
Autorstwa DorahWrites

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Follow the lives of a group of early twenty-somethings living in inner city London as their lives often inter... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Five

49 2 2
Autorstwa DorahWrites


Destiny's parents came to pick up Mia for the day and it was a huge relief as she finally got some time to herself. She loved her daughter, but she had to admit that it sometimes got a bit overwhelming. Andre and her family and friends were a great help but at the end of the day if anything happened to Mia, Destiny was held responsible as the primary carer. She would lay down her life for her child but appreciated the time they had apart sometimes.

She planned to lie in as it was a fairly quiet Sunday but after she dropped Mia to her father's car she couldn't get back to sleep so she sewed, customised and packaged a few wigs for clients who had ordered from her website, so they were ready to be shipped at the post office the next working day. Andre had not been staying with them for the past week as he was staying at his mother's house and getting things done. He had been at the studio with his friends, one of whom was starting a rap career and decided to spend the night at Destiny's apartment. She knew the studio session was likely filled with alcohol, drugs and 'groupie' girls but she did not care as she woke up in a strangely good mood.

She put the wigs she had finished and wrapped up to the side in the plastic box which she kept the completed orders. She was preppy and still had energy, so she decided to make an English breakfast. She basked in the smell of eggs, beans and sausages that reminded her of her childhood when she and her siblings were in charge of making everyone breakfast on a Saturday morning. The sound of music erupted from her room, so she knew Andre was awake and subconsciously nodded her head along to Don't Play Around – Gunna. She plated the food for both of them but covered his food as she was not sure if he was ready to eat.

Destiny walked into the bedroom with her plate and fork in her hand and smiled softly as he sat upright in the bed, rapping along to the music with his natural curls low, matted and rough from the pillow. "I made breakfast, yours is under the microwave cover."

His eyes were still heavy with sleep but the expression on the rest of his face said it all as his lips formed into a big, boyish grin. "Thanks, Dest. Imma get in the bathroom quick then I'll come out."

By the time Andre had finished in the bathroom, Destiny had finished her food and rubbed at her belly as she walked into the open-plan kitchen to clear up after herself.

"This smells good man." Andre walked up to her and slapped her bum whilst taking a dramatic deep breath in through his nose. She patted his hands away disapprovingly although she did not really mind.

"Do you want apple or orange juice?" She offered.

"Orange..." he peered at her with narrowed eyes and raised eyebrows as she retrieved a glass from the cabinet. He could never predict how Destiny would choose to act on any given day. Sometimes she loved him and craved his attention and company whilst other times she disapproved of every move he made and beyond being confusing, it was exhausting. He sniffed at his food and she placed a full glass of juice on the side table next to him.

"What are you doing, you idiot." she held back her laughter at his bizarre actions.

"I'm trying to make sure there's no poison in this."

She rolled her eyes and her lips cracked into a small smile. "What are you on about, I cook all the time."

"Yeah, but not with this much happiness. You're serving me like a king, Dest, you've got me scared." His eyes rolled back as he dug into the fluffy and perfectly seasoned eggs.

"How was the studio session?" She crossed her legs and got herself comfortable on the sofa next to him, looking through her phone and replying to emails.

"It was calm." He shrugged nonchalantly. "You know how it is when the mandem get together anyway." Andre rolled his eyes humorously, remembering the debates, argument and sheer ignorance of the previous night.

"Bro, your friend is in the studio all the time and all now nothing has been released. Everyday preview, preview." She smirked knowing that Andre would defend Loco, he genuinely believed in his friend and wanted to do what he could to support and invest in him. Things like that made Destiny remember what a sweet and kind heart he had.

Andre threw his head back and almost choked on his food amidst his laughter. "Watch your mouth man, Loco is hard. Good things tek time, yaseeit." He slipped into a Jamaican twang and pretended to sound firm. "I miss Mia though man, I'm tempted to grab her early from your parents' house." His bottom lip poked out slightly as he thought of his daughter, Mia was his best friend. Although she had Destiny's mannerisms, she was his twin when it came to looks. He treasured how much she was growing and how her personality became more and more apparent.

"Mmm," Destiny shrugged, lowering her phone momentarily to look at him. "You're not with her 24/7 that's why you feel like that. Don't get me wrong... I miss her when she's not with me too but if I don't get a break I will literally explode." She lowered her gaze feeling slightly guilty for how she felt, society conditioned them to think that mothers were superhuman, but Destiny wasn't. There were days she felt broken and every second was a struggle and other time's where she had everything under control, she was learning every day and motherhood taught her a lot about herself. "It's kind of like... I need that space and time to recover so I can be the best mother I can be."

He nodded slowly, digesting her words. He understood that Destiny was with Mia most of the time and even if they had a more stable relationship he would still be out making money at irresponsible times of the day, he had a huge amount of respect for Destiny as a mother and constantly tried to remind her of that. "This is my favourite hairstyle, you know."

Destiny had her hair out in a natural, puffy afro. Her 'type 4' textured hair fell around her face, not tamed by water or curl enhancing products, just a thick and coarse mane. It reminded Andre of when they were in school and this was her signature hairstyle, she hated her hair in that state and was jealous that other girls were now moving on to weave but her parents would not buy it for her. She also compared her hair to the mixed-race girls in her year group whom, at the time, were considered the most desirable... but not to Andre, he always loved it. Destiny suggested that they watch something and settled on Blood & Water on Netflix, a series that her friend Chioma recommended. It was a miracle that Andre's phone didn't ring by the time they got to the second episode because their quality time was usually interrupted by Trent. She appreciated the undivided attention he was giving her, and it reminded her of the times he would stay with her at university. Destiny treasured moments where there was no stress between her and Andre, it ignited their friendship and allowed her to stop hating herself for getting pregnant by him.

A smile grew on her face as she watched him laugh at something a character said on the show. His eyes squinted and he shook his head slightly at the television, as if her hand had a mind of its own, she reached up and rubbed her hands through the tufts of his hair. It was soft like cotton and the mixture of argan, jojoba and black castor oil she made for him deposited slightly on her fingers. He fixed his gaze upon her and returned her smile, causing her to look down at her lap shyly. She felt a flutter in the pit of her stomach as if butterflies were soaring around her intestines, she internally scolded herself for the effect he was having on her and tried to concentrate on the television screen. She alternated between looking at the programme and scanning Andre's side profile, his hair had grown out and she loved how youthful it made him look.

"Oh my days!" Destiny sat up from the bed and looked for her phone which was on the floor next to her
clothes. They had moved to the bedroom and both had fallen asleep. She looked at the time on her phone puzzled at how quickly it became 8pm and they were due to pick up Mia from her parent's house.

They both showered, threw on clothes and in twenty five minutes they pulled up to the Edwardian Townhouse in Homerton which she grew up in.

"Yo my killy's dem!" Praise shouted at an unnecessary volume as she closed the door behind her sister and Andre. She had been at the library, bored most of the day so she was happy to see them.

"Praise, why are you shouting like a bush girl." Their mother emerged from the kitchen with her glasses tucked into her top and an apron on. "Andre!" she embraced him into a big hug as if she had not seen him in years.

"Aunty B!" he swayed her from side to side, bending his tall frame down to hug her properly. "Where's Kofi?"

Whilst her father came out to join in the conversation, Destiny left Andre to talk to her family whilst she went to get Mia ready to leave.

"Hi, Princess!" She kissed Mia's chubby cheeks and guided her hands into her puffy camouflage North Face jacket.

"Hi mummy, home now?" Mia enquired, the grin on her face and strawberry lollipop in her hand showed Destiny that she had a great time at her grandparents' house as usual. Although Destiny missed when she and Mia lived at home with her parents, she was grateful that she moved because sharing a room with Praise just was not feasible especially when Mia got bigger and more space was needed. She thanked God for her apartment as although she felt lonely sometimes, it was a huge convenience.

Praise walked into the living room with a bowl of food in her hands, leaving Andre and her parents talking and laughing excitedly in the kitchen. "You look happy sis... you're glowing." She pouted her lips slightly knowing her sister was about to interrogate her for her comment.

"Huh? People are always telling someone that they are glowing... is that even a thing? Pregnancy had my skin dry as foot back and people were telling me I'm glowing." Destiny rolled her eyes.

"Ace has you feeling good then." She gave her sister a knowing smile and wiggled her eyebrows, putting a forkful of stewed rice and beans in her mouth.

Destiny's mouth dropped open and she dramatically covered Mia's ears. "Eww! And separately can you watch your mouth in front of my daughter." She hissed knowing what her sister was alluding to.

"Sorry, sorry... it's just blatant." Praise chuckled. "Whenever you're on good terms with Ace you're the happiest babe in town and when you guys are beefing, you're a dragon."

"Dragon? Remember that I can box your lip, Praise." Her sister lifted her hands up in surrender as a response to her threat. She knew that Andre and Destiny's relationship was a touchy subject for her sister, but she wished they would just get a grip and make it work. "Of course, I care about him, we were friends before anything else."

"Exactly, mum and dad love him. He is literally a member of our family, both of you are being stupid and wasting time."

"It's not that simple man." Destiny sighed and frowned slightly, holding her hand out as Mia was playing with her fingers. "Remember that chastity vow we took a youth church back in the day? I took that so seriously you know... I was not perfect, but I was trying and then I got pregnant. As much as I would love to give Mia the perfect family, I'm tired of compromising my values and when I'm with Ace I just can't help it a lot of the time. It's not just the pre-marital sex... it's the arguing, his 'career'. I don't want to settle for that."

Praise did not understand her sister's logic when it came to Andre. She understood that her sister had a complicated journey with her faith but did not understand why that would make Destiny conclude that she could never make it work with Andre. However, she knew that she did not have a right to say too much about the matter so she changed the subject and asked Destiny if she could make a wig for her because her friend's birthday party was coming up soon.

Destiny's mother warned Andre to be careful with the container of waakye she had packaged for him to take home. It was his favourite Ghanaian dish and she partially made it because she knew he would be coming over that day. They got in the car and strapped Mia in who was singing the theme tune to her favourite cartoon.

Let's go to VQ, losers. Drinks on me!


Scanning over the message in the group chat, Destiny assumed Payton must have come into some money because that was usually the case when she was generous and happy like this. She was happy Payton was finally out of the funk she had been in for the past few weeks since she had the fight with Naomi and wanted to spend the time with her girls. She glanced at the time on her phone wondering if she could actually attend.

"What's up?" Andre glanced at her looking at her phone with a stare as if she was contemplating something so Destiny explained the contents of the message that she had received. "Go and enjoy yourself man." He shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Seriously?" Destiny could not hide her smile. "Don't you have to be up early tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I do but it's fine. Like you said, you're always with Mia and if anyone deserves a little night out then it's you, b. You know I want to be there for you guys as much as I can."

Destiny reached over from the passenger's seat to kiss his cheek and thank him. Guilty thoughts raced through her mind as she felt bad for how she treated Andre over the years, she knew that he did not deserve it and cherished the fact they had such an amazing day. For a moment, she contemplated what it would be like if every day was as simple as the one they shared. Could they really make things work?

As soon as she got home, Destiny changed into a casual outfit and met Payton and Jael at Aldgate station so they could walk to the restaurant together. After being greeted by a waiter, they were ushered to a table not too far from the bar. Destiny removed her cropped leather jacket from her shoulders and placed it on the back of the chair, revealing her outfit – a white oversized t-shirt dress which she paired with a pair of matte Dr Marten boots.

"You must have won the jackpot!" she teased Payton once a waitress had brought them their first round of cocktails. "Or should I say Trent is treating you nicely..."

Payton looked bright, colourful and in the best mood she had been in, in a while. She had on an orange oversized jumper with slim fit khaki cargo trousers and all white Alexander McQueen Runway Sneakers and her black frontal in a sleek, straight side parting. "He doesn't treat me... everything comes with a price." She sipped harder on her porn star martini, hoping Destiny would drop the subject all together. She did not want to discuss anything to do with Trent, he had taken his package off her hands and paid her as they agreed. She was happy that she was able to put the money aside for her grandma and Saniyah to go on a trip to Jamaica during the half term. Her grandma was missing back home desperately, and she wanted to surprise her. Payton was in a good mood and just wanted to enjoy herself with her girls. She felt like she had not seen them in a while and wanted to make up for isolating herself from them.

"Hmm, when are you going to stop being his little drug mule?" she lowered her voice when she uttered the last few words in her sentence as if they were forbidden. "This can't go on forever you've been dealing with him for what... four years now. Do you hear how mad that sounds?"

"I don't know when it will end, Destiny. For now, he's good for me and that's just the way it is." Her brows drew together, and she scratched at her neck, feeling some kind of cognitive dissonance in her mind. She realised the words sounded like lies coming out of her mouth. Trent was a juxtaposition. He was the best and worst thing to happen to her at the same time, he paid her generously and satisfied her appetite. She did not want to be intimate with him but a lot of the time it was the only male companion she had because she never allowed anyone that might actually take her seriously get too close to her. She was scared that they would find out about Trent and condemn her, so she chose not to risk it at all. She also did not want her 'body count' to get out of hand for her own conscience so she saw Trent as a necessary evil.

Of course, she understood why her friends disapproved of her relationship with him because he had been pursuing and plotting on her when she was underage but as she said, for now, that was her situation.

Destiny made a funny face and stuck her finger inside her mouth, imitating making herself vomit at the mere discussion of Trent. "That man is in my life so much and I don't even know him."

"Because T runs everything in ends." Jael shrugged. She knew how much influence Trent had because at some point when they were younger, if you were a young boy and looked agile enough then you did not have a choice but to work for Trent and his goons. Some boys flocked to him but of fear and others from pure amazement. He would do things like buying out the local chicken and chip shops for a day, covering the cost of everyone's meal and flexing his jewels enough to make them crave that lifestyle when they weren't mature enough to understand what it truly entailed.

"Anyway, what happened after Dominic dropped me home that day?" Payton switched the conversation and addressed Jael, curiously. "You never mentioned it."

"You disappeared on us, Payton, how would I mention it when I'm sure you blocked me." Jael snickered, exaggerating the story to get on Payton's nerves.

"Oya, spill the beans." Payton pressed on. Jael and Destiny cackled loudly at her use of Nigerian lingo, citing that she had been around them way too much for her to say that.

"You're too dumb. But yeah, it was not that deep to be honest..." She briefly explained the conversation she had with Dominic, cringing at how things took a turn out of nowhere.

"Men are just mad!"

Andre left the house on time and felt relieved that he was on schedule. Contrary to what Destiny thought, he did not like being on the road all the time but if money was calling then he was obliged to answer. He parked in front of Shiloh's house and texted him to let him know that he was outside. Andre had to go to Luton to check on one of the active lines they had situated there. There were a few new boys working for them and Trent insisted on quality control, so Andre had to pick up some money and make sure everything was running smoothly. He did not mind because Luton was not too far from London, and he could drive there and back within a day.

Shiloh stayed away from the streets, but Andre loved it when he accompanied him on a move because it was nice to have his right-hand man beside him. It reminded him of life before Shiloh stopped doing fraud and they used to travel together but he respected that his friend was on a legal grind now. He respected Shiloh for being his own man and not getting too caught up in the hood life. For the most part, Shiloh was able to keep his head above water, he had a clear moral code and did not go past his limits. He always knew that he would leave the criminal life at a certain point and he did exactly just that, saying true to his word.

"What time do you call this bro?" he questioned as Shiloh stood by the window of his car in a black Palm Angels tracksuit.

"Ace let me in the whip, man." Shiloh pulled at the car handle, finding that the car was still locked from the inside. He scratched at his low-cut beard with his hand and waited for Andre to stop being childish. "Just chatting bare." He mumbled as he finally sat on the heated car seat.

"What you telling me though?" Andre removed an empty water bottle that was discarded on the passenger seat and threw it to the back to properly clear the space for Shiloh.

"Shit... nothing much you know. My mum is just stressing me out."

"Ahh man... it's all long." Andre ran his hand over his face as he genuinely felt hurt in his heart for his brother's family. Shiloh's mother had not been the same since Lawrence died, she was more irritable and uncompromising but refused to open up to her children about how she felt. She dismissed their questions claiming that life was not easy and growing up in Nigeria she had seen a lot of bad things happen to good people and although Shiloh understood they had a different upbringing; he knew that no one could be okay with losing the love of their life. He pitied his mother and could not bear to imagine her pain but, on another hand, she had become unbearable to be around.

It had been a few years since the death and although Shiloh was still the same funny person, something had changed. There was a sadness which underpinned his being and could go noticed by some people, but not by Andre. They had been close since they played for the same local football team in primary school. They did not end up attending the same secondary school because Shiloh's mother was adamant that he went to a Catholic school to 'calm him down', nevertheless, they still managed to be together every day without fail.

You should know the time that it is
Man I grind so much that, I got no time for a chick
Nah, I got no time for a chick
I live it this way this way, this way
See the money coming this way, this way
That's why I had to get my shit straight, shit straight
'Cause my life was just a piss take, piss take

Liz – Nines ft. Tee Supreme played at an obnoxiously loud volume as they merged onto the M1 and sped down the motorway to their destination with Andre happy that he dodged the rush hour traffic.

"What's going on, Shiloh? No gyally feeling you no more? I'm getting concerned." He enquired, noting that it had been a while since Shiloh mentioned any females he was entangled with.

Shiloh scoffed and shook his head slowly. "You know beanies are always on me, Ace. Don't ever lose your mind like that again."

Andre wheezed with laughter until he found himself coughing. He slapped at his lap as he briefly used his knees to control the steering wheel. "My guy! Savage 'Lo!"

Another reason they both became popular was because they were pegged as two of the best-looking guys in their year group and were always together. when they chilled on the block after school, groups of girls would be huddled in the corner giggling and stealing glances at them. They would encourage each other to walk up to one of the boys but could never find the confidence to do it and settled for spying on them. Shiloh was used to female attention and he was not young anymore so that kind of thing did not faze him. He credited his stepfather for keeping him grounded, Lawrence always warned him not to play with women's emotions and as much as he had his fun, he prided himself on loyalty and did not want to do any woman dirty. At the stage he was at in his life, he was not interested in meaningless sex, it brought unnecessary problems to his life nor was he ready or eager to settle down, but he knew for him to entertain anyone else, it had to be a serious connection. Lawrence's death had changed his perspective on a lot of things.

"Jokes aside though, if a girl ain't piquing my interest proper, then I don't even want to chop. It brings more stress than it's worth." Shiloh articulated, scrolling through Instagram aimlessly.

"No cap." Andre concurred. If Destiny would fix up and accept him wholeheartedly, he wouldn't waste time with other girls. Much like Shiloh, women threw themselves at him, but he had matured enough to know that kind of lifestyle could only last so long. Sometimes he found himself sleeping with other women just because Destiny repeatedly made it clear that they were not an item. "Look at how many mad situations the mandem have found themselves in because of gyal."

"Wagwarn for you and Destiny then? I haven't heard you mention anyone else in a minute."

"I can never put another girl in Destiny's position anyway." He admitted and then let out a frustrated sound. "I don't know g... one minute she's all over man and then the next minute she's cold. Screaming how I don't match her 'values' and I'm not her 'Adam'." He repeated the phrase she often said to him despite not really understanding what it means.

"That's women for ya!" Shiloh grinned as he could actually imagine Destiny saying such things.

"It's mad though. I don't want to lose respect for her, do you get what I mean?" he questioned rhetorically. "Am I not a dick'ed for putting her on a pedal stool? How many times does she have to show me what she is on?" Andre blurted aloud, partially conversing with himself.

"I definitely get what you mean but it's not that simple." Shiloh referred to the amount of ups and downs the pair had over the years. He loved Destiny too but ultimately his loyalty was with Andre and he could not help but think that if he was in Andre's position, he would have given up on her a long time ago.

Andre kissed his teeth and his jaw tensed as he looked at the road ahead of him. "I ain't never done her dirty though 'Lo. She's been messing with my head for years..." he chuckled dryly reflecting on how long it had been. "And you know that ain't me. I'm about my money but she just—"

"It's because you love her, bro." Shiloh interrupted as he could feel his friend heating up with anger. "That's all it is... she wouldn't have this effect on you if you did not love her. Then you've got Mia..."

"But it's at the point where even when we're good, I'm looking at her sideways. I hate that, reals. What's the point in love when I don't trust her?" he lamented.

After an hour's drive, they pulled up to a cottage-like house in a woodland area in Luton. Andre hopped out of the car in his Givenchy Signature embroidered slides and playfully asked Shiloh if he was coming inside with him. As much as Shiloh would follow him on his journey, he would never come inside. Shiloh had 'OCD' tendencies and liked a level of cleanliness, anything underneath that level made him physically sick. His room was always spotless, cabinets and surfaces wiped clean with antibacterial and his shoeboxes in order.

"I'd rather not, mate." He responded in a cockney accent. "Hurry up, I beg. My belly is chatting." He had not eaten all day and dropped what he had planned to do on his day off to accompany Andre, just because that was his brother. Any time he found himself in a situation, Ace came through for him, whether it was financial, conflict... anything. Ace was always there. There weren't many people Shiloh trusted like Ace.

"You'll die before you ever step foot in a kitty's crib." He shook his head and jogged towards the house.

He entered the house and the chemical smell of cocaine burning hit him like a tonne of bricks. One of the young boys, Dro, carefully held the spoon and added a precise amount of bicarbonate soda, with a bandana covering his mouth. He tried his best to steady his hand and heated it over a medium flame and watched the substance fizz up.

"You good, Dro?" Andre greeted him, pulling his t-shirt over his mouth. He liked to make sure the workers were okay before getting down to business.

"Yo, Ace. I'm easy, still." Dro responded without taking his eyes off what he was doing.

"I need to chat to you, and I need you to listen well." He sounded like a strict father but that's exactly how it was at times. He needed to keep them in their place and make sure they did not mess up. If they messed up, then he had to deal with Trent's fury. "You need to stop getting sexual favours from nittys. Do you know how disgusting that is?" his stomach turned at the thought. He knew some people had no problem having sex with the drug addicts but that was not something he was interested in. It was a reckless move and he also felt it was taking advantage of someone vulnerable. Crack head or not, a woman was a woman in Andre's books.

"Ace man, chill." Dro chuckled, not at all looking embarrassed of his actions. "It's not even like that. I've been up here for weeks and more time they just throw it at you."

"Learn how to say 'no'. That's a life lesson." He warned him. "Plus, if you catch something and your 'D' is on fire, how will you be able to work? Will you be the one to explain to me why you're losing money?"

Dro shook his head and took in Andre's warning. He needed the money. He was kicked out of college again and transferred to a pupil referral unit. His mother warned him that if he was expelled again, she would kick him out of the house, and she stuck to her word. Dro now had to fend for himself and if he lost his position, he would be broke as well as being homeless.

"Where's Luca?" Andre looked around for the other boy. Dro pointed to the room opposite them in response.

Andre walked into the room. "Lucs, where is the P?"

Luca brought out the backpack from under the dirty sofa and brought out the stacks of money to hand to Andre. Andre counted the money as quickly as he could and separated the boys' portion of the money. He did not believe in cheating people out of their cut in the game. Everyone had to eat, and unnecessary wickedness caused too many problems.

Zoo York – Lil Tjay ft. Fivio Foreign & Pop Smoke began playing loudly from upstairs as if the sound would burst through the ceiling.

"Who's up there?" Andre asked through gritted teeth.

"Ricardo." Luca sniggered knowing that Andre was not impressed.

"Tell him to keep that music low. You don't need to be attracting attention, you're in the trizz not Ibiza."

"I know. I know." Luca held his hands up. "They are annoying, but they mash work, Ace." He pleaded his friends' case. He had brought them in and knew if they did anything wrong it; he would be held accountable.

Andre relaxed because Luca was right. He had looked at the accounts a few days ago and the Luton line had been bringing in an increased profit since Ricardo and Dro had been working for them. "Anyway, how's your mum? Did you pattern that extra work so you could give her money for the bailiffs?"

"Yeah, that's sorted out now." Luca gave an innocent smile that made him look his age despite the hairs coming in on his chin. When he smiled like that it did not seem like the young boy was capable of doing the vicious things he did for income. Andre hated having a soft spot for people, but he had a good heart and could not help it. "Thank you, Ace, you're a good guy."

"None of us are good, yungen."

Andre made his way back to his car. "Let's grab a food then." He jumped inside and could see the joy in Shiloh's eye's as they could finally go and eat.

Shiloh's phone began ringing, a mutual friend, Chucks, was calling him.

"Yo, where's Ace?" Chucks asked, sounding like he was in a rush, his breath quickening as he moved.

"I'm with him now, what's good?"

"That guy doesn't ever answer his phone man." Chucks moaned. Shiloh passed the phone to Andre so they could talk directly.

Andre placed his phone on his ear and held it in place with his shoulder as he quickly rolled the zoot. There was nothing he loved more than getting faded and zipping down the motorway with his boys. "What's up... yeah that's calm. I'm gonna grab yard food from Clapton then I'll swing round yours after... yeah me and 'Lo are coming studio?" Andre instinctively looked at Shiloh for confirmation.

Shiloh shrugged in defeat. He had actually planned to be productive on his day off, but it had ended up being a typical day on the block, chilling with his friends. A calm day had turned into visiting the trap in Luton, going to Clapton for food, Canning Town to pick up Chucks and then to the studio to keep Loco company. He laughed to himself at how Andre had roped him in that day, but he was going to be with his people and away from his mother so he could not complain.

Writers note

Happy New Year!!!

Dorah Writes x

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Being a part of a close-knit group of friends has its perks. You share laughs together, you have fun together. Everything is always so perfect...unti...
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𝐈'𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐚 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐭, 𝐈 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐇�...