopefully.

"Why should I let you butcher my throat when just resting my voice for a week and chugging down herbal tea will do the same job?"

"This is a very serious infection," he said clearly.

"I think she's worried about the surgery affection her singing voice," Finn spoke for your sister.

"No. That's, definitely, what she's worried about."

"At least start by taking these antibiotics." The doctor scribbled down her prescription, sassily continuing, "Unless you worried they're going to adversely affect your dance moves."

The man left after handing the slip of paper, leaving you all to sigh.

"What do you think I should do?"

"Have the surgery," you said instantly.

"Maybe you shouldn't ask your boyfriend. Oh, wait , you can't. He's not here."

"Or you know, you can be petty and say things like that," you muttered, pulling the gloves from your hands, throwing them into the trash.

"He's in San Diego on spring break with his friends from Vocal Adrenaline," Rachel rushed to explain.

"When are you gonna realize that he's not into you like I am?" Finn asked, rolling his chair around to be in front of her.

"Oh, I really don't want to be here to see this."

"You think he's gonna stick around if you can't sing?"

"Just give me a reason to kick his ass."

"If you're a vocal cripple?"

"I don't know, but those words just sound really iffy to me, bro."

"Look, I know that you've always been jealous of Jesse. A-and even though he and I haven't spoken since the 'Run, Joey, Run' debacle-" you snorted lightly, remembering the video. As Rachel got up from the bed, "-You just have to accept the fact that." She struggled to find the right words. "I still care about him deeply. And I know he still feels the same way about me."

"Okay, that's all well and good," you spoke up now, eye's glued to your watch, "But can you go get changed now, 'cause I gotta get to work soon."

Finn was staring at the curtain your sister was behind.

The curtain your sister was undressing behind.

The curtain that, clearly , showed your sister undressing behind.

"Hey," you scolded the boy, "Advert your eyes there, soldier."

Your head cocked to the side when it seemed that he hadn't heard a thing you said.

"Finn?" your tone was curious now, "Look away from my sister... dude?" You waved a hand in front of his face.

He didn't even blink.

Was just in his own world.

While also staring at your sister's changing shadow.

Knowing that you weren't going to be able to snap him out of whatever universe he was daydreaming up, you did the best thing you could.

You stepped in front of his line of sight. Blocking Rachel from his view. Still, not breathing his concentration.


Jessie is a friend

Yeah, I know he's been

A good friend of mine

But lately something's changed

That ain't hard to define

Jessie's got himself a girl

And I wanna make her mine

Finn stood at the centre of the choir room, arms stiff by his sides, getting back into the groove of singing in front of everybody.

You just wish he chose a song that didn't give you second-hand awkwardness.

And she's watching with those eyes

And she's loving him with that body

I just know it

Your eyes flashed with anger, 'She better not be'

And he's holding her in his arms

Late, late at night

You know I wish

That I had Jessie's girl

I wish that I had Jessie's girl

Luckily, the song was easy to enjoy.

So, you didn't have to focus on how straight-up embarrassing it was and could just have fun with your seated friends.

Where can I find a woman like that?

And I'm looking in the mirror

All the time

Wondering what she don't see in me

Matt's shoulder nudged against yours. Both of you, messing around, playing the air drums, as Finn played the actual instrument.

Unable not to notice the way Quinn couldn't look at the boy and wasn't swaying with your team.

And how Rachel looked almost like a deer-in-headlights at being sung to so obviously, whilst she has a boyfriend. Her eye's still giving away just how much she liked it, however.

I've been funny

I've been cool with the lines

Ain't that the way

Love's supposed to be?

Tell me, where can I find

A woman like that?

Like Jessie's girl

I wish that I had Jessie's girl

Suddenly, the singing boy was up, on his feet, rounding your seated sister.


Practically belong the song as he walked around the chair your sister sat in, never once taking his eyes off of the brunette. Suddenly stopping in front of her.

I want Jessie's girl

Where can I find a woman like that?

'God' , you placed your head in your hand, shaking it lightly, as you kept watching the two, 'They're gonna be married by the time that they're eighteen'

Like Jessie's girl

I wish that I had Jessie's girl

Finn finally left her and was standing at the front of the class once more.

I want, I want Jessie's girl

You clapped along with the rest of the room.

Mr Schuester 'whooing' as he stood from his chair.

"Nice work! Now that! That is the kind of soul-exposing song I was talking about." He pat the boy on his chest. "We should all be inspired by Finn's bravery. Good job, buddy."

"Wait. We've all gotta be that honest?" you asked, a small amount of fear beginning to show through your eyes.

"It would be ideal, yes." He nodded.

'Yeah, I'm out'

"Uh, Mr Schue, can I sing my song now?" Puckerman asked next.

"Yeah. Let's go for it, Puck."

The boy hopped down, moving to open the door, allowing a group of musicians to enter the room.

"What are they doing here?" Mercedes asked.

"I invited my brothers from the jazz band and their righteous horns to help me out with my song," he stated, "Since I shaved my mohawk, I started seeing things differently. Last week, I joined a black church-"

"Aren't you Jewish?" you sounded, confusion etched across your face.

"-And I recently downloaded every song Sammy Davis Jr ever recorded on iTunes. He was a black Jew, you know? And my inspiration," he added, with a head tilt, "So, without further ado, I give you one of Sammy's biggest hits."

Puck waltzed over, and plucked a hat from one of the Jazz Band members, and placed it upon his own balled head.

You leaned over to Matt. "He just wanted to cover up his lack of hair."

She gets too hungry for dinner at eight

'Me too'

She adores the theatre

And won't arrive late

She'd never bother

With people she'd hate

That's why the lady is a tramp

The boy jogged up to Finn just so that he could dance down the row of occupied seats in front of you.

Doesn't like crab games

With Barons and Earls

Won't go to Harlem

In ermine and pearls

When Puck passed by directly in front of you, you quickie reached out and took the hat from him, just like he did its original owner.

Sitting back down in between Matt and Mike, both buoy chuckling as you nodded to them, the hat securely upon your head now.

Won't disk the dirt

With the rest of the girls

Brows scrunched at the boy when he waved his finger at Quinn, that burning jealous feeling swelling in your chest again.

And it would have only been made worse if you could have seen the look Quinn gave him.

Mikes own brows raised at Matt.

The two, sharing a knowing look without your knowledge.

That's why the lady is a tramp

The burning feeling left suddenly, with your eyes widening and mouth dropping open, as Puck slid in front of Mercedes.

The girl looked just as taken aback as the rest of the team.

She like them free fresh

Wind in her hair

Life without care

She's broke, it's oke

She hates California

It's cold and it's damp

That's why the lady is a tramp

Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

You laughed song with the two friend's by your sides as he danced across the floor, the band still playing, and your claps along with the tune, filling the room.

And things just got so much better when he pulled Mercedes up to perform with him.

I get far too hungry

To eat dinner at eight

I adore the theatre

But I never come late

You never bother

With anyone that you'd hate

That's why the lady is a tramp

That's why the lady is a tramp

I like the free fresh wind in my hair

Life without care

Smiling, you tugged at the boy's arms, directing them so you could whisper in their ears.

"Look at Santana's face."

In unison, the three of you turned to see the angered look upon the girl's features. Arms folded across her chest, plotting happening behind her brown eyes.

"She looks like she's gonna kill someone," Mike whispered.

You nodded. "This is gonna be entertaining."

She's a swinger, a humdinger

Hates California

Too cold and too damp

Too cold and too damp

Leaning over your knees, you tapped against Quinn's shoulder.

As soon as the blonde peered at you questioningly, you pointed Santana out.

Her eyes widened slightly, moving back to yours, both of you silently communicating, knowing that Santana was up to something since you both knew the Latina so well.

Coming to the same conclusion.

'You had to warn Mercedes'

That's why the lady

That ' s why the lady

That ' s why the lady

That ' s why the lady

That's why the lady

Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

That is why the lady is a tramp

That is why the lady is a tramp

Everyone, but Santana, of course, gave the two a round of applause. Some even went as far as to give them a standing ovation.

You amongst them. After being lightly persuaded with a nudge from Mike.

All in all?

Not a bad Glee Club lesson.


You were by Mercedes' locker, waiting for the girl, along with Quinn.

When she rounded the corner and spotted the blonde leaning against the lockers in front of you. You watched as she took a small breath, gearing herself up for the conversation they were about to have.

She swiftly walked up to the girl as you moved to stand beside both of them. That way, it would be less awkward for you to make your snarky comments as always.

"Look, Quinn..." Mercedes started.

But couldn't continue her sentence, thanks to one of your comments.

"Oh, that's sexy." You pointed at Quinn's raised eyebrow, finger going to graze the skin just under the plucked hair. Realising your words, you quickly changed your tone from blunt truth to teasing, "That's very sexy."

Quinn smacked your hand away from her face, shooting you a look, turning back to the girl before her.

"Go on, Mercedes. Just ignore them. It's what I've started to do."

" Hey! "

"I can never see myself being into a guy like Puck, especially since he's your baby's daddy, but... something just happened between us," she explained, with a shy shrug.

"I say, go for it," Quinn replied, gesturing her hands down.

A shocked, confused face pulled against Mercedes' face. Scoffing out a, "What?"

"Look. I screwed up by letting Puck get me pregnant."

"You screwed up by getting screwed."

You laughed at your own joke, bending slightly as you did.

Quinn sighed lightly, placing a hand upon your shoulder blade.

"He's an idiot," she carried on, as you rose back to your full height, "And his mother won't let me eat bacon."

"Oh, been there. I used to have to sneak it in. Now it stays in the freezer in the garage."

"I'm stuck living with him right now. But at least, if you guys are dating, I won't have to spend so much time listening to his insane theories on how 'Super Mario Brothers' changed civilization."

"Basically, it's a win-win for her," you told the girl, "She won't have to date him, and she won't have to listen to his bullshit. And if I'm being entirely honest, it's a win for me, too." Mercedes looked at you curiously. "I won't have to listen to blondie over here rant about him all the time."

'Also, you're in love with Quinn and won't have to feel that burning jealousy every time they're near one another'

"But you do realize he's using you and your popularity , so he won't get tossed in a dumpster," Quinn added.

"I know he's using me." The girl rolled her eyes. "But in a way, it's even better. I'm not you. I've never had a guy like me for anything, but now I'm such a steaming mug of hot chocolate that one of the studliest guys in school-"


"-Wants to use me to harvest some mojo."

"Oh, so it's like a dating of convenience."

"Exactly." Mercedes smiled at you happily.

"I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I know what this is." She nodded at Quinn. "My heart's safe."

"Oh, I'm not worried about your hears," she told the girl clearly, " I might be okay with this. But not even Puck is going to be able to call off Santana."

"Dude, she's so scary," you whispered, bringing both girls' attention to you, "She threatened to tie me to rail tracks once before, all because I stepped on her foot while doing choreography in the choir room. I know that she wouldn't be able to do that. But it was still scary."

"See?" Quinn asked Mercedes, pointing to you, "And we both know Y/N isn't scared that easily."

"Except spiders," you admitted, "Spiders scare me easily. Please, neither of you tell Santana that."


A tap came at your shoulder during the beginning of the next Glee Club lesson.

Looking to find who or what touched you, you found Santana. The girl bent over her lap, handing you a pen.

The pen, that was your silent code that she wanted to "spend the night" at your place.

You nodded to her once in agreement, the girl returning it.

"What did Santana want?" Quinn asked once you returned back to your previous position.

"Just to give me back the pen I lent her." You showed the object between your fingers.

"Santana actually returned something?" she asked, surprised.

"I know. I thought it was weird, too."

The Latina pushed your head forward, making you smile cockily over your shoulder at her as you rubbed the afflicted area. Getting an eye roll from the girl in return.

Mr Schuester sat sown in the free seat beside Quinn, indicating that Kurt was about to perform his song.

"Gentlemen," he said to the band, for them to start playing.

"Is he trying to make his voice deeper?" you whispered to Quinn.

"I think he is."

There's a black man with a black cat

Livin' in a black neighbourhood

He's got an interstate runnin'

Through his front yard

You know he thinks

That he's got it so good

"Do you know what's goin' on with him?" you asked Tina.

The girl shook her head. "Not a clue."

And there's a woman in the kitchen

Cleanin' up the evenin' slop

And he looks at her and says

Hey, darlin', I can remember

When you could stop a clock

Oh, but ain't that America

For you and me

Ain't that America

Somethin' to see, baby

Looking around your friends, you could find the same confused look on every single one of their faces.

Well... all but Brittany.

Who was swaying side to side, lightly clapping along to the song.

Ain't that America

Home o the free, yeah

Little pink houses for you and me

Oh, baby, for you and me

Confused, scattered applause sounded once the song was over. Everyone, still so taken aback by everything the boy emitted right now.

"Uh..." was all you were able to say.

It had rendered you speechless.

That wouldn't last for long.

"Is there something wrong , Mr Schue?" Kurt asked, basically waddling up to the teacher.

"I don't really think you got the point of the assignment," he said, shaking his head, "This was about finding a song that expresses who you are. That song didn't really sound like you."

"Well, I'm sorry if I didn't live up to your expectations."

"That voice you're also putting on doesn't sound like you."

There you go!

Didn't last for long at all.

"No, no. This group needs you to be you , Kurt. You can literally do things that no one else can."

"I'm not a box. There are more than four sides to me."

"Don't lose track of who you are, just because it might be easier to be somebody else."

"Hey Kurt, when this whole trucker phase is over, can I have that hat?" Quinn nudged your side. "What?" you asked her, almost aghast, as the boy walked away, "Pony cap."

The girl sighed out through her nose at your goofy self.

You smiled teasingly, "I know you wanna kiss me."

You could tell that that gigantic eye roll must have hurt as she turned away from you.

Leaving you to never know just how true that statement was and how the blonde was denying her own feelings. Deciding to blame it all on the baby hormones.


Santana's tongue was shoved down your throat as she laid upon you.

Or it was until she broke the kiss with a pop.

"You're distracted."

"What?" you asked, voice husky, watching as she pushed herself, so she was hovering above you.

"You're thinking about something else while you're kissing me."

"No, I'm not."

'Yes, you are'

'You're too busy thinking about how much this feels like you're betraying Quinn'

"Listen. If you have to think about preggers while we're having sex, at least let me know. So that I don't feel bad about screaming out someone else's name."

"Woah!" You quickly sat up, pushing her, so she was sitting in front of you. "What makes you think I was thinking about Quinn?"

"Oh, please," she scoffed, rolling her eyes, "You're infatuated with her. Basically, everyone knows it."

Your face fell at that.


"I see you aren't denying it anymore." Another eye roll when Santana was met with stunned silence. "Don't worry, Quinn doesn't know a thing. She just thinks you're the same old Y/N, who's annoying but sweet at the same time."

"She thinks I'm sweet?"

The girl cocked her head to the side and gave you an 'I-told-you-so' look. Making you relent with a huffed groan.

"Fine! Fine, I like her okay." You pointed a finger into her smug face. "But don't go telling anybody, okay?"


" Anybody who apparently doesn't already know."

"Fine. Your " secret "." In air-quotes. "Is safe with me."

"Thank you."

" Now . Can we get back to having sex?" she asked, crawling back over you as you slowly laid back down.

"Yes, we- Wait. Who do you think about when we have sex?!"


It was intense.

Watching Santana and Mercedes angrily sing at each other over the surface of the piano.

You need to give it up

Had about enough

He belongs to me

The boy is mine

"They're seriously fighting over a guy who got a girl pregnant," you whispered over to Tina, the girl ' s eyes widening as she nodded at you. Agreeing that they were both nuts.

I think it's time we got this straight

Sit and talk face to face

There is no way you could mistake

Him for your man, are you insane?

You see, I know that you may be

Just a bit jealous of me

Because you're blind if you can't see

All my love is all it took

You had to admit, though.

This performance was incredibly arousing.

You need to give it up

Had about enough

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

He's mine, he's mine

He's mine, he's mine

Mercedes turned away from Santana, crossing her arms over her chest.

The Latina looked at her as if she was crazy before mimicking the girl ' s movements.

Them both now back to back.

I'm sorry that you

I'm so sorry

Seem to be confused

You seem to be confused

He belongs to me

He belongs to me

The boy belongs to me

You can't destroy this love I've found

Your silly games I won't allow

Santana came up behind Puckerman, passing her hands down his chest. Spurring Merceces' anger on.

"Man, it must be an ego boost having two girls fighting over you," you muttered to yourself.

The boy is mine without a doubt

He was my love right from the start

I'm sorry that you

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

He belongs to me

That boy is mine

You need to give it up

Not yours

But mine

Not yours

But mine

Not yours

No, mine

I'm sorry that you

Seem to be confused

He belongs to me

The boy is mine

"That was intense." Mr Schue rushed up to stop the shoving match that was well on its way. The girl's egging the other on in quiet mutters. "You know, I gotta give you guys prop for the passion. Maybe hold back on the animosity a little, all right?"

"Yeah, okay." Santana nodded. "I know, I understand."

"Oh, don't do that," you told the teacher, the very second he let the girls go and turned away from them.

Santana instantly moved to shove Mercedes with force.

"Hey, hey, hey. Seriously, this ends now." The teacher stopped them from going at one another once again. "Please. All right? You can go at it in song, but that is it."

"Oh, that's good to know."

"Enjoy it while you can, Weezie," Santana stated, before moving to make her way from the room, "His hair's already starting to grow back."

After that intense lesson, you had come to the conclusion of two things.

One. Mercedes needed no help if she were to ever take Santana on in a fistfight,

And two.

Puckerman didn't deserve either of those girls.

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