The Rise

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I am standing at the vending machine waiting for my snickers to fall when I feel a presence behind me. I turn to see that it's Robby, rolling my eyes, I turn back around and face the vending machine. "Cmon A please talk to me" Robby pleaded with me. I picked up my candy bar then turned to face him, "Look I told you we can talk about this later, I have a tournament to win and I can not let sensei silver down and I think you should focus also". I told him tapping his cheek. I turned to walk away when an ear piercing scream sounded throughout the hall. I ran out to see Miguel on the ground withering in pain. "SENSEI" he yelled out with Johnny and the EMT's running to his side to help him off the mat.

The other fights continue as we wait for a verdict with Miguel. Robby's fight against Demetri starts. They hop around the mat throwing kicks and punches before Robby lands his first point. They continue on and Robby lands another point. "Point. Keene. Score, two-zero. Go to your sensei's " the ref states to them. Robby walks over to our side of the mat, Kreese simply nods at him to which he bows before turning to me with a small smile. I turn my head to the other side before locking eyes with Eli. He waves at me and I flash him a short smile. Robby and Demetri meet back in the middle of the mat before the third round starts, Robby seemingly fighting harder than before and before you know it Robby strikes a final blow to Demetri's stomach. "Point. Winner" the ref states raising Robby's hand in the air. They both walk off the mat and I take this as my chance to go find Kenny.

I walk around looking for him before finally checking the locker room. I walk in to see Kenny punching a boy continuously. I pull Kenny away from him before speaking, "What the hell are you doing?" I ask right as Robby comes running in seeing the scene. "Just getting payback on the kid who thought he could bully me and get away with it." Kenny states and Robby speaks up looking at the boy on the floor, "Anthony Larusso was your bully?" he asks. That peaks my interest and I speak up, "Wait your sam's younger brother? Guess bitchiness runs in the family."

Kenny bends down and grabs the young boy's shirt, "Do you hear that? Get ready for high school next year because you're gonna be in a world of pain." Kenny states before throwing the boy back on the floor. "Hey" Robby yells before continuing, "This is not how we trained you" gesturing to me and him with his fingers. "It's Cobra Kai. No mercy." Kenny simply says before walking out of the locker room. I take one final glance at the boy on the floor before following Kenny. "Hey Ken" I call out to him and he turns around, " I get it the dudes been a huge dick to you and trust me he's gonna get what's coming to him but promise me you won't become a bully" I tell him, he nods and smiles at me "I'll try" he says. I chuckle before pulling him into a hug, "Cmon lets go see if Miguel comes back." I tell him and begin to pull him along to the main mat.

We all stand around waiting for Miguel as the timer counts down before the buzzer sounds. "Well, it looks like Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight. Which means that the winner by default is Eli Moskowitz, who advances to the final where he will face Robby Keene. The finals are up next." Daryl says. Robby looks at me and I nod to him good luck.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the wait is finally over. It's finals time! Since Cobra Kai scored the most points, they only need to win one match to be crowned Grand Champion. But if Miyagi-Do wins both matches, the title is theirs! Ooh high drama! Up first, the boys' fight! Good luck to all of our fighters! Let's go!" Daryl says before running off of the mat. Kreese speaks up "This is it '' and Silver continues "Time to show LaRusso and your father that you don't need them. That you're strong enough on your own" and Robby nods.

The fight starts and they throw continuous punches and kicks to each other before Robby punches Eli in the chest scoring the first point. Eli calls a time out going over to talk to Daniel before returning to the mat. The fight starts once again and this time Eli strikes first surprisingly using Cobra Kai to put Robby on defense. They both jump to kick each other but Eli lands his first earning his first point in the match. They start the next round of the match and the pouches and kicks feel like they go on forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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