Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

75.3K 2.4K 881

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club
Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run
Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out

3.3K 117 57
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

"As we get into Sectionals, I want to get some feedback. Like what kind of stuff you guys would like to be doing." Mr Schue started the lesson while sitting on a backwards chair in front of you all. "Is there anything, any music in particular, that you guys want to do?"

Mercedes raised her hand for a second. "Could we maybe try something a little more... black? "

"I agree," Kurt said, "We do an awful lot of show tunes."

"It's Glee Club . Not Krunk Club ."

"Shut up, Rachel," you called from where you were leaning against the wall, behind everyone else.

"Don't make me take you to the carpet," Mercedes warned Rachel.

"Fantastic." Kurt snaps his fingers at Mr Schue's words. "Thank you, Mercedes, Kurt. Duly noted. Anything else?"

Mike raised his hand slowly. "I can pop and lock."

"Not really what we're going for, Mike, but... noted. Noted, yes." He nodded.

"How about some more rock and alt stuff?" The attention was brought to you at your suggestion. "It kinda sucks when most of the songs we do in here I've never even heard of."

"Then maybe you should learn them," your sister suggested.

"Or maybe we should broaden our horizons."

"I think that that is an excellent point, Y/N." Mr Schue pointed to you. "All of these suggestions have been noted."

"Translation: None of that is going to happen."


"Hello, hello," you said, walking through the door. Sunglasses on and iced coffee in hand, "Sorry I'm late, there was a Starbucks around the corner, and I really wanted a coffee. Sorry, Quinn, you can't have none. it's not good for the ba-ba."

"Uh, excuse me. This is a private appointment."

"Oh no, it's fine, we know them," Finn spoke up for you. A happy, almost relieved face at your presence, the same thing could almost be seen shining in Quinn's eyes. Almost .

"So, you're fine with them being here?"

"Yes." Quinn nodded.

The Doctor did the same, with a confirmation, "Okay." Before she glanced back at you. "Aren't you a little too young to be drinking coffee?"

Hooking a finger around the arm of your sunglasses, you pulled them down just enough to peer at the woman over the top of them, throwing her a playful wink.

"I won't tell if you don't."

She rolled her eyes. "Very well. If you're ready now, Miss Fabray, you can lay on the table and show your stomach."

The blonde swallowed nervously, and you took a sip of your drink as if almost trying to steal yourself from reacting.

Watching as she hoisted herself onto the table and laid down, rolling her shirt up to show her midriff, manoeuvred to slacken her skirt and push the front of it down some, too.

You could feel the anxiety rolling through the room.

And you couldn't have that without trying to break it with some form of a joke.

"Damn Quinn, let me take you out on a date first."

"Shut up, Y/N." She rolled her eyes at you.

"Or maybe you just need to pull your skirt down more. I can help you with that." You smirked playfully at the girl.

"Don't you dare," she replied, pointing a single finger at you.

"Whenever you're ready," the Doctor spoke, picking up a device.

"What's that?"

"It's a probe," she replied, looking at you over her shoulder.

All you could do was laugh joyfully at that, confusing the three before you.

"Oh my, God, Quinn. You're about to get probed," you managed to wheeze out.

The girl ignored your laughter after that. Sighing, once she spotted the probe in the Doctor's hand.

Luckily, your laughter had died down enough to hear her whisper to Finn.

"I'm freaking out."

"Everything is going to be fine."

"Yeah." You shrugged, "Unless y'know, it's like a lizard baby or something."

"Do you ever shut up?" Quinn snapped at you.

You looked at her with raised eyebrows at her reaction. "Okay, I take it back."

Turning to the sonographer, you continued, "Ever seen 'Rosemary's Baby'?" Pointing to the small black screen, you finished, "That thing's gonna be a devil spawn."

She huffed out a laugh. Before speaking to the two, "Relax. At your age, there's very little chance of anything being wrong."

"Awesome." Finn smiled.

"Okay, this is gonna be a little cool to the touch," she said, squinting some blue gel onto the probe.

'Fucking probe, I can't get over that'

"Can you just be careful with my uniform?" Quinn asked, getting some serious judgement from the sonographer.

"Oh yeah, because that's what's really important here."

"All right. Speaking of your ages, have you two given any thought to what you're going to do after the baby is born?"

"Whatever Quinn wants is fine," Finn nodded.

Quinn was too busy dazed out watching the probe slide over her stomach to hear what anyone was saying until the woman spoke up again. Eyes wide and mouth flying open with a soft gasp.

"Well, if it makes a difference, it's a girl."

"What's the verdict on the lizard tail or cloven hooves, Doc?" You asked, making your way over to get a better look at the screen.

Your face was much like Finn's at that moment, when you spotted the little blob that was the baby... only less dopey.

Finn left the room not long after pressing a kiss to Quinn's hand and hearing everything the Doctor had to say about the baby being entirely healthy.

"So," you began, as Quinn groaned lightly, "What's the etiquette for birthing a baby that's half-giant." You gestured towards the door Finn just walked out of. "And half pure evil ." You then did the same thing towards the blonde cheerleader, who was busy wiping the excess gell from her body.

"Just wait until we get out of here. You'll see how mean I can get."

You let out a small gasp, raising your hands, one still holding your iced coffee, to your chest.

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

"It's a threat."

"Can't wait."

With a sigh and another eye roll, the girl turned herself around and slid off of the table. Starting to straighten her uniform out.

"Need a hand pulling up your skirt? I can help with that."

Pointing at you once again, from over her shoulder, Quinn said, "Stay away from me."

"But where's the fun in that? If I did stay away from you, who would randomly tickle you in the hallways?"

"No one. Which is, exactly, what I want. I hate it when you do that."

"You love it."

The sonographer watched this playful bickering going on between the two of you. And understood immediately what was going on. She had seen enough couples to know that you two were already well on your way to being smitten with each other if you weren't there already.

Deep within her mind, she wished the two of you luck.

Knowing that the road was going to be complicated for you both.

You walked out behind Quinn, throwing a smile at Mr Schue.

"Don't worry, it hasn't got bat wings or anything like that."

The blonde slapped your arm.

"Ow! That's abuse, Fabray."

You were outside not even five minutes later when you had decided it was a good enough time to mess with her again.

Throwing your arm around Quinn's shoulders, ice within the plastic cup rattling as you pointed the green straw towards her mouth.

"Want some coffee?"

She turned her head to peer up at you. "I can't have any, remember ?"

"It's decaf . You can have that."

Quinn shoved an elbow into your ribs semi-lightly, before taking the cup from your hand, with a muttered, "You're an asshole."

" You love me. "

"I hate you."

Looking over the blondes head and straight into her boyfriend's eyes, you told him, "Finn, I'm stealing your girlfriend." Only causing him to laugh.

" Disgusting, " Quinn whispered against the straw.

"How incredibly rude. Right, that's it, gimme my coffee back."

"No. I'd rather throw it onto the sidewalk than give it back to you."

"So you stole my coffee?"

"Yep." The blonde nodded, leaving you and the boy behind, to head for her car.

Finn only hanging back to ask you, "You bought the coffee for her, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. I just wanted to have some before she did."

He smiled down at the ground before looking back up at you.

"Thank you. Seriously. For everything. I mean back there." He gestured to the building you had just walked from with a nod of his head. "You really helped break all of that tension. It made us feel better. Even Quinn. "

"I know. I saw her trying to fight a smile a few times."

He thanked you once more before walking up to a waiting Quinn, wrapping an arm around her himself.

And there was that sinking feeling again.



"Ladie's choice," Sue said, as she and Mr Schuester stood at the front of the class, "Heads."

Your eyes followed the coin as it was flicked up into the air, and the Spanish teacher caught it, ruefully admitting, "Heads."


"All right, the following students have been selected for a special, elite Glee Club called "Sue's Kids".

"Hold on," Mr Schue interrupted, "We agreed not to split up the group."

"Oh, come on, Will. Give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way. Maybe with my proven leadership abilities, I can help this pathetic group of mouth breathers place at Sectionals."

"Is this what it's like having straight parents?"

"Sadly," Matt said beside you.


"We can't even compete in Sectionals if we divide up the club, Sue. It- It's against the rules."

"Really? You need to crack open a book, William," Sue stated, throwing a book to the man, "Here, I have. Show Choir Rule Book, page twenty-four. Provision fourteen, second addendum. "Twelve members must perform for each team. However, not all members must perform every song"."

You threw your head back as Mr Schue glared at the coach.

'This man was shit at his job. Both Spanish and Glee Club'

"Fine," he gave up, moving to sit down as he spoke, "Okay, just go ahead, take all the football players and your Cheerios."

Coach Sylvester slid on her glasses and turned to the club with an, "All right, everybody, listen up. When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black, shiny thing."

"That's called a piano, Sue."

She ignored him and began listing off her chosen kids.

"Santana. Wheels. Gay kid." You and Kurt glanced at each other, then looked back at Sue. "Gay Berry. Come on. Move it." She snapped her fingers to get you to kick your butt's into gear and start moving. "Asian. Other Asian. Aretha. And Shaft. See, Will, I don't want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students."

"You have got to be kidding me," He hissed, rising up from his seat to lean across the "black shiny thing".

Sue shook her head while speaking, "Oh, I wouldn't kid about this, Will, and maybe that's your problem. Bigotry is no laughing matter."

Will scoffed, about to make his own remark back, until he was interrupted by Santana, raining her hand into a 'C' shape, "And that's how Sue sees it."

" Outstanding, " she praised the girl.

"Gross." You scrunched your nose up at your classmate.


"Sometimes people ask me, "Sue, how come you're so sensitive to minorities?" Well, I'll tell you why. Because I know first-hand how hard it is to struggle as a minority in America today. I'm one-sixteenth Comanche Indian."

"I'm not sure that's how that works," you spoke, confused to the TV.

" In fact , I like minorities so much, I'm thinking of moving to California to become one."

"First of all, what? Secondly, please move."

"Are you talking to the TV again?" Rachel said, walking into the living room, where you were lounged on the couch, legs up on the coffee table.

You didn't answer her question, instead replying, "It's Sue's Corner."


"Hey, why did I see that weird Jacob kid swinging panties in front of your face today."

Rachel took a deep breath and sighed it out, "Promise you won't get mad."

"That only tells me that there's a reason for me to be mad."

"He asked for a pair of my panties."

"What?!" You snapped your full attention to your sister, "And you gave them to him?!"

"They weren't really mine. I bought them at the store. But I accidentally left the tags on them."

"Why is he asking you for your panties all of a sudden? Or is that just what he's doing now, as a creep. Going around to random girls and asking for a pair of their panties? I swear that kids gonna become a sex offender."

"No. He..."

"He what?"

"He found out Quinn's pregnant. That's what he wanted to keep him quiet about the story."

Things were silent for a few long seconds, with you just staring off into space, contemplating her words.


"I'm gonna beat the shit out of him," your calm tone scared Rachel, and she rushed to change your mind.

"No. You can't . He'll definitely run the story if you do that. Do you really want Quinn to be hurt like that?"

No , you didn't.

"Fine," you sighed.

"I just have to give him a pair of my actual panties now, and he won't run the story."

You nodded slowly.

"Thank you, Rachel. This is so fucked up. But... thank you for helping her."

"I'm mainly just doing it for Finn."

"Of course you are."


"I'm ki-kind of nervous."

"I debated not even showing up."

"Well, I think it's gonna be great," Mercedes countered Artie and Tina's statements, "Did you catch 'Sue's Corner' last night?"

"Yeah, it was really weird." You nodded.

"Hey, kids, I brought some of my brass buddies with me."

You know that saying, "speak of the devil, and they will come"?

Yeah, well, apparently, it's really accurate.

'Cause just as you were talking about her, in walks Sue Sylvester. Followed along by three guys.

"Thought maybe they could help up out a little bit. Okay, so I selected a song that I think will speak to the frustration you felt under the failed leadership of Will Schuester."

She then began handing out the song sheets she had selected.

" 'Hate on Me', an R&B song? " Mercedes asked excitedly. Which not gonna lie, you were looking forward to doing.

"You like that?"

Everyone sounded noises of excitement, the room starting to get pumped at the aspect.

"Changster, I wanna see some of that pop-and-lock groove you're so famous for." Mike began doing said dance move eagerly. "You go to town. And you, Mercedes, I want to see some Mariah hands."

"I can do that."

"I think we g-g-got this one, Miss Sylvester."

"All right, we'll see. Hit it!"

The performance went off without a hitch. You, having spent a lot of the time dancing with Santana and just enjoying singing with your teammates.

'Maybe Sue being here wasn't such a bad thing'


Spanish tests were hell.

Even more so, when the person teaching you Spanish didn't even know Spanish themselves.

It was even worse when you had to deal with Finn being annoying.

Speaking of.

The boy faked a yawn and a stretch just so he could pass a folded up note to his girlfriend sitting by your side.

"You ain't slick, bro," you mumbled. Still scanning through your work.

"What is this?

"Check it out." He turned to whisper to the blonde. "I came up with a name that I think would be good for the kid."

"Eye's on your own test, Finn," Mr Schue called over, making the boy awkwardly return to his original position.

" Dumbass. "

"What's up now, Ronnie?"

With Mr Schue distracted, once again, Finn took that as his go-ahead to turn back to Quinn.

"Anyway, then I read that Gwyneth Paltrow named her kid Apple, and I think that's so cool 'cause you know how much I love apples, right?"

" My God, please stop talking. "

"And so I figured we should name our kid something more original and poetic."

At that, you just had to see what this idiot wrote on that note to Quinn, so you leaned over to take a peek while he continued speaking.

"Then I came up with the best baby name of all time."

"Oh, wow, you even put effort into doodling it," you mumbled.

" Drizzle! " He whisper yelled.

"Drizzle?" Quinn asked, thoroughly unimpressed, not even trying to conceal her voice.

"Yeah! Yeah! 'Cause, you know how awesome it is when it's just drizzling outside, but it's not really raining, so it smells like rain, but you don't need an umbrella to go outside."

"Oh, dude, that's so awesome," you told the boy, who gave you a bright smile and a nod that said thank you in return. "Aha!" Moving back, you faked a cough, coming closer to Quinn's ear to whisper, "Leave him," through the cough.

"Are you a moron?"

"Yes," you said through another cough, now looking back down at your work.


"We're not naming our baby ' Drizzle '. We're not naming our baby anything ," she told him frustratingly, "Finish your test, Finn."

Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Brittany reached over and took Quinn's test. Not very sneakily, might I add.

"Will you give me my test back?" Quinn asked rhetorically, snatching the slip of paper back.

"I just don't understand anything."

"That's not my problem," she replied to the clueless girl in a whisper.

You reached over Quinn to hand Brittany your own test, throwing her a thumbs-up when she smiled at you.

"What are you doing?" Quinn asked, in the same whispered tone, "Don't help her cheat."

" Oh, like Mr Schue can teach anyone Spanish. "

"You are so insensitive," she said as soon as class had finished, now storming down the halls.

You sighed, really not wanting to be around it.

But sadly. You have to.

"Bringing up baby names to me when you know I don't wanna keep it. I can't keep it."

"I-I know, but I don't get what you expect me to do about it."

"Not have an opinion."

Your eyes widened as you followed the pair a few paces behind.

They really weren't being subtle talking about all this stuff while walking the hallways.

"Hey, this is happening to me, too."

"No, it's not," she yelled, turning to the boy as she came to a halt by her locker. "You're not the one whose parents will burn her like a witch if they find out."

"You know, I'm really getting sick of seeing you guys fighting."

"Then why are you always around?" Quinn yelled at you.

"My locker is next to yours," you yelled back, gesturing to the locker two doors down from hers, "What? You think I do this for kicks?"

You scoffed and went to open your locker as the blonde slammed her own open.

"You know, sometimes I wish you were a little more like Rachel."

You scrunched your face up as if you were in pain, hissing like it too. Raising your fist to bite down on it, as your forehead connected with your still closed locker door.

'Bad form, dude. It's like you're trying to get yourself killed'

Slowly Quinn turned to the boy.

'Oh, no'


'You're fucked. Apologize now'

"Yeah. She cares about my feelings."

'You fucking dumbass!'

"She sticks up for me. She sticks up for both of us."

You leaned around slightly to gauge Quinn's reaction, pulling away with a wince.

She was gonna destroy him.

"You know that she gave that Jacob kid a pair of her underpants just to keep him from posting on his blog about you being pregnant?"

"Oh great, remind me of that again."

Quinn scoffed, blindly placing her things into her locker, "You think she did that for me? Just to be a good teammate?"

"Yeah. That's what she told me."

You had returned your stuff back to your locker and were now softly slamming your forehead into the closed-door repeatedly.

"I know some guys cheat on their wives or pregnant girlfriends. Just don't do it with her." With a slam of her locker, she stormed away.


"What?" Finn asked, looking at you aghast.

"You're a dumbass," you repeated, turning to face the boy, "You're my best friend, and I love you. But you're an idiot. I've never even had a girlfriend before-" You gestured to yourself. "-But I know never to do that." You then pointed in the direction that Quinn had just disappeared.

"Do what?"

"Do what?" You parroted, " Do what ? 'I wish you were more like Rachel'. Like, what the fuck is that, bro? How would you feel if she said, 'I wish you were more like Y/N' to you-? I mean, I know she wouldn't, but how would that make you feel?"

Just by the look on his face, you could tell how much that would hurt him.

" Aha! "

"Why are you acting this way? I thought you were supposed to be my friend?"

"I am your friend. And as you're friend, it is my duty- No, no. It is my obligation to tell you when you are being a dumbass and to try and help you not be a dumbass in that way again. You see, that's a way that people grow."

For the second time, in the span of a few minutes, Finn had to watch someone he cared about storm away from him.


It wasn't long before your spirits were greatly uplifted.

Too busy "jamming out" with your friends to care all that much about what had happened earlier. And it seemed the other two felt the same.

When the lyrics, 'I like the way you brush your hair' were sung into the room, you felt a pair of hands worming their way into your hair, only to start messing it up.

Looking over, you spotted the culprit.


Who quickly ran behind Mercedes to avoid you, smile on her face as she continued to sing.

"I miss us all being together," Rachel spoke once the song was finished.

"I hope we don't get in trouble for our covert jam session."

"If Sue catches us mingling, we're cooked," Kurt informed everyone, "She told me if I even talked to one of Mr Schue's kids that she would shave my head . And I just can't rock that look. I mean, even Justin Timberlake is growing his 'fro back."

"Yeah, she said the same thing to me." You pointed to the boy. "I told her I didn't mind and that'd I'd do it myself."

"Well, we got to go, you guys," Mercedes announced, "Miss Sylvester is expecting us in ten minutes in the dance studio."

There were groans and goodbyes thrown around the room as all of 'Sue's Kids' made their way to the exit.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Mr Schue asked as he suddenly walked into the choir room.

"Just s-s-stoping by to say hello."

"Oh, it's great to see you guys," he said, all of you waving your last goodbyes to the group.


For some reason, you were just around an angry Quinn this week, no matter where you were.

Maybe it was something to do with the hormones.

Even talking to your sister, by her locker... even though that made sense, given the whole Finn thing.

And for some reason, she just loved slamming lockers shut.

Which is what happened to your sister.

"Listen here, treasure-trail, we're about to have a smackdown."


"I don't want to have a confrontation," she said before walking away.

"Hey, don't leave me here with it," you called after her.

" It? "

" Her . Her . I meant her ," you quickly corrected yourself when you were met with Quinn's angry glare.

" Don't play stupid with me, stubbles." She quickly caught up to Rachel, not even a few feet away. "I'm having Finn's baby, and you need to back off ."

'If only you were actually having his baby'

"I'm asking you as nicely as I possibly can. Leave. Him. Alone. "

"You're right," Rachel admitted, which honestly surprised you, "I- I've helped you not because it's the right thing to do, but because I have romantic ulterior motives. But just so we're clear , you're the one who's cheating."

You tried to conceal the shock on your face but were unable to hide it from your wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

How did she find out? I mean, Quinn hasn't even told you that it's Puck's yet. Not that she ever would, voluntarily. But still.

" Excuse me? " Quinn asked, following Rachel again as she made to move in the other direction.

"I have on good authority that you're Sue Sylvester's mole." And now was your signal to follow them, if only just to make sure that Quinn didn't end up killing your sister. "And you can deny it all you want, but I know it's true."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sue's not on your side, Quinn. She's not on anyone's side but her own."

"That's true."

"Why are you following us?"

"To make sure you don't push my sister down these stairs."

"Can you imagine what she's gonna do once she finds out about your situation? She'll probably try to rip off your uniform with her bare hands ."

"Seriously, for people so short, you can walk pretty fast."

"Every time you whisper in her ear, you empower her to do more damage to the Glee Club. And right now, Glee Club is all you have, and if I were you, I'd recognise who my true friends are. Oh, and I'd practice a little bit more. Because you obviously have a lot you need to express ."

"Oh, you have no idea ."

Thankfully, she left your sister in one piece and quickly made her way down the stairs, heading in the direction of the field.

"Well... at least you're not dead," you told your sister, with a sigh and your hands on your hips. She just rolled her eyes at you, thinking you were being overdramatic.

"Hey, I'm serious. She is ruthless when she wants to be. And with all those hormones, it's like ten times worse. I swear, Satan has squeezed himself inside her body- That sound's wrong," you said. Following Rachel up the other set of stairs, "But she yelled at me after the Spanish test, and I almost pissed myself. But I masked that by yelling back at her... which... in hindsight, I don't know how I survived."

"I'm not scared of Quinn."

"I'm not scared of her either. I'm just not dumb ."


Oh, now, this was just sad .

Watching the three lone teenagers stood upon the stage, as you sat with the literally rest of your team, your arms crossed over your chest, just hoping that this wouldn't be boring.

"We would just like to say that although we find ourselves on opposite sides, we hope you enjoy our number-"

"Does she ever stop talking?" Santana looked to her side to ask you.

"You don't have to live with her." Was the only answer you could give her. Which she groaned at lightly.

"-And we look forward to seeing yours-"

"Get on with it!" Sue yelled, saying what pretty much everyone was thinking, even you a little bit, "Enough with the jibba-jabba! Sing something!"

"Sue, you can't talk to kid's that way," Mr Shue tried to scold her, only gaining a sarcastic hand over her mouth in return.

The three students looked awkward for a few moments. When your sister started the song.

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

'Oh, God'

All it took was one sentence to know that you were not gonna enjoy this.

Your hopes had not been granted.

"All right, that's it. Come on." Sue clicked her fingers, getting up from her seat and directing everyone else to do the same. "She had her chance. Everybody up! We're leaving."

"I'm sorry." Finn moved forward worriedly. "Is there a fire?"

"No, and that's the point. There is no fire. You know, it's sad enough that mu 'Sue's Kids' are living in squalor and probably on food stamps."

"My dad's a dentist," Mercedes pointed out, confused.

"But for you to drag them in here and bore them to death, I won't stand for it. Come on, kids, out." She waved you down to the doors. "We're going for conies. My treat."

"All right, that's it!" Mr Schue spoke, his temper finally breaking through, and slamming his notebook down, mutch to Sue's judgment.

" Really? "

"You know what, Sue? You've been pretty honest about your feelings for me, so let me return the favour. You're rude, Sue."

"Oh, calm down Mr Schue, that may be a bit too far," you said sarcastically, gaining a giggle from your friends.

"You have no class, and you're a terrible teacher!"

"I'll have you know I have my PhD."

"You got it online, Sue!"

You looked at the three still on the stage, pointed towards your two arguing teachers, and mouthed, ' what the fuck? '

"You are a failed performer, Will. You weren't good enough to make it in the real world. You're not even good enough to run this stupid little club that nobody cares about. Time after time, Will, you fail !"

"You spend every waking moment of your life figuring out ways to terrify children to try and make you feel better about yourself, and the fact that you're probably gonna spend the rest of your life alone !"

That obviously hit a nerve. Because the next thing Sue did was shove the man.

"How dare you talk to me like that?!"

"What the fuck is going on right now?"

"Enough!" Finn yelled, growing sick of their continued arguing, "I'm sorry Mr Schue, Ms Sylvester, but if we wanted to hear mom and dad fight, those of us who still have two parents would just stay home on payday."

"Uh, we have two dads." You pointed between Rachel and yourself, to no avail.

"I agree. Glee Club is supposed to be fun," Mercedes said, "And furthermore, I don't like this minority business. I may be a strong, proud, black woman, but I'm a lot more than that. I'm out."

"M-me, too."

"Fellow Glee Clubbers, it would be an honour to show you how a real storm-out is done. I encourage you to follow my lead."

"My sister, ladies and gentlemen," you said, watching your sister stride off of the stage. Before making your own way out of the auditorium. Leaving the two teachers to revel in their mistakes.


"In hindsight, Sue was right to shine the spotlight on the fact that you guys are minorities. Because you're all minorities," Mr Schue began the next lesson, hoping to make things right, " You're in the Glee Club ."

" Speaking as a minority, and I'm sure the other minorities in this club will agree. That's not what a minority is," you pointed out dully, to no avail.

"Now, there are only thirteen of you. And all you have is each other. So it doesn't matter that Rachel is Jewish, or that Finn is-"

"Unable to tell my rights from my lefts," he supplied for the man, gaining a chuckle from the group.

"Oh, that's relatable. My brain just goes blank with that, sometimes."

"Sure. Or that Santana is Latina, or that Quinn is-"

"Is pregnant."

'Oh, shit'

The two teens. Actually, most of the group looked like they had just shat themselves with Sue's statement.

Mostly the blonde cheerleader in question.

"Sorry, Q. It'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon. Now everybody knows. Including me."

Then she left.

Leaving everyone to process what had just happened.

Quinn gasped lightly as she tried to hold off her tears. With everyone else watching on in silence.

"Well, I think that went well."


"Sorry! Serious situations!"


Not just Quinn liked to slam locker doors.

So did your sister.

"How could you do that? Do you have any idea how much pain you caused by running that story?"

"Sue made me do it," the boy tried to excuse, "I'm sorry, Rachel."

He then tried to turn around in shame, to walk away. But quickly collided into you.

"Oh, no-"

"Oh, yes. You know how lucky you are not to be black and blue right now?" He gulped. "I'm only gonna tell you this once. Stay away from my sister. Stay away from Quinn Fabray. Unless you want people to be singing your cast."

"A cast where?"

"You pick."

The boy pretty much whimpered at your words.

"Do I make myself clear?"

A hasty nod. "Yes."

"Now, you can leave."

And he did. Quickly scurrying down the halls and away from you. Leaving you to look over your sister at the blonde crying into her boyfriend's chest as he uttered words of comfort to her. Well, only the same two words, repeated over and over, "It's okay".

Another sinking feeling was in your chest.

This one different.

You knew what this one was.


"Everythings gonna be okay."


The choir room was quiet.

Everyone had finished performing 'Keep Holding On' not too long ago.

You, once again, had forgotten something in the choir room, this time your backpack.

Spotting the blonde as soon as you walked in.

No longer sobbing, but tears still fell down her cheeks as she just sat and stared into space.

You sighed as you sat down beside her.

"I have to talk to you."

"Can it wait?"

"Not really, because I've been keeping this to myself for a while now," you admitted, "And I think I know the answer, but I wanna know for certain."

You looked at each other. Her silence was enough of an answer for you to keep going.

"We both know that Finn's not the father... is it Puck?"

More tears welled up in her eyes as she slowly shook her head, "Please don't tell Finn," she whispered.

" Jesus Christ, " you mumbled through the hands that were now covering your face, elbows resting upon your knees, "This is a whole ass mess."

"Y/N, you can't tell Finn. This would destroy him."

"This isn't right," you pressed, arms now flying in front of you, head raising to look at her again.

"I know."

Another sigh ripped from your chest. Turning to point at the girl without warning, you said, "If this comes to bite me in my ass-"

"I know."

"I don't like this. I think you should tell him." A final deep sigh. "I won't say anything. But you should. "

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