Assassins Creed

By eyez4dem

2.3K 27 6

In which a girl who just want to be more baddass stumbles into an all out karate war and a crazy love triangl... More

Mood boards
Let's Begin
First Learn Stand
Then Learn Fly
Match Point
Kicks get Chicks
Party Time
The Fall
The Rise


156 3 2
By eyez4dem

Today at school Mr.Palmer was supposed to be giving the incoming 9th graders a tour and I volunteered to do it with him. I only did it because it would be a good excuse to miss class and Kenny would be there, plus who doesn't love free community service. "As you can see the West Valley High campus is a lot larger than the middle school, and when you become a freshman next year, y-you'll have access to some amazing facilities" Mr.Palmer rambled on making me groan. "Uhh this is so boring do you wanna get out of here?" I whisper to Kenny but he doesn't here me. He's talking to this girl and when he finishes he turns to me. "Annie" he whines before continuing, "why didn't you tell me I had pop tart on my shirt". "Chill its fine I'll take you to the bathroom it should come right off" I say gesturing for Kenny to follow me.

I stop in front of the door "here we are, don't take to long tho because I have to get you back before anyone notices" I tell him Kenny nods and walks in. I quickly walk to the vending machine before coming back. Kenny still hasn't come out and it has been 5 minutes, I sigh looks like I'm going in. I knock on the door before entering. "Kenny?" I called not really wanting to go further when he didn't respond I walked in. "Hawk?!?!" when I entered I saw Hawk with one arm on Kenny's neck holding him to the wall "What the hell are you doing get off of him" I say pushing him back.

"Cmon Kenny lets get you back before people start noticing you disappeared, and hawk meet me at my locker please" I said not really wanting to be in the boys bathroom any longer.


I'm putting my books in my locker when I feel a presence behind me. Knowing it was Hawk I slam the door close turning around swiftly. "What the hell was that Hawk, you bully little kids now?" I question. I know that I didn't know Hawk that well, we had our hi's and bye's plus some exchanges during class, but when it comes to Kenny my instincts kick in. "It's not what you think Ana he was about to hit Nate and Burt" he frantically explained, I let out a dry laugh.

"Did Burt or Nate do anything to provoke him because I know Kenny he's a good kid, he doesn't just do things out of no where" I say arguing on the side of Kenny. "I wouldn't be so sure of that. He's a cobra after all" Hawk says scoffing. "Wow" I breathe out before continuing, "I thought you were different, and you got a lot a nerve considering you were a cobra once " with that I walk away and out the doors. I see Kenny waiting for me by my car, we get in and head to Kenny's house.


Me, Tory and Robby are stretching when Kyler walks up to us. "Yo, guys. My boy Rory, he got some free tickets to the drive-in tonight. They're going old school, something called bloodsport?" Kyler explained to us "I know that movie. My dad left an old VHS at out place. For a while it was the only evidence I had that he existed" Robby added. "I heard it's pretty dope. So, if you guys are in, lets do this." Kyler proposed the idea to us. "I'm down I love old time movies" I say looking to my friends waiting for their answer, "depends on how late I have to work tonight. My new boss put me on the schedule for today. Guy's a total creep." Tory says making Robby speak up. "You got a new job? Where?" he asked curiously, "that's none of your business" tory responded coldly.

I sighed if she kept acting like this I don't know when I was going to break the news to her. "Look who made it" Kyler said as Kenny walked up to us he looked sad. "What's up?" Robby questioned, "I was at the high school yesterday and these older kids started messing with me. One guy told me I should quit cobra kai." Kenny spilled "who was he?" Robby asked. "I don't know he had this spiky red hair" he explained making me perk up. "Wait Hawk told you that?" I asked Kenny to which he nodded so I continued "Why didn't you tell me I would've kicked his ass back at the school" I exasperated. "We still owe that Judas some payback" Tory said looking over to Kyler "hell yeah" he responded.

Kreese called us in and started his speech. Then he introduced another sensei , I got weird vibes from him but Kreese knows what's best. If he thinks sensei silver can help us then I trust him.


We are currently sitting in Kyler's jeep watching the movie. He wanted to pick me up but I didn't trust his driving so I drove myself. Kyler is laughing obnoxiously while me Tory and Robby sit in the back seat. Tory looks distracted so I speak up, "not into the movie?" I ask she turns and looks at the screen "oh it's fine. I just had a shitty day". I nod holding my hand out to her, she takes it and intertwined our fingers laying her head on my shoulder. Me and Tory became best friends quickly and so whenever we are nervous or anxious or just need to let out emotions we would hold hands.

Kenny walks up handing the other guys their popcorn and sodas when Kyler calls for him making me roll my eyes. "What about mine?" He asked, "you said you didn't want anything" Kenny replied confused. "I want some now" Kyler said then started listing many things. "But I can't carry-" "Hurry up man" Kyler said interrupting Kenny. He sighed and started walking away making me and Robby hop out of the car. "Hey" I called stoping Kenny, "don't worry about him. Hazing the new guy. It's a good thing." Robby continued telling Kenny. "It is?" he asked not believing us, "Yes. Trust me, it's a lot less dangerous than what I had to do" Robby explained. "Just keep your head up, you'll earn respect. Got it?" I told Kenny encouragingly to which he nodded. "And um get us a snicker to share" I told Kenny winking at Robby before getting back in the car.

I'm laughing with Tory when I look out the window and see Hawk, Burt and Nate surrounding Kenny. I hop out of the car Robby right behind me. "You should watch where you're going, kid" I hear hawk say to Kenny. "Yeah same goes to you" Robby said, "I thought I warned you asshat but maybe it just can't get through your overly gelled mohawk to get to your brain" I spit at him angry that he just can't leave Kenny alone. "I have a perfectly normal amount of gel in my hair for your information" he says getting defensive that's when Nate speaks up. "You betrayed miyagi-do, traitor" he says. Tory walks up with the other cobras standing by me, "Oh there's a traitor here for sure and he's gonna get what he deserves" she exclaims looking at hawk. "I don't think so. Not if I have anything to say about it, princess" Samantha says walking up with some miyagi-do's.

It's a stare down for a bit me glaring at hawk until some nerd walks up. Dmitri I think his name is. "Hey guys can you believe that they have Mr.Pibb and Dr.Pepper" he speaks making us all turn and look at him when he finally figures out the situation. "Oh shit. Not another rumble" he groans making me wonder how many times this has happened. "Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't her to play peacemaker" Tory said to sam. "What's that supposed to mean" sam asked. "Stop okay we can't do this" Miguel says breaking the fight.

"Oh no I think we can. I tried being nice, I warned Hawk to stay away from Kenny but you just don't listen so I'm settling this right here right now" I said getting closer to Sam and Miguel's face. Robby me back swiftly holding me by the waist but I didn't object. "We'll beat 'em on the mat." Miguel said glaring at Robby. "Oh really? You remember what happened last time we fought, right?" Robby taunted Miguel making him swallow hard, "Okay meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes and no weapons" Miguel settled looking at Tory. "We won't need 'em" Tory responded and we all walked away.

30 minuets later we are standing in the field waiting for them to show up. "You guys see anything?" Kyler asked "they'll be here" Robby replied, "They better be" Tory said making me nod along. Suddenly the lights cut off and the sprinklers turned on soaking us all. "We can't let them get away with this" Kyler exclaims, "we won't" Robby said angrily. We stomped back to our cars angry and wet. I took Robby and Kenny in my car. Kyler took everyone else.

"You're cute when your mad you know" I say looking over to Robby who was already looking at me. "Are you being serious or are you just flirting" he asked his eyes flickering to my lips as we leaned closer to each other. I leaned all the way in attaching my lips to his. Fireworks. Fireworks is the only word I could use to describe the feeling. I unbuckled my seatbelt climbing over onto his lap. To an outsider we were just two teens making out in a car but to us this is what we waited months for. Pulling away breathing heavy I smiled at Robby. "Does that answer your question" I teased Robby, "Shut up and kiss me" he replies laughing lightly.

Leaning in again we hear a voice clear from the backseat. Looking back I realize that Kenny was still in the backseat. Chuckling awkwardly I climb back into the driver's seat and pull out of the parking lot. A few minutes later I pull into Kenny's driveway getting out to walk him to his door. "Uhm Kenny do you mind not telling Shawn about that" I asked Kenny, he nodded before walking in his house. Don't get me wrong I'm not ashamed of Robby or anything it's just that since my dad was always on business trips Shawn declared that he would be that in my life. With him being big and strong all his life he scared away anyone who wanted a chance and was really overprotective. I just feel that I should be the one to break the news to him not his little brother. Getting in the car Robby looks over at me "Now, where were we?" he asked leaning in again, "ah ah ah not yet we need to talk first. Are we getting together or not because I don't do friend with benefits." I told him. He took my hands looking me in the eye "Anastasia Assassin Creed will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my girlfriend?" Robby asked, "Robby Swayze Keene yes I will" I said laughing.

Demi speaks
Sorry for the late update
school was kinda hard
But eee they're dating
Hawk will still be trying tho
Lovely's we're almost half way done 😖
I'm so excited to write the prom episode 😁
Bye lovely's ❤️‍🩹

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