The Fall

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We are waiting in the back to be announced at the all valley and I am a nervous wreck. Tory walks up to me looking nervous as well but I can tell it's not for the all valley. "Ana I need to tell you something" she said playing with her fingers. "Whats up?" I asked really confused about her behavior "Don't be mad but I kissed Robby" she says and I freeze its like my whole life is shattering everything I thought I knew and everything I trusted was going up in flames. I couldn't believe this but she continues "don't be mad at him it wasn't his fault. He came over to my house for advice, he told me about your fight. He was ranting and started falling into a panic attack. I-I didn't know what to do and I remember that kissing someone can get rid of a panic attack. I wasn't thinking straight and I just did it but he pushed me off right away. Please don't be mad Ana I would never do anything to hurt you. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you please" she pleaded with me explaining everything that happened.

I looked over at Robby and shook my head. "Right now I don't have the time for this. I can't be off balance for the tournament. We will talk about this later." I told her before walking away to stand by sensei silver who just nodded at me. "This next dojo took last year's title. But they're under new management. Can they reign supreme once more? And last year's runner-up. He may be wearing a new gi, but one things for sure, Robby Keene and his team are ready to strike! Hailing from Reseda, defending champions, and still the most badass name for a dojo, here comes Cobra Kai!" The announcer announced us and we walked out of the smoke.

He introduced the last dojo "It's Karate Time" he said increasing the energy from the crowds. "All right fall in. All your training has brought you to this moment. Remember, if you win, you don't just get a trophy. You get the glory, and you get to know forever that you are a champion. I have had students with all the talent in the world squander their moment. Do not let history repeat itself. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment." Sensei kreese says making me look at tory and Robby before he continued. "And above all, do not let anything stand in the way of your victory." he finished when Sensei silver spoke up. "Just to be clear. That's not a pep talk. That's an order. And we're all gonna follow Sensei Kreese's orders today, aren't we?" he asked "Yes Sensei" we responded. "Aren't we" he asked again to which we repeated "Yes Sensei".

The skills division started and people started performing the routines they practiced. Robby and Tory go doing their performances to perfection, then it's my turn. I am the last to go. In my routine I have incorporated gymnastics, board breaking, and sparing. First I do a round-off backhand spring breaking two boards with my foot. Next 4 students walk onto the mat and I fight all of them at once using both my training from New York and my training from here, not focusing on anything but winning. Once they are defeated I walk up to my stack of five cinderblocks and punch through them. Standing up I bow and walk off the mat.

The crowd started going wild and I smiled fist bumping sensei silver. "And just like that, Miyagi-Do has been snake bit as Cobra Kai takes the lead, with our qualifier rounds up next." Daryl said. The qualifier's began and Robby went up and beat his opponent easily looking over at me for some sort of congratulations but I just looked down. I won all of my matches being undefeated same with Robby, Kenny, Tory, and Kyler giving us a spot in the quarterfinals.

"All right, folks. We've witnessed some great fighting today. But you ain't seen nothing yet. Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals! Which means things are about to get intense. Of the eight boys and eight girls on this stage, one of each will be named all valley champion. And then we'll tally all the points to determine which dojo has earned the title of Grand Champion. And since the points get higher in each round . . . it's still any dojo's game" Daryl said making me scoff. That won't happen if I have anything to do with it. In fact I'm going to win this whole fucking thing.

I won my match meaning I move on. I look to the other mat seeing Tory fight this girl. If tory won I would have to fight her, and I'm not backing down. I need to keep focus and remember what sensei said, no emotions. I watch Demetri's match and he wins. I let a small smile show, that little nerd ain't so little anymore. "Your friend's lucky he didn't face Cobra Kai. Can't say the same for you though, lip." I hear Kyler say and then laugh obnoxiously walking off making me walk up to Eli. "Ignore him. He's a bully but that's not who you are." I told Eli smiling up at him. He sighs before responding "I don't know who I am these days" I step a bit closer to him, "you're not defined by your haircut, you know. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved it. But that's not why I hung out with you. You were nice and I liked your confidence." I told him. "Yeah well I lost my confidence so" he said looking down "Eli" I said taking one more step closer.

He looked up at me and I hesitated a bit before getting on my toes and kissing his cheek. "Go kick some ass" I told him before walking back over to Cobra Kai when Robby pulled me over. "Look I know you're mad and I'm sorry, but I didn't kiss Tory she kissed me. Please A I love you, please don't leave me, you promised" he pleaded with me. I sighed before speaking, "I love you too Robb but can we do this later, I can't be thrown off, I can't let sensei silver down." I told him before walking back to the mat smiling at Eli when he won.

Sam and some girl fought and sam won, but she wasn't using Miyagi-do. It wouldn't be a problem for me, I know I can beat sam. Next up to fight is Robby and Kenny. The round starts off okay Kenny gaining a point on Robby. Kreese told Robby something and he nodded, the match started again only this time Robby was going harder on Kenny, way too hard might I add. When it came to the final point Robby kicked Kenny's face making him fall down hard. The whole crowd gasped me along with them. Kenny got up and ran to the bathroom, I wanted to go after him but my round was starting.

It was the semi finals, me vs Tory. Whoever won would go against sam. The fight started and Tory came at me hard throwing multiple punches all to which I blocked before using a move my old sensei taught me. I backed up to a corner before running and jumping, doing a flip in the air before hook kicking her stomach winning a point. Tory got up holding her stomach and the match started again this time I went first sweeping her feet going to kick her chest but she rolled and jumped up. She went to punch me in the face but I grabbed her arm sticking her side earning another point. "The score is now 0-2 with Creed needing just one point to earn her way to the finals".

Tory ran at me once more punching which I dodged. I ran at her with a flying heel kick and she blocked but I hooked my legs around tory bringing her down with me. I elbowed her ribs getting me the final point and the win. "And just like that Anastasia Creed advances to the final's where she and Samantha LaRusso will face off in the fight of the year, Stay tuned folks" Daryl announced.

Demi Speaks
I am so sorry guys
I didn't mean to put this off that long
I got caught up with school and forgot
My grades suck
And my mom is threatening to pull me
But All Valley part 1 published
Tell me your thoughts anyways
Bye lovely's ❤️‍🩹

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