Our Destiny

Oleh mnjlnn

25.2K 2.8K 1.2K

Severus Snape falls hopelessly in love with a girl named Lily but then he later found out that she was murder... Lebih Banyak

I. First day at Hogwarts
II. Troll in the Dungeon
III. Fountain of Fair Fortune
IV. Scrivenshaft's Quill
V. Inspection of Umbridge
VI. The Three Broomsticks
VII. Whomping Willow
VIII. Sonnet 130
IX. The Secret Savior
X. Expecto Patronus
XI. The Dreamless Potion
XII. Remus Lupin
XIII. The Marauders
XIV. The Aurora Borealis
XV. Beginning of Together
XVI. Red Chrysanthemum
XVII. Infinity Pendant
XVIII. Yule Ball
XIX. Tom Riddle
XX. Death Eater
XXI. Greatest Phobia
XXII. Avada Kedavra
XXIII. Nagini's Venom
XXIV. The Elder Wand
XXV. The Secret of Horcrux
XXVI. Order of the Phoenix
XXVII. The Battle of Hogwarts
XXVIII. The Great Lake
XXIX. The Counter-Curse
A/N: You are invited!
XXX. White Gown
XXXI. Yellow Person
XXXII. Little Snape
XXXIII. Alexander Colonel
XXXIV. The Boy in the Bubble
XXXV. Back at Hogwarts


1.1K 149 65
Oleh mnjlnn


1. ORB SHIELD - A protection that no spells can destroy.

2. PARSELTONGUE - Ability to talk to a snake.

3. SELENIUM - Control the color of the moon based on feelings

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