Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

70.6K 2.2K 871

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club
Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??
Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run
Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band

3.1K 109 57
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

"What the hell is going on here?" you said, hopping down the stairs of the auditorium, raising a hand to greet the girls in black and yellow standing upon the stage, "Hello, new people!"

"Y/N." Mr Schue smiled, gesturing for you to take a seat with your friends. Which you did. Plopping down between Matt and Kurt. "Glad you could make it. Okay, guys, so first of all. I want to welcome Ms Hitchens and the Jane Addams Glee Club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got."

The woman who had been introduced to you as Ms Hitchens turned to speak to the girls, "Hit it."

I shake my jelly at every chance

When I whip with my hips you slip into a trance

Leaning over, you whispered in Matt's ear, "You think I could get any of those girls' number?"

"Is your mind ever out of the gutter?" he chuckled.

"You're watching the same performance as me, right?"

I don't think you're ready for this jelly

I don't think you're ready for this jelly

I don't think you're ready for this, 'cause my body's too bootylicious for you, babe

A nudge came to your side as you watched the girls jump and land with the splits, Kurt this time, the boy noticing the smile on your face, "Stop it," he hissed over.

"What? They're hot. I am respectfully ogling them."

'Cause my body's too bootylicious for you, babe

Applause came from your group. Along with an almost evil chuckle from your mouth, when you turned to gauge everyone else's reactions, only to see Quinn placing her hand over Finn's clapping ones. Obviously jealous of the girls on the stage.

Well, this was not how you were expecting the day to go.


It was the next day, and you were in the choir room.

Sat beside Mike, watching as Brittany and Santana playfully danced together at the front of the class.

"All right, guys," your teacher announced his presence, walking into the room, "I did some thinking last night."

"That's never good," you mumbled to yourself, gaining a soft snort from the boy by your side.

"I think I found our new number for Sectionals." All of the previously standing students moved to take a seat, waiting for the man to finish. "We're going to do the title song from ' Hair '. Now, this show started a revolution ."

"Wait, did they have mohawks back then?" Puck piped up, "Like in the '20s or whatever?"

"Late 60's."

"How do you know that?"

You turned to the glaring boy. "My sister is Rachel Berry. Ask me that again."

"Yeah, Mr Schue," Finn said, agreeing with his delinquent friend, "If we're gonna do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?"

"One step ahead of you." Mr Schue raised the bag that he as just slid from his shoulder. "Here are your wigs." He then threw it onto Finn's lap.

" What? " you asked, leaning forward in your seat, "Mr Schue, there's a reason that I cut my hair short."

"Mr Schuester?" Your sister rushed up to the man. "What are you doing-?" Their conversation trailed off as wigs were being pulled from the duffle bag and handed around to everyone with short hair.

Including yourself.

Looking over his shoulder from his whispered talk with your sister, he burst out laughing, "Looking great, guys!"

"This feels so weird," you cringed as Artie rolled into the teacher's view.

"I haven't seen you with long hair since we were kids," Rachel pointed out.

"Yeah, I don't like it. I'm just glad I have solidarity with these guys." You gestured to the wig-wearing boys.

"You don't... look like you," Quinn spoke.

"Good to know I can use this if I ever need to go on the run."

"What would you even go on the run for?" Your sister asked.

"Nothing you can prove."


You were by Quinn's locker after fishing what you needed from your own, when you stepped up and spotted the book in her hand.

Reaching over to take it from her, you asked, "What's this?"

"Puck stole it for me."

"Oh, how romantic," you said dryly, flipping the book over to read its cover, "'How To Raise A Baby On Five Dollars A Day'. I don't think I've ever heard of something so depressing. That also seems impossible."

The blonde snatched the book back and shoved it into her locker. Before slamming it and strutting away.

You sighed.

How could you keep on forgetting about how her baby hormones could make her emotions change instantly and how bad they could get. But you never forget the rage. No one could forget that.

"Quinn," you called after her in a restrained voice, following close behind, even pregnant, she was fast on her feet, and you had to jog up just to catch up. "Hey, hey, wait." You grabbed her arm lightly, pulling her around to face you. "I'm sorry, okay? I know you're going through a tough time and everything, so there's like a thousand and one worries going through your mind every second. And it was insensitive of me."

She sighed and shook her head lightly, "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

A shrug. "It's the demon hormones" The glower on her face caused you to rush and correct yourself, "Baby. I meant baby hormones ."

"I'm just under a lot of pressure right now."

"I know you are." You nodded, remembering what had happened just that morning in a parking garage

"You don't drink diet soda, do you?" Terry Schuester asked from the backseat of the car, "Because the phosphoric acid causes male pattern baldness."

"That sounds fake, but okay," you uttered from the passenger side seat, upfront, looking back at the three blonde girls. Only just being introduced to Terri's even crazier sister, Kendra.

"The baby's a girl."

"Women go bald, too."

"With male pattern baldness ?"

"You worry too much, Terri," her sister said, "Mom smoked and drank a bottle of Riuniti on Ice every night when she was pregnant with us." Your eyes met Quinn's, the same 'what-in-the-actual-fuck' face upon both of yours, the blonde slowly turning to face Kendra with furrowed eyebrows. "And we're totally normal."

"I wouldn't go that far," you commented, "But this is making a lot of sense."

Quinn nodded at you mutedly, trying not to let the women see.

"Just take your vitamins, stay out of the hot tub, and avoid rum-based drinks, and you'll be fine."

'I feel sorry for her kids'

"I just... I've been thinking a lot. About what I actually want to do with the baby."

"You considering keeping it?"

"Maybe." She shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"Well, you know about my feelings with this whole 'giving it to Terri' thing, so anything you choose, I'll support you."

"And if I do end up giving her to Terri?"

"I'll still support you." You nodded. "But I won't act as if I like it."

"I never thought you would." Quinn grabbed your elbow, pulling you to start walking with her. "You know, I think this may be the longest time that you've been serious and haven't cracked a joke."

"I know. It's beat my previous record of one second."

"I'm impressed." She smiled up at you, causing a fluttering to rocket through your chest, travelling through your entire body. Then she spotted Kurt. Once again, pulling you along with her short jog to catch up with the boy. "Hey, Kurt, can I pick your pink brain for a second?"

"Why hello, Quinn. To what do I owe the honour? I do believe this is the first time you've ever spoken to me," he replied with attitude, making your brows raise for a moment. A small smile, ticking at your lips, at the boy's ability to stand up for himself.

"I'm sorry about that," Quinn apologised as more of a formality than anything else, "Anyways, I have a proposition to make: A makeover."

"I'm in!" He said instantly. "Makeovers are like crack to me."


You didn't really like where this was going.

Suspicious of the blondes intentions.

"My suggestion." Kurt paused, taking a moment to evaluate the girl. "SPANX."

"Is that safe?"

"Or a double-knit camisole with a control top for the baby bump."

"I don't know what either of those things are," you mumbled quietly.

"Also, babydoll dresses? Dead giveaway."

"I think she looks nice."

'You also have a crush on her'

" Not for me, " Quinn corrected clearly, voice stern.

Kurt looked over at you now, glancing you up and down, opening his mouth, about to speak, when you raised a single finger to stop him.

"Don't even start, Hummel. You can't say shit to me when you're wearing a fedora."

" For Rachel, " the blonde continued in the same tone as before.

"Wait, what?" you asked, mildly insulted on your sister's behalf.

"Why would I want to do that?" Kurt asked in a chuckle, "I admit, I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but Rachel somehow manages to dress like a grandmother and a toddler at the same time."

"Hey, that's my sister your talking about there."

Quinn squeezed your arm. Indicating she wanted you to shut up.

"My point exactly."

"Excuse me."

"You're as concerned about the Glee Club succeeding as I am, and she's a distraction."

You leaned as close as you could to the side of the Fabray's face without actually touching it, whispering, "What's your ploy here?"

"Look at her. She's wearing a pantsuit."

Looking past the two, you joined them in staring at your sister, not even twenty feet away, by her locker.

"Okay..." you said slowly, finally relenting, "You're right. She needs help."

"Don't you think the judges are going to take one look at her and maybe want to knock her down a peg or two?"

"Or nine. Or a set of stairs. Why is it bright blue ? She knows this isn't a courtroom drama, right? We're in high school ."

"And to think. I thought you were a dumb blonde."

"Oh, no. She's actually very smart," you told him, still unable to tear your eyes away from your sister. So, you weren't able to notice said blonde looking up at you, eyes shining slightly at the compliment, "It's crazy, actually. Or at least to me. She finishes her work early sometimes and helps Brittany with hers. Didn't you say you were on the honour roll?" You finally looked to Quinn when you asked her that, finding her to give you a silent nod in answer. "Pretty sure you don't even need to study for tests."

"So you are stalking me." Quinn smiled.

"I'm observant. There's a difference."


"Deal," Kurt finalised, growing uncomfortable watching you and the blonde, quite obviously, flirt in front of him. Before he walked off, leaving you alone with the girl.

"So, you finally gonna tell me what you're really up to?"

"I'm not up to anything." She shook her head lightly and walked past you.

"Oh, come on. You can't say that shit to me. I know when you're plotting something. Your voice gets all soft and sickeningly sweet."

"There's that stalking again."

" Observation! "


"-Most of the time, I find it hard to be in the same room with you. Especially this one. Which looks like where Strawberry Shortcake and Holly Hobbie come to hook up."

"See, that's what I said," you spoke up with a smile, from where you leaned against Rachel's doorframe, gaining their attention. Mouth full, with a bowl of cereal in hand, pointing the spoon at the boy.

"Why are you eating cereal?" your sister asked, "It's five in the afternoon."

"This is my third bowl." You jabbed your spoon down at the swimming contents. "We ran out of normal cow milk, so I'm using your vegan bullshit."

Rachel's face was aghast for many reasons.

Mainly being you shitting on her veganism and stealing from her.

"You're extremely talented, Rachel," Kurt said, sitting on the edge of her bed, "Watching you perform is... amazing. But sometimes it's hard to appreciate what a good singer you are because all I'm thinking about is shoving a sock into your mouth."

"Well, what kind of makeover did you have in mind?"

"We need to broaden your appeal. I want every boy at school to do a double-take when you strut past."

"Suddenly, I'm going off of my cereal," you said dryly, looking down at the half-full bowl, but then shrugged and still shovelled another spoonful into your mouth.

"There's really only just." She raised a shoulder awkwardly. "One boy that I'd like to impress."

'No fucking shit' , you thought while nodding to yourself.

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course."

You already knew about her hard-core crush on your best friend. And even if she never told you, you would still know with how downright obvious it is.

"I'm in love with Finn."

Your eyes widened at the look on Kurt's face, swallowing the mouthful of cereal.


Rachel nodded, oblivious to the boy's venomous eyes.

"I understand completely." He rose to his feet. Moving to twist your sister back to face the mirror. "Let's move on to makeup. I happen to know for a fact that Finn is attracted to loose women."

"What? Quinn is so wholesome."

You hummed sceptically, moving your head to either side.

"She looks wholesome. But she could rip your heart right out. Through various different ways. Hell, even heartbreak."

'You speak from experience'

"Let me put this into musical theatre parlance. In 'Grease'. What did Sandy do to get Danny Zuko?"

"Start smoking?"

"She had to ditch the poodle skirt and slap on a catsuit. In short, she had to dress like a ho."

"I don't think catsuit's make you a ho. And what's wrong with being a ho, anyway?"

"Maybe if your look was better-"

"Wow, I'm invisible in my own home now. That's great ."

"-More desirable, Finn would be in your arms right now. Instead of Quinn's."

Oh, how you envied him.

You shook your head, trying to fling those thoughts from your mind. Sighing deeply once you finished. Only to see a smile slowly growing on your sisters face at the boy she saw through the mirror.

"God, you look like the Grinch when you do that."


"Some of you, particularly the guys, and Y/N, have come up to me with some questions about Hairography."

"My question was, ' do I have to do this? '."

That gained a chuckle from the club, along with a humoured shake of the head from your teacher.

"One of our own," he started up again, "Has volunteered to walk us through it. And she has got it down. Brittany, take it away." Mr Schue gestured to the girl.

"Take what away?"

"Show us what you got," he rephrased.

"Oh." Brittany stepped forward. "So, Hairography. It works best when you pretend like you're getting tasered. So you just move your head around like you're spazzing and stuff."

"Oh, that's a bad word."

Pulling the tie from her hair, she began to give you all a demonstration. Looking like she was about to give herself whiplash.

"You guys, it's like cool epilepsy."

You didn't get the chance to say something about that, instead too focused on the girl beside you.

"Santana, you have to take your hair out," you told the Latina girl. Watching as she swung her hair around beside you, "Otherwise, you're looking like you're trying to take off, like a helicopter."

She laughed, rising to her full height, playfully pushing you into Mike.

You joined in on the madness of whipping your hair around with your friends.

"God," you husked dizzily once you stopped, "I just lost more brain cells than I usually do when I'm talking to Finn."


Laughter bounded through the room at your joke but was quickly silenced when you heard your teacher yelling, turning to see him and Coach Sylvester standing outside the choir room.

"I resent that accusation, William. And one I understand you've been making to our friends at Haverbrook and Jane Addams."

"How would she know that?"

"And it's an outrageous affront to my sterling reputation!" she repeatedly yelled at the man. Getting closer to him every time she did, "That being said, fine, I have been checking up on you. Because I don't like what's going on in there."

"I don't like it either," you cringed, trying to remove the long hair that had gotten caught in your mouth.

"Do you know why I make each of my Cheerios wear her hair pulled back in a ponytail?" Sue asked.

And you answered.

"So it's easier to pull when they're getting fu-" you were unable to finish your sentence, thanks to the groan pouring from your mouth. Hunched over and holding your stomach, where your sister had just hit you.

"Because I don't want to distract from her impeccable talent."

"Or that," you wheezed.

"You seem to be taking the opposite approach, Will. And that leads me to believe you know your kids don't have what it takes ."

"I believe in my kids."

"Well, maybe in the beginning, but not now. Not that you've seen the competition that threatens your very position at this school!" Sue argued back before her demand came, "You're going to get me an updated setlist by five o'clock tomorrow. And if there's anything on that list that involves demeaning, fruity hair tossing, I'm cutting it!

"I will not let you dictate my number choices." He pointed at the coach, leaning towards the woman. "And you are not getting that list ."

"Well, then I'm back as co-director."

And with that, she was gone.

"It must be a cold day in hell. Because I kinda agree with her."


A familiar tune could be heard through your walls as you lounged, intently playing your game.

Soon followed by the sound of your best friend singing.

I got chills, they're multiplying

Your head turned to peer at the wall behind you, the one you shared with your sister.

And I'm losing control

'Finn's here? When did he get here? And why the hell didn't you know?'

Shaking your head, you tried to ignore his singing, returning your attention to the paused game on your screen.

Until you heard your sister's voice joining in.

You better shape up

'Cause I need a man

But my heart is set on you

"Wait, stop, stop."

'Oh, thank God!'

You couldn't have been more thankful for the boy if you had tried at that moment. Having an idea of what was going on in that room and what your sister was trying to do.

Quickly being pulled away by your phone vibrating with a call by your side.


"Y/N?" Quinn.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I need your help," she said, panicked.

"You're not getting kicked out again, are you?"

"Oh, ha ha," she replied sarcastically, but you could hear crashing in the background, causing you to sit up straight with worry.

"Quinn, is everything okay?"

"No. I was suppose- Don't touch that," she told someone sternly on her end of the call, "I was supposed to be babysitting with Puck, but he cancelled on me, and now he's not picking up, and I don't know what to do."

"And so you want me to help?" you asked slowly, pointing to yourself, even though she couldn't see you.


"Okay, okay, where are you?"

So much for having some time for yourself.


"I told you we should have been the cops."

This was so not how you were planning on your Friday night to go.

Tied, back to back, to two chairs. The blonde's head bumped against yours as she tried to look around to talk to you.

"Well, I thought they would be more ethical and destroy less stuff that way," you reasoned. Watching as the three kids ran around chasing each other and hitting random objects with cushions, "Turns out, they're dedicated and act more so like real cops. I mean, this place does look like it just got raided."

Quinn quickly sighed, "What are we gonna do about this?"

"Bribe them? Give them doughnuts? Be thankful that they don't have guns-?"

"Enough," she ordered, wriggling back and forth harshly in her seat, in a means to try and break free. All the while, you sat perfectly still, "Help me with this knot. I've almost got it."

"Okay, okay. I'm never gonna look at skipping ropes the same way."

Reaching behind you, you blindly tried to help Quinn as the kids continued to run amok. But just as you thought you were reaching for the knot, your hand wrapped around hers, making everything stand still for a second.

Well, except the three little monsters disguised as children, that is.

Groaning, the blonde continued her movements. Sliding her hand out of yours, and finally releasing herself, and consequently you.

"Stop that! Not the table!"

"It really is a raid!"

"Y/N!" Quinn scolded you next, "Think of something!"

"Like what?! Do you want me to put a dress on and do the hula?" You bent over yourself, laughing at your own referenced joke, the angered Fabray staring you down as two of the three kids hit you with cushions. The third ran up to join in before the blonde stopped him, trying to take his own plush weapon away.

"Real suggestions, Y/N!"

"I don't know, it's bedtime, isn't it? Rachel made me buy a new guitar because, and I quote, "your guitar does nothing for my voice", she may be my sister, and I love her, but I hate her, sometimes. Anyway, it's still in my car. Why don't we sing them a lullaby?"

"Give me this." She finally pulled the cushion from the boy at the same time you disarmed the other two. "Hey, kids, look at me." Surprisingly, they did. "Want to see a real live music video?"

"Yeah," one of the boys said, nodding.

"Wait, music video, I didn't sign up for that."

"Go get your guitar," Quinn spoke slowly and in a dangerous voice. One that almost made your heart fall out of your ass.

"Yes, ma'am." You nodded. Quickly tapping the boy's you had taken the cushions from, over their heads, throwing them away, and running from the house before anything could come of it.

Not even five minutes later, and you were sitting upon the couch, guitar on your lap, and Quinn singing behind you.

Papa, I know you're going to be upset

'Cause I always was your little girl

But you should know by now, I'm not a baby

The blonde pulled you back with one hand on your shoulder as she leant forward to sing close to your face peering up at her. Breath caught in your throat, and a small smile on your face.

You always taught me right from wrong

I need your help, Daddy, please be strong

You couldn't take your eyes off of her, just like the three boys, as she rounded the couch.

I may be young at heart, but I know what I'm sayin'

The fluttering in your chest came back tenfold when she glanced at you with a smile before continuing to sing to the boys.

The one you warned me all about

The one you said I could do without

Now, she was the one who couldn't take her eyes away from you as she sang.

A wave came over you before you started thinking you were crazy, for even thinking that maybe, just maybe , she was feeling the same way about you at that moment.

We're in an awful mess

And I don't mean maybe, please

Papa don't preach, I'm in trouble deep

Papa don't preach, I been losing sleep

Dancing and spinning in place now, you couldn't remember the last time seeing Quinn this loose.

But I made up my mind, I'm keepin' my baby

Ooh, I'm gonna keep my baby

She finished it off with a vocalised hum

"Does that mean you're not giving your baby to the crazy lady?" you grew silent after your initial words. Realising that it wasn't only you and the blonde alone. Continuing to turn and face the three ginger boys still watching you from their seats on the couch. Quinn following your line of sight to them also, both of you blank-faced and uneasy, before you forced a smile, "Not your aunt. I was talking about another crazy lady."

"Smooth, Y/N," Quinn spoke as the three boys giggled, "Maybe you should join the CIA with Brittany," she then continued to reference what you had said when the blonde cheerleader had been caught taking pictures of the team's dance steps for Sue Sylvester.

"You know what? Maybe I should." You nodded.

"Sing it again," the same boy from before said, leaning forward excitedly, a bright smile on his face, once he grew tired of your and the blondes conversation.

You looked to Quinn, who ticked her brow at you and smiled. Both thinking the same thing.

'We know how to work them, now'

Coming back down the stairs, you spotted Quinn browsing through the bookshelf as the boys got ready for bed.

"What would be a good story to read the kids?" She asked as you came closer.

"Mein Kampf?" Realising the words that just slipped from your mouth, you gave a deep sigh while the blonde looked over her shoulder at you, watching as you rubbed a hand across your face, then slapped your palm into your forehead, "See why I shouldn't be around people?"

"You really like dark jokes, don't you?"

"It just slipped out!"

"Your family's Jewish."

"I know!"

"What would they have done if they heard that?"

"Well, Rachel and one of my dad's would be appalled. And my other dad would be losing his shit."

"In a good or bad way?" Quinn asked cautiously.

"Oh, a good way. He'd be crying laughing. I mean, I do get my dark jokes from somewhere."

"I thought you were adopted."


"How come the kids only aimed for me during their bath?" you asked quietly once you had slipped from the room, the three boys now fast asleep inside. Shirt and hair still wet from where they had splashed you.

"They know I'm pregnant."

"Well, I don't think that's fair."

The girl hummed, popping into the bathroom for a moment before reemerging with a towel in hand. Unfurling it and throwing it over your head, rubbing it in hopes to dry your hair somewhat, before moving it down to try and dry your shirt.

"Thanks," you said lowly, unable to pull your eyes from the girl as you reached up to take the towel from her. Instead, encasing her hand in yours for the second time today.

"You're welcome."

"So, about that song."

"Which one?" The blonde turned and smiled over her shoulder, leading the way back down to the living room.

"The first one," you clarified, "How are you doing? You know, with everything."

Quinn sighed.

"I needed help, and instead, my father abandoned me. How do you think I'm feeling?"

"I. I'm sorry. I just."

"I know," she stopped your rambling before it could even start, "You just wanna know how I am."

You didn't have much free time without the kids, as at that moment, Kendra and Terri walked through the door to find you two conversing in the entryway.

Both of them were disturbed by the silence.

"Did you kill them?" Kendra asked.

Quinn chuckled lightly and shook her head, "No, they're just upstairs."

Groaning, you asked, "Now I gotta go upstairs again?"

"I think this is the first time they have all been asleep at the same time," Kendra said, astounded as she looked into the room the boys were fast asleep in. "What's that smell?" she continued to ask, a sneer taking over her face.

"Soap," Quinn said simply.

Which shocked the two older blondes, who snapped their heads towards her.

"You got them to take a bath?" Terri asked, only further shocked by the revelation.

Quinn nodded, with a tiny, almost inaudible 'mm-hm'

"Not just them. They practically gave me a bath with how much they splashed me," you commented, still wiping the wetness from your body, then you gave a small shrug and a half-smile, "But, oh well, they're good kids."

" What? " Terri asked for clarification.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, they're full of energy and rambunctious as all hell. But you just gotta know how to-" You mimed using a fishing rod. "Reel 'em in."

"What are you two, a pair of Exorcist's?" Kendra asked.

Smirked, you glanced down to the girl, expecting her to be looking up at you the same way. But instead found her biting her lip to try and stop herself from smiling too much.

'Oh, don't do that'

You looked up and opposite from her, face pulled tight, trying to get the feelings inside of you to stop.

'What as this girl doing to you?'


You left the house not too long later, not wanting to be around the two nut jobs for longer than you had to. Shrugging on your jacket with Quinn by your side.

"Here," she said, handing you some green notes, pushing some into her own pocket.

Looking down at them confusingly, you asked, "What's this?"

"Half of the money from the babysitting job?" she replied as if it were obvious.

You gave a soft snort, folding up the money and pushing it into her pocket.


"I don't want it."

"Y/N..." she said in a slow, almost chastising voice.

"Quinn..." you replied in kind.

"It's not fair."

"You need it more than I do."

"But-" Before she could finish her argument, you threw your arm around her shoulders, pulling the girl in close.

"Consider it a part of the lone if you have to, but I'm not taking it."

You felt her sigh against you as you walked to your parked cars.



"Thank you," she breathed.

"No need to thank me, if anything, I should thank you, I had fun tonight."

Quinn smiled up at you, "So did I."

"So, do you think you can do this? This whole parenting thing?"

"You know... I think I can." She nodded.

"Yeah, and you'd be calling me up every day." You morphed your hand, folding your fingers to make it look like a phone. "'Y/N, come over, I need your help'."

Quinn chuckled at your words before you turned serious. Well, as serious as you could be.

"I would, you know. Help you raise her, if you asked me."

The blonde stopped walking suddenly, peering up at you, trying to tell if you were lying or what. To see what was running through your mind.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." She shook her head.

"If it came to it," you whispered in a breath, "You wouldn't have to."


She didn't finish what she was going to say. Or even if she knew what to say in the first place.

Instead, she leaned up and pressed a kiss against your cheekbone before dropping back down to her feet.

"Bye, Y/N," she spoke softly, sliding into her car and driving away.

Maybe this wasn't how you expected your Friday night to go.

But you couldn't find it in yourself to mind all that much.

Or at all.



"You set me up. With Finn!"

"What is it with you and slamming lockers?!" you asked, holding your chest right above where your heart was racing underneath.

"Looks like someone is running for drama queen again."

"How could you do that?" Rachel leaned in closer to speak softly to Kurt, "I thought we were friends."

"Seriously, guys, think she might have given me a heart problem."

"And what made you think that? You should be thanking me," he said, "All I did was help you realize that your schoolgirl fantasy of running off with Finn was nothing but a fairytale."

"You like him," Rachel stated as if finally fitting a puzzle piece together, "Yeah, that's, that's what this is. And you were just trying to eliminate the competition."

"Why are you making it sound like some sort of a war? You gonna come to the school in full camo next? Well, maybe I won't be the only invisible one then because you two are obviously ignoring me."

And they were.

"I was just helping him understand that you are not a viable second choice."

"You think I'm a second choice?"

"And there they go!" you called fauxly, gesturing to them as they walked down the hall.

"A distant second."

"Oh, you think I'm living in a fairytale? If I were second or if I were 50th , I'd still be ahead of you because I'm a girl."

You halted in your steps behind her, the sudden reality washing down on you with your own crush on someone who would never want you.

'Fuck that stings'

"Okay, here's the dope, princess:-"

"You have drugs?"

"-There's no hope for either of us. He loves Quinn. They're having a baby together. We're nothing but distractions. The sooner we realise that, the better."

'Yeah, that stings even worse now'

Turning on your heel, you headed to get your own things out of your locker, greeting Quinn when you saw her by her own.

Only for another slam of a locker to come, not even a few minutes later.

This time by Santana.

"Jesus," you whispered, "What is it with people and slamming lockers today? I better not get a headache."

"Keep your paws off my man," the Latina told the blonde, "Clear?"

Quinn scoffed, "Who's your man?"

"Don't play stupid, tubbers. Oh, and for the record, asking someone to babysit with you is super '90s."

"Uh, I'm actually the one who babysat with her," you pointed out, confused but feeling like you knew where this was going.

"I happen to know that Puck cares about me."

"Excuse me? I don't think he cared that much on Friday."

"Oh, wake up!" Santana snapped, "While you two were babysitting." She waved a finger in between you and Quinn. "Puck and I were sexting."

"So he ditched her." You pointed to the blonde with your thumb. "And still was too lazy to have actual sex."

"Sexting?" She asked, confused.

" Sexy texting . Seriously, what era are you from?" Santana snarked, "While you and Y/N were "playing house", and Puck was getting a fake ID, we were trading super-hot texts. Why don't you check his cell phone? 'Cause, my sexts are too hot to erase."

"Well," you said slowly, as the Latina walked away, "Now we know what he was doing."


The performance for the Glee Club for Haverbrook's school was... yeah...

"Take this thing off of me," you groaned, ripping the wig off of your head as soon as you were able to. Flinging it onto the piano as you sat down to watch the other Glee Club perform.

'Oh no'

'Don't fucking cry in school'

Mercedes joined in with them, which in all honesty, just made you wanna cry more.

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace, yoo-hoo-ooh-ooh

With Arite rolling up to sing with them, it inspired the rest of you to do the same.

I hope someday you will join us

And the world will be as one

Standing in between two of the uniformed girls, you tried to copy how they were signing. One of them, leaning in closer to help you.

Somehow , your dumbass managed to punch yourself in the face, but that's neither here nor there.

Hey, at least she thought it was amusing.

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you will join us

And the world will live as one

The three men watching raised their hands and signed applause. Mr Schue, looking about ready to bawl at any second. As you celebrated with the girls by your sides, giving them both high-fives.

"Wait, wait, wait," you said urgently, rushing down the halls behind a Quinn with a destination, "If you're gonna castrate Puck, I've gotta see this."

Reaching into his locker, she pulled out his phone and began searching through it.

"Hey, baby."


"Um... you really don't wanna do that."

"Oh, I am loving this."

"Do you mind?" He snapped at you.

"Not at all."

"You lied to me," Quinn interrupted your and the boy's upcoming argument, showing him the phone.

Reaching over, you grabbed it.

"I gotta see this shit for myself."

"I'm sorry."

"No, you're not."

"I tried to resist Santana. I did. But I'm young, and girls have this power over me," he said as if that was a good excuse, "But, hey, it's all good."

"It's definitely not all good."

"You know what else isn't good? These sexts. I mean, listen to this, 'I've got something of yours', 'let's hook it up tonight', 'tell me about your panties', 'not wearing any', hot." A slap from Quinn. "Ow. 'You are smokin' and when' yada yada, 'do you think I'm too hot?', 'you so hot and stuff'- You so hot and stuff ? Man, you have no game. How girls want to sleep with you, I have no idea."

"Oh, and like you can do better?!"

"Compared to you, I can actually make a girl come."

"I thought you wanted to be with me."

'Um, ow. That hurt worse than the slap to the arm'

" I do . Like, a lot. But you haven't given it up to me since the night I knocked you up-"

Throwing his phone back into his locker, you turned on him.

" What? "

Quinn grabbed your arm, stopping you from pouncing on the boy.

"-and, baby, I'm a dude. I have needs."

"So, you expect to raise a baby with me and text dirty messages to every other girl at this school if I don't give it up to you every day?"

"No." Puck reclined his head back and pulled a face as if he thought her words were absurd. "Just the hot girls."

Quinn scoffed lightly as your anger rose.

"Look, I'm going to be a good dad, but I'm not going to stop being me to do it."

"You... are the biggest idiot I have ever met," you told him once Quinn had walked away.


"You can have her."

"Are you serious?" Terri asked.

"Yeah, are you serious?" you piped up, from where you stood not too far away from the two, with your hands stuffed into your jacket pockets. Not liking what was happening at that moment.

"A girl really needs a good father. And the only way she's going to get that is if I give her to you."

'Oh, hello, Quinn's deep-seated daddy issues'

"You think Mr Schue's going to be a good father, don't you?"

"Yeah," Terri breathed, "I think he's going to be an amazing dad. Will!"

"Hey, guys," your Spanish teacher greeted, coming closer to your little group in the living room.

"I thought you were going to be at the scrap yard all afternoon."

"Oh, yeah, uh, change of plans. Got distracted with something else. Uh, Quinn, Y/N, what are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"Oh, girl talk. We're exchanging pregnancy war stories."

"And I'm her ride," you said, pointing to Quinn, "And also traumatized by what they've been talking about." Which wasn't all that far from the truth. You weren't 'traumatized', but you didn't like it one bit.

"Oh, that's... nice."

"Not nice. Very, very, not nice ."

He laughed. "I'll take your word for it, Y/N." Then turning to his wife, he continued, "Well, when you get a sec, can you meet me out in the garage, Ter?"

"Oh, we were just leaving, so," Quinn said, rising to her feet.

"I guess we're leaving then. Or... not," you added when you saw the younger blonde stop in front of your teacher.


Quinn didn't reply. Only moved in to give him a hug. The man slowly wrapped his own arms around her.

"Later, Mr Schue."

"I, uh, I'm gonna pass on the hug if you don't mind," you said, walking past the man slowly, watching as Quinn made her way to the door. Making sure she was out of earshot before you leaned in to whisper to the man, "She just needed a hug from a dad."

Then you left with the girl.

Saying nothing as you made your way to the car until you stopped just a few feet from it. Quinn turned to face you.

"Y'know," you began, shrugging and moving your hands that were still in your pockets, making them almost look like penguin wings, "My offer still stands."

"I know it does." She nodded, which soon turned into a shake of her head once she read your face for long enough.

She had never seen you look so mature.

You were too young.

You were both too young.

And so, that's what she told you.

"We're too young. You still have your whole life ahead of you. And so do I . We can't do this. Not yet . We deserve to live first."

You could see that she meant every word she said.

"Okay." You nodded.

" Okay? "

"I told you I'd support you in whatever choice you made. And that's what I'm going to do." Reaching over, you pulled the passenger side door open for the girl, bowing as you directed your free hand to the empty seat. "Your ride awaits, my lady."

Quinn chuckled, sliding into the car, but before you could close the door for her, she spoke.

"You're a really great person, you know that, Y/N?"

"I try."


"Can we be in love again?"

"Gross," you commented with a smile as you walked past the two, it slowly falling the further away you got.

Looking over your shoulder, you found the two hugging.

And that sinking feeling erupted within you again.


At least now you had a word for it.

Watching as your sister came around the corner, the young couple walking past her, and then Kurt, all three of you glued to your place.

At least you knew you weren't alone.

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