Beauty & The Beast

By drippynae

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THIS IS AN INTERSEX STORY ABOUT ARI & YOUNG MA! Ari is a hardworking hairstylist. She's loving and looking fo... More

Q & A
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2


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By drippynae

Part Two

Kay Pov

I walked in the house and it was dark as fuck. "Ariana" We've been in New York for about two weeks now. Settling in just fine.

"In here" I walked down the long hallway. Ariana was sitting on the counter with a silk robe on

"Oh shit, where yo kids" I ask because she was suppose to pick them up last night but her ass slept the night away. She had an attitude I guess.

"With your mom" I walked towards her kissing her lips

"You was crying" I look at her face

She moved my hand from her chin "I made you dinner" she slid off the counter

She opened my microwave and handed me a plate. Steak tacos. She literally just make herself food and whatever meat she used she put that shit in a hard or soft taco. Love my wife! "Preciate it"

She looked at me and walked to the table with me right behind her. "Have a seat" and she walked off coming back with a glass of something

"What's all this for" I look at the candles and roses

"I just want you to know what you have here, at home" she smile

"Oh trust me I know" I smirk

"Good" We ate our food and then she lead me upstairs. Know that's where the magic happen


I woke up to the smell of beach "Ariana that's too much fucking bleach" I got up and stretched getting out this wet ass bed. We had the best sex ever. It was round after round. "What you bleaching" I walk in the bathroom "you know how much I spent on a fucking washer and dryer, yo ass using the tub" she looked up at me "Ariana these my fucking clothes"

Tears all down her face "you lied to me over and fucking over"

"Girl what the fuck is you talking about" I ask

"You got her pregnant, didn't you" before I could answer she was sending punches to my face "after me asking you over and fucking over my Nigga! You and this hoe been laughing in my face"

"Wait" I went to grab her hands and I slipped on the water causing us to fall

This bitch fell on top of me and started beating my ass "I swear I'm so done with your stupid ass! Why Katorah? I did everything for you. I had your kids, raising your kid, cooked, cleaned, and fucked you whenever! I hate you with everything in me"

I finally got the strength to flip us over "wait let me just explain"

"Get the fuck off me! I'm not fucking playing" her face was so red, fire breathing bitch for real. I was still trying to wake up so when her fat head ass collided with mine the damn room started spinning. "We have nothing to fucking talk about! I swear we don't. You don't gotta worry about Yosohn no fucking more you dumb dick bitch. For you tom fuck her, okay whatever but you did it raw!"

"You not even letting me talk" I say

"Should've been talking to that bitch! Like not only did you fuck her but you did it raw" Ari roll her eyes "I'm not going through this"

"I was not with you" I say

"Bitch we been together since we fucking met. This is the second fucking time!" She started grabbing her purse

"It's only one fucking car here. Yeen taking my shit" she need to be right here so we can talk about everything

"Go look at your car" First I had to pee. Even though I know this bitch done fucked my shit up I'm so confused. How you give me some good ass pussy and head just to beat my ass?

After I was done I walked out the house to find Ari ass waiting on me "why would you do this"

"Nah, why would you do that" my car was destroyed. I really wanted to cry. "You doing all this dumb shit fah fucking what"

"Because you had this hoe in my face! Making it look like I was insecure and I fucking knew you was fucking that girl" Ari yell

"Shh nigga" I did not want these neighbors in my business "and I only fucked her once"

"It doesn't fucking matter! You shouldn't have fucked her at all" Ari yell "and trynna make me be friends with this hoe"

"That was before" I say

"Just stop talking you so worthless! You should've just went back to your dirty ass babymama. We all know y'all in love" I just decided to go upstairs with her hot on my ass "You so dumb, ugh" I walked to the bathroom and turned the Water off that she's running. "Are you ignoring me"

"No but I'm tired of you putting your hands on me" I roll my eyes "I'm trying to keep the fucking peace in this bitch"

"Ain't no peace you dirty dick ass weirdo" she push my chest

"Now when I deck you in the fucking face I don't want to hear anything" I say

"I want you to do that Katorah" Ari say "I swear I want you to do that hoe ass shit"

It's hoe shit if I hit her but she's standing here whooping my ass. I swear this is some bullshit. "Ight" I walk out the bathroom and to the room. I started getting some jeans out and this bitch started throwing shit at me "Ariana please"

"Please what, bitch" I rolled my eyes putting the jeans on. I opened the dresser with my socks and this bitch dumped them out "I bought these fucking socks"

"I'll buy them from you" I stood up walking to my side of the bed. I picked up the jeans from yesterday "where's my money"

Ariana started laughing "you talking about that stack that you had last night"

"Ariana please leave me alone" I say knowing she did something fucking stupid.

I grabbed a pair of socks on the floor and put them on "I should've shaved your fucking eyebrows" I got up to get a shirt "they all in that bleach dumb ass bitch" I opened the closet and grabbed one of her pullovers "bitch please leave my shit alone" she pushed the closet Close. I grabbed the sweater I had on last night and put it over my head "so you have nothing to say"

"Hell Nah. You angry as fuck and ain't letting me explain so I ain't finna keep trying. Imma just leave before this shit get worse than what it is" I ain't wanna out my hands on Ariana. I swear I do not but she keep hitting me, what's my options?

"It can get worse than this? You had a whole baby" Ari say

"Who told you this" I ask

"Why aren't you denying it" Ari ask

"Cause yeen gone believe me" I wouldn't believe my damn self

"Let's see" she looked up at me like she was looking for something

"Desiree ain't pregnant" and this bitch attacked me

She punched me in my nose "why do you keep fucking lying" it was lunch after punch

I grabbed her arms "this is my last time telling you my nigga, keep your hands to your fucking self"

"Let me go" Ari say

The tears coming down her face made me feel stupid as fuck. Here I was the reason behind her hurt, again. I don't mean to hurt Ariana. I swear I don't it's just shit get out of hand and she finds out before I can control it.

Then all the guilt went out the window when blood fell from my face and onto hers. I got up and walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel looking in the mirror

My jaw was swollen, lip swollen, and my nose was bleeding. We always said we should never live together. "This is domestic violence I just want you to know that"

"I wish it was first degree murder" yeah Im outta here. This bitch tripping

"Ariana you have you a blessed day. I'm sorry and yeah" I grabbed my phone and keys before leaving her dumb ass right there

I got in my car and went right to my mamas house. I really was excited about this car and she fucked my shit up.

"Ooh your face, what did you get into" my mama ask

"Ariana did this" I snitch

"Katorah I swear if you put your hands on that girl" I'm the one with the fucked up face and she worried about somebody she didn't carry

"Man I ain't touch her" I smack my lips "I just fucking took it"

"Then you must've deserved it" I ain't deserve deserve nothing

I ran my fingers through my hair "I know I do some fucked up ass shit but I'm actually lost this time"

"Well what" I didn't want to put her in our business but I ain't got no damn friends.

"You can't tell Ari" I say

"Alright" she bet not I swear. Ari tell all her friends our business but if I tell a damn leaf her ass be mad

"So you know me and Ari had broke up" like always "well she fucked somebody" she interrupted my story

"You keep cussing and I'm going to swell the other jaw" I need a drink

"Kenya you not even listening to me" I sigh

"Stop being a crybaby go ahead" Bryce walked in with an attitude all over his face

"Mama" he put his arms up and I picked him up "they baby keeps crying"

"He a crybaby that's what they do" I laugh

"Bryce go put something on your feet before you catch a cold" I watched him about to talk back

"Don't get yo ass whooped" I sit him down and he stomped off. Fucking brat "okay so she slept with this bitch and then I kept asking her over and over. She told me ain't sleep with nobody. Okay so boom we chilling and the girl pop up and of course everything go left. I ended up at my friend house. Word to my kids I just went to chill but her mama had died and I was so sad so we start drinking. Then boom and of course she had to get pregnant"

"And who told Ari" I shrugged my shoulders "and that's the reason behind this. It should've been you that opened your mouth up to tell her"

"But we wasn't even together so she really should not be mad" that's how I feel about it. If I'm not suppose to be mad about her fucking Creed and D, why the fuck is she mad?

"What if Ari had come back with a baby? You both know every time y'all breakup y'all end up back together" we ain't ever fought like this either "y'all are legally married now. It's not that simple"

Smacking my lips "if Ari came back with a baby" I laugh. No doubt she'll have to get an abortion well I might take care of it. It depends "you know what I love her so I'll really take care of it" I love Ariana more than myself on God. I wouldn't want to lose her.

"Maybe y'all should talk" she run her finger against my lip "after she calm down"

Fuck Ariana right now "I need a nap"

Ari pov

Before the altercation!

Unknown: Young and Desiree got a baby on the way 😮 I told you nobody would ever have you like I do

Then it was a picture of Kay and Desiree.

You can obviously tell from the picture they just got done having sex. I looked down and her face held no concerns or worries. She was honestly at peace.


I woke up to an empty bed. I stretched and walked to the bathroom doing my morning routine. My phone started ringing, Santana.

"Hello" I sing

"Bitchhh" he sing

"What" I was not in the mood for more bad news but that's life

"I didn't know Desiree was pregnant" you a date late

"Me neither" I didn't know how to approach the situation. I didn't know what I was going to do. Therefore I'll keep everything to my damn self.

"She got rushed to the hospital I think she said last week" is it bad that I felt bad? She's probably stressing about it Kay is going to be there or not and the bitch probably not being around because she doesn't want me to find out

I closed my eyes "who is she pregnant by" although I knew I wanted to know if he did "did she lose the baby"

"No she didn't lose the baby" he kissed my first question

"How do you know this" I ask

"I saw her at Walmart. She was buying some damn mayonnaise and pickles talking about her cravings and she honestly looked scared to tell me she's pregnant" hmm "maybe she was scared to tell me because of who's she's pregnant by"

"Who is she pregnant by" I repeat opening my eyes

"Maybe her babydaddy some community dick ass bitch" something about that line did something to me. Every damn maybe not possibilities are now dead.


I hung up the phone. My intuition was telling me something was about to click. I was about to make some shit click!

Kay's been walking around trying to make me so happy and stressing.

Kay and Essence getting into it.

Kay not telling me who she fucked on our break.

Desiree acting weird and keeping her distance.

Yeah okay somebody texted my phone saying it but who? It could be somebody lying.

At least that's what I was trying to make myself think but now I'm on board. Katorah has a baby on the way. Just the though alone made me want to throw up.

I rolled my eyes walking to the room and cleaning it up.

I can't kill her because then I'm leaving hella kids, on her account, parentless.

I can beat her ass and leave alone! For real this time

"Ariana" I stress. It's always something with her. She never wants me to be happy seem like. I don't ask this bitch for nothing. I wipe the tear that fell "I ask her for a little time and not even a lot! I let her run the fucking streets as much as she want" I couldn't hold back the tears anymore "I don't ask for money, the bitch don't know how to communicate so I gave up on that shit. All I ask is for a little time and good loyal dick! She can't even do that but expect to stick her dick inside me 24/7"

I'm just going to get dick one more time when she comes home. Just to get it out my system. After that I'm done with her!

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