Written Desires | J.hs

By dionnes_tapes

72.8K 4.1K 1.9K

Haven Miller was in love with Jung Hoseok. Or more specifically, his writing. He was a famous author of erot... More

"in my dreams"
"she's all that"
"meet and greet"
"V is for voyeurism"
"making a move"
"so anxious"
"i know your little secret"
"forbidden fruit"
"a night to remember"
"the assignment"
"private affairs"
"guy talk"
"good girls make bad decisions"
"morning affection"
"when the moon meets the sun"
"next step"

"i know this girl"

2.2K 163 58
By dionnes_tapes

3rd Person

Just when Hoseok was starting to lose hope, the universe reminded him just why it was so important  not to.

He didn't expect to see Haven. He didn't think she was a chef. She was a soft natured woman. He thought that she was the type to work in a book store, something quiet and simple where she didn't have to move around much.

It was funny to think of her as a shy little thing organizing books. Imagine if one day she happened to skim past a erotic story, her cheeks would heat up and she would be the type to sneak the book in her bag and take it back home to read over.

Hoseok was upset though. Because instead of getting up to speak to her, he let her pass him by. And now chances of him seeing her again were skimmed down to him seeing her at her job.

He didn't want to come off as a creep that always popped up at her work place. But anything to see her again. He was willing to do anything.

"I can't believe that it was her." Hoseok said, shaking his head as he pulled out a cigarette. He and Namjoon were walking back to the hotel. Namjoon had some work to do and hoseok had some writing to attempt.

"Why is it so surprising? She lives in Manhattan and you're in the city. It was possible." Namjoon said.

"You sound upset." Hoseok teased. He knew that Namjoon was the type of person that didn't do sarcasm or excitement. He was like a stone. Always so serious and hardly ever goofing around.

Although nothing about what hoseok was saying was goofy, it was still something.

He wasn't looking for Namjoon's approval or input but it would be nice to hear that his friend cared about him coming across the woman he found interest in.

"I'm not upset. I just don't understand your logic here." Namjoon said, sticking his hand into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

Hoseok scoffed and took a drag from his cigarette. Namjoon never failed to kill the mood.

Namjoon typed away on his phone. Truth is, he was behaving a little hostile only because he hadn't yet come clean to hoseok about having sex with Haven.

Of course he hadn't. He was starting to believe that hoseok had let the thought of her go but he should've known better.

Once hoseok had his eyes on a woman he didn't just forget about her. He would think about her, write about her. Even when distracted by someone else, he still thought about his little fixation.

It was never something to be called an obsessed per say. But it was along the lines of one.

Namjoon connected that trait to Hoseok's adhd and just went on about his day. He was either highly concentrated or extremely uninterested. There was no in between.

"Do you want to get breakfast again tomorrow?" Hoseok questions, not wanting for things to be weird or silent between them.

Namjoon clicked his tongue. "That's if we'll have time to. Your schedule is under construction. You might be a little busy."

Hoseok didn't respond.

"The only reason you want to have breakfast with me is because your little girlfriend is working at that cafe." Namjoon said.

Jesus, I sound immature and jealous. He thought. He didn't mean to come off that way. He hoped hoseok didn't catch on to that.

"That's not true. If I want to see her I would turn around and go back in that cafe. I would literally let my intrusive thoughts win and walk into the kitchen, pick her up and run out of the cafe with her." He says carelessly.

"But I didn't do that yet and I probably won't ever do that. I genuinely want to spend some time with you." He said honestly, nudging his tall and extremely buff manager.

Namjoon smiled. He felt horrible. But hoseok had a way of brightening the mood of those around him. He was just a happy guy.

"And yeah...I wanna see her again. You're still right about that." He snickers.

Namjoon shoved him away and turned off his phone. "Fuck off."


"There is something so sexy about the confidence of a woman...

I like the way you put yourself on display. I like the way you don't care about how people may or may not judge you because of your boldness. You're shameless and you're proud about it. I admire that.

What man wouldn't?

I learned to fall in love with the shows you put on for an audience the minute I seen you set yourself up on display.

It was sunset in Manhattan. You lay sprawled out on the bed, your pretty smooth legs wide opened.

To me, you expose everything. I take my time to admire every crevice. I take my time to study you. You must like that, being studied.

Your fingers move with precision and your mind calculates every move before you make it. You make yourself cum with ease and you don't feel bad about it.

You're like a doll. A pretty little doll set up in an antique shop. Dressed all pretty. The eyes of pedestrians seem to be stuck on you like glue because you look so dainty and beautiful.

Perhaps that's why I don't feel a guilty pleasure when I watch you. Nothing can make me feel iniquitous for admiring an enchantress like you."

"Why is he doing this to me?" Haven mumbled, turning off her phone and slowly standing up from where she sat outside of the cafe.

She felt so dirty for reading such a thing while on break. But everybody had been losing their minds about "Display" so she wanted to see what the hype was about.

As always, Hoseok Jung delivered.

He was an amazing writer. He made his readers feel beautiful whether he was directing his work towards them or not.

He worded things so beautifully. His words were never twisted or caused confusion. They were all so carefully thought out and precise. Perhaps that's why Haven felt so guilty.

She didn't realize that a literal pool had formed between her legs after reading that piece. But what did she expect?

Being a fan of Hoseok Jung made her get used to a lot of things. Puddles between her legs, staying up past midnight to masturbate, reading erotica at work..

Taking risks, basically. No matter how disgusting and venereal they were.

Haven made it back into the kitchen after break. She washed her hands and got back in the working spirit...eventhough she didn't have it at the moment.

The woman sighed and go back to her station. Business always seemed to slow down after she came back from break. That was a good thing in her eyes. It gave her some time to slack off.

"Oh. My. God. Bitch you about to scream." Marco said, appearing out of nowhere.

Haven looked up at him. He looked excited about something.

"What? Why?" Haven questions curiously.

"Okay so I was just being an annoying bitch and minding Flo's business. Girl tell me why one of our customers today was nobody other than the Hoseok Jung himself?! And we didn't even see him!"

Haven's eyes widened. "You're kidding." She said.

"On my dead gay uncle grave girl!" Marco says.

Haven stuffed her laughter. Marco actually did have a dead gay uncle so she didn't want to laugh. But the way he worded things was hilarious.

"That's so unfair. He's like fucking Batman. He was in and out I didn't even get to see him." Haven whispered.

"Exactly. I don't know who he came here with but all imma say is...hopefully you put your heart in that food because if he found it delectable he's gonna for sure be back like every other customer." Marco pointed.

Haven's heart jumped at the thought of Hoseok coming back simply because he fell in love with the food.

He would be in Manhattan for some time so the possibility was still standing.

If he did happen to come back though, she hoped that she could see him. She wouldn't disturb him but it would be nice to get a glimpse at his face again.

Who was she kidding though?

She was nothing but a mere fan of that man. He wouldn't care to acknowledge her. He was a sweetheart to all of his fans but if he was spending some peaceful time out alone then he wouldn't give himself away to acknowledge her.

Haven's shoulders slumped in disappointment. This was honestly sad news.

"Hopefully." She says.


Later on once Haven got home, she felt the weight of the day fall down on her.

Her feet were hurting, her hands were cramping and she was sick of standing. All she really wanted to do was shower and lay down for bed. Nothing more or less.

Her usual routine of a meal and masturbation hadn't even crossed her mind which was off for Haven. She loved food and she loved relieving that stress before bed. But this was a different type of tired.

The woman made her way into her bedroom. As always, it was the same as how she left it.

Haven often found herself imagining that if she came home one day after work her dream man would magically appear. He would be laying up in bed waiting for her, and once he seen her his eyes would glow and he would hold his arms out for her to fall into them.

Of course, this would never happen.

Haven hadn't had an actual boyfriend in some time now and she didn't know why. She didn't have the time, obviously. And she had gotten so used to being single to the point where she didn't look for what she needed in a man.

She was happy with the life she lived now. She was free. She could do anything she wanted. Even with a man she wouldn't really be tied down per say, but of course there would be limits.

Still though, the hopeless romantic side of her desperately wanted that. She wanted a love so deep and divine to the point where nothing else could compare to it.

Haven was confused, to say the least. And she tried to distract herself before these thoughts drove her mad.

"My blinds are still opened." The woman mumbled after sitting her coat and purse on the bed.

After reading Display, that little promiscuous bitch inside of her head kind of wanted to force herself to have fun for the sole purpose of having her blinds opened and relating to the character her favorite author had written about in his blog.

But as mentioned, she was a little bit too tired for any of that and only wanted sleep.

Haven yawned as she fiddled with her blinds to fix them. Not only where they opened, they were also all wonky.

"Dammit." The woman cursed to herself as she tried to fix them. They were still opened enough so that she could be seen.

Meanwhile, across the street, hoseok stood in his window anticipating.

Call him crazy but he figured that the woman had another show ready to put on for him tonight.

He had prepared him some gin and a blazing cigarette. He had laid out his things to write after gaining some inspiration from her.

But she wasn't giving him a show tonight.

In fact, she had just gotten home and was now fiddling with her blinds.

Hoseok chuckled as he watched her struggle. She was too damn cute for her own good. Even if she didn't entertain him sexually, she was still entertainment.

But he wasn't ashamed to admit that the reason he had fallen so deeply into interest with her in the first place is because of her sex appeal.

After the first time, he thirsted for more.

"She's so silly." Hoseok laughed, taking a pull from the cigarette. He let the smoke sit before blowing it out. He then brought his glass up for a sip.

He considered going out to sit on the balcony and get a closer look. But because her lamp was always on and because his eyesight was a little elite, he could see her just fine.

He was amused and she was frustrated. After awhile it must've gotten so bad because she threw open her balcony door and stepped outside.

Hoseok noticed that she was still in her work uniform. He didn't know where she worked. But as he examined her black pants, white t-shirt and rubber black shoes he got an idea.

She moved around all day but she didn't do any heavy lifting. She didn't do anything strenuous (thank god) or too tiring.

A chef, maybe?

What a fucking coincidence. The woman that inspired him reminded him of the woman that he had a little crush on.

How funny was that?

"It won't work because they're jammed, silly woman." Hoseok said to himself. Her blinds were obviously stuck. He didn't understand why. She always had them opened and rarely touched them. They were jammed or something, he could see.

"This is why you need a man." Hoseok clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he carelessly dumped the blazing cigarette in his glass of gin. He wasn't in the mood for either anymore.

He didn't tear his eyes away immediately. He analyzed her for a little while longer. She must've gotten frustrated because she just decided to say fuck it.

She brushed her curly hair out of her eyes and looked around as a light breeze passed her back.

Hoseok squinted her eyes. Any chance he got to get a better look at her face, he took it.

And thank fucking god he did this time.

"Haven?" Hoseok said to himself, assuming that his eyes were playing tricks on him or something.

The woman looked about until her eyes landed right across the street. Directly into Hoseok's suite.

Quickly, he moved out of the way to avoid behind seen. His chest heaved as he peeked just a bit to see if she had looked away.

A few seconds later she turned her head and went back inside. Hoseok let out a deep breath of relief and made his way back to his desk. He placed the glass on the desk and leaned on the desk, dropping his head as he caught his breath.

He was certain that was her. He was scared because he has almost been caught, but he was off the fucking walls too.

What are the fucking odds?

It was scary how much the gods had been on his side lately. But hoseok wouldn't complain.

Closer and closer he was getting to her.

The author couldn't help but ask himself. Was this a sign to make a move?

A/n: whewwwww

It's been like two weeks, lol. I'm genuinely sorry for that but I'm back.

This chapter was hard to get through because it wasn't a lot of dialogue and it was mostly a filler but still a good chapter nonetheless.

And hoseok finally realizes that he's staying across from Haven. So yay.

Excuse any mistakes <3.

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