Kicks get Chicks

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"Come on I want to get a snicker" I say as I pulled Robby into the store with me "hey can you get me a white gatorade" I added heading towards the candy section of the store. Robby walks away and returns with my gatorade. "Why thank you my handsome prince" I joke taking the bottle from him and setting it on the shelf so I could wrap my arms around his neck, "anything for you my beautiful princess" He smiled leaning into a kiss. We stayed like that until I heard the door open making me pull away and go back to looking for my snicker.

"Robby" we hear making him look up only to be met with no other than Daniel LaRusso. "Of course" Robby sighs, "this will only take a minute Daniel reasons. "Oh I can save you that minute. You're here because you've  realized you're training a bunch of wimps and you need a male champion right?" Robby asked getting straight to the point and making me chuckle a little. That's when Daniel finally acknowledges me making a confused face before continuing but Robby beats him to it.

"Let me guess, your sales pitch is, "I'm here to rescue you". "This isn't who you are, Robby. I can help." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. " Robby said already exhausted with this conversation. "I've said all that before. It's time to break the chain" Daniel started before I cut him off groaning. "Oh my god this is so boring. I'll meet you back in the dojo babe" I told robby before walking to the front and paying for my stuff, greeting sensei on my way out.


Practice was over and me and Robby we're gathering our things from the corner. "Oh I have to go " I told Robby and he looked up at me confused, "where are you in a rush to?" Robby asked curiously. "Nowhere don't worry about it, but I'll see you tomorrow right?" I asked him slinging my bag over my shoulder "Uh actually I was thinking I'd stop by tonight maybe we could watch some movies?" Robby responded still looking at me. "Uhm tonight isn't a good night I think my parents are coming home but maybe tomorrow but I got to go I'll call you" I said running out of the dojo and getting into my car.

I couldn't let Robby know what I was doing. He would lose his shit if he found out I was meeting up with Hawk. Now now calm down I'm not cheating on Robby, I love him for god's sake but he can't seem to put this rivalry aside so I have to keep it a secret. Arriving at the diner I parked my car and got out already seeing hawk waiting for me. "Hey hey" I said sitting down on the other side of the booth. Me and Hawk talked and ate are friendship growing closer than before. I knew he had a crush on me but I chose to ignore it not wanting to lose him as a friend. Seeing the time I said goodbye to Hawk before driving to my house.


Seeing two cars parked in my driveway confused me. Walking into the house I heard chatter and laughter. Going a little farther into the kitchen I saw my mom and dad facing someone. "Mom, Dad? You're home oh my god" I said pulling them into a hug "we missed you so much" my dad said kissing me on the forehead. "Oh hunny look who just moved in next door" my mom said moving to the side to reveal my childhood best friend and crush Jack Brewer. "Oh my god Jack" I called running and jumping into his arms.

"It's been a long time Lily" Jack said hugging me back. Lily was Jack's nickname for me. It was kind of an inside joke, he called me that because when we were little this girl at the park was making fun of jack's braces so I grabbed a handful of lily flowers and shoved it down her throat. Mom and Dad yelled at me for it saying that violence is never the answer but Jack was happy and that was all that mattered to me.

Hours later me and Jack are hanging out by the pool when he speaks up. "Hey lets spar it'll be like old times" Jack suggested "Ok but be prepared to lose I am a cobra after all" I say getting in a fight stance. Me and Jack spar for a bit before I sweep his legs taking him down. "Uh oh better luck next time" I taunt him fake pouting, "Yeah yeah just help me up" he says sticking his hand out for me to grab which I do but instead of pulling me up he pulls me down making me fall on him.

I start laughing before being interrupted "What. The. Fuck" I hear looking up to see Robby standing by the backyard gate entrance holding a bouquet of flowers. He drops them before marching up to us yanking me off of jack. "What the hell man! Who even are you?" Jack questions Robby standing up quickly. "Who am I? I'm her boyfriend who the fuck are you?" Robby asked angrily getting up in Jack's face. "Robby chill, this is Jack he's my best friend from New York he just moved next door" I tell Robby trying to calm him down.

"I thought you were mad at me for the whole hawk thing and that's why you didn't want me to come over so I brought you flowers and came to apologize, only to find you with this guy who you've never told me about. If you were going to dump me you could have just said so I would've gotten over it eventual-" I cut off Robby's ranting kissing his lips. Pulling away I smiled at him "I'm not dumping you Rob, you don't need to worry I love you" I told him before turning to Jack

"Jack this is Robby my boyfriend. Robby this is Jack my best friend who happens to know karate and would be great in Cobra Kai" I said to both boys while also advertising for Cobra Kai. "I'll think about it lily but I gotta go and finish unpacking, nice to meet you Robby" Jack said before walking out the gate. "Cmon let's go meet my parents" I told Robby before dragging him inside and introducing him to my parents. They hit off quickly which surprised me seeing as y dad only liked Shawn and Jack but I was happy nonetheless.


Walking into school the next day I was happy that tory was here with me. I wanted to introduce her to Jack, I felt like they would get along pretty nicely if you catch my drift. When tory walked in people started whispering but we held our heads high and kept walking. Not even a second later sam walked up to us. I mentally groaned what is with all these LaRusso's. "I heard you let me back in, LaRusso. So I guess I should-" Tory tried to say before Sam cut her off "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but I'm not scared of you. You're not in control here. I am. My parents might fall for your bullshit, but if you so much as look at me funny, I will kick your ass for a third time. I'm coming for you, bitch" Sam finished her little speech and the only thing going through my mind was that this bitch had a lot of nerve.

Rolling my eyes I drag tory towards our lockers and we got ready to get through this day. God I can't wait for the tournament those Miyagi-do's need to be knocked off their high horse.


NEW CHARACTER UNLOCKEDJack Brewer played byLeo Howad

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Jack Brewer
played by
Leo Howad

Demi Speaks
Hiii update 1/2 today
I hope you liked this chapter
I had to improvise bc there wasn't much cobra kai this episode
Butttttt we are getting closer and closer to prom
Make sure to vote anyways
Bye lovely's ❤️‍🩹

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