Love never dies

By AnneMiley

9.5K 587 208

One boating disaster changed Chloe's life forever, the love of her life disappeared into the ocean right befo... More

▪︎ Prologue ▪︎
▪︎ 1 ▪︎
▪︎ 2 ▪︎
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▪︎ 7 ▪︎
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▪︎ 9 ▪︎
▪︎ 10 ▪︎
▪︎ 11 ▪︎
▪︎ 12 ▪︎
▪︎ 13 ▪︎
▪︎ 14 ▪︎
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▪︎ 19 ▪︎
▪︎ 20 ▪︎
▪︎ 21 ▪︎
▪︎ 22 ▪︎
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▪︎ 30 ▪︎
▪︎ 31 ▪︎
▪︎ 32 ▪︎
▪︎ 33 ▪︎
▪︎ 34 ▪︎
▪︎ 36 ▪︎
▪︎ Epilogue ▪︎

▪︎ 35 ▪︎

230 14 6
By AnneMiley

It takes an hour for us to arrive at the bowling rink. Ryan is excited to spend time with Noah and Gwen. Little James just as excited. It's so good to see, knowing that his birthday is close.

,,Let's go inside and find our bowling ally." Noah says and open the main entrance.

,,I'm glad you decided to come, Chloe." Gwen hugs me for a small moment.

,,I couldn't resist my little boy." I tell her and follow Noah to the ally.

,,Well, be damned!" I hear and see Liam appear. ,,Noah, you did it. Good job to get Chloe out of the house." I'm very surprised to see my family. Nina, Zoey, Liam, Juliet, Kara, Lena... they're all here smiling widely at me. Little arms come around my waist and when I look down I see Arwen holding on to me.

,,It took a lot of convincing, but she's here." I look at Tim who's holding Sofie in his arms and give him a smile. The smile fades when my eyes find Emma's. She has her arms crossed, obviously not happy to see me.

,,What is she doing here?" She asks Noah, breaking eye contact with me.

,,It was my idea, Em." Liam comes between. ,,I don't know what happened but this isn't healthy. You two need each other, so sack it up and make up already." Emma snort.

,,This is a low punch, Liam! She knows what she did and I'm not ready to talk." And after that Emma walks to one of the two ally's we're going to use. I stay quiet as I follow Noah to the other ally.

,,She will come around, Chloe." Kara sits next to me with Lena. ,,She won't admit it now, but I know she misses you."

,,I just wish I could talk to her. I know I messed up again, but losing Emma is not worth it." They smile at me encouraging before the game starts.

The game is going good for our team as Kara, Liam, Noah and I are scoring strikes. I can see that Emma is struggling because she's not focused on the game. Does Kara saw it right? Is Emma just as miserable as I am? Ryan stands up and walks over to Emma with his ball.

,,Auntie Emma?" Emma puts on a fake smile as she turns to him.

,,Hey!" She says, smiling while giving him a kiss. ,,Do you score good tonight?"

,,Not as good as mommy but I will." Emma laughs.

,,Well, I guess I need to step up my game."

,,You can use my ball." Ryan hold up his ball towards Emma and I can see that she's touched by his gesture. She grabs his ball and squats in front of him, putting the ball on the floor.

,,Thank you little guy. Hey, do you want to know a secret?" I can see Ryan's eyes widen in excitement as he nods eagerly. ,,Your aunt Beca was a master in bowling. Every time we went bowling she would crush your mom. Well, everyone who was with her basically. Nobody was as good as your aunt Beca." My eyes widen, knowing the memory comes. Luckily I'm already sitting because next thing I know is that my vision turns black, taking me back to that specific moment.


,,You guys are going down!" Wyatt yells as he points to our team and gives Beca a high five. We always make teams whenever we decide to go bowling, but somehow Beca and I are never in the same team. We're going to use two ally's because we're a party of twelve. The first team is made of Wyatt, Nina, Beca, Tim, Liam and Gwen, and the other team is made of Noah, Emma, Zoey, Juliet, Kara and myself. I knew Beca and Wyatt were competitive but I'm surprised that Liam is just as competitive. Maybe it's a Mitchell family thing.

Beca laughs and blows me a kiss. I blush as Emma puts her arm around my shoulders.

,,Don't celebrate just yet, Bec. We have your weak point." Beca's older sister gives her a wink. ,,I'm pretty sure your precious girlfriend can distract you, making you throw in the gutter." Emma must know Beca is a master in bowling and so she tries to make her nervous, using me.

,,Hey! Don't use me for your competitive games." I say, while grabbing a ball.

,,It's not your turn yet!" Zoey says, grabbing the ball away from me. Noah put in our names in order of throwing. First Zoey, then Juliet, Kara, himself, me and last Emma. We wait until the other team did that too and I wonder when it's Beca's turn. Zoey and Nina are standing next to each other, trying to intimidate each other but they're failing. During everyone's game I look at Beca all the time and smile. I can't be competitive towards her, I know I'm not as good as she is and I won't try to win because I know she will be grumpy if she loses. I want to make her feel better tonight if Emma defeats her.

After a few times, trying to get at least one strike, it's my turn again. I grab my favorite ball, while watching Beca eyeing me up and down. I smirk as I slowly pick up the ball, making my body get up in a very sexy way and I see Beca bite her lip.

,,Beca's distracted! Crush her, Beale!" Emma shouts, what causes Beca to react.

,,Watch it, Em! I'm last for a reason, you're going down!" Now both Noah and Emma smirk.

,,Oh, you're going down Bec. Tonight in Chloe's bedroom!" My eyes widen and I look over towards my brother.

,,Noah!" I yell embarrassed a little. I guess the remark gets to me more than to Beca.

,,Oh, I bet we're going down together tonight." Beca gives me a wink and then turns towards the guy who handles the music. ,,Play a nice song, dude." She says to the guy and then make her way over to me. I'm just about the throw the ball when I hear an all familiar song play from the boxes. Arms sneak around my waist and a breath against my ear. Goosebumps are rolling over my body and just when I'm about to release the ball, I hear Beca's voice whisper in my ear. ,,I requested for your song, so you can get yourself ready for tonight." She releases her grip on me and without me even knowing I release the ball who immediately rolls down the gutter.

,,Hey, that's not funny, Becs." I say with a pout. ,,You messed up my shot!"

,,All is fear tonight, Chlo. I'm going to win and you can celebrate with me tonight." She gives me a wink and I shake my head smiling, while sitting down.

,,You might have distracted your girlfriend, but I'm not easily distracted little sister!" Emma grabs a ball, giving Beca a daring look.

,,Game on!" Beca grabs her ball and they throw at the same time. I really hope Beca gets a strike or a good score. Emma is in my team, but I will always part with Beca. Both balls roll towards the ten pins with speed. Emma's ball is a little bit more to the right than Beca's ball, which causes her ball to only hit nine pins. Beca's ball hits the first pin, who brings down the rest of the pins, resulting in a strike. Beca throws up her hands.

,,Oh yeah!" She yells and then she does a victory dance with Wyatt and Liam. I smile while my cheeks are burning red. First when Beca throw the ball, she looked so sexy and professional and second, I love to see her this happy.

,,Okay, your team won, happy?" Emma cross her arms.

,,Aw, someone can't handle losing. Let's cheer her up, Bec." Liam and Wyatt grin as the pull Beca towards Emma. Once they're at her, they start to tickle her until she begs them to stop. I laugh with the rest as we watch. Beca releases Emma and walks over to me.

,,You were good too, Chlo." She says.

,,I bet you say that to give me a good feeling." Beca pretends to be offended.

,,No!" I give her a look. ,,Okay, you were not really good, but I can change that."

,,How?" She comes closer to my face, close enough to kiss me.

,,I can teach you. But then I want to be all alone here with you." She says in a whisper, giving me goosebumps all over again. ,,I love you." She mutters and then capture my lips with hers. I let out a small moan, enjoying her lips on mine. I loved this bowling family bounding, but tonight when I'm alone with Beca in my bedroom is when the real fun begins!

,,Chloe?!" Noah carefully shakes me out of my memory. ,,Are you okay?"

,,Yeah, I'm now. Thanks."

,,Where were you?" He asks me concerned. ,,This is like the second time today!"

,,I had a memory about Beca." I say and look down at my hands, seeing that the bowling game is paused. I don't feel like playing anymore, because Beca never got the chance to actually teach me. Something came up everything we tried and then the cruise...

,,You need to warn us next time, Chloe. You scared Arwen!" Emma says and I didn't even notice that she was standing here too.

,,Okay, that's it!" Liam grabs Emma's arm. ,,You two need to talk it out. I've had enough!" With his other hand he grabs my arm and takes us towards a small empty room. ,,You two stay here until you two made up!" And then he closes the door, after which he tells one of the employees not to let us out.

,,Liam, this is not funny! Let me out!" Emma yells and tries to open the door but the employee holds the door close.

,,Emma," I try but she turns around quickly.

,,Don't!" She says and then turns back to the employee. ,,Let's me out!"

,,Emma please, I'm sorry." I say, which makes her turn around.

,,What are you exactly sorry for? You've done a lot of things what makes me furious."

,,For kissing Donovan."

,,That's all?!"

,,I don't understand what else I'm supposed to say."

,,You really don't know or are you pretending?"

,,What's that supposed to mean?" Now I'm getting angry. Emma walks away from the door towards me.

,,That you like to make out with guys!" She hiss at me. ,,First you have unsafe sex with Chicago in the bathroom stalls of a club, then you get drunk every time you feel sad and then you throw yourself all over Donovan. What the hell, Chloe?!"

,,I'm not throwing myself over Donovan. I don't even like him that way!"

,,Oh and you want me to believe that? Ever since you met him you flirt with him, hang out with him. If you didn't feel anything for him, you shouldn't agree to meet him!"

,,I'm not in love with Donovan, Emma!" I use her full name now. Normally I would just say 'Em', but right now she needs to understand that nobody can replace Beca. ,,I'm in love with Beca, but guess what, she won't come back! She's gone."

,,You really believe that she's dead?" That makes Emma even angrier. ,,You have a whole pinboard with investigations of the accident and you believe that my little sister is dead?! Have you seen her dead body? Have you seen anything on the news about her?!"

,,How do you know about the pinboard?" Is the only thing I ask. I never showed her. Only Kara, Zoey and Nina know.

,,Does that matter?!" Emma goes through her hair frustrated. ,,Tell me Chloe, if you're so in love with Beca, why are you fucking Chicago every time he comes home from his duty?" I open my mouth to deny, but Emma points her finger to me. ,,Don't you dare to deny that. I know more than you think. Why, Chloe? Why are you doing that to yourself? Do you want to get yourself pregnant again?"

,,I want more children but not from Chicago." Tears prick in my eyes now. ,,I guess Chicago is just the easy way. He always want to have sex with me when he returns and because he only stays for a week, I always agree."

,,Chicago always wanted you, Chloe. Beca knew that too and was so mad when he came along sometimes."

,,Came along?"

,,Yeah, remember the Barden parties? Every time you had fun with Beca, Chicago came between the two of you. Beca was so scared to lose you and I guess now she has."

,,She didn't lose me. I love her!"

,,Okay, if that's true than stop fucking him. Say 'no' when he asks you to have sex with him, don't see him anymore. Please Chloe, if Beca's going to return and sees you with Chicago, she will be devastated."

,,Okay, I promise." This promise seems to make her a little happier again.

,,And what are you going to do about Donovan? That guy is head over heels in love with you and probably going to try and kiss you again. Maybe he even wants to go further. Who tells me that you won't let him?"

,,I don't want sex with him or Chicago!" My voice raise itself again, which result Emma in doing the same. I guess she's still mad at me for kissing Donovan in the first place.

,,You say that now, but we both know you feel something for him!" She yells and walks towards the door frustrated. ,,This isn't working, let me out of here!" She yells towards the employee but he just shakes his head as Liam comes towards us.

,,You two need to talk it out!"

,,But she's not getting it! She's going to hurt Beca over and over again!"

,,No, I won't!" I yell and walk over to her. I place my hand on her arm, but she takes her arm back. ,,Emma, please listen to me. I'm not in love with Donovan."

,,But you have feelings for him. You told me yourself. You told me Donovan was just like Beca!"

,,What?!" Now Liam yells, unattended I'm sure but it still scares me. ,,You compares Beca with that jerk?"

,,I didn't compare Beca with him, he said the same words Beca once did and I kissed him after my memory." I quickly put my hand in front of my mouth, realizing what I just said.

,,You kissed him?! Is that the reason Emma is this mad at you?"

,,Liam, please stop shouting at her." Emma say, trying to lower her own voice. ,,She obviously regrets it now and it's not our live." Wow, even tho Emma is mad at me, she still defends me. ,,We made a promise to Beca and I'm not going to break that."

,,But -" Emma holds up her hand.

,,And neither are you, so come in here!" Liam obeys and comes into the room. ,,Chloe just promised me she will stop fucking Chicago and that she's going to break every contact with Donovan." They both look at me now. ,,Right, Chloe?"

,,Yeah, I will delete his number and tell him never to contact me again. I only love Beca."

,,And what if Chicago comes back?" Liam asks.

,,I won't have sex with him. I can't banish him from my life because he's Ryan's father, but I won't be intimate with him again."

,,Good!" Both Emma and Liam say now. I release a happy sigh, happy that it's good again. At least, I think we're good? I turn my gaze to Emma, who seems happy too.

,,So are we good again?" I ask Emma and see Liam watching his sister's action closely.

,,Yeah, we're good." She says and my smile becomes bigger while a tear escapes my eye. ,,Aw, come here!" She opens her arms to welcome me into a hug and I gladly accept it. ,,I'm sorry for yelling at you, but you needed to get what I wanted to hear." She tells me when we separate again and wipes away the tears that are streaming from my face.

,,Trust me, I get it." She smiles and put her hands on my shoulders.

,,Great! And now we're going to have our full attention to Ryan's birthday party. It's going to be amazing!" Liam let us out of the room, back to the others.

,,Are they good again?" Kara and Nina ask Liam and when he nods, they start cheering in happiness. I'm so glad everything is good between Emma and I again, because I missed her so much and I know Ryan's birthday party will be better with her there.

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