Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Etha...

By Yuuki241

21.2K 655 38

You were sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate The Connections and gather whatever Intel you could get... More

Character Info: (Y/N) Winters
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

2K 55 9
By Yuuki241

3 Years Later...
Dulvey Louisiana

Ethan drove the car he rented out rather quickly when his wife - you who went missing all those years ago when the ship you were on suddenly went straight for a storm and it disappeared. Your whereabouts were never found and anytime a search party was sent out they returned empty-handed...even the BSAA deemed you dead and placed a gravestone in remembrance of you despite there being nobody to bury.

They respected your requests to keep your position with them a secret from your husband and continued to keep watch over him in case the enemy figured out about him but nothing came up so they pulled back...which they would soon regret with Ethan's next actions he took.

Down a rather empty road, Ethan drove the car while on the phone with an old friend of both of yours informing him that he was heading where you had contacted him from stating where you were...even if it was suspicious he still needed to know if it was real...he wanted his wife back and he would stop at nothing to get you back home where it was safe. At his side, in his arms whichever it was.

'She needs to be safe...' Ethan thought.

It didn't take long before he gently guided the car to move towards where a bunch of trees and bushes were, this land was rather off the side of the main road but it appeared to be what looked like a ranch of some sort.

"This is the place..." Ethan mutters to himself after he parked the car for the moment.

Looking around for a short moment Ethan continued onwards where he believed that the house should be at, clearly a lot of bugs were around so Ethan just swatted them away with his hand to scare them off and kept pushing forwards, up until he made it to the front gates of what he guessed was the main house.

Sighing he cursed slightly when he noticed the gates were chained up, looking to the side was a speaker along with a button, trying it out proved to be ineffective since nothing happened nor did anyone answer. Shaking his head he looked around a bit more as he continued to the open area and saw a van parked there as well...seemed like someone else was here before him.

Searching inside it he saw a booklet with what he believed to be those who owned this though what weirded him out was the 'Join Us' on the back. Worried for his wife's safety he continued on to quickly find some sort of place to enter the building to get you out of there quickly. Only to find another sign that says 'Accept Her Gift'.

Was this some cult bull-shit? Oh god...he needed to get you out of there quickly!

Stepping through the metal bars that had an opening Ethan soon noticed an older gentleman walking away in the distance, unsure if he should call out to him he ended up following the man only to find nothing where the guy was at previously moments before.

'He's fast...' Ethan thought.

The further Ethan went the more bizarre things looked for him...or well anyone in general. Large amounts of metal were hung all over the place with what Ethan guessed to be animal legs...? Not liking the feeling in his gut he pushed forwards once more as he crawled under only to come to a small cliff to get down from when he noticed a fire that seemed to be just lit going through along with a purse lying beside it.

'That's...' Ethan thought.

Carefully looking through it Ethan realized this was your thing...but why would that man have to burn all this? Even more worried now he pocked your wallet in his pocket for safekeeping as he knew you must be somewhere here.

You are alive!

All he had to do was find you and quickly figure a way out of this place.

Walking towards the front entrance of the guest house Ethan headed inside only to hear the door behind him close shut right after, sighing he took out his flashlight and turned it on which thankfully gave him some light to see.

'My wife always told me to keep a light on me at all times...I wasn't so sure why she was so serious about it but either way, I'm glad I listened since I wouldn't have been to see a thing if I didn't bring one with me today...' Ethan thought.

Unknowingly to him you were teaching him how to survive should he get into such situations as this...just in case one day you didn't either survive a mission or went missing like the situation is right about now.

Further in the building Ethan took in the appearance, the walls and floors were in bad condition and things were really not looking too well with this place. Turning to the right he found himself within the kitchen the place was completely dirty and it surprised Ethan how he wasn't catching anything to make him ill or whatever with how little care was before him.

The very same sight was all over the building as he searched for a way out when he found a tape to place within a VSH to watch, how old was this place anyway? These days there were DVD players for everyone to use. Shrugging his shoulders he placed the tape inside and waited a bit as the TV began to reveal to him its contents.

Apparently, those who owned the van outside arrived much earlier than he ever had and were some ghost hunting show maybe and they pretty much 'broke' into the guest house that Ethan was currently in, one thing lead to another and one of the three went missing leaving the cameraman and the other, Ethan watched in horror as he noticed the camera soon pan over to one of them just standing there when the camera guy pulled a bit on his shoulder only to reveal the guys face had been shoved into pipes, then the distant sounds of shouting as a part of male legs walked into the sight of the video before it cut off.

"Jesus...I gotta get (Y/N) and I out of here!" Ethan mutters to himself.

Panning his flashlight around the room he noticed that this was the same room the two found that secret small door, looking over at the fireplace he crouched down and noticed there was indeed a pull lever and used it. The sound of a door unlocked reached his ears as he turned his gaze over to the lower wall. The small door was opened and allowed Ethan to crawl on through.

When he got to the place where the ladder was at he shined his light to see if there was anything bellow, since there wasn't he clipped his flashlight to his shirt and made his way down the ladder...but shortly after however the already run-down wood snapped under his weight as Ethan tumbled down landing rather harshly on the cement flooring.

"Damn it!" Ethan cursed.

Getting back up to his feet he looked around seeing he was in that same area but none of the bodies of those men were around. Which would be good but when you figure out that you are in a possible murderer's home is a bit unnerving but when your wife could possibly be there and you were a man like Ethan Winters who would stop at nothing to get his wife back to safety then you'd stay.

'People can call me a fool all they want...I'm not leaving my wife behind.' Ethan thought.

Following the path set out for him Ethan found himself having to go through some water that seemed to have built up so despite the fact he'd be a bit soaked he trudged on through and despite a bit of a scare from a dead body that so happened to be thrown there a while ago he kept pushing forwards and found himself in another rather scary yet weird area.

'What is this place?' Ethan thought.

As he rounded the corner he noticed a single lit up room that looked like a cellar, walking towards it he noticed there was someone inside - you. You were there laying on the bed seemingly asleep. Trying to open the door quickly he heard the jingle of chains and when he looked down he realized someone here locked you up there with chains on the door.

Ethan quickly searched the place and later found some bolt cutters, using those he quickly cut off the chains, dropping the cutters he did his best to grab the chains and get them off quickly. He fumbled with them for a moment but when he got them off he went inside the room and gently tugged on your shoulder.

"(Y/N)! Thank god I found you. It's me. It's Ethan!" Ethan tells you as he gently helped you up.
"Ethan? Ethan!" You asked then were a bit shocked to see him.
"Are you alright?" Ethan asked.
"You shouldn't be here." You replied worried for his safety.
"What do you mean? You contacted me." Ethan replied confused.
"No, no. I wouldn't. Did I?" You told him then asked yourself.

You don't remember ever contacting him at all, heck you weren't even sure what was going on anymore at this point as your mind refused to remember previous events just that you wouldn't bring Ethan into this...but it seems like it was too late to keep him out of all this...but why? Why was he even here?

"Did anyone see you? Did HE see you?" You asked as your eyes widen in horror and worry.
"He? Who else is here? What's going on?" Ethan asked.
"Daddy's coming we need to go!" You tell him grabbing his hand guiding him out of the room.
"Daddy?" Ethan asked.
"We need to go now!" You nearly shout.

Once out of the room you still held your husband's hand as you carefully looked around guiding him with you.

"Where are you taking me?" Ethan asked.
"Someplace safe." You replied.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on? Baby, you've been gone for three years." Ethan tells you.
"Three years? Has it really been three years?" You asked confused at how much time had passed.

Ethan stared at your expression of confusion and worried at how you were currently, did you truly not realize how long you had been gone? How long did he hold hope for your return that you were still alive? Even so, Ethan never gave up hope that you were still out there and right now proved his always were a strong woman and he was so proud of the woman his wife always was.

But the events right now confused even can the most talented and strong woman not realize how many years she had been away for so long?

You didn't seem to want to waste much more time with endless questions that Ethan seemed to have as you gently guided him with you once more as you both continued to search for a way out of this basement. So when he asked what these people did to you, you refused to answer just as of yet and focused on getting the two of you out of there safely without being caught.

Your training in the BSAA kicked in even with your memories gone, it became a natural instinct for you for survival after years of fighting bioterrorism with the best of the best. So unknowingly you kicked in your 'agent mode' as some friends would call it and carefully guided Ethan with you.

Once they were indifferent to more open space areas Ethan seemed to still want answers from his wife and began to talk.

"(Y/N), we have to talk. That message you sent me..." Ethan began.
"Not me! That wasn't me!" You said sounding a bit freaked out about it.
"But you did!" Ethan replied.
"I didn't!" You replied clearly believing you didn't send anything of the sort.
"Ok, fine. Just tell me what's going on." Ethan decided to try to change the subject to something else.
"I am telling you everything that I know. We...we have to go through this way." You replied.

It was true you didn't remember anything nor did you ever remember sending your husband such a message to come to get you, it freaked you out a bit that you didn't realize what you did which made you begin to think of what other actions in the now span of three years did you do that you don't know of...not only that but now you feared that future actions you may never remember again could possibly be focused on your wonderful husband next.

'No...don't...don't think like that. You'll both make it out of here soon enough...and both of us will be alive.' You thought.

Sensing his wife's slight fear he rubbed his thumb on the top of her hand as he continued to follow after her along with giving her smaller hand a comforting squeeze in hopes it would lift her worries but it seemed like it didn't do too much. Later it was mentioned to him that you at least remembered that the family brought you food through where you were guiding him towards.

Not long after the both of you arrived in a more open and lit room. Letting go of his hand you rushed over to where a wall was as you stared at it with a horrified expression. A door was supposed to be there!

"It's not here. It's gone. It's gone!" You shouted.

No! How the hell were you supposed to get yourself and your husband out of here now?! Feeling tired all of a sudden you slumped over and slowly turned around as you began to slowly walk towards the couch there.

"We're gonna be a that you're here." You muttered.
"What?" Ethan whispered confused at the change of tone.
"There's another door here...I'm sure of it." You sighed tiredly.

Stumbling to the couch you sat down rather quick, Ethan though worried about you caught you in his arms and gently sat you down there to rest. It was clear as day that you were still exhausted so he knew it was best to take a quick break.

"Get a bit of rest...I'm gonna have a look around." Ethan tells you a hand on your shoulder.

After you nodded your head Ethan left to the other room to look around, all he found though were dolls when suddenly he heard a large crashing sound and you shouting for whoever it was to let you go.

"(Y/N)!" Ethan shouted for you.

When he got to that room you were gone, and the wall that held so much wood on it was gone revealing the door you had previously looked for. Even more concerned for your safety he rushed up the stairs and came out of the basement only to find himself on the other side of the house but nowhere were you in sight.

It now was raining outside, searching around the place he shut the basement door and called out for you multiple times but got no response...he then found a map to the place which should prove to be useful since he couldn't hear anything at the moment.

That was until he heard something coming from the basement. Once he was back at the closed doors he braced himself as he slowly opened it then carefully but slowly made his way down the steps only to watch in horror as he saw you crawl in an abnormal way up the steps making some rather creepy groans along the way.

"(Y/N)?" Ethan whispered.

Suddenly his light flashed and you appeared before him making even more creepy noises as your face contorted a bit and your eyes were completely black as if something possessed you to like in those old horror movies the two of you used to watch together. Your head twitched a bit as with strenght a normal human shouldn't have you managed to pick him up with one hand and toss him back all the way back out into the halls.

The next thing Ethan knew you began mindlessly attacking him with a knife in your other hand and despite his shouts for you to snap out of it you clearly couldn't hear'd never do something like this to him much less anyone! So whatever you were under wasn't you at all and he wanted to do whatever it took to make sure you snapped out of it.

When he did manage to get you off him however you once again attacked him despite his protests. Defective wounds were cut through his arms as he pushed you back once more, the third attack he did his best with all his strenght to hold back the knife when he noticed you slowly beginning to regain some control as he watched tears slowly begin to roll down your cheeks.

'She's still in there!' Ethan thought.

So when you pushed back you held your head and seemed to be in a great deal of pain as you fought with whatever was within you to gain complete control of your body.

"I'm sorry...I-I can hear her...I can feel her clawing her way back inside of me...Get out! Leave me and my husband alone! I've been bad...I deserve this." You explain then would later hit your own head onto the wall hard several times before knocking yourself out.
"What the fuck are you, (Y/N)?" Ethan whispered.

The wounds on his arms and hands stung as they bled, he first tended to them before looking around only to be surprised when you pulled a move that without using your hands stood back up to your feet and were once again taken over.

"Leave me! Go!" You shouted at him as the last of your control even though moments before you threw him through the wall and into another room.

Ethan being the man he was would never abandon you and despite knowing he needed to get out of there he was trapped, so he picked up the small axe and with no other choice got into a short fight with you only to sadly shove it into the side where your neck met your shoulder and watched as you slowly returned to yourself.

He didn't want to do that...oh god...

"I-I'm so sorry...(Y/N)..." Ethen sobbed a bit as he reached out for you only to watch you fall to the ground.

Looking at his hands he was horrified at what he had just done...never once did he plan to ever raise his hand towards the woman he loved so dearly. Closing his hands in a fist he ground his teeth when he was interrupted by the phone in the hallway just outside the door of the basement began to ring. Walking towards it he stood before it for a short moment then answered it when the voice of a young woman spoke up.

"You really shouldn't have come here." The woman says.
"Who is this? And what the fuck is going on? Why is my wife like this?" Ethan asked.
"My name's Zoe. There should be a way out through the attic." Zoe says finally introducing herself.
"The attic?" Ethan asked.
"Go there, now!" Zoe demanded.

After she hung up he heard a small commotion behind him, checking it out he noticed you were nowhere to be found. Picking up the axe again he followed the small blood path you must've left behind as the door that was previously locked was now open. He was back where he started, which also meant he needed to find a fuse to get to the attic, he later found it and when he turned around he saw you stumble forward with something he couldn't make out just yet in your hands.

Not long after he ran into you once more which you seemed to be back to normal but things quickly changed as you shouted at him for what he did and shoved him down once more.

"Babe snap out of it!" Ethan shouted.

Nothing worked however as she continued to attack him which in the end resulted in her grabbing a chainsaw and cutting off his hand then laughing about it as she stared at him with those black eyes clearly not herself at all anymore. Next thing he knew she began to stumble away from him.

"Must contain...outbreak...can't let it all out...must burn it all down! I swore an oath...can't let anyone...suffer...I promised!" You grunted out your BSAA side slipping through.

Grabbing his severed hand he walked up the stairs to press the button after the fuse was in and he walked up the steps to the attic, entering a room he found a gun and some bullets. This weapon was better for action though he hoped he wouldn't have to use it against his own wife as well...though he remembered that somehow she healed up that wound he sadly was forced to make on her neck.

'It's as if it wasn't even there...what did these people do to you?' Ethan thought.

In the end, however, he had to as he once again battled it out with her when she suddenly appeared before him as he tried to escape through the attic effectively trapping him there, and it took quite a bit as somehow she was able to withstand being shot multiple times until it became too much and she slumped over.

"I love you..." You whispered falling to your side.
"(Y/N)..." Ethan whispered sadly.

Unsure what to really do he just stood there not realizing it until too late that there was someone behind him up until he felt a hand on his shoulder then got punched in the face that sent him to the ground beside his wife.

"Welcome to the family son." A man said as he slowly lost consciousness after the man stomped on his head.

For a short moment, Ethan was in and out of consciousness as he briefly saw and felt the same man who hit him carry his wife over his shoulder while dragging him along with them by his ankle. What seemed like moments after he felt himself sitting in a chair as he grunted painfully slightly as he felt something clip his hand back on his wrist along with a woman's voice telling him not to die just yet.

...Just what would await him when he regained consciousness...?

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