Peter Parker + y/n

By amiwastingmytime

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In this story, read as y/n's problems start with parties and drama with friends, then become much more seriou... More

meet y/n
the cafe
y/n in danger
Friday night
Payback, sort of
y/n's brother
the party
next chapter
friends come first
finding y/n
y/n's pov again
next chapter
the chapter after last
next part
going home
she's ok, right?
the part after the kiss
the next chapter
wtf why you jump?
you realise (finally)
Part 29
Part 30

after the party

551 11 0
By amiwastingmytime

*y/n pov*

You opened your eyes and saw darkness. You didn't know where you were. All you knew was that you were sitting in a chair in a dark room.

In front of you, you could see a door. You slowly stood up and walked towards it.

As your hand touched the brass doorknob, a shiver ran through your body. The metal felt cold in your hand as you turned it and pushed the door open.

You were blinded by a bright, white light. The door had opened into a long hallway, and you started to walk down it. After walking a while, the white walls on either side became windows into small, empty rooms. Each one looked the same. They all had a bed, a toilet, a sink, and you noticed no door handles on the doors.

You realised quickly, they were cells.

The hallway eventually opened into a larger room. It looked sort of like a lab, as there were vials of liquid and pieces of equipment neatly organized against a wall. A table of surgical supplies caught your eye. You walked over to it, and saw a row of scalpels, all of which had been sterilized, except the one at the very end.

It was covered in blood, and as you picked it up, it cut the skin on your palm. You dropped it and stared at your hand, now dripping with the thick, red substance. A pool of blood formed around your feet and stained your clothing. You wiped your forehead with your other hand, only to realise it was covered in blood too. You turned to see a mirror by your side, reflecting yourself, now almost completely crimson colored.

Your head was pounding with worry as you grabbed a roll of bandages from the table. You had barely started to wrap up the wound when you heard footsteps behind you.

You quickly spun around to see another cell that you hadn't noticed before. It was larger than the ones, and this one wasn't empty.

A man inside approached the window that was separated you. You walked towards it to get a better look.

"What's your name?" he asked you. You didn't know whether to respond or not.


"What are you doing here y/n"

"I, I don't know. I don't know where I am." you replied. Just then, you heard some doors open and an arm grabbed you. You didn't turn your face away from the man in the cell as you were dragged backwards.

His face became angry and he started to bang on the window. "HEY! STOP! SHE'S JUST A KID!"

A door at the back of the cell opened and a man dressed like a scientist went in with a needle. The other man was still yelling and hadn't noticed the scientist until he had stabbed the needle into his neck. He fell to the floor, unconscious.
"BUCKY!" you screamed out of no where.
You were dragged backwards into another room, and spray painted onto the walls were the words 'Hail Hydra'.

The man dragging you stopped and whispered the words into your ear.

You started to scream. And then ...

Then, you woke up.

You were still screaming as someone pulled you out from under a duvet and sat you up.

"y/n. y/n it's me. I'm here." Bucky pulled you into a hug and you slowly stopped screaming.

"no. no. no. no. no. no." you cried into his chest.

"It's ok. It was just a nightmare."

But it wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory.

You sat in his arms until you stopped crying. You looked around but couldn't recognise the room you were in.

"Buck. Where are we?"

"We're at the tower" he said.

Suddenly, memories from the night before came flooding back. A hangover headache kicked in.

"Oh shit. What happened? Where's Peter?"

*flashback to previous evening*

*Peter pov*

'Oh no, y/n, not again.'

I turn away from Flash and run down the stairs. I push through the crowd of people that had already gathered around her body.

Trying my best to ignore the yelling and some screaming, I bent over and picked up her head in my hands. My eyes widened as I felt something sticky. She was bleeding.


"Is she all right?"

"look she's bleeding"

"someone call 911!"

"what happened to her?"

"OMG y/n!"

They wouldn't stop yelling. I picked up y/n and carried her out the front door.

"y/n please be ok" I whispered and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Relief over took me as I heard sirens getting closer. In less than a minute, I had a gurney in front of me and I was laying her down in it.

"Are you her boyfriend?" a paramedic asked.

"No, uh, just a friend"

The paramedic looked around then back at me. "OK, get in. She's gonna need a friend."

The entire ride to the hospital, my breaths were uneven and slow. When we got there, she was taken away and I was asked to call her family. I called her brother and told him she was in the hospital. He hung up. God he was gonna kill me, but I couldn't leave until I knew y/n had someone waiting for her.

Bucky got here within ten minutes, banging through the doors.

"Where the hell is she?" he yelled.

"Sir, please quiet down. This is a hospital."

He made eye contact with me and stormed towards me. He lifted me off my feet and had me pinned against a wall. "What the hell did you do to her? I told you to look after her."

Some doctor's gathered around us and pulled him off me. He turned to face the doctors.

"I'm sorry Bucky. I tried to protect y/n, I really did. But I didn't mean t-" He cut me off as he swung around and punched me.

"DON'T say her name" he yelled and walked off to find y/n.

A doctor came over and treated my now broken nose. I decided it best not to wait around and walked all the way home. Aunt May looked extremely concerned as I walked through the door.

"oh my god Peter what happened. Are you ok?"

"Nothing, just a little fight." her expression didn't change "You think this is bad, you should see the other guy" I joked.

"Did the others get home alright? Ned? MJ? y/n?"

I was nodding until she said y/n's name. I paused and decided not to tell her yet.

"Yeah she's fine. They're all fine."

I got to my room, and checked my phone. I had a bunch of notifications from different people, most from Ned and MJ, but a few of y/n's other friends had asked if she was alright. I replied to the texts from my friends, ensuring I was ok and pretty sure y/n would be too. I hoped.

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