365 days // Tom holland

By fictional_people_hoe

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Tom holland x reader "Wait I got paired with Tom holland like the actor from marvel?!" Book 1/2 Started: Ja... More

A few months before
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Pictures of the mansion
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 33
Day 33 (tom's POV)
Day 34
Day 35
Day 36
Day 37
Day 44
day 45
Day 46
No way home
Day 74
Day 75
Day 76
Day 77
Day 79
Day 80
Day 81
Day 82
Day 83
Day 84
Day 96
Day 121
Day 123
Day 126
Day 127
Day 130
Day 130 part 2
Day 135
Day 136
day 150
its done
Intro pt.2
Hi again

Day 78

1.1K 18 23
By fictional_people_hoe

I wake up around 3:30 in the morning I have to work on a few scenes because I came in while they were half way done filming.

Tom was gonna come to work later in his car so I got ready for the day. "Baby wanna go to dinner tonight" I ask tom who's up already. "Sure I'll make some reservations".

"Just us" I question "just us" he nods I kiss him and walk out the door "see you in a little bit" "bye y/n".

I got to work around 4:30 and I got taken to hair and makeup and then wardrobe.

I filmed for around an hour and then Tom came around two hours later. He told me he made some reservations. "Can I know where" "nope it's a surprise" I loved yet hated surprises.

He had to go shoot some scenes so I said bye and went off to my trailer.

Around the end of the day we all started to leave. I set off for a store because I don't think I had that many dresses or even really nice clothes.

I called tom to figure out if it was a nice place and I had to get dressed up.

"Hey tom" "yes darling" "how nice is the place we're going too" "fancy but nothing amazing" "okay I'll prob be home in one or two hours what time is the reservations" "8pm" "okay"

I got to the first place and I wanted red it has always looked nice on me and I kinda wanted a silky dress and not really anything I had my heart on red and silky.

They had red but nothing red and silky. So I set off for another shop.

After searching for 30 minutes I finally found a shop that had it it was perfect fit everywhere perfectly. I was gonna get this so I got out of it and changed back into my regular clothes and proceeded to checkout.

I got back home and hid the bag that held my dress.

I went upstairs "Tom you in there" I said knocking on our bedroom door. "Yeah don't come in yet" "okay" I waited outside for a minute then he said I could come in. "Finally you took so long" I said being over frantic and basically dragging myself to the bathroom.

I hop in the shower to wake myself up from a semi long work day.

Once I get out I wrap a towel around my hair and start my makeup. Once I finish with gold eyeshadow and a red lip. (A/n: I don't do makeup so if that would look good feel free to change it)

Once it all don't I let down my hair and get out my blow dryer it was around an hour before we had to leave the house.

I finally finished blow drying my hair.

30 minutes

I straightened/curled (a/n whatever you want) my hair and after to hing it up to look better it was 15 minutes before we had to leave.

I slipped on my dress and some jewelry not too much tho just a necklace and a ring.

Once I fixed everything i had 5 minutes to leave before we might be late for our reservations.

I grabbed a clutch I though would look nice I didn't wanna look over the top but not under dressing.

I hadn't seen Tom in what he was wearing yet so I was kinda scared.

When I walked downstairs I saw Tom in a suit so it was fancy thank god.


She was stunning she had this perfect length silky red dress on jewelry it the perfect amount her makeup looked natural but you could tell she had some on.

She was breathtaking I couldn't explain. She was always like this but I don't think I truly saw until now.

"You look amazing" is all I could muster up yet it was a lie she was more than amazing.


"Thank you" I say grabbing the keys "no no no your not driving" "I'm driving on the way back if I don't have any drinks" "deal"

We finally made it around 7:55 so we were right on time. We got out and made our way inside it was really amazing compared to where I've even been.

We got seated kinda far off probably to try and make sure no one could see us.

We got water and I got some wine if we stayed out long enough I could still drive.

We got food and we were cracking jokes trying to keep fairly quiet because we were in a nice place.

I had a great time so far I really loved Tom.

Loved no liked yeah totally it too early to love Tom I only liked him.

"Hey y/n you okay" Tom said "Yeah yeah I'm fine" "Okay just making sure" "okay what's your favorite movie of all time at the moment" I ask Tom "uhh has to be the Spider-Man movies" "which ones" "all of them" "that fair" "okay what's yours" "uhh has to be (your favorite movie)" "never saw it" "what we're watching it this weekend" "if we're not at work sure" "and we'll watch Tobeys movies because why not" "okay but after (your favorite movie" "okay"

"So we know each other but at the same time we don't or at least I feel like we don't" Tom says "that's true I feel the same way"

I told him about growing up where I lived and he told me the stuff he didn't already.

"Favorite game fo okay as a kid" "I really liked gymnastics if that counts" "I guess that counts" "what's your favorite game" "hide in seek I played that for i don't know how long I still love playing"

"That's cool we should get some people together and play one time but like ultimate hide and seek" "oh my god that would make my life" "I thought I did" "your around 5th" "what" "yeah marvel hide and seek family like Dom Torretto says and spider man then you" "im basically Spider-Man" "your the actor that plays I like Andrew's movies I love Tobey's but I also really like Andrew's" "what about mine" "your last place" "no fair" "it's okay your at least top 5" "true" "okay I'll be back" I get up and go to the bathroom it was kinda hard to find but eventually I found it.

I went in and you could tell there were young girls in there they were giggling about something random. I touched up my makeup by whatever I could fit in my clutch.

The two girls came out and pretended like they used the bathroom. "Sorry if we're making too much noise" "no your all good better to make memories then be quiet" I say and leave the bathroom I mean if you don't laugh what makes life I wouldn't want to be sad all the time.

I walked over to me and toms table "I'm back" "they brought you a new glass of wine" "want it I'm driving so you can take it if you want" "nah I'm good you should have it that way I drive" "no thanks"

It was funny how we went back and fourth over wine we both giggled at that fact.

We finished dinner and Tom insisted on paying "I have money too ya know I'm gonna pay you back one day" "yeah sure it's my treat" "fine only this once" "as you wish my queen" I laughed at the fact he called me a queen he laughed along.

We left but as soon as we walked out the door there we're paparazzi. The flashing cameras kinda hurt my eyes so I tried shielding them.

"Sorry" Tom says over some clicks. "It's okay I'm still driving tho" "fine"

I grab the keys from his hand "Tom is she your girlfriend" Tom don't answer.

"Who is she" "tom are they making another Spider-Man" "are you two dating" questions from the paparazzi tom just ignored.

They followed us to the car "can you please move" I ask the two standing in front of the car. "Who are you" "you'll find out when you move please" they still wouldn't move "please move" I ask one more time tom got out and asked them to move multiple times while I tried to get out of the parking lot.

"What's your name" I rolled up the window and Tom got in "I don't know what to do" "it's okay"

I roll down the window and ask if they can move "what's your name" "who are you" "can you please move I'm trying to get home" "do you guys live together" "please move I had a long day and I want to go home" I ask kindly the two in the front finally move out of the way when they find something more interesting.

"I'm sorry" "it's okay I know what I got my self into with acting and dating you too" "they don't leave anyone alone" "it's okay baby"

I drive off making small talk with Tom.

Ding ding ding

tom gets a few texts u think "Zendaya found articles already" "they already have articles" "I guess so"

We finally got home and went to Ed after a long day and annoying paparazzi.

I slipped my dress of took off my makeup and put on pjs I went to bed being too tired to pull my hair back.

"Night tom" "night y/n"

Words: 1607

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