Peter Parker + y/n

By amiwastingmytime

14.2K 266 45

In this story, read as y/n's problems start with parties and drama with friends, then become much more seriou... More

meet y/n
the cafe
y/n in danger
Friday night
Payback, sort of
y/n's brother
the party
after the party
next chapter
friends come first
finding y/n
y/n's pov again
next chapter
the chapter after last
next part
going home
she's ok, right?
the part after the kiss
the next chapter
wtf why you jump?
you realise (finally)
Part 29
Part 30


710 17 2
By amiwastingmytime

*Peter pov*

"Please wake up" I lightly shook her but stopped as she winced in pain.

"Are you alright? Please be alright." I didn't know how to keep her conscious without hurting her.

I held her hand, and slowly pulled her up, trying to get her to stand. She fell and fell again. But I couldn't think of anything else to do.

Finally, I managed to have her standing, yet her head was still leaning on my chest for support. I was unconvinced I could let her go, until she stepped back herself. She stumbled so I offered my hand out for support. She took it.

Y/n let go after a while and asked, "where are we?"

"I... uh"

She giggled slightly. It was so cute. "You don't know, do you?" I laughed back, until she repeated herself in a more worried tone "oh god, you don't know, do you? Where's my phone? Where's my bag?" she took a worried pause between each question.

"I'll be right back"

*y/n pov*

Did he really just leave? What, the actual, fuck?

You took this time to sit back down and try to process everything that just happened. Or, happened before. You had no idea how long you were unconscious for. The last thing you could remember was screaming, then being thrown onto the floor. That's when it all went black.

You remember waking up, and then laying down. Then you were picked up. Your head was lying on something. Someone. The man you had seen. Who was he?

The thoughts were spinning in your mind.

And then you recalled something Liz was telling you about the other day. Some sort of spider-hero that was fighting crime in Queens. Spiderman. Yes, that's it. You don't know if the man you had seen was him. It was most likely though. You waited eagerly for his return, which happened only a few moments later.

He tossed the bag at you and sat on a window ledge, a couple of floors up. You pulled out your phone and rang your brother, asking for him to pick you up.

When he asked where you were, you started crying because you still didn't know, and your head started throbbing again.

"Ok stay where you are. I'll find you."

You slipped the phone into your pocket and looked up to see the man still on the ledge.

"Spiderman?" you called out. The man jumped down, landing in a stereotypical superhero pose. Such a poser, you thought. He didn't say anything, he just stepped towards you. You picked up on the strong smell of cologne again. You adored it, until the stench of blood polluted your nose.

"you're bleeding" you exclaimed.

"Its fine."

"No, it's not. There... there's so much blood." you cried. You ran to your bag and pulled out a mini first aid kit. You ripped out tissues and bandages to try and clean him up.

"God. You're going to need stitches."

"I'll manage" he replied. He winced as you took a finally dab at the wound. You apologised immediately and decided that maybe you had had enough Spiderman for one day. After checking he was okay, you began walking towards the street end of the alley, before you felt something stick to your hand and pull you back. You felt yourself spinning back and almost falling over when he caught you. It made your back hurt, but didn't want to let him see that.

"Maybe its best if you had company while you wait for your brother. You don't want to get into any more trouble."

You stayed in his arms for a while, staring through his mask. You had no idea who he was. For all you know, this could be some really old guy. I mean, the rest of the avengers were all adults, and you pulled away from Spiderman as you considered this. You went to lean against a wall. Although you couldn't see them, you felt eyes behind the mask watching you as you did so. There was something comforting about him being there. You just wish you knew who it was.

About a half hour passes before you see your brother's car. You turned to where Spiderman was previously stood to say goodbye, but only just caught a glimpse of him as he swings around the corner of the building, out of sight.

- the next day -

*Peter pov*

Gym class was the first class I had with y/n today. She was sitting out as coach Wilson excused her for a headache and back pains. She was sat with a group of girls whom had claimed they were all having period cramps.

"Is it true that you really met The Spiderman yesterday?" I heard someone say. I paused my sit ups to listen in on their conversation.

"How did you know that?" I heard y/n reply. One of the girls pulled out their phones and played a video that another customer in the café must have taken. As I heard y/ns scream through the phone, I looked at her to see she had gone bright red, while the other girls laughed. The video ended as it showed Spiderman picking her up and leaving with her. "That is so cool." Someone remarked. "What was he like?" another girl asked.

"Idk. He wears a mask remember. He was tall, I guess. And he smelled ... nice." I smiled and she caught me looking. She smiled back at me and then turned back to her friends to discuss who they thought the fittest avenger was.

"Ow!" I yelped, as I felt a dodgeball hit me in the back. "Sorry not sorry Penis Parker." I heard Flash yell behind me. I looked back at him as I put my hand on my back. Oh crap, I thought, as I pulled my hand back. It was covered in blood. My cut must have opened again. "Gotta go" I said to Ned. Then I stood up and half ran towards the doors out of the gym. I briefly saw y/n's eyes following me with a concerned look on her face. I didn't turn back, I just hoped she didn't notice I was bleeding. "Flash, you dick!" I recognized y/n's voice behind me but still didn't look. As I got into the hallway, I started to run properly towards my locker to grab a first aid kit and carried on to find somewhere private to clean myself up.

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