Love never dies

By AnneMiley

9.5K 587 208

One boating disaster changed Chloe's life forever, the love of her life disappeared into the ocean right befo... More

▪︎ Prologue ▪︎
▪︎ 1 ▪︎
▪︎ 2 ▪︎
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▪︎ 36 ▪︎
▪︎ Epilogue ▪︎

▪︎ 33 ▪︎

212 13 5
By AnneMiley

Three days, that's all that's left until Ryan's birthday party. Four and a half days until its just me and I can spend the rest of the day wallowing in my self pity and complete sadness.

The party should be something to look forward to and I am, but only to a certain extent. I'm excited for my little boy to turn two. He should be able to remember this birthday. So it's important that nothing goes wrong. I can't be the reason that something happens. Tension definitely isn't going to be good.

That's why, if Emma hasn't contacted me within the next two days, then I'm going to go to her. I'll grovel and beg if I have to. I need and want Emma in my life forever. She's my sister and one of my very best friends. Her opinion means the world to me. If she thinks that I need to do something then I will. Heck, I'd even stop seeing Donovan if she told me to. Honestly, I've been thinking about that already. I just don't think it's a good idea anymore. Being friends with him could cost me my relationship with Emma, my family. I can't and won't lose her because of him.

I'm so grateful to Emma, I don't know why she didn't, but I'm glad. She hasn't told any of our siblings about why she's mad at me. I expected her to be so mad that she'd want everyone else to be too. In my heart, I know that Emma isn't like that. She'd never do anything just to spite someone else.

It also seems that she's still helping with the party. Whenever I ask Liam, Kara or Lena a question about something lettaining to it. Most of the time they say that Emma is handling it or has it handled. I haven't seen her, but I do know that she's been around. My family has everything party related under control. Leaving nothing really for me to do, except for getting the birthday boy to his party on the day.

Well that's not completely true, I am in charge of what presents to give my son. It really isn't much but I've been buying him little things here and there for the past almost ten months. I knew I needed to be on the ball. All that I have though are some toys and clothes. Stuff that other kids probably get a lot more of. I need something with more importance and significance. Something that Ryan can keep forever. The only problem is it can't cost a lot of money or really any honestly. I'm out of work still, the dinner can't reopen until the repairs are done. I'm not using the money that Emma gave either for two reasons. One being that I don't know if she still wants me to have it after our fight and with what's been happening. Two being that I want the present to come from me and only me, he is my son after all. Luckily Ryan is spending the whole afternoon with Noah, Gwen and little James. So it gives me time to come up with something.

To get inspiration, I start to go through my drawers that I haven't even really opened in a while. The first three that I look through give no ideas, it's all useless stuff in them. I should probably throw most of it away honestly. I close them deciding to do that another day.

It's the third drawer that makes me think ah ha! It seems to be full of books, of all different sizes and lengths. There on the very top is a photo album. That's the perfect present for Ryan, why didn't I think of it before?! Pulling it out, I hope it's empty so I can use it. Thankfully there's nothing in it, I could jump for joy right now. Placing the empty album on the floor beside me, I reach inside for the next which is an actual photo album full of pictures of Ryan's first year. Looking through I see pictures of my boy, with me, my patents and siblings. There are a great number with Emma, Liam, Kara and Lena too. They've all been in Ryan's life from the start, he's a very lucky little boy.

I'm already feeling really emotional when I decide to pull out the next book. Turning it over and opening it, the first picture comes into few. My eyes are drawn to the writing underneath it first. In big letters it says 'Every time Bloe kiss, there are SPARKS & FIREWORKS!'. I know exactly which picture I'm about to see. Something in me wants to close the album and bury it away. But another part wants me to look, this part wins out and my eyes travel up the picture to the large picture. There Beca and I are at a bar, kissing. My heart hurts even more now but I can't look away. Softly my fingers touch Beca's face and stroke it unconsciously.

I remember everything about this moment, where it was, when and why. Oh no, the memory is taking hold now, I didn't want this to happen but I'm stuck with it now. At least I get to see my beautiful Beca again. My vision begins to fades and I let myself fall backwards so I'm lying down as the blackness takes over.


I'm finished getting ready and look to myself in the mirror. My hair is in loose curls and I have makeup on. I sigh, grab my phone and walk out of my room. I hear a bunch of people and I can tell this party is going to be big. I walk inside and immediately Aubrey walks over to me.

,,Chloe, I almost thought you weren't coming."

,,Of course." I look around but don't see Beca.

,,Who are you looking for? Chicago isn't here, you know."

,,I'm not looking for Chicago. Have you seen Beca?"

,,Beca's at the bar, but be careful she didn't look very happy to be here."

,,She will, thank you." I say goodbye and walk over to the bar. ,,Beca, you did come!" I say enthusiastically. She turns around and looks me in the eye.

,,Wow Chlo, you look -" She has a look on her face, which means that she doesn't know what to say.

,,Is it too much?" I look down at my dress. It's a black lace dress and I've chosen to wear a pink blazer over it. It's sexy, but not too sexy.

,,No, you look very sexy." I look up to her and smile.

,,You think I'm sexy?" I say with a little flirt in my voice.

,,That's not even a question. You're drop-dead gorgeous, everybody can see that."

,,Did you just gave me a compliment?" Beca laughs and gives me a friendly soft push.

,,Don't get used to it. Do you want something to drink?"

,,Yes please." Beca nods and orders the same drink I had in Los Angeles during summer break. We cheer with each other and keep eye contact. I have to kiss her. I put down my drink.

,,Don't you like the drink? Do you want another one?" Beca is obviously confused.

,,It's going to be the best drink ever, but we need to continue this later."

,,We?" I nod, grab her drink and place it on the bar. I step closer to her while my eyes keep looking into hers. ,,Chlo, what are you doing?" I ignore her question and grab the back of her head. I look to her lips and lean in. My lips touch hers and we both are closing our eyes. I kiss her for a few seconds, without Beca kissing me back. I open my eyes once again and see Beca already looking at me. I don't know what she's thinking right now, but the silence is killing me. The silence lasts for only a few minutes, but a few minutes too long. I take a step forward, but don't get further because Beca grabs my wrist and turns me back around. Our eyes meet once again and she smiles at me, before kisses me hard and pulls me closer to her body. I kiss her back with all the power in my body. Beca plays with my bottom lip and I give Beca access to my tongue. We both lose ourselves completely in the kiss and it's even getting a little heated. My hand caresses her cheek and she pulls me closer if that's even possible. Her hands touch my bare skin on my back and the goosebumps are forming on my entire body. After a few more minutes, we pull apart and look each other deeply in the eyes. Wow, that was awesome!

,,Wow." Is the first thing Beca says and smiles.

,,My thought exactly." I smile back at her and grab my drink. I take a sip and can't stop looking at her. ,,I love you, Becs." I tell her and she smiles.

,,I love you more, Chlo." We lean in one more time to give each other a kiss. I found the girl of my dreams and I'm never letting her go anymore!

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