Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

70.5K 2.2K 869

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club
Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??
Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run

2.5K 101 11
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

You walked into the choir room with your sister and her boyfriend, only to find a small group of your friends laughing at something playing on a laptop.

"What's so funny?" Finn asked, taking a seat behind Tina.

"You aren't watching me falling off stage at my first 'Tiny Tots' beauty pageant, are you?" Rachel then turned to shoot you a look as you chuckled silently behind her. "I still can't believe you showed them that."

"Hey, I couldn't just keep that gold mine to myself, now, could I?"

"That was Carrot-Top funny compared to this comedic tour de force," Kurt laughed.

"That's Olivia Newton-John's 'Physical'," Jesse said knowingly, "It was pretty groundbreaking subject matter at the time considering its depiction of fluid sexuality."

"Oh, my goodness," Mercedes yelled.

"Wait, wait." Finn startled as you all laughed, your hand coming down upon his shoulder to brace yourself, "That's not Olivia Newton-John. That's... that's Sue Sylvester. Where did you get this?"

"Heaven," you said happily.

"I can tell you that I certainly did not steal it from her locked file cabinet yesterday when she sent me back to her office to get her hormone replacement injection during Cheerios practice," Kurt said.

"Wait. Did she just do the cabbage patch?"

"I'm posting this on YouTube," Finn said, making a start for the computer.

Your sister called out for him to stop, as Tina and Mercedes stopped the boy from removing their entertainment, "Do you think that's a good idea? She might kill us."

"How's she gonna know for sure that it was us?"

"Oh, let her get a taste of some of the humiliation she put us through," Mercedes said, just before she and Tina started copying the hand moves Sue was on screen.

"I'm with Finn," Jesse spoke up next, "You guys need to stop being such asses and start being badasses ."

"Did you just call us asses?"

With a smirk, Finn pulled the laptop onto his lap.

"Ten bucks it goes viral by lunch."


"Who did it?" Mr Schue said, holding up a piece of paper with some sort of point system written on it.

"Wow, what a way to start a lesson," you remarked dryly.

"This is serious. Principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club."

"Why are we playing this game?" Santana asked, stopping filing her nails momentarily, "We all know it was Puck."

"Back off, I didn't do squat."

"Then why is your girlfriend first on the 'Glist'?" Tina sassed.

"And why am I last ?" Rachel asked, "Aside from the fact that I refused to put out for you."

"I'm glad you're last in that case," you said, making your sister scoff with insult.

"Okay, enough! No one is accusing anyone of anything!" Mr Schuester stopped the classes bickering. Then he turned to the bot, "Puck, seriously, did you do it?"

"I said no. I'm a delinquent, sure. I like setting stuff on fire and beating up people I don't know. I own that . But I'm not a liar."

"Wow, you're such a catch."

The boy harshly pointed at you.

"And if I were the one who did it, I would not have them so high on the list. Everyone knows how we hate each other."

"Wait." You perked up slightly in your seat. "What did I place?"

"Third," Tina said, "Just above Puck."

You pulled an understanding face. "I can deal with that. Well, I can deal with it no matter what, 'cause I don't need a piece of paper telling me who I am."

"Okay." Your teacher shook his head, bringing the attention back to him. "Here's the important point. Between this." He showed the slip of paper. "And posting Coach Sylvester's personal video on YouTube, you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation."

"Why is that a bad thing?" Artie voiced his question, "Maybe if we seem more dangerous, people would stop flushing my glasses down the toilet."

"Just point them out to me," you called over to the boy.

Mr Schuester sighed, coming forward to hand out sheet music. "Look, things are hard right now. I get it, you're under a lot of pressure with Regionals coming up, and I know that winning sectionals hasn't had the positive effect on your popularity that a lot of you thought it would. But becoming what you despise is not the answer."

"Man, this song is whack."

"No, it's not," he told Mercedes, "It's a terrific song on a long list of top hits that, because of some time or bad press, has become a joke. And like you guys, it's time to start rehabilitating its bad reputation."

"This is actually a pretty fun song," you admitted, soon noticing the looks everyone was giving you, "What? Learn to have some fun."

"Exactly, Y/N." Mr Schue pointed at you with the paper clasped within his hand. "The assignment for the week is for all of you to find songs like this. Mine them for what works, and make them great again. And then, hopefully , you can apply this musical lesson to your own lives."

"This song should be arrested for the crime of sucking."

You raised your booted foot high off the ground and lined it up directly behind the back of Jesse's head, so wanting to kick him. Quinn reached a hand over, placing it upon your knee, then gently pushing, making you set your foot firmly back down on the ground.

"You wanna bet?" the teacher challenged.

"Oh no, he didn't," Artie called.

"Hit it!"

Yo, V.I.P.

Let's kick it

Starting to regret what you said as you watched your teacher spin in place.

Ice, ice, baby

All right, stop, collaborate and listen

Ice is back with a brand-new invention

Something grabs ahold of me tightly

Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly

You couldn't contain the laugh that emitted from you as you watched your teacher dance with Puck and Mike.

Will it ever stop, you?

I don't know

Turn off the light, huh

And I'll grow

Tina pulled a face at the rapping man as he came closer.

To the extreme

I rock a mike like a vandal

Light up a stage

Wax a chump like a candle

Mr Schue pulled Tina up to dance, Brittany, hopping up to join in too, as the rest of the group sang the song with the man.


Rush the speaker that booms

I'm killing your brain

Like a poisonous mushroom

Deadly when I play a dope melody

Anything less than the best is a felony

Love it or leave it

You better gangway

Reaching over, you grasped at Santana's leg, using it to brace yourself as you whispered over to the girl.

"Can you believe this shit?" you asked with a smile filled with enjoyment.

A smile that showed what you were about to do.

"Oh, don-"

You had jumped down before she could even finish her sentence. Hearing her laugh behind you.

Never once noticing the look Quinn was giving you both.

You better hit the bullseye

The kid don't play

If there was a problem

Yo, I'll solve it

Check our the hook

While my deejay revolves it

You came up to stand between Brittany and Tim, watching the dance move your teacher demonstrated.

Ice, ice, baby

Vanilla Ice, ice, baby

You got the hang of the move quick enough, dancing along with your friends as your teacher went to go fetch more of the club.

Take heed

Because I'm a lyrical poet

Miami's on the scene

In case you didn't know it

My town, that created all the bass sound

Enough to shake you, kick holes in the ground

Quickly you made your way over to Finn, standing not too far away from the boy, to give him a helping hand with the dance moves Mr Schie was starting to show the new group of kids.

'Cause my style's

Like a chemical spill

Feasible rhymes

You can vision and feel

He almost kicked you, but luckily you hopped out of the way fast enough.

Still helping him with the moves. But now being warier of his long limbs.

Conducted and formed

That's a hell of a concept

We make it hype

And you want to step with this

Mr Schuester then waved the last of the sitting club down to dance with everyone.

You, noticing Artie's awkward left outlook, jogged up to the free seat beside him.

Dancing with the boy, mainly making movements with your arms and torso.

Shay plays on the fade

Slice like a ninja

Cut like a razor blade

So fast the other deejays say, damn

If my rhyme was a drug

I'd sell it by the gram

Keep my composure

When it's time to get loose

You watched as the third separate group learned their own dance move.

Glad that it was nothing too hard, considering Quinn's situation.

Being pregnant and all.

Magnetized by the mic

While I kick my juice

Hopping up, you rejoined your group as Mr Schue walked towards them.

If there was a problem

Yo, I'll solve it

Check out the hook

Wile my deejay revolves it

You performed the first dance move with your friends when the teacher gave you the go-ahead.

Ice, ice, baby

Vanilla Ice, ice, baby

Then it was Quinn, Mercedes, Matt and Kurt's turn.

Vanilla Ice, ice, baby

And then the final group showed what they got.

As you watched on proudly at how Finn was doing.

He wasn't as terrible as usual.

Vanilla Ice, ice, baby

Too cold, too cold

You were in between Mike and Tina as you danced with your team and teacher, all in a line.

Vanilla Ice, ice, baby

Too cold

Yo, man let's get out of here

Word to your mother

"I don't know my mother. Don't have one," you panted once the song was over. Rachel, nodding along with you.

"Me too."

"This song is officially paroled!" Mr Schuester yelled from where he stood, arms wide and amongst the empty chairs. Gaining applause in return. "Right, Jesse? You got me?"

The bot raised his hands in surrender.

You sighed, flinging your arm around Quinn's shoulders.

"That was fun. Fun, but exhausting."

"You work on a construction site almost every day."

"Your point?"


"-The rest of the school gave us a nickname. Puckleberry."

"That's humiliating."

"And disgusting," you added, stepping into the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" the boy asked, still wearing a 'Phantom Of The Opera' mask.

"I should be asking you that. You see, this is my house. I live here."

"The fact is," Rachel said, pulling the topic back to what she wanted to say, "That slumming it with me actually improved your reputation. It gave you a-" She tried to find the right words for a moment. "-Sense of humanity ."

You snorted.

"Wait." He finally removed the white mask. "Do you want to date again? I was wondering why you invited me here."

"Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing right now."

"As you know, I'm taken."

"As are you ," you told the boy, who only rolled his eyes at you in return.

"But I can be of some assistance." You began to tense up when Rachel stepped closer to Puckerman, getting flashes of memories, to when you found them that close the last time they were in this room. "Help me with my song for Glee Club. I-I- I might be the last chance you have to salvage what's left of your reputation and stay in Glee."

"Aren't I ranked higher than him? And I doubt Mr Schue's gonna kick one of us out just because of some ranking on a bullshit "Glist"," you finished with a sarcastic tone, putting 'Glist' in air quotes.

She ignored you.

They both did.

And in your OWN house!

"Besides, you need a song that will help you to express your inner pain."

"So, what song do you wanna do for your assignment?"

"I've chosen David Geddes' fantastically terrible '70s top 10 hit, 'Run Joey Run'," she said excitedly. Quickly moving to explain at Puck's confused face, yours the same, "It's a story song. So, we get to play parts . I'm gonna play the role of the tragic heroine who dies, in the end, a la Nicole Kidman in 'Moulin Ruge'."

"Great! You spoiled that movie for me," you yelled sarcastically, flinging your arms up into the air as you did.

"And you can be the hunky, heroic male lead-"

You gave a heaved gag.

"Do I get to kill you?"

Rachel stumbled over her words as you tried to hold in your laughter, pissed that the boy managed to say something sort of funny.

"Actually, my dad shoots me with a shotgun."

"Count me out."

"You weren't invited," your sister told you, as you heaved your shoulder from her doorframe, making your way to your own room.

Throwing your arms up again, you said, "Perfect."


'Why the fuck didn't she ask you to join'

'Some sister she is'


Before Glee Club had even drawn near, Mr Schuester pulled you into his office to question you about the 'Glist'.

"I know it was you," was how he started his obvious interrogation. Once you had taken the seat he offered, in the middle of the room. The man chose to lean against his desk.

"What was me?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. You made the 'Glist', and I want you to admit it."

You gave an insulted scoff, brows raising at the man's audacity.

"What makes you think it was me? Seriously? Give me your half-assed reasons, go on."

"Three of your best friends are on the list, and everyone knows how you feel about Puck."

"Those are flawed at best ," you told the man, leaning forward in your seat, "My sister is also on that list. As is Quinn. Why would I ever put my sister in a list that is a focal point of sexual experience and general attractiveness, via how supposedly badass they are? And why would I basically use this to slut shame a pregnant girl when everyone knows that I have been there for her since the beginning?"

The Spanish teacher looked dumbfounded. Finally coming to the realization of how wrong he was to even suspect you of doing this.

"You know me, Mr Schue. I don't do things like this."

With that, you rose from your seat, pulling your backpack up with you, then proceeding to walk from the room.

One thought on your mind.

'You had to find the one who really did it'

Which wasn't hard to do.

But you found some of your other friends before then.

"-Which means our squeaky-clean reputations are still very much intact."

"Oh yeah," you said, walking up to them with a smile, "I heard what you guys did in the library. Did you really think something like what would work?"

"Y/N's right." Artie nodded. "We have to do what we've been dreading, something more terrifying than Rachel's personality."

"Hey," you spoke, defending your sister, but soon trailed off into a shrug, "Okay. Byt only I get to sat that shit about her." You pointed at the boy.

"We have to go to Sylvester and admit that we posted the video."

"Yeah, that would work." You nodded. "Enjoy that. Because I ain't doin' it with you."

"But we'll get suspended," Tina reasoned.

"Exactly why I'm not doing it with you."

"And it will be worth it," Kurt said, "Finally, the entire student body will see us... as badasses."

"You do know that this 'Glist' stuff is bullshit, right?" you asked then, still knowing you weren't going to change their stance on the whole thing, "This is just like the yearbook stuff, all over again." You shook your head, walking away. "No one listens to sense in this school."

Then you found the perpetrator of the list.

"Oi, blondie!"

"Y/N." Quinn nodded in greeting as you jogged up beside her.

"Mr Schuester just tried to grill me about the 'Glist'."

"Did he? He interrogated me about a half-hour ago."

"You've gotta stop. You can't post another one."

"Why do you think it was me?" she snapped, turning to you, pausing in the middle of the, luckily, not crowded hallway.

"You seem to forget that I know you , Quinn."

"You don't know anything about me," she stated before stomping off.

"Oh, you wound me," you called behind her sarcastically. Reaching forward, you grasped her arm and pulled her back around you to face you, "Quinn, come on. Do you really not know that I see how far you've fallen? You feel lost. Alone. Like you've lost everything. You want people to pay some sort of attention to you again. You just don't want to be invisible." The blonde looked away from you as tears began filling her eyes. You moved around, trying to keep the hazel irises on you. "Am I wrong?"

"No, okay?" she snapped weakly, tear beginning to be heard through her voice, "You're not wrong."

"You know that I see you, right?" her shining eyes met yours directly now, the hope behind them making sadness fill the centre of your chest. "I'll always see you."


"Really," you assured, "So, will you stop this 'Glist' bullshit?" you moved on to ask, as she sniffed and wiped her eyes with the corner of her cardigan.

Quinn nodded softly.

"I'll stop. I really don't want the club to be disbanded, either."

Not to mention you're worth more than what you gave yourself credit for." You wrapped your arm around her shoulder's, pulling her in closer to your side, and walking down the hallway once more with a happy sigh. "I always knew you loved the club, you softie."

"Shut up."

"Don't worry, Fabray. I'll only tell everyone- Ow! That's my ribs!"


Your elbow was cocked over the back of your chair as you leaned into the hard plastic. Looking behind you at the boy standing upon a seat of his own. Peeking out through the high windows of the choir room. As the AV Club set up the private screening of your sisters assignment.

"All right, guys, listen up," Mr Schuester brought attention to himself, standing in front of the white screen, "Another week has almost passed. If a list goes up again later today, this issue is out of my hands. And it becomes Principal Figgins' jurisdiction."

"Seriously, Mr Schue, whoever made that list is not gonna come forward," Finn said sceptically, "We might as well just bend over and take whatever's coming."

"Gay." You pointed to the boy. "That was gay. That was so gay."

The teacher glanced at his club before finally saying, "Fine." With a nod. "Okay. Well, then, uh, let's get to it. Rachel, how about you show up your bad reputation project?"

"I'd like to say a few words first," she announced as the man walked over to take the free seat beside hers. Rachel, taking his place at the front of the class. "Though I understand that a motion picture should stand on its own, I do realize that some of you are not as well-versed in the complex vocabulary of the filmic arts. I expect that this video will go over some of the heads of our less-cultured teammates."

"Why did you look at me and Brittany when you said that?" you asked, straightening up in your seat, pointing towards your sister.

"So, let me just say... I hope you enjoy my bad reputation." She nodded. "Lights." They flicked off. "Okay, go," she gave the go-ahead, quickly moving back to her seat under Jesse's arm.

The screen counted down from five.

Then you were gifted with the view of Santana and Brittany, dressed as angels in long flowy gowns, vocalizing as they walked towards the camera.

"Hot," you stated. Gaining a smirk from the Latina by your side. Your eyebrows raised along with your widening eyes when Quinn looked over her shoulder at you with a scolding glare. Quickly making you return your attention to the playing video.

Then your sister came into view at the end of the school hallway they were shooting in.

Oh, daddy, please don't

It wasn't his fault

He means so much to me

Daddy, please don't

We're gonna get married

Just you wait and see

The screen wiped over to Puck laying on a bed, with his hands behind his head.

"Not hot."

Puckerman threw you a glare, interrupting him looking smugly at his girlfriend by his side.

Every night the same old dream

I hate to close my eyes

I can't erase the memory

The sound of Julie's cry

She called me up late that night

And she said, Joe, don't come over

Your face tugged into a cringe when the screen split into two. And there your sister was, miming along to the words Puckerman was singing. Both of them, speaking into phones.

My dad and I just had a fight

And he stormed out the door

I've never seen him act this way

My God, he's going crazy

He said he's gonna make you pay

"Oh, wow. The editing of this is amazing," you sassed.

For what we've done

He's got a gun

So run, Joey, run, Joey, run

So run, Joey, run, Joey, run

Daddy, please don't

It wasn't his fault

He means so much to me

'She really couldn't have filmed this part when there weren't students walking in front of her?'

Daddy, please don't

We're gonna get married

Just you wait and see

"Oh, nice car," you said, watching Jesse's Chevrolet drive towards the screen, and then Jesse stepping out from it, "Not hot."

Santana stifled her laugh beside you.

And you, of course, said...

"Also not hot."

Santana gripped onto your leg, turning her face away, once again, trying to hold her laugh in.

Then suddenly a shot rang out

And I saw Julie falling

I ran to her, I held her close

When I looked down, my hands were red

"Oh, so that's where all the ketchup went."

And here's the last words Julie said

Daddy, please don't

It wasn't his fault

He means so much to me

Daddy, please don't

We're gonna get married

"I swear if she marries any of them..."

"You'll what?" Santana asked with a smile.

"I'll play this at their wedding."

"They'll be divorced within the week."


After Sandy waved up to the sky as he dramatically wept, it cut back to the fog-filled hallway the video started with.

Run, Joey, run, Joey, run, Joey

Run, Joey, run, Joey, run, Joey

Puck strutted down the hallway towards the camera.

Then Jesse.

And finally, Finn.

All the while, you held in your laughter. It affected you so much that you bent to the side, awkwardly laying upon Santana's lap.

Not spotting Quinn Fabray looking at you once more. Eyebrows scrunched at your actions.

Just as you sat back up, sniffing your silent chuckles away, seeing Brittany and Santana back on the screen.

"Hot." You, literally, pointed out.



"Absolutely not." You shook your head when your sister took up the screen, now with golden wings upon her back.

Winking heavily as the word 'Fin' was written. Signalling the end of the video.

Rachel clapped hastily for herself.

Most others join in out of pure politeness.

You among them.

Trying to hold in the laughter that suddenly re-surfaced, bowing your head in hopes to hide it. Eyes looking up as Quinn turned to face you, face similar to yours.

You leaned in close to the girl, hand's coming to grip at their shoulders, whispering, "What the fuck was that?"

"I don't know."

Santana, bowing beside you, with a circular wave in front of her.

Rachel was back up front again.

"Well, why don't we just, um... take a moment to really absorb what we've just watched?"

"I'm so glad you didn't ask me to be in it."

"This is garbage !"

"Finn!" Mr Schue scolded.

"No, he's right. First of all, I need to trust my instincts more because I had a feeling when we were shooting that, that it was not gonna be good," Puck said, agreeing with the pissed off boy.

"Why didn't you tell me they were in this, too?" Jesse asked before the teacher could continue speaking, gesturing his arm vaguely towards the other boys, "I thought you and I were going out? Being triple cast with two other guys to play opposite your girlfriend ? It ' s mortifying. "

"It was an artistic statement." she pointed towards the screen.

"No, it wasn't," Finn spoke up as Jesse sat back in his chair with an angered huff, "It was you trying to look like you had a bunch of guys fighting over you, so you could stop looking like some kind of outcast and be seen as some, hot, slutty girl singer."

"What did you just call my sister?" you asked cooly, leaning forward in your seat, staring the wide-eyed boy down. That is until he rose to his feet and made his way over to her.

"How could you do this to me? To all us guys? Is your stupid reputation more important than your relationships?"

Before Rachel could answer him, he stormed off.

Jesse followed suit, with her calling after him.

"Well... not they know how women feel in these sort of things. Just like props."


You found Quinn in the hallway, being bumped by her fellow classmen, quickly jumping into action.

"Hey, watch it." You shrugged the random boy away.

"Thank you," the blonde said over her shoulder.

"No problem."

"Can I speak to you two in the choir room for a moment, please?" Mr Schuester asked, coming up to you both.

As soon as you entered the room, and you had hopped onto the piano, he rounded on the girl.

"I know you're behind the 'Glist'."

"You have no proof," she started off briskly, trying to save herself, "I can't believe that you're gonna pin this on me. I'll be expelled . I mean, it makes sense. Everything else has been taken from me. My popularity, my body. Might as well throw away my education."

"Mr Schue, you can't do this," you tried to reason for the man, gesturing to the girl.

"You know when I realized that you did it?" he chose to ask the girl instead, "The moment I felt what it was like to walk in your shoes. I mean, it takes years to build a good reputation but only seconds to destroy it."

"He lasted that long, didn't he?" With the glare Quinn shot you, you said, "Not the time."

"Couple bad choices and you go from the top. To the bottom." He slowly squatted in front of her. "You have lost so much , Quinn. Which means you had the most to gain from the 'Glist'. Did you help her?" he asked you next.

You shook your head. "I only found out a few days ago."

"I never meant to hurt anybody," Quinn said as tears fell from her eyes.

"I know."

She gave a soft sob. "I was captain of the cheerleading squad. President of the Celibacy Club, I had Finn." You looked down to the ground at that. "People would part like the red sea when I walked down the hallway." She shrugged lightly. "Now I'm invisible."

"Not to me," you reminded her, the blonde returning your smile.

"And you think being seen as a cheap tramp is better?"

"Who called her that?"

"A bad reputation is better than no reputation at all."

You hummed, disagreeing at that. "No, I don't think it is."

"I know that high school feels like your whole life right now, but it's going to end. You're gonna give that baby to a family who really wants it, who's gonna love it. And then you are gonna go on to do amazing things, Quinn."

"You really think that I can get it all back one day?"

The man sighed, rising to his full height, patting his thighs lightly as he did.

"No," he said honestly, you gearing up to yell at the man for making the girl look so downtrodden. But before you could, he saved himself from the verbal lashing you were about to give, "I think you can get something even better." Your eyebrows furrowed when he, not so subtly, glanced at you. "I mean, come on, you're Quinn Fabray, right?" She laughed tearfully. "I mean, those people didn't part when you walked down the halls you moved them with your attitude ."

"Thanks, Mr Schue," she said weakly, standing up, "You're a really good teacher. Even if everybody is calling you a man-whore."

You snorted lightly, hopping down from your place upon the piano, clapping a hand on his shoulder, "Welcome, to the reality of women, buddy. It sucks ."

"You wanted to see me, William?" Principal Figgins said, entering the room.

Your eyes widen along with the blondes coming 'round the other side or Mr Schue, to meet her standing behind the man.

"I trust you have come up with the perpetrators of the 'Glist'."

He eyes you and the girl suspiciously, especially Quinn, as she wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her cardigan.

She's been doing that a lot lately.

"I, um..." the Spanish teacher started, "I grilled every single one of my students and, uh... no one."

Your hand was hidden behind Mr Schuester's back as you slowly reached for Quinn's hand. Holding it reassuringly, feeling the tear-soaked material brushing your wrist. The girl, unable to grasp it back, with the way yours entrapped hers.

"No one copped to making the 'Glist'. They all closed ranks and wouldn't rat out who did it."

"That's poppycock, Will."

" 'Poppycock' ," you breathed over to the blonde, making fun of the Principles choice of words.

"I will not let this school be held hostage by juvenile shenanigans."

"I know, but- I mean, your point has been made. The 'Glist's' have stopped. I think we should just call this a victory and move on."

Figgins was still staring the blonde down over his shoulder.

The girl turned away from the man, looking at something random within the choir room.

You, however, stared into the side of her head, watching for any silent indications that you were needed.

"Fine," the Principle said slowly, "I'm still praying for you, Will."

"Thank you," Quinn practically mouthed to the man once he peered over his shoulder at you both.

"Now... who called her cheap tramp?"

"Come on, Y/N," she said, waving her hand around to hold yours, beginning to lead you from the room.

"No, I wanna know." You looked back to the teacher. "Just tell me their names. I only wanna talk!" you had to raise your voice as you were just passing over the threshold of the choir room. "Smart!" you called from the hallway, disappearing behind the wall, "You knew I wasn't really just gonna talk!"

Mr Schuester shook his head at your antics.

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