𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀, 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘦

By foxdoesart

25.8K 1K 275

ᴅᴇʟᴛᴀ [ COVER MADE BY @preallens ] ❝ Promise me, Violet. ❞ ❝ It's Vi to you, you never call me Violet. ❞ ❝ L... More

Hey All :))


1.5K 81 49
By foxdoesart




A DAY HAD PASSED YET DELTA'S PAIN NEVER FALTERED. She had locked the door to her room and sat in a corner, filling her lungs with sickly purple smoke and refusing to move. It was the corner that Summer had asked her out in- the corner where Delta's second love had confessed and started their way towards love. Delta sputtered, coughing up smoke before shaking her head and taking another inhale. She held it in her lungs before breathing out, hands shaking as she threw the gas mask across the room in a fit of anger. Love? Fucking bullshit. Everything she loved was destroyed and yet she kept falling for the idea of love, no matter the pain she always felt herself filled with falsified hope. Yesterday was the last straw.

Delta felt the tears welling up in her eyes again and furiously wiped at them with her hands, fingernails biting into the skin of her cheeks as she bit back a scream. Everything was falling apart...Delta was falling apart. She shakily rose and approached her work, the thought of filling her brain with busywork much more appealing than sitting there and moping. Summer was dead and as much as Delta wished it wasn't true, she had to accept it. Her hands fiddled with her mixing pot before she remembered she was out of shimmer and therefore couldn't do anything even if she wanted to. Delta let out a groan, running her hands down her face in frustration. The last thing she wanted to do was go out into town but it seemed that was her only choice at the moment.

Her hands worked to put on her clothes- a simple outfit consisting of a tight gold bodysuit tucked into a pair of black trousers that cinched at the ankles. She laced up her shin-high boots before throwing her signature red and gold coat over her shoulders, zipping it halfway. Delta's fingers fumbled with the amount of jewelry she had to put on to go in public- the Lanes had a thing for respect and with the amount of gold Delta would be decked out in, there was no way anybody would confront her. It was a win-win; she wouldn't have to talk to anyone and they wouldn't have to get their teeth punched in. Her fingers were adorned in gold rings (some of which were decorated in spikes for fighting), her neck holding the necklace that Summer had given to her yesterday, and her ears were sparkling with stolen jewels and stones. She hummed a tune as she secured her tool belt around her waist before nodding in content, pulling on her leather gloves before taking a look at herself in the mirror. 

Her eyes were rimmed red from crying but was soon covered in thick black kohl liner, chapped lips painted in bright red. Bronze eyes stared back at herself from the reflection and the image flashed- bronze turned to deep brown and her dark hair faded to the familiar rose-colored hair that she loved so much. Delta gulped and the figure sent her a deranged smile as crimson leaked from its eyes and blood splattered its chest. "No, Gods please, no." The figure tilted its head as its smile widened, teeth stained pink with blood. Delta closed her eyes, fists pounding against her head as her vision flickered. "Stop it..." The world spun and Delta spun with it. Everything was red, everything reminded Delta of her. "Please, stop..." And then Summer was standing in the mirror looking perfectly fine, a smile on her lips and eyes twinkling. Delta stumbled towards the mirror, hands reaching out before pressing against the reflective surface. "Summer? Is that you?" Summer's figure only smiled before fading away leaving Delta to pound against the mirror in fury. Her fists beat against the mirror before it shattered, leaving her knuckles bleeding and glass covering the floor.

"Summer..." Delta's voice broke off as she broke down in sobs. A pair of arms wrapped around her shoulders and she clung to the person, makeup smearing onto their shirt. Their fingers ran through Delta's hair in an act to comfort her, her arms tightening around the person. "You'll be alright, Dee Dee." "Ekko it hurts. Gods, it hurts so much." He sighed, taking her head and tucking it into his neck. "I know but it'll get better." She looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes. "How do you know?" "You'll just have to trust me."

Delta's boots hit the pavement with purpose, eyes roaming the streets as her fingers worked seamlessly to empty the pockets of those around her. She was on a mission to get more shimmer and the easiest place she could think of was the brothel- charm the pants off some people and then swipe it from right under their noses. Sounds easy enough. She would have to stay albeit in the shadows, however, as the shimmer infested brothel was the favorite place of someone she didn't want to chance a run-in with- Sevika. 

Ever since the day Delta had escaped, Sevika and Silco had been after her. Delta was lucky that they hadn't realized where the firelights lived as for now she simply had to memorize their movement patterns and avoid them. The airship had been a close call but with a mask to her face, Delta's identity had remained a secret. For now. The warrant for her head also meant that she had to have power in order to remain hidden, and luckily enough she knew just how to get it. With the firelights destroying shipments of shimmer it was only a matter of time before Delta took to the streets to sell her 'fake' shimmer. Same effects and no harmful side effects? Now that was a selling line.

The Lanes would be better off purged of shimmer but the intoxicating substance was addictive- flat out taking away any and all shimmer would kill thousands and Delta wasn't willing to risk that. Her and Ekko had been working at eliminating the competition with allies in odd places and now glimmer (as they had grown to call it) was flooding the streets and replacing at least half of the shimmer sales. To say Silco was pissed was an understatement; he had put a bounty on any information anyone would have on the glimmer sales. Delta was racking up the bounties on her head but she had faith that her allies would never give her and the firelights up because they all had something in common- their hatred for Silco and the mutual understanding that he needed to be dethroned. Delta whispered into the ears of those in power and they acted for her- she was a voice of power among the people even if those up top denied it.

There was also the issue that Delta needed to shimmer to survive. The experiments that Silco had conducted all those years ago had left her with the understanding that the only thing able to maintain the infection in her face was the contents held within shimmer. It was the only reason she was alive at this point. It took her almost dying for Ekko to finally admit that maybe shimmer was what she needed and through even more experimenting they had narrowed down the exact methods and amount needed for Delta to function normally. Through independent studies, Delta had also come to the realization that there were quicker methods of distributing shimmer through your system than simply injecting it. The method of smoking shimmer was popularized among the Lanes, and even the act of tattooing shimmer into your skin spread like wildfire. 

Delta was covered in the ink- her arms full sleeves of gears and the twisting of nimble limbs that branched from her chest. Her neck was marked in shades of bronze and black and her fingers decorated in alchemic symbols. A giant tribute piece was etched into her back; the faces of those they lost among the years all had a spots among her back, matching the mural painted at the firelights base. And now another face would be added.

Delta approached the doors to the brothel, eyes scanning her surroundings to ensure Sevika was not to be found. When she was satisfied she leaned down to meet the eyes of the guard that was posted at the door, her fingers twirling her rings seamlessly. "Do you have business here or what? If not I suggest you move on, girl." Delta chuckled dryly before reaching into her pocket. The guard eyed her moments suspiciously, hand resting on the baton on his hip. Delta looked up innocently before handing him a black card with a single gold triangle printed at the middle. His eyes widened when he took note of what was on the card and with shaking hands he ushered her in. "Of course, anything for you." Delta smiled innocently before adjusting the tie that rested on his neck. She feigned confusion before yanking him downwards, tightening the tie to the point where he gasped for breath. "A word about this and your head is mine." She paused to bare her fangs, the LED lights around her igniting like fire in the golden reflection. "Capeesh?" Delta let go of his tie quickly, the man falling on his ass and clutching his throating gasping desperately. She eyed him before he sent her a subtle nod.

Delta hummed in content as she made her way through the brothel. The regulars knew who she was and sent her small glances as she made her way past, their fingers itching for more shimmer. Delta had the people who visited and worked at the brothel in the palm of her hands as it had been one of the first places she had converted over to glimmer. Her boots marched their way through the halls as she made her way towards the door of the manager of the brothel- Tristana. Delta's bronze eyes watched as a pink-haired figure slammed the door shut and stormed towards her, unable to get a good look at their face. Their shoulder slammed into Delta's causing the person to fall and Delta to scoff. "Watch where you're going, idiot." Their face was hidden by a hood but Delta could tell they were scowling towards her as they heaved themselves up. They dusted the dirt off their pants before walking away, holding their middle finger up behind them towards Delta. Delta growled lowly before rolling her eyes, moving onwards and knocking on the door shortly. A quiet "Come in." sounded from within and Delta made her way inside.

The room smelt like decaying flowers and gasoline, the carpet stained dark red in random places and the wallpaper peeling away to reveal the yellowing paint beneath. Tristana sat on the desk at the center of the room, her eyes watching Delta's figure as she walked towards her. Delta puckered her lips in distaste before she sat on the flat cushioned chair sat in front of Tristana's desk. The older yordle lady simply looked at her and Delta felt chills go down her spine. The lady was infamous for her work in glamour magic hence the reason this brothel was so popular in the first place. That and their supply of shimmer.

"Tristana, a pleasure." The lady scowled before nodding slowly. "As always, Delta." Delta leaned forward, resting her elbows on the cluttered desk in front of her. "I assume you know why I'm here," She licked her lips before tilting her head to the side, eyes resting on Tristana's form. "Yes?" Tristana nodded before a glare settled on her features. "I've been advised to cut...ties with you. Been partners its ah, bad for the business." Delta laughed dryly before she pulled a knife from the belt around her waist and sunk it hilt deep a few centimeters from Tristana's head. The lady gulped. "Better for the business? As I see it, I'm the reason this business is as popular as it is." Delta stood up and walked slowly towards the woman, teeth bared as she leaned close to her ear. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her knife before she tore it from the wall, emitting a jump from the woman beside her. "I always knew you were one to lick Silco's boots but these people," Delta gestured towards the door. "They are loyal to me. I leave and they leave with me. Do you understand that?" The old woman was shaking at this point but nodded in confirmation.

Delta backed away before making her way towards the door. "Glad we had this talk, old friend. Shipment of glimmer will be in tomorrow and I expect pay in the next week." She paused to look back, her bronze eyes ablaze. "Have we come to an understanding?" Tristana sighed gravely before turning away. "Yes. Now be gone, get out of my brothel." Her words quieted. "Scum." Tristana muttered under her breath. A knife flew to the left of her head and impaled through the skin of her ear, a loud screech leaving her pink painted lips. Delta sent her a fang-filled smile, cockily twirling a knife around her fingers. "Careful there, wouldn't want anything bad to happen now would we?" With that Delta slammed the door shut, a deep scowl darkening her face. The fucking nerve.

She needed to blow off steam and as she passed the many private rooms she met a pair of blue eyes that made her smirk. She slyly slipped through the curtain doors, shutting them behind her. The woman looked up at her in surprise, eyeing the way Delta's muscles moved as she worked to take off her jacket. "W-what are you doing?" Delta let out a coy laugh, sending the girl a lopsided grin. "Intruding am I, princess? How could I ignore such a pretty face." The woman flushed red before she stumbled to her feet, almost tripping before Delta caught her. "I've gotta go. I need to meet...my friend! Yes, my friend." Delta smiled before helping her up. "Could I at least get a name before you go?" The girl seemed to contemplate her answer before she sent Delta a nervous grin. "It's Caitlyn. Now I really must be going." She rushed out of room leaving Delta to watch her leave. She opened her fingers to reveal a golden bullet laying in her palm, her fingers fiddling with it before a small smirk painted its way onto her face. "Caitlyn, aye? A British accent and a heap of gold just sitting in your pockets doesn't seem very 'Undercity' of you." Delta pocketed the gold before she made her way after the woman. She was curious, what could she say.

Delta watched the scene in front of her with wide eyes. The pink-haired character she had met earlier was fighting with the one person Delta was trying to avoid- Sevika. It looked like Sevika was winning as she clutched the other womans face in her mechanical arm. A shot rang out and pierced through the shimmer filled container that was fueling Sevika's arm, the injured woman falling to the ground. She sneered at the mystery girl before limping off. 

Delta watched as Caitlyn made her way down to the pinkette and Delta took this as a sign to make her way to the pipe above them, listening in on their conversation.

"Silco's gonna know we're here now." Caitlyn fixed the mystery persons shirt, rolling her eyes. "And who's fault is that?" Their hood had fallen and Delta took her time to analyze the scars and tattoo that decorated their tanned skin. Why did they seem so familiar? The simply laughed before shaking their head. "You're an alright shot."

Delta was getting tired of waiting and decided to interrupt. "I'd say she was an excellent shot." The two's heads snapped towards her direction, Caitlyn furrowing her eyebrows while the other woman struggled to stand. Delta scoffed. "Easy there, killer. Wouldn't want you hurting yourself even more." She jumped off the pipe and landed with a roll next to the two, hands reaching out to steady the pinkette. Her bronze eyes met steel ones and she furrowed her eyebrows. "Do I know you?" The woman ripped herself from Delta's hands, scoffing and rolling her eyes. "Unlikely. I've been in jail for the past six years and my family is dead." Caitlyn flinched before nudging the woman. "Way to tell her your life story, Vi."

Delta's pupils shrunk rapidly and she stumbled backwards into the alleyway wall, her hand clutching at her jacket as she struggled to breathe. The pinkette and Caitlyn looked on with worry. "Hey, are you okay?" Delta shot forward and pinned the woman to the wall, her fangs bared. "What the fuck did you say your name was?" The woman scoffed as she struggled to release Delta's grip on her. "What the fuck is your problem!" Delta glared before yelling. "What the fuck is your name!" "Fucking hell, it's Vi. Now get off me!" Delta dropped Vi before she began pacing in a circle, hands running over her face. Her breath came out in short puffs and her eyes stung with unshed tears. 

Vi and Caitlyn looked at Delta in confusion before she whipped around to stare at them, tears streaming down her face. "Stop fucking with me. Vi is dead, there's no way you're her." Vi scoffed before glaring at Delta. "Obviously I'm alive so wherever you got that from is wrong." Vi shook her head. "Who the hell are you, anyways? Why do you care if I'm dead or not." Delta wiped the tears away before she set her face in a blank stare, eyeing the two.

"My name is Delta. And you're supposed to be dead."



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