Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

75.2K 2.3K 881

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club
Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run
Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??

3.2K 105 43
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

You were too busy texting to hear Mr Schue's rant at the team.

"-It's a grape stomping one."

"Y/N, who are you texting?"

"Huh?" You looked up at the sound of your name, finding your teacher and the rest of your friends looking at you. "Oh, my boss. He wants to pay me for some overtime this weekend, but I gotta study for the math test."

"Ah. Well, that's fine. You sort that out, then come back to us. Oh, and Y/N." Mr Schue turned back to you. "Your car has been parked outside the school for like the past two weeks and hasn't moved."

"Ah, yeah. I, uh, kinda lost my keys. And I've been meaning to get a tow truck out, but... I forget," you finished off slowly.

"Oh! I have your keys."


Looking over to your side, you spotted Brittany digging through her Cheerios bag.

"They were on the piano, and I picked them up to give them to you, but I forgot."

You smiled tightly, feeling frustration building up inside you, but still heart-warmed at the girl's kindness.

"Thanks, Britt."

"I painted them pink."

Out from her bag, like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat. Came your keys.

Now multiple shades of pink and covered with glitter.

Your friends had to stifle their laughs when they saw your keys, too. Some of them, even have to cover their mouths with their hands or turn their faces away.

You suddenly realised that this is what it must feel like to have a child.

Your smile tightened even further, unknowingly forced to the beaming girl, as your hands wrapped around your keys.

"Thanks, Britt."

You weren't trying to slack off during rehearsals like most of the other members. But you were taking it a little easier after the guys had filled you in on the competition for Regionals. Since you weren't there at the time. Too busy at your place with Quinn again, as she suffered from morning sickness.

But instead of it being relatively peaceful, you were stood behind the girl for most of the time as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.

And yeah, granted, you saying, "Oh, it's all over the walls," didn't help the situation at all.

Forewarning to everyone ever.

Morning sickness was hell on earth.


"Competition!" Mr Schue exclaimed, beginning to pin pictures up on the corkboard behind him, "Every one of these people or elements was a champion in their own right. But they used competing with each other to make themselves even better ."

"I don't understand how lightning is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool," Kurt stated, mildly confused by the teachers choice of pictures.

"Just go with it."

"I, for one, would love to see a shark and a bear duke it out."

Mr Schue looked at you for a moment before shaking your words off too and continued his speech.

"You guys become complacent. You were great at the Invitational, but you got to up your game if you want to get through Sectionals. Okay, split up."

"Dude, don't yawn in my ear." You jolted away from Finn, who mumbled a sleepy apology.

"Guys on the left side, girls on the right side," the teacher said, pointing as he did, "Let's go, come on."

And so, everyone moved towards their respective sides, which pleased Mr Schue. Until Kurt tried to walk over to the girls' side.

"Kurt." Nothing more left his mouth. Only nodding over to the boys' side as soon as Kurt looked at him.

And the boy slowly, and unwilling, made his way back to the other side.

'Well, that was awkward'

"Uh, Mr Schue?" You raised your hand. "I would be more than happy to switch out with Kurt. Because I know for a fact that whatever the girls are gonna wanna do, I'm not gonna be down for. And I'm gonna get outvoted. Same goes for Kurt. So, it makes sense just to switch us out."

" No, " he replied slowly, almost trying to insinuate that you were stupid, "You're both staying where you are."

You threw your arms out to your sides while looking at Kurt, mouthing over to him, 'I tried'.

"Here's the deal! Two teams. Boys versus girls . One week from today, you will each perform a mash-up of your choice."

"What's a mash-up?"

"A mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make an even richer explosion of musical expression. Boys will perform on Tuesday, girls the next day. I want you guys to go all out, okay, costumes, choreography. Whoever wins the competition gets to choose the number for that we do for Sectionals."

"Who's going to be the judge?" Rachel asked, "Your gender makes you biased."

Mr Schue 'Ah'd while throwing a baseball up and down, where did he even get that?

"There is going to be a celebrity judge."


"Oh, you're going to have to show up find out."

"I bet it's the meat vendor at the supermarket."

Mercedes scoffed assuredly, as all the girls started to walk out, you trailing after them, before throwing your arms over Brittany and Santana's shoulders.

"We got this in the bag."

"Totally," your sister agreed, "I'm going to start storyboarding our choreography tonight."

"Please don't use me as a living manikin like you normally do," you groaned, "I pulled my back last time with that weird stretch you made me do."


"O-okay, girls, we need to get started," Rachel said as she walked into the dance room where most of the Glee girls were, either busy stretching, doing their make-up, or chatting while doing their nails.

Santana scoffed, "We're getting warmed up."

"Where's Quinn?"

"Probably down at the mall looking for elastic-waist pants," Brittany joked, causing all of the girls to giggle.

"And Y/N?"

"Whenever Quinn's gone, so is Y/N." Mercedes shrugged.


"Here you go, Cinderella," you said, passing Quinn some tissues to wipe her mouth. Once she was finished heaving over the toilet bowl and resting tiredly against the bathtub.

She wiped her mouth and threw the tissue into the bowl. You, taking that as an indication for you to flush the chain before crouching down in front of her.

"How you feeling?"

She hummed, pausing to think about what to say to you in reply.


You nodded softly. "Okay."

Quinn's slowly blinking eyes suddenly shot open when you reached under her arms to help her up, proceeding to lead her into your bedroom.

"My bed's much comfier than the sofa." You pointed to a door. "The on-suite is through there. And I'm gonna be at my desk if you need me," you finished. While helping her out of her white shoes as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem."

"No. Seriously. Thank you . I've been awful to you. Even more so to your sister, sometimes. And you do this for me?"

You took a deep breath and exhaled it before looking up at the blonde.

"That's true. But... you need help. You're pregnant, and you don't really have anyone else. I- I can't explain it very well." You shook your head with slightly furrowed eyebrows. "You look lost. And no matter what, I feel the need to help you at least a little bit. So, if me rubbing your back as you puke and letting you sleep in my house helps you when you can't do it anywhere else. Then I'm happy to do it."

She looked like she was blinking away tears, and it seemed that one of the only thing's Quinn could say was, "Thank you," since that was the only thing she managed to whisper.

"Get some sleep." You smiled at her, helping her lay down. "I'll be no more than a shout away."

"Thank you."


"Haven't seen you at Glee rehearsals."

With the faint sound of your sister's voice, you were pulled away from your phone. Spotting her walking up to Quinn.

Oh, what a lovely opportunity for you to mess with them.

"I'm not Superwoman," Quinn informed, just as you slid, literally slid , up behind her, and your shoulder connected to the lockers with a loud clang.


"You would look good in that costume. Thinking of swapping one skirt for another, blondie?" She rolled her eyes at you over her shoulder.

"I know Glee is your whole life," she continued to speak to Rachel, as if you weren't even there, "But I have the Cheerios, and I'm on honour roll-"

"Oh, so you're smart smart."

"-I have friends."

"You don't have to be embarrassed," Rachel called after her, "No one at Glee is gonna judge you."

"Oh, I think it also the fact she's been remaking that one scene out of The Exorcist."

She walked right past you and up to the blonde cheerleader, who turned to face her.

"Look, I know everyone expects us to be enemies-"

"Uh, why?"

"-And be in competition, but I don't hate you," she said while shaking her head.

"No one listens to me."

"Why not?" Quinn asks, "I've been awful to you."

"That was before you knew what it felt like to be me;-"

" Pregnant? " You rushed up to ask her.

"-An outsider."

"Oh, thank God." You breathed a sigh of relief. "I won't need to go to jail for attempted murder."

"More people are gonna start finding out about this, and you're gonna need friends who can relate."

You nodded your head. "Pregnant people." A hand was suddenly covering your mouth as the cheerleader had finally had enough of your comments. Well, at least it wasn't your full face this time. And you were left to watch the two talk like it was one really slow tennis match.

"How can you relate to what I'm going through?"

"You don't think people whisper about me in the lunchrooms or draw pornographic pictures of me on the bathroom walls?"

Quinn could absolutely feel the cringe that overtook your face behind her hand at that.

"That was me, actually," Quinn admitted, which only lead to you look at her with a heavy movement of your head, eyes boring into her.

The incredibly muffled sound of your words made its way through her palm.

" Really? You do realise how gay that is, right? "

"Look, I don't agree with the choice you're making, but you're gonna need glee. You have seven months of your youth left. You should enjoy it. And let's face it, in a couple of months, that cheerleading uniform isn't gonna fit-" You nodded and shrugged at that in agreement. "-And we're gonna be all you have left. Just come back to practice. Boys versus girls. It's fun. And we could certainly use your voice right now."

You certainly wished you could use yours right now, too.

"You're actually a good singer, Quinn. Occasionally sharp, but that's just because you lack my years of training."

You rolled your eyes. Muttering through Quinn's hand again, " I'm in a worse off boat than you. She says this shit to me all the time. "

"I would have tortured you if the roles were reversed, you know?"

" She would have needed to have sex first. "

A swift slap to your abdomen. And a groan into Quinn's hand was your repayment for that.

"I know."

Then she walked away, leaving you alone with the blonde looking after her before Quinn turned back around to you. Only to find you waving your fingers at her in greeting.

"You are so annoying."

You licked her palm.

"Ew!" Quinn exclaimed, wiping her hand on your shoulder and to your chest, in an attempt to dry it. As you smiled brightly at her.

"So, pornographic pictures om my sister, huh?" She rolled her eyes dramatically and began walking away, you hot on her heels. "You so wanna fuck her."

"I do not wanna fuck her- I don't wanna sleep with any Berry, for that matter."

"Really? What about strawberries? I feel like they'd be really kinky."

"Oh, my God!"


"I told you guys."

You sighed deeply at your sister's words. Eyes rolling as she continued to go around and around with the same rant.

"We know," Santana said, "You've been berating us for the better part of an hour."

"Were they really that good?"

"They were, Quinn."

"But how ?" you asked next, "They're... them. "

"Look, I was fine with arranging, choreographing, and directing this number free of charge," Rachel listed off, "But we underestimated the boys. Their number will go to Sectionals, and once again I. Will. Be. Humiliated. "

"How were we supposed to know they'd rock the house?" Mercedes asked, "They've never been good ."

"How did they d-d-do it?"

"The real question is, "What were they on"?" Kurt said, suddenly standing in the doorway, "Though I've been grouped with the boys, my allegiance still remains with you ladies."

"Just so you know, although I may prefer to perform with those guys in a 'boys versers girls' scenario," you pointed out, "My allegiance is not with them. They suck."

"They declined my offer to do their hair in cornrows, and all my artistic decisions have been derided as too costly because they involve several varieties of exotic bird feathers."

"I mean, I agree with them on the cornrows thing."

"We all took something," he admitted, as a matter of fact.

Everyone looked aghast at Kurt.

And you could only ask one thing.



"Why am I here?"

"Everyone gets a dose," Will's crazy wife Terri said as she handed out tiny cups with two blue pills resting in them.

"Why am I here?"

"Oh, except for Quinn. You get folic acid," she leaned in close to the blonde cheerleader by your side to whisper, " Mama. It's good for the baby. "

The girl looked to the side, being made uncomfortable by the woman.

Terri tried to hand you a cup filled with the pills, just like she had done with the cup of water.

But, just like with that, you kept your arms crossed over your chest and shook your head.

"I ain't taking those," you scoffed.

The woman rolled her eyes and instead handed the cup to Rachel.

"Get the lid out, Howard. We have patients waiting."

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" your sister asked, finally speaking some sense into the room.

"Oh, it's over the counter. It's safe."

"Yeah, and so's a lot of things. Doesn't mean you should be taking them."

"You can trust me," Terri said, and you furrowed your eyebrows at the woman, "I'm a nurse. It's good for you."

"Correction. You're a crazy lady ."

"I am not crazy."

"First step to getting help is admitting you have a problem."

"I know what I'm doing."

"Big doubt."

There was a lull in the room, and then the girls lifted the cup containing the pills to their lips.

"Don't take those," you said, looking down at your sister on the other side of you.

She didn't listen.

And neither did any of the other girls, who had the blue pills.

They proceeded to lift the water cups to their lips next, and along with your protests, they swallowed the pills.

'Fuck sakes'


"Rachel, you got a shirt size too small!" you called as you came from behind the clothes rack, clad in a bright yellow shirt.

"Woo, woo. Hot stuff."

You rolled your eyes at Santana's teasing. Moving to gesture to your sister.

"I feel like I could rip this thing, like Hulk Hogan."

Rachel had an off-world look in her eyes, thanks to the pills Terri had given her, as she spoke, "You'll be great. We're all gonna be great !"

You were silent for a few seconds, just watching as she was unable to stand still without shaking, "There's meth in those pills, isn't there."

"I think you look fine, Y/N," Quinn, the only other sober one, stated.

"Oh, no. I know I look good. I'm just worried about literally splitting a seam up there."

Your sister walked away from you to bug someone else over the upcoming performance. Leaving you alone with the blonde.

"Well, if you do, it will make for a memorable performance."

"Yeah, that, and Rachel will kill me."

"That is a possibility. I won't lie to you."

" Possibility? " you asked, "I think you mean ' probability '."

The girl giggled but nodded along anyway.

"And I'm just glad that I ain't on my moon sickness while wearing these bright white pants." You looked down, evaluating the outfit you were currently wearing. "That could be very dangerous."

"Moon sick-? Wait. Did you just refer to menstruation as ' moon sickness '?"

"Yeah." You nodded with a shrug. "You don't like that one? I have more-"

"Please don't."

"In body massacre-"


"Uterus' hissyfit-"


"Nine out of ten women do not recommend. Shark week's a pretty normal one. I once heard someone call it 'Satan's sacrificial waterfall'."

"Oh, please God, stop."

"Places!" Rachel screeched suddenly, "The boys will be here any minute."

"Saved by the Berry, huh?"

"Also tortured by the other Berry," Quinn countered.

'I hate this' , you thought, as you stood beside Tina with your hands on your hips, 'I should have skipped'

"Thank you so much. It really is a pleasure." You watched your sister as she quickly spoke, eyes worried and slightly confused. It was like with every second that passed, those pills affected her more and more. "While the boys chose a selection of songs that cast an eye inward on the irresponsible life choices and sexual hunger of today's modern teens. We have chosen a selection of songs that speak to the nation as a whole during these troubling times filled with economic uncertainty and unbridled social woe."

'Okay, Jesus Christ, girl, breathe. Calm down'

Quinn was side-eyeing her as best she could with her head turned to the side, just like you were. As Tina looked back and forth, with a bright smile pulled across her face. Also out of her mind thanks to those pills.

"Because if there's two things America needs right now, that is sunshine and optimism ."

Rachel took a few deep breaths as Kurt slid a pair of sunglasses on his face while some of the boys looked at him, obviously putting two and two together.

'There you go'

"And also angels!"

'I take it back'

You hated that.

You hated that so much.

You can't remember the last time that you had felt that uncomfortable.

Currently trying to catch your breath as you sat behind Quinn. While Mr Schue, along with everybody else, clapped.

"Ladies, I don't even know what to say. You did such a good job!" he said while high-fiving you all, "I don't know what you guys did, but whatever it was, keep doing it! Our celebrity judge has her work cut out for her."

The bell rang the moment he finished speaking, much to your relief.

The girls started rushing past him to exit the room, your sister wrapping the man up in a big hug.

'Note to self: Never let Rachel drink alcohol. Ever'

"Mr Schue." You gained the man's attention as you walked by him. "Never make me do anything like that again."

All you heard was a faint, resided, "Yeah", as you followed the girls from the room.


"I'm being serious-"

"When have you ever?"

"Okay. I take offence to that. But if you would just listen to-"

"Mrs Schuester," Quinn said, walking away from you and towards the crazy lady. "I need to talk to you." She leaned in closer to whisper, " About the baby. "

"I can't even finish a fucking sentence around here," you muttered, trailing after the two.

"Is everything okay? Wait, you're not having it right now, are you?"


"What?" You and Quinn asked at the same time, aghast by the woman's stupidity, " No . Aren't you supposed to be a nurse?"

Terri made a small noise in conformation.

"She's a nurse in this school."

Quinn came to stand in front of the older blonde, you standing beside the two, watching as they talked.

"I've been thinking about your offer."


"Yeah?" she gasped softly.

"I like my life. I like being a cheerleader, and I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I really like being in Glee Club."

"Aww, see. I knew you were really a big ol' softie."

"Do you want me to cover your mouth again?" Quinn sassed, looking up at you.

You did the smart thing and kept silent.

"I have all these great things in my life-"

"Am I one of them?"


"You didn't say "no"."

A deathly glare from the cheerleader was your final warning, and you took it.

She turned back to Terri. "And it already feels like too much." Quinn took a quick glance around to her surroundings and whispered, " I can't raise a baby. "

"You know, honestly, I don't even know how you kids do it nowadays."

"You need the birds and the bees talk now, too? Because I think you might if you thought the baby was coming now ."

"I mean, I didn't have it this bad when I was your age," she admitted, "But there weren't as many TV channels either, though. Is Finn okay with this? 'Cause, you know, I don't want any baby-daddy drama when you hand it over to me."

"He's the reason I'm doing this." Quinn nodded. "He's such a good guy. And he internalises all this pressure. He's gonna have a heart attack. I never want Mr Schuster to find out about this, though. I don't wanna hurt him either."

"Oh, you're secret's safe with me."

'Well, of fucking course, it is!'

"I have a lot more to lose."

"You have to keep quiet, too," Quinn said, turning to you.

"I don't like this."

"I know."

You gave a great sigh. "Fine... I won't say anything." You then pointed at them. "But if this bites me in the ass, I'm coming for both of you."

"One more thing," Quinn said before Terri could walk off, "You know how you gave me those vitamins for the baby?" Terri nodded, giving another one of those high noises of conformation. "I really appreciated that. But I'm gonna have all these doctors bills, and I'm gonna need some new maternity clothes."

"You want money from me?" she asked as if it was rude of Quinn to even bring it up.

"It's gonna be your baby."

"Which means I'm gonna be paying the bills for eighteen years. I think you can handle nine months."

"Nine months of medical bills, that will cost way more than taking care of the baby for like what, two years, without insurance. At sixteen years old," you imputed, to which Terry rolled her eyes at.

"Look, you're making the right call here, Quinn. It's what's best for everybody."

And with a bright smile that, not gonna lie, creeped you out, Terri walked away. Leaving you and Quinn to watch after her.



"Anybody would be better than her."


Everyone was standing, gathered around in the choir room, looking at the teacher.

"We're really sorry, Mr Schue."

"We didn't mean to get you into any trouble," Rachel finished off for Finn.

"I'm really disappointed in you guys. Glee is supposed to be about what's inside your heart, not what's coursing through your veins."

"Well, not my veins. I didn't take any." You nodded your head to the side. "'Nd neither did Quinn." The club turned to look at you, eyes hard. "What? It's true."

"We know," Rachel replied to Mr Schuester's words, "And I think I speak for everyone when I say that we'd be happy to move forward and put this episode behind us."

"Well, it's not that simple. Because of this debacle, it's been decided that I'm no longer fit to run Glee Club myself. We've been assigned a codirector," he struggled to say.


"Hey, kids!" Sue walked in with a laugh.


"I gotta tell ya, I'm just thrilled , to be coming on board, to co-captain, your little, uh, showbiz cruise."


"Ah! I can't wait to start singing and dancing and maybe even putting on the Ritz a little bit."


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