The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

1.1K 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.2
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 4
12.The Truth-pt. 5

9.The New Kid-pt. 1

10 1 0
By nayliafolo16

"Finally! The last week of November."-Ally said while walking to school with Henry.-"You like December?"-Henry asked.-"Yeah, it's winter and that feeling when I know that I'm sitting home in a warm oversized hoodie when it's cold outside."-"I was listening to the news yesterday and they said that there is a very big possibility that we'll have a white Christmas this year."-Henry said and Ally got excited.

"I love snow! And I can't wait to spend Christmas and New Year with more than just one person, my mom."-"I was thinking if we spend it at my house. My parents usually go somewhere for New Year's Eve."-"Yes! That's a great idea!"-Ally said smiling.

"Oh, I just remembered, you'll see something special at school today."-he said and smiled.-"Really? What is it?"-"You'll see. That's every year."-Henry said.-"Fine."-Ally rolled her eyes.

When they arrived to school, they stopped in front of the entrance.-"Why did you stop?"-Ally asked.-"You ready?"-he asked.-"Yeah?"-"Okay then."-Henry said and opened the door. When they walked in, everything was decorated and there was a big Christmas tree in the corner.

"This is so beautiful."-Ally said looking around herself amazed.-"I knew you'll like it. They decorate the whole school the last week of November."-Henry said smiling.-"I love my life."-Ally said smiling and walked to her locker.

"Hey guys!"-Jasper walked up to them wearing one of those ugly Christmas pullovers.-"I didn't knew that today is the day of ugly Christmas pullovers."-Ally laughed.-"My mom made me wear it."-Jasper rolled his eyes and they laughed.

"Did you hear?"-he asked quietly.-"What?"-Henry asked confused.-"Apparently, there is a new kid at school."-he whispered.-"That's weird, it's the end of semester. He came this late?"-Ally whispered.

"I heard it like this, I don't know if it's true. We'll see."-Jasper whispered.-"I haven't seen anyone new here since Ally and I came."-Henry whispered and Jasper shrugged his shoulders.-"We have Miss. Shapen now. We'll find out soon."-Ally said and they headed to the classroom.

They walked in and Henry and Ally sat together as usual somewhere in the back of the classroom. Everyone was whispering and constantly turning to the door.-"Looks like you're not the only one who knows about the new kid."-Ally whispered to Jasper who was standing by their desk.

"Yeah, looks like it's true what I heard."-Jasper said.-"The same was happening when you had to come."-Henry whispered to Ally.-"Really?"-Ally turned to him.-"Yup."-Jasper nodded.-"You know too?"-Nicolas walked up to them.

"About the new kid?"-Ally asked.-"Yeah. Isn't it weird that he came at the end on the semester?"-he asked.-"Kind of."-Jasper said and Nicolas left.-"Sometimes, he's a bit annoying."-Ally said.-"Agree."-Henry nodded.

"Okay class! Everyone sit down!"-Miss. Shapen walked in the classroom.-"Let's see."-Ally smiled at Henry.-"As you probably heard, we're getting a new student in our class."-she started.-"But isn't it the end of the semester?"-Ally asked.

"And? Ally better be to not ask stupid questions."-she said pissed-"As I was saying, a new student. I hope you'll accept him and help him. But I will choose one of you who will be helping him all the time if he needs, and I have someone on my mind. Please come in!"-she said and looked at the door.-"We'll see who is that who comes at the very end of the semester."-Ally was whispering to Henry.

The door opened and a brown-haired boy walked in. He seemed a little bit taller than Ally and had hazel eyes. Ally was looking at him and followed him with her look as he was walking towards Miss. Shapen.

He was shy a little and looking around the classroom.-"Ally?"-Henry whispered but Ally didn't respond-"Ally! You're staring!"-he whisper-yelled and Ally winced.-"What?"-she whispered.-"You're staring."-"No, I'm not."-she said and looked back at the guy.

"Please introduce yourself to the class."-Miss. Shapen said politely.-"I'm Harry Wist."-he said quietly.-"As I said, I will choose one of the students who will help you and show you around."-she said turned to him.-"Okay."-he smiled and turned back to the class.

As Ally was looking at him not even thinking, they made an eye contact and he smiled to her. She gasped quietly what Henry noticed that and got jealous.-"Are you already crushing?"-he whispered.-"What? No."-Ally whispered.

"Ally will be helping you."-Miss. Shapen said and looked at Ally-"Ally, raise your hand."-she said and Ally did it. He looked at her again and smiled.-"You have a free place next to Ally and Henry so you can sit there."-she said and Harry went to that place.

He sat down and looked at Ally again. He smiled at her and Ally blushed.-"You like him?"-Henry started making fun of her.-"Yeah, of course."-Ally said sarcastically.

After History, they had Biology and Maths and Henry and Ally were sitting together again.-"Ally has a crush on the new kid. Ally has a crush on the new kid."-he was singing to annoy her.-"Shut up. Do you want someone to hear you!?"-she whisper-yelled.-"When you do."-"No, I don't."-she said and playfully punched his shoulder.

At lunch Henry and Ally were by their lockers.-"What do you have there?"-he asked.-"Blueberries. Want some?"-she said and handed him the box where the blueberries were.-"Thanks."-he smiled and took a few.-"Sorry. You're Ally, right?"-they heard a voice and when they turned it was Harry.

"Hi, yeah, I am."-Ally smiled.-"I'm Harry."-he smiled and she shook his hand.-"Nice to meet you. This is Henry."-she smiled and Harry looked at him.-"Harry."-he said and shook his hand.-"Henry, nice to meet you."-he smiled.

"So, Henry is your boyfriend?"-Harry asked.-"No, we're best friends."-Henry laughed awkwardly.-"Oh, I thought that you two are dating because you're together all the time."-he laughed.-"No, usually Jasper is with us but he's with his girlfriend now."-Ally smiled.

"Yeah. This is a very big school. My old school was very small."-Harry said.-"Really? Well, if you want, we can show you around."-Ally said and looked at Henry.-"Yeah, so you can know it better."-Henry smiled-"Hey Al, can I talk to you in private?"-he said wrapping his hand around her shoulders.-"Yeah, sure. Sorry."-Ally said looking at Harry and Henry pulled her away.

"What are you doing?"-he whispered.-"Being nice. I'm doing the same you did when I first came."-Ally whispered.-"What are you going to start to hang out with Harry and forget about me?"-he said.-"What are you talking about? Henry, you're overreacting. We don't even know him. Maybe he's nice."-Ally whispered.

"Yeah but still. We don't need him to follow us everywhere. He could find out about the Man cave and that we are the Dangers."-Henry whispered.-"Are you jealous?"-"No I'm not! Why would I be!?"-Henry whisper-yelled.-"Just stop. He's new and it's not easy to be new somewhere."-she said and went back to Harry.

"Is she right? Am I feeling jealous now? Do I love her that much?"-Henry was thinking-"Henry stop. You said that you're going to focus on your normal life and stop dreaming about Ally."-he thought and went after Ally.

"Sorry for him."-Ally said to Harry.-"It's fine."-he smiled-"I wanted to ask you if you can come over to my house after school, I need some help with Maths."-he asked.-"Yeah, sure. But I can't be for too long because I have to go to work."-Ally said.-"You can come after work. We can meet up and walk to my house together."-Harry said.

"Yeah sure."-Ally smiled-"Let me give you my number."-she said and Harry gave her his phone so she can write her number.-"Thanks. See you around."-Harry smiled and walked away.-"So you're going to his house after work?"-Henry asked.-"What you wanted to ask me out?"-Ally said sarcastically.-"N-no! What? I'm just asking."-he blushed.

After school, they went to Junk 'n stuff as usually. There they weren't doing anything special, just waiting for emergency calls, but there wasn't any of them.-"It's 5 o' clock. I have to go."-Ally said and stood up.

"Where are you going? You usually leave last, when we leave."-Piper said confused.-"She's going to Harry's house to help him with Maths."-Henry said.-"The new kid?"-Jasper said.-"Yes."-Ally said and put her purple woolen cap on her head.-"See you later guys. Bye!"-she said and walked in the elevator.

"Who's that Harry?"-Ray asked.-"Harry Wist. He came today."-Henry said.-"You don't like the fact that Ally is going to hang out with him, do you?"-Piper asked.-"We don't know who he is. He can find out about Ally's superpowers."-Henry mumbled.-"You're not wrong here, kid."-Ray said.

"Ally is smart, she can protect herself and knows how to hide her powers."-Schwoz said.-"You guys are so protective over her. Like you Ray are her overprotective dad and Henry her overprotective boyfriend who gets jealous when she talks to other guys."-Jasper added.-"No, we're not!"-they said at the same time.

Meanwhile, Ally was walking with Harry to his house.-"So, you're from here?"-Ally broke the silence.-"No. I'm from Astrakane, you probably don't know where that is."-Harry said.-"Yeah, I know. I'm from there too."-she said smiling.-"Really?"-"Yeah."-she laughed.

"You were just born there, or you lived there?"-he asked.-"I lived there for 11 years. Then my mom and I moved here when my dad died."-she said and looked down.-"Oh, so you're going to this school for a long time."-"Actually no. I started this year. I was home-schooled."-Ally said.-"Oh. I live with my aunt and uncle."-Harry said-"My parents died when I was a baby."-he said.-"I'm so sorry."-she said quietly.-"It's fine."-he mumbled.

When they arrived to his house and when they walked in, Ally smelled the smell of Christmas cookies.-"My aunt is baking cookies. Hi auntie!"-Harry said smiling.-"Hi Harry!"-a short red-haired woman walked out from the kitchen.-"Oh, hi."-she said when she saw Ally.-"Hi."-Ally smiled.

"Auntie, this is Ally, one of my classmates. Ally, this is my aunt Elisabeth. But most people call her Lisa."-Harry said smiling.-"Nice to meet you, Ally. You have a very pretty name."-Elisabeth said smiling.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you too. My middle name is Elisabeth."-Ally said smiling and shook her hand.-"Really. I'm glad that Harry found a new friend. I was so scared that he won't find anyone."-she said.-"I know that feeling. I was new too."-Ally said.-"Let's go to my room, Ally. So we can start with Maths."-Harry said and they walked to his room.

His room wasn't very big and on the walls were a lot of posters.-"I see you mostly like the villains from movies."-Ally said.-"Yeah."-Harry nodded.-"Tell me what's the matter with Math."-Ally said. 

They sat on the floor and took out their Math books. Ally explained him everything and they did homework what the teacher gave them. After that they did a few more exercises and Harry understood all of them.

"Thank you so much."-he said smiling.-"Anytime."-she smiled.-"You really helped me. We should hang out more."-he suggested.-"Yeah. When I don't have to work and weekends."-Ally smiled.-"We should go ice skating, it's opening in two weeks."-he said.-"Yeah, sure."-she chuckled.

"Do you want to stay on dinner?"-he asked.-"No thanks. I have to go home. Maybe next time."-she said and stood up.-"Okay."-he said and they walked out the room.-"Bye Mrs.!"-Ally waved before she walked out.-"Bye dear!"-Elisabeth yelled after her.-"See you tomorrow, Ally."-Harry said.-"See you."-Ally smiled and walked out.


The next day at school, Henry and Ally were sitting together and talking.-"So, how was at Harry's yesterday?"-Henry whispered.-"Okay. I was helping him with Maths."-Ally whispered-"I met him and he seems fine. He was born in Astrakane like me."-she added.-"Really? And it's absolutely normal to you?"-he said shocked.

"Why wouldn't it be?"-"Because, that's a weird place and because of... you know... Dr Dark."-he whispered.-"Henry, it's a coincidence. Stop being suspicious"-she whispered.-"Sorry but you are a big deal because of the power you have. Ray wasn't really happy with that you're going to his house."-"And what is Ray, my dad?"-Ally said annoyed.

"Henry, Ally stop talking."-the teacher turned to them-"Okay. I will now make groups of two and you'll be doing some tasks I give you. Ally, you go sit with Harry and Kelly, go sit with Henry."-she said and Henry and Ally looked at each other confused.

"Why did you separate only us?"-Ally asked.-"Because you and Henry are sitting always together and doing every task together. We need to change that."-the teacher said.-"Like you're going to change our friendship with that, next class we'll be sitting together again."-Henry said under his breath.-"Looks like our friendship left and effect on you. Be careful, Hen."-Ally whispered and laughed.

She walked up to Harry's desk and sat next to him.-"Hey."-she smiled.-"Hi."-he smiled back at her.-"Okay now open your books on page 36 and read the task. If you don't finish it during the lesson, finish it at home. You may begin."-the teacher smiled and the class began with work.

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