[✔️] Beautiful | YuWin

By shotarowrowrowurboat

53K 2.8K 924

ABO | Alpha! Sicheng x Alpha! Yuta The top students and captains of Western NCIT and Eastern NCIT Universi... More

四十二 New Years Special

1.2K 60 9
By shotarowrowrowurboat

Sorry for the short chapter :( (940 words) I'll make the next one longer ;)

"Hey babe~"

Before Sicheng could turn to see who it was, a small body was already next to him, arm hooking his, surprising him. He looked over to see Haseul beside him. "Oh hey." He said. How did he not see her coming? Had he been that lost in his thoughts? "What's up?"

She shrugged, "Nothing much, but, I heard from your friends that you're going off suppressants and will have your rut before exams..."

He groaned, he had explicitly told them not to tell her. Unbothered by his groan, she asked, "How come you're coming off suppressants? Exams are coming up and wouldn't it be better to have the time to study before them?"

He sighed. "My doctor told me some time ago that I need to come off them this year for at least one rut, to balance out my hormones. I've been on suppressants for what, four years? So we talked, my latest rut would naturally be before the exams, so that's why."

He could see the gears turning in her head, lips pouting in thought before a smile stretched her lips, "Why don't I help you with your ruts then?" She suggested.

This was why he didn't want to tell her. "Listen, Seulie, you need to study and I don't want to bother you with that. Plus, the doctor said that with the time I've been suppressants, my rut would be much harsher than a regular rut, and I don't want to hurt you, and right before exams." He half heartedly warned her. It was true, what he said, the doctor had been growing concerned with his usage of suppressants to suppress his rut.

   "Even more the reason to help you with your rut, I can help relieve it." Haseul insisted, kindness in her eyes.

   He still objected. "Haseul, you need to study and I can't have you wasting time before exams just to help me."

She pouted, staying silent before relenting, "Fine." She unlinked their arms, "I'll head to my class now, see you later!" She said, skipping off.

   He sighed, shaking his head, heading to his own classes. He can worry about his rut more when the days came, for the moment he needs to focus on studying and gaining the highest marks he can, he needs to be first place again this year, he needs to stay level with East's top student, Yuta.

   Abruptly he slammed his own down on his desk, leaning back in his seat as he rubbed his eyes. He groaned as he looked at his notebook and laptop screen. He looked to the corner of it, seeing the time, five past ten, meaning he's been studying for...six hours. He should go to bed soon probably.

   He looked down at the words, notes, written all over the papers, the words and graphics on the screen. A headache was starting to form looking at all the tiny letters, the bright screen of the laptop paired with the only other light source in his room being his lamp and the moonlight shinning through his window didn't help either.

   Sighing, he went to close his laptop and put away his things when his phone rang. Peeking over, he let out a louder sigh seeing the contact name, Mother. Licking his lips, he slamming the laptop closed, grabbing his phone and pressing the green button, putting the phone against his ears.

The first sentence he was greeted with wasn't warm, not a "Hello!" or "Sicheng, how are you?", no, it was never like that.

"Are you studying for the exams?"

"Yes mom." He sighed, he'd much rather save this conversation for another day, or maybe just never.

"Good, you're not distracted by that little ball game are you?" She asked bitterly. His parents never liked the fact that he likes to play soccer, believing it was just a waste of time and children's play, distracting him from studying. He had only just barely convinced them to let him join the team, but despite that they never liked it, even if he was the best player on the team, and their team won many games.

   "No mom, we don't have any games until after exams are over." He informed her, trying not to let the eye roll he was making filter into his voice.

   "Good. Make sure you study hard, get top of the school. Make sure you beat Yuta, okay? Those Nakamoto need to be taken down a notch." His mother hissed. The name of the other alpha added more stress to the headache he was forming.

   "Yes mom." His mouth was dry as he replied. The woman didn't both with "Good night" or anything, simply hanging up.

   Putting his phone down, he looked at his, he didn't have the strength to clean everything up, he'll just leave it here, he'll be using it tomorrow anyway.

   Getting up, he didn't bother changing into pajamas, simply stripping down to his boxers, despite the slightly colder weather, and got in bed, too tired, mentally and physically. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. He's been in his apartment for the past week, only really going out for classes. I should go to the library... change of scenery, I might go insane if I stay here any longer, I swear to god.

He picked up his phone, instantly drawing down the brightness, looking at his calendar, his rut should start next week, he had four days to study in the library before cooping himself in his apartment for a week straight before the dreaded exams. He sighed, putting his phone down and turned over to sleep.



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