Berry Blues | Quinn Fabray

By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

70.5K 2.2K 871

Season One Being Sixteen Should Not Be This Hard --- Lima, Ohio, 2009. A few days into the new school year at... More

Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock
Part Two: (Showmance) Oh, my eyes! OH GOD, MY EYES!
Part Three: (Acafellas) Listen here, ya little shit
Part Four: (Preggers) It's Not Mine
Part Six: (Vitamin D) DRUGS??
Part Seven: (Throwdown) The Truth Comes Out
Part Eight: (Mash-Up) Popu-Lar
Part Nine: (Wheels) They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'
Part Ten: (Ballad) Oh, This Is Just Getting More And More Complicated
Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band
Part Twelve: (Mattress) Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy, BREAK UP!
Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again
Part Fourteen: (Hell-O) Get Off My Sister! You Get Off My Sister, Too!
Part Fifteen: (The Power Of Madonna) CONE BOOBS!!
Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink
Part Seventeen: (Bad Reputation) Run, Joey, Run
Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick
Part Nineteen: (Dream On) Two Dad's and They Favour The Blonde
Part Twenty: (Theatricality) FUCKING, POINTY THING!
Part Twenty-One: (Funk) An Ode To Punch Jesse In The Face
Part Twenty-Two: (Journey To Regionals) OH MY, GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!

Part Five: (The Rhodes Not Taken) The April Rhodes Club

3.1K 106 25
By DumbOfAssPureOfHeart

Oh, thank God for morning sickness.

If it wasn't for Quinn running from the choir room, you would have to continue with the rest of the rehearsal.


"If I have to hear this song one more time, I'm gonna end up ripping out my eardrums."

"I think she just had a- A bad breakfast burrito."

"Aaand now I'm hungry."

"Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?"

"Your sexuality?" Santana sassed Kurt.

"You're one to talk," you whispered so that only you could hear.

"Rachel," he clarified, "We can't do it without her."

"That's not true," Mr Schue said, "We may have to layer Santana or Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but... we'll be fine."

"Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals. And certainly not for regionals."

"Wheelchair kid's right," Puck said next, "That Rachel chick makes me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing."

"Okay, Rachel left, guys. She's gone. Now, if we're gonna make this thing work, we can't look back. Alright, take five, guys."

While everyone started to talk to one another, and Finn walked over to Mr Schue. You took it upon yourself to go check on the puking cheerleader.

"Hello? Hello, hello?" you called as you entered the nearest bathroom, instantly hearing the telltale sound of someone throwing up. "Oh, it sounds like you're having fun in here."

You were no longer hungry, watching as the blonde heaved over the toilet.

"Jesus Christ, it's like you're trying to expel a demon." Taking on a voice and miming holding up a cross, like something out of The Exorcist, you continued, "Begon Satan! Leave this vessel at once! That's very weird to say when you have a baby in you."

"You're not helping," the Fabray yelled through a cough, voice filled with tears thanks to her position right now.

"Right, right. Sorry," you apologised as you moved forward. Crouching down next to Quinn, rubbing a soothing hand along her back, "It's that 'can't be serious, during serious situations' thing, again."

Somehow, you could hear the next wave curling within her stomach before she heaved it up without another warning.

"Oh, God," you breathed and turned your head away from it. You weren't very good with puke. Never had been. "There you go. Get it all out, Q."

You were behind the blonde, either hand hovering beside her arms, as she wobbly held onto one of the bathrooms sinks after rinsing her mouth out with ice-cold water.

"You are way too sick to be in school."

"I'm fine. It normally passes by lunchtime."

"Quinn, that's like a few hours before school ends."

"I can't go home like this," she replied sternly.

"Why not?"

"My mom will be home."

"Can't you just tell her you caught something?"

"That only lasts in the mornings, every morning?"

You fell silent when she pointed out that obvious flaw in your idea.

"But you can't stay here. Unless you want the whole school to realise what's going on. And have to rush out of your classes like every five minutes."

"And where would I go?"

You were a few steps behind Quinn. The girl, not wanting your help, just to walk down the hallways. But you kept close enough so that you could rush to her in time if she needed it. All the while, shooting Finn a few update messages.

Y/N: Taking your girlfriend to my place.

Y/N: She's too sick and has nowhere else to go.

Y/N: Make something up for me.

Finn: Thank you.

Finn: Seriously. You're a great friend.

Finn: I owe you one.

Y/N: You owe me like twelve at this point, but who's counting.

Finn: Where did you get that number from?

Y/N: I've been adding them up since we were thirteen.

"Who are you texting?"

You looked up to find Quinn watching you, semi-annoyed.

"Just updating Finn."

"Oh..." she said slowly, "Thank you."


"Why is there a sleeping cheerleader on our couch?" Your father asked, walking into the kitchen where you were busy working on some homework.

"She was too sick to stay at school, so I said she could come here. Don't worry. She only has food poisoning."

"And why is she here and not at her own house?" Hiram asked this time.

"Uh... family issues... I, uh, didn't ask. It wasn't my place."

You may have been adopted, but you still had some similarities with the people you lived with.

What could you say? You were a family of actors.

"Okay." LeRoy nodded. "Just wish you would have told us first. We almost woke the poor girl coming in."

"Sorry. But I honestly didn't think you two would be back before she left. Still probably should have told you."

"Well, tell us next time," Hiram said, patting your shoulders, "That is if you're planning on bringing cheerleader's home a regular thing."

"Who knows, I just might."

"You better not."

"What's the limit?" you asked jokingly, looking up at your father still standing behind you, ignoring everything LeRoy had just said.


"That I can work with."

"You're both as bad as each other."

You chuckled as you stepped away from your open textbook, moving to go check on Quinn yourself.

The men watched from their spots at the open kitchen door as you laid a soft blanket over the girl. Glancing over at one another, with a knowing look in their eyes. Until their gaze's returned to you and Quinn.

"I bet they're married by the time they're twenty-five."

"I'm not gambling on our child's love life," LeRoy told his husband, turning and walking deeper into the kitchen, "But I will say that they'll have a baby at that age too. Right after their wedding."

"Oh, you're on."


"Morning, sleeping beauty," you spoke as you heard the blonde stir awake beside you, concentrating on the game you were playing on the screen, "You feeling up for some lunch? My dad's cooked chicken and made you up a plate for when you woke up."

"What time is it?" Quinn asked, manoeuvring herself into a seated position, sleepily pushing a hand into her hair.


"What?" She asked anxiously, now more awake than she was a moment before.

"Don't worry. Your mother called. I answered and told her we were working on a project and that you were in the bathroom."

"Thank you... I can't believe I didn't hear it."

"You were dead asleep."

As if that was its queue, her stomach rumbled loudly.

"In the oven. It's being kept warm for you, so be careful the plate might be hot."

"Thank you."

"No problem, Fabray. I didn't even cook it."


"Guess what!"


It was later that very same day, and Quinn had already left, practically ordering you to thank your fathers for the home-cooked meal.

You had been on your laptop when your sister barged into your room and slammed the lid down to get your attention.

She moved to perch on the edge of your bed, brushing her hair over her shoulder, an ecstatic look adorning her face.

"Finn asked me out."


"What?" You sat up straight now. "He asked you out on a date?"

"Well, not in so many words." Flopping back down with a huff and rolling your eyes at Rachel's dramatics. "But he did say he wanted to go somewhere quiet with me, that had low lighting."

Your eyes widened at that, jaw slacking as you looked at your sister.

"You can't be serious."

'How could he do that to Quinn?'

"I am." She nodded.

'You're gonna kick his ass'

"You realise he has a girlfriend, right?"

Rachel scoffed, "Little Miss Prom Queen. You know she doesn't even love Finn, right? She's only with him because she loves the popularity."

"Woah, woah, woah. ' Love '? Are you trying to tell me that you love Finn? You hardly even know the guy, not to mention you haven't even been out on one date yet."

"But I can tell what we have is special."

"You have nothing-"

"He kissed me."

"What? When?!"

"A while ago." She stared off dreamily as she began to gush, "It was when he first joined Glee Club. I was helping him with his notes, and I had laid out this beautiful picnic scene. It was so romantic, Y/N. And then we were kissing."

Your sister was crazy.

And not to mention: 'I'm so gonna kill him'

"But then he ran off."

'Probably the 'mail' thing again'

"Why did you tell me all this?"

"Uh, I thought you'd be happy for me?" She asked, aghast.

"Happy for you? I probably would be happy for you if he wasn't already seeing somebody else." She rolled her eyes. "Rachel, listen. Don't be this person."

"Be what person?" she snapped.

"The person that breaks up a relationship. I get that we're in high school, and everyone does dumb things in high school. But this isn't right."

'You can't do this to a pregnant person'

But you couldn't tell her that.

It wasn't your place.

"Thank you for your input," Rachel said simply, brushing non-existent lint from her plaid skirt, "But I think I know exactly what I'm doing."

"Rachel," you called after her as she walked away. But were only met with the sound of your door closing behind her.

You sighed and flopped back against your bed.

'This was already a shit show'


"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special," Mr Schusester began, standing at the front of the class, with a short blonde woman beside him. "This is April Rhodes." The woman waved, almost shyly. "She's our newest member." April then threw the rest of the club finger guns whilst making clicking noises with her mouth.

Okay. Maybe she wasn't that shy.

"Wait, so, old people can join Glee Club now?" Finn asked, with a dopey look on his face.

You still had to kick his ass with what he's doing with your sister and Quinn.

"I don't think she's that old," you defended the woman.

But as it turns out, you needn't have to.

"Old, huh? You guy's look like the world's worst Benetton ad."

Artie raised a hand, gaining the teacher's attention, "Mr Schuester? This seems like a terrible idea ."

"April is a great singer. And she never graduated."

You could tell that Puck was trying to flirt with her through his eyes. Just by the movements of his body, in the seat in front of you.

So, you did the best thing you could in that situation.

You jabbed him in the back of his head with your fist in a scolding manner.

"We appreciate what you're trying to do, but she's no Rachel."

"Who's Rachel?"

"My sister."

"Sh-She's kind of our star."

"Your star, eh?" April asked, "Well, where is she?"

"She left," Kurt informed her, "To be the lead in 'Cabaret'."

April chuckled mutedly. "Hey, Tinkles." That was all it took for Brad, the piano player, to look her way. "Give me "Maybe This Time" in B-flat. And don't let me catch you snoozing."

She was good.

She was really good.

Everyone thought so. And she could tell.

"Stick that in your pipe and smoke it," April said once she caught her breath.

But you only had one question.

"Was that song from 'Cabaret'?"

"You can't tell me that Rachel has never made you watch that musical," Kurt said after wiping away his tear.

"I kinda blank everything she makes me watch."


"Hey, hot stuff."

"What?" you asked baffled, looking down to your side to side to spot April suddenly beside you. "Uh, hi? You know I'm not a guy, right? I've already had one blonde lady think that I could be a dad these past couple of weeks."

"Oh no, sweetie, I know." She placed a hand against your arm. "I had my time with the ladies back in the '90s."


Turning away from her, you continued to place your books back into your locker.

"I just wanted to say-"

"Listen, I know why you're here."

"You do?"

"Yeah." You nodded. "People in Glee Club aren't the biggest fans of having you around, and you're trying to butter them up."

"Well, colour me impressed."

"You don't have to do that with me." You then shrugged. "I'm fine with you being there. You're just trying to get the rest of your education for your diploma and have some fun while doing it. Can't blame you for that."

"I... thank you."

"It's no problem," you said before heading to your next class.

Way too many blondes have been thanking you recently for just being a nice person.


"Okay, if Mike makes this strike. You've gotta drink. This, " Matt said, sliding over a glass he had just finished fucking with.

Inside, it held cola, Sprite, salt, pepper, hot sauce, mustard. And to top it all off, nacho cheese.

You really didn't wanna drink that concoction.

Quicky, you span to face Mike, who was standing at the top of the lane, bowling ball in hand, and an evil smile stretched out across his face.

"Please, for everything that is good in this world, don't make that."

Yeah... he made it.

And now you were forced to drink that . As the boys watched on, cackling at what they had gotten you to do.

Bent over your knees and coughing after you had downed the "drink", you said, "That must be what evil tastes like."

"Oh, dude. Is that Finn and your sister?"

You popped up at Matt's words, looking in the same direction both men were, no longer suffering over the disgusting taste in your mouth and the burning down your throat.

It was.

It was them.

"Are they on a date?" Mike asked, "But Finn's dating Quinn."

"It look's like a date." Matt shrugged.

'It better not be'

You watched as Rachel jumped up and down after getting a strike. Matt commented, "Dude, even your sister is better at bowling than you." Before she hugged Finn, pulling away from him slowly, looking from his eyes to his lips, then back again.

"Oh. Don't kiss my sister. Do not kiss my sister."

An almost horrified yell broke from your mouth when you saw them do just that.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill him."

"Can we watch?"


"Maybe, Quinn is lactose intolerant," Kurt conspired to your small group within the choir room.

"It would more so come out of the other end if that was the case, right?"

"And that doesn't explain all the crying," Artie added.

"M-Maybe she just doesn't like the group?"

"Are you all that stupid?" Puck butted his way into the conversation, bringing the rest of the club's attention to the matter. " Seriously ? I bet you thought Bert and Ernie were just roommates."

'Oh, don't do it'

"I hate to admit it, but you are right there." You pointed towards him. "They were so gay."

" Maybe Quinn's got one in the oven."

'Oh, my God'

"Who's the babies daddy?" Mercedes asked.

"Who do you think?" He paused awkwardly, obviously wanting to say something other than what he was about to. " Finn. "

'He's such a dick'

Kurt gasped just as Rachel strutted into the room, announcing her presence to everyone. One that made Puck walk from the room.

"Yes, you've heard right. I am returning to Glee Club. In lieu of flowers, please send all donations to a socially conscious charity of your choice."

"This is a hot-damn mess." Mercedes leaned further into the piano as Santana whispered an 'Oh, my God' to Brittany.

This wasn't gonna end well.

"Uh, I'm sorry," Rachel started, "I thought I'd be welcomed back with a tad more enthusiasm ."

"Sorry. Glee Club has just been rocked with its first scandal."

"Quinn's knocked up."

Kurt rose then. Walking over to where the other Berry stood. "And the baby daddy? Finn."

Your sister looked lost for a minute there before her sad eyes met yours.

"You knew," she accused, "And you didn't tell me."

"It wasn't my place to tell."


"Finn," you called over to the boy as he watched your sister walk away.

He raised his hand up beside his head as he made his way past you.

"I don't wanna hear it right now, Y/N."

"Oh, well, I think that's a big ol' tough-fuckin'-luck. 'Cause, you're about to." You grabbed his arm and pulled him to face you. "Not only did you cheat on your pregnant girlfriend, but you dragged my sister along just to get what you wanted. Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Listen, you don't get it! I have to provide a better life for my kid."

'It's not your kid'

You pushed that thought into the back of your mind.

You knew that you should tell him. He deserved to know. But, for some unknown reason, you just couldn't .

"What would you do if you were in my situation?"

"Well, first of all, I would be able to control myself while kissing a girl." Finn rolled his eyes at your remark before you spoke again, softer this time, "But I would be honest. I wouldn't do this to another person. And I wouldn't kiss another girl while my girlfriend is pregnant. I wouldn't even kiss another girl if I had a girlfriend."

With that, you strode off, leaving Finn to watch yet another Berry walk away in the span of a few minutes.


Santana reached up to place the black cowboy hat upon your head as you stood around the piano, going through some vocal warm-ups. Having to restrain yourself from meowing like a cat, with the repeated 'meow's echoing around the room.

Thankfully. You were saved from that inevitability by your teacher's claps.

"The house is packed. You guys are gonna kick butt tonight. Your first performance in front of a real audience. I can't wait. You guys are gonna love it." He looked around the room. "Where's April?"

"Yee-haw! Right on queue, as usual!" The for talked about woman exclaimed, rushing into the room in a pink cowboy outfit. Walking in-between all of the kids, to meet the teacher. "Hey, roller boy. Handsome . Oh, I like that colour." She then reached Puck, and you could tell that this wasn't gonna be good. "Have you been working on the, uh, the moves we talk-? You've got somethin' right there, on you're-"

Your eyebrow shot into your hairline as you watched her pull the mohican haired boy down for a kiss before she was, thankfully, pulled away by Mr Schue. And then grabbed Kurt's nose with a 'Honk!'

"There's my boy."

"Are you drunk? You promised me you'd sober up for this."

Oh, God. It was like watching a lover's spat or something.

But you just couldn't seem to drag your eyes away.

"When? Last night? Well, I was drunk. You can't hold me to that."

"Oh, could you imagine if criminals could get off scot-free by saying that?"

"Hit it, Knuckles," April said, and Mr Schue followed Miss Pillsbury from the choir room. Leaving you to warm up with the woman.


The nerves were now starting to get to you as you stood backstage.

"Hey? You okay?" Someone asked behind you as they placed a hand on your shoulder blade.

Looking over, you watched as Quinn came around to stand before you.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just. Nerves." You didn't really need to state the obvious. She could hear them in your voice. "Rachel's always been the performer out of us two. I'm not really used to... this ."

"You'll be fine. All you really need to do is dance around and lift me up. And you've got all that down. Take a deep breath. You'll be fine."

"That may have been the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"Well... consider it repayment for taking care of me and letting me sleep on your couch."

With a gentle squeeze to your bicep, the blonde manoeuvred around you to get into her position, beside Puck. Leaving you to stand on the other side of Tina.

'God, help me'



You didn't want to admit it.

But Quinn was right.

Damn her.

Preforming was actually pretty fun.

In your mind now, there had been no need for you to be nervous.

The only "big" thing's you had to do was lift April and spin around while she was trying to avoid all of the guys and hold Quinn on your back.

It wasn't bad at all.

And the applause that bounced off of the walls really added to that.

"Told you so," Quinn muttered, leaning down to speak into your ear.

"Okay, don't take liberties."


"They loved us!" Artie said, wheeling up to Mr Schue as soon as he entered the choir room, where you were all busy getting changed for your next performance, "We're a hit!" He then high fived his teacher.

"Hey, Mr Schue, any chance I can keep this hat? I think I'm rocking this look," you asked the man as soon as you spotted him.

"Why do you even still have it on?" Santana asked, a smile on her face, "We've got to go on soon."

"You wanna keep the belt there too, cowboy?" Matt teased.

You nodded, "Yeah, you know, I wouldn't mind it."

"W-W-W-Wheres April?"

"You were right, Mr Schue. She'd massacre Mariah in a diva-off."

"What's a Diva-off?" You questioned, before being cut off, with a choked cough, by someone tightening your tie around your neck, looking down to see that Quinn had moved on from Finn's shirt to you, "Are you trying to choke me?"

"April is amazing." Mr Schue shrugged. "But she's not in the Glee Club anymore."

The team turned to him at that.

"It- I, uh... I screwed up, bringing her here. It was about me, and Glee Club is supposed to be about you guys. You don't need her to be great."

"But we need her for the second act ," Mercedes pointed out.

"I'll just have to go out there and tell them we had to cut the show short." He saw the way you all deflated at that and hurried to save it, "Hey, guys, you were great !"

"Yeah, we know we were great. That's why we wanna go back out there and finish it."

You got a murmur of agreement from the rest of your teammates.

"Don't worry. There will be other performances."

"Excuse me?" Rachel walked into the room, at that point from where she was hovering outside. "I think I might have a solution. In show business, when a star can't perform her understudy steps in. I'd be happy to go in for April if you'd let me."

"Since when are you willing to be an understudy?"

"Since I quit the play."

"Really?" Kurt asked, "Why?"

"I realised being a star didn't make me feel as special as being your friend. If I'd let you down when you needed me the most, I'd never forgive myself." You smiled proudly at her when she said that. "I know all the words to the song."

"You don't know the choreography."

"Then we're gonna have to give her a lot of help out there," Finn countered his girlfriend's words.

"And also, it's pretty much just standing, walking, and spinning. Not that hard to mess up. Unless, you know, you're Finn," you gained a collective small chuckle at that while Finn and Rachel gazed at each other, and Quinn peered up at her boyfriend.

"Go get in your costume."

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