Let's Begin

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Here I am standing in my newly decorated bedroom. It feels off, the busy cars aren't heard. There aren't any people shouting for taxis but then again this isn't New York anymore, this is California. I head downstairs into the kitchen for a snack where I am greeted by my mother.

"Hey baby" my mom acknowledged me. "Hey mom" I replied taking a seat and biting into my apple, "so I know you are bummed about moving and leaving your old friends and cheer team, but I saw this ad for a karate dojo if you want to jump right back in. I know you hated falling behind on training, and plus maybe you can make some friends. I know it's hard starting school in the middle of the year." my mom proposed the idea to me. I thought for a second before nodding running upstairs to change into some athletic gear. "Oh yeah mom what was the dojo called again?" I asked "Cobra Kai honey, have fun" she told me as I grabbed my keys and rushed to my car driving away.


Arriving at the dojo I turn my GPS off and park my car jumping out. Clutching onto the strap of my gym bag I take a deep breath before opening the door. Upon walking in I see all kinds of weapons on the wall. Turning around I see a girl with brown blonde hair punching a dummy. She quickly looks up spotting me and starts approaching. "Hey I'm Tory with a Y" she says introducing herself "hi I'm Anastasia Creed I just moved here from New York" I replied smiling brightly. She hummed in response starting to circle, examining me.

"So you think you're cobra kai material" she asked hoping this new girl had the natural instincts of a cobra, in desperate need for a female friend. "well I was the three time martial arts champ in New York plus I've had gymnastics training since I was five making me fast," I state breaking off into a sprint "flexible," I add doing a round off aerial "and agile" I finished running up the wall into a backflip landing in a squat with one leg and one hand out sideways and the other side holding me on the ground. Standing up I noticed a crowd had formed and tory walked up to me "nice moves" she complimented "but can you fight Creed?" she added smirking.

I took my shoes off standing on the mat thinking tory was going to follow but instead this boy. Kyler? I think his name was. Whatever it sounds dumb anyways. After bowing we got into our fighting positions "fight" tory declared starting the match. Kyler attacked first as I anticipated leaning all of his weight to his left leg switching balance so I quickly dropped sweeping his right leg making him fall to the ground in which the girl struck his chest ending the match quickly and claiming the victory. "Point Creed winner" the flag guy yelled putting the flags down as quickly as he put them up. A slow applause is heard from the back of the room.

We all turn around and I came face to face with an old man wearing an all black gi. Assuming he was the sensei I bowed to show my respect for him and his dojo. "I would like to see you in my office Anastasia Creed" the man said smirking "yes sensei" I replied walking into the room. Closing the door he sat down starting to speak, "from what I can see Ms.Creed you are a natural athlete and have all the qualities we look for in a cobra plus if you want you can start training right now, how does that sound?" he inquired. "Yes sensei that sounds great, thank you" I responded taking the gi from his hands and running to change.


Currently me and tory are the only ones practicing while the boys stand on the mat and gossip. Tory eventually got tired of their noise and walked up to them talking, "You guys are pathetic. If you had handled your business, we would've won that fight". Kyler turned around responding, "Okay, whatever. Hawk, he switched sides." he said blaming someone else. "Yeah, Miguel just got out of a wheelchair and he still kicked your ass" Tory replied angrily, to which Kyler said "you know what? At least I'm still here. Half of the squad quit". Not knowing what they were talking about I mentally reminded myself to ask tory later.

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