Peter Parker + y/n

By amiwastingmytime

15.7K 327 60

In this story, read as y/n's problems start with parties and drama with friends, then become much more seriou... More

meet y/n
the cafe
y/n in danger
Friday night
Payback, sort of
y/n's brother
the party
after the party
friends come first
finding y/n
y/n's pov again
next chapter
the chapter after last
next part
going home
she's ok, right?
the part after the kiss
the next chapter
wtf why you jump?
you realise (finally)
Part 29
Part 30

next chapter

525 12 3
By amiwastingmytime

- day after the party -

*3rd person pov*

The avengers were sat in the living room, talking. A scream came from another room, and they stopped.

"Poor kid" Steve sighed.

"She's been screaming in her sleep for hours now." Natasha looked at the door where the sound was coming from.

"Have you heard from the Spider boy yet" Thor asked Tony.


They sat in silence for a while. A ping came from the elevator, and they all looked over.

"Is y/n here?" Peter walked out and looked at the group. As he did, a scream rang out from the other room.

"Is that, is that her?" He started walking to the room where the scream had come from.

"Kid ... " Tony called. Peter turned to look at him. "I wouldn't right now" Tony said.

Peter walked over to them and sat in the closest chair to the door. He winced as he heard another scream.

"What happened to your face?" asked Nat.

Peter touched his nose. "Bucky happened."

Steve leaned forward in his chair and was about to say something when the door behind Peter opened and Bucky walked out.

"She's awake."

Peter stood up from his chair and turned to face Bucky.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" He started to walk angrily towards Peter and Peter took a step back.

"Bucky ... " Steve started.

"Tell me what the hell happened last night before I give you a black eye to go with that broken nose."

"OK that's enough. Leave the kid alone." Tony said.

"It's ok Mr. Stark" Peter gulped. He didn't really look ok. Peter proceeded to recall the events of the night before.

*y/n pov*

"What happened? Where's Peter?"

Bucky sighed. "I don't know. Wait here." He started to walk out and you tried to get up and follow.

"I said stay here. You need to rest."

"I've been resting. God knows how many hours. I can't rest anymore."

"Just, stay here. I'll be back in a minute."

You sat back, annoyed but didn't argue back. You couldn't close your eyes again, you didn't want to fall asleep again. So, you just sat there, staring at the wall. A million things were running through your head.

You thought about Peter, and wondered if he was alright.

You thought about Ned and MJ, and thought the same about them.

You thought about Flash, and what he tried to do. You thought about how much more you hated him now.

You thought about Peter punching Flash. The stairs. Falling down them. Hitting the floor. Blacking out. The nightmares. Screaming. Then waking up here.

"Why did you leave her in the first place?!" You heard yelling from the other room. You turned in the bed and put your feet down on the floor. As you stood up, you felt dizzy, but pushed past it and walked to the door.

You walked through the doorway. Bucky was standing inches from Peter's face yelling at him. Spitting in his face.

"I trusted you. And you, you got her hurt."

"What." Everyone in the room looked at you.

"I told you to wait in the room" Bucky walked over.

"y/n" Peter said, and Bucky turned back and pointed at him "You have no right saying her name!" He yelled at him.

"Bucky, it wasn't his fault."

"No. You shut up. If you weren't dressed like a slut, this wouldn't have happened."

Tears came to your eyes. You want to say something. You want to yell back at him. Instead, you turned and ran. You ran to the door leading to the staircase. You ran up the stairs to the roof. You went out onto the roof. You leaned against a wall. And you cried. Harder than you have ever cried before.

*3rd person pov*

y/n had just ran out the room. Peter started to go after her.

"Don't even think about it." Bucky stepped in the way. Peter paused for a moment, but ran quickly around him and through the doors y/n had just gone through. Bucky's face filled with rage, angrier than it was before. He turned to go after them, but Steve grabbed his arm.

"Bucky, give them a minute" he said.

Bucky didn't move, but then he sat down next to Steve.

"If anything happens, I'm going to have your ass too." he looked at Steve. Steve chuckled nervously.

*Peter pov*

I searched every floor. Twice. I couldn't find y/n anywhere. I started walking up the stairs to the roof. She had to be up there. Before I opened the door, I could hear her crying. I pushed open the door and ran to where she was sitting. I put my arms around her but she didn't move.

"Oh, y/n"

10 minutes passed. I was sat next to her now, one arm still around her. She was still whimpering, but had calmed down since when I first saw her.

Her head leaned on my shoulder.

"He was right. It's my fault." she sniffed.

"No don't say that."

"It's true. It's my fault. You didn't even want to go. And I drank too much anyway. And, and what was I doing wearing a dress like that."

"y/n ... " I didn't know what to say.

She started sobbing again. A few minutes later, she spoke again.

"Peter. What are you doing here?" she asked, sitting up.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be here? I want to make sure you're ok."

"No. That's not what I mean. We're on the roof of the avengers tower. I mean, how did you get in in the first place?"

"um." What was I supposed to say?

"I called your brother when you were taken to hospital. And he, well you know, he's the winter soldier, so I, err, presumed this would be where you, I presumed you were here."

"ok." she said. "so the avengers just, let you in. A stranger?"

I groaned as I put my head in my hands. Then I realized.

"The Stark Internship! Yeah, they, uh, know me from the stark internship that I do."

"oh, I forgot about that."

She shuffled closer and put her head on my chest. My arm was still around her, so I pulled her closer.

"We're still friends right? You're not mad at me for getting you in trouble." I asked.

"Oh Peter." she laughed, and I thought she was going to say no.

She looked up at me and said "of course we are. Best friends."

I hugged her for a minute longer.

"If your brother saw us right now, I bet he'd throw me off the roof."

She laughed at me, in a way that I couldn't help laughing back.

"Don't worry. I'd jump after you."

"Ugh. I'm so hungry. Can we go eat something?" she complained after a while.

"Yeah. I think food is overdue."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I know the best place." I smiled at her. I stood up and pulled her up by her hands. We ran down the stairs to the next floor where the elevator stopped. We got in and y/n paused before pressing a button.

"What is it?" I looked at her.

"Nothing." She pressed the button to the bottom floor.

"Don't you want to let your brother know we're going?"

"Do you think I want to tell him?"

I suppose she was right.

The elevator dinged and I grabbed y/n's hand and dragged her out the doors.

"Dude can you tell me where we're going?"

"It's a surprise. We'll get there soon."

And we did. Very soon we turned a corner and arrived. I paused to check y/n was okay. She was out of breath.

"Jeez Peter. You didn't tell me we had to do a workout to get here." she gasped for breathe.

I give her a minute, then we walk in together.

"Hi Mr. Delmar" I said to the man behind the counter.

"Ah, Peter" he replied. "The usual?"

"Yes, please." I turned to y/n. "What do you want?"

"I, err. I don't know" she admitted. "You decide for me."

I turned back to Mr. Delmar "make that two."

"10 dollars." I handed him the money, and he gave us our lunch.

y/n and I left and started walking down the street. I gave her the food.

She sniffed it "What is it?"

I laughed at her and told her to just try it. Her face made me laugh more.

"Ohhhh. Oh that is so good." she grinned, crumbs around her mouth.

*y/n pov*

Over the next several weeks, you and Peter made a weekly tradition to return to Mr. Delmar's every Friday. Sometimes, you would go with Ned, and or MJ. And sometimes, you even went with Liz.

But you didn't go with her because you were friends. Not that you weren't friends anymore.

Peter had someone how managed to persuade her to date him, so she came with you as his girlfriend. You were happy for him.

Since the incident, you and Peter had become each other's closest friends. Somehow, you became closer to him in a few months than Ned and MJ had in a few years.

You spent almost every minute together, his apartment became a second home. His Aunt May became like a mother to you. Unfortunately, Peter didn't see much of Bucky. Bucky still hated him, and was talking to you less. You hated that.

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