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By Mariart_s

5.2K 101 38

Time .... the one thing we take for granted, we say that we have all the time in the world but before we can... More

Not a Chapter
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Three
What the WHAT!?!


296 6 10
By Mariart_s

I started the car and we headed down the the plaza to hopefully find anything that could help us with the case.What happened next I wasn't ready for....

Reid's Pov

The car ride to the plaza silent I looked over to Y/n driving. She seemed to be very separated from everyone which in the first month of starting a new job is normal. But she was mainly separating herself from Hotch which wouldn't be normal, he ver even talked about her. I didn't even knew he had a second sibling.  We soon pulled into the plaza which pulled me out of my thoughts.

Y/n got out of the car and waited for me, "start form each store and make our way through the whole plaza?" I asked and she nodded in response. At the start of the case she seemed uneasy but now she seems very concentrated which is good in this line of work but doesn't seem right for someone who's Just in Her place.

Y/n Pov

I feel the best way to get this job done is to push all the feelings and stresss down and do the work. In other situation before it worked perfectly but now, it felt hard to do. I walked into the first store and made my way up to the counter and pulled out my credentials, "hi I'm Doctor Hotchner and this is Doctor Reid. We are with the FBI would it be okay if I asked you some questions?. " the man seemed to comply perfectly but he didn't see any of the victims or anything strange around the dates they disappeared.

We continued on to every store in the plaza doing the exact same thing as the one before but still no one had anything."are we sure this was the plaza they even went to?" I asked looking over to Reid. "Yes almost positive." He responded walking into what it seemed was a counselling office. Reid made his way up to the desk and pulled out his credentials while I did the same. "We are with the FBI and we have some questions if you don't mind." He handed over the list of victims and asked if women there has seen them or knew them in any way.

She looked up at us in shock, "y-yes they are all patients here. Who come In Weekly, had something happened to them??" She asked but Reid ignored the question in more of a hurry, "is there anything else that could connect them?" "Yes, they are all Beverly's patients, did she do something??" I quickly moved aside and pulled out my phone while Reid kept asking questions.

"Garcia worker of magic how may I help you?" "Hi I need you to search for a name. A women named Beverly, she works at a counselling office called....." I looked over to the sign." Easy grows." " okayyyyy, weird name buttttt yes I have a Beverly kings," "can you run her though the data bace." "Already ahead of ya sugar she spent time in Juvie and oh my God her father was put in jail and she went into foster care ." "why was he arrested" " he was arrested for, abusing and sexuality assaulting her and her little brother oh my God he would make him wear girls clothes."

I took a breath and stayed on the phone, "anything happen to the father recently?" "Yes, he died two months ago." "The stressor." I said looking over to Reid whitecaps was walking up to me, "she's here." "And she fits the profile." I said to him. " Garcia tell the team we have her and get the housing location of the brother, sister or even father. That could be where the missing person is." I said to her before hanging up.

We were told we're Beverly's office was and we slowly made our way down the hall holding our guns down to our sides. "What are you doing?" We turned back to see a blond women walking out form down the hall. I looked at her name tag and it said what I expected. " Bever-" before I could continue sirens are heard in the background and with that gun stops were fired. But not buy us. Reid quickly tackled me to the good and we quickly moved behind a corner. "Are you alright?" He asked whichI nodded in response.

"Beverly you don't want to do this !" Reid yelled but more hun shots were fired down the hall. "You don't know what I want!!" She yelled back. I looked in the glass door which was now shattered but I could see her reflection getting closer. "You father hurt you and your brother. And you wanted him to pay but also wanted to understood why. " I said leaning on the wall. "And once you did it once you couldn't stop yourself. You kept doing it without stop. And the the signs on the back, it resemble something doesn't it." I said hearing light sobs, "it was the tattoo he had, it was all I would see and focus on, I couldn't look at him
I'm the eyes. " she sobbed letting more fires ring out.

I felt so bad for her she's been through hell and back but with that also Whent down the wrong road. I got up and slowly walked out form behind the corner hearing Reid telling me to stop. " Beverly..." she looked up and pointed the gun at me. I slowed her mine and placed it on the floor. "You are in pain, and you want to feel better for the reasons why you worked here. " he said walking over with a slight limp for some reason. I glanced down and saw my pant leg stained red.

I started to make my way closer to her and she seem to get more anxious the closer I got, "and I can get you that help but only if you put down the gun." She seemed hesitant so I continue talking, "and your brother, we can help him too and get him a better life. That's what you want right?" She nodded as I stood in front of her. I reached out and gasped the gun and she slowly let go. I threw it along the floor and she hugged me crying. "I don't know what's going on ..." she sobbed but held her closer. "That's why we're going to get you some help.... Okay?"

My head snapped over to see the team rush in with their guns in the air, once they saw Beverly and I they put them away and came closer. " okay Beverly these guys are going to take you to get some help, but before that can you tell me where your brother is? So we can help him too." I asked looking at her. "He's ... at the house, the man's there too. You promise you will help him right???" She asked worried. "Yes I promise." I said she went away with some of the officers.

I took out my phone. And called Garcia, "did you find where they are staying." "Oh help to you too." "Sorry" "it's alright hun they are staying on a farm at 176 hillcrest drive. It just off the highway. " "okay thank you" I said hanging up, "176 hillcrest drive," I said to Hotch I whent to go walk but Emily quickly stopped me, "Y/n you're injured, you need to get some medical attention..." " can we get a medic In here!" Arron yelled out. "I'm oka-" "princess you are bleeding, have someone stay here with you and we will head to the location." Morgan spoke." I'll stay" I looked over seeing Reid standing beside me. "Sounds good very one else let's get there quickly." Arron spoke as they quickly ran out.

I looked over to Reid as the medics started to come over with a stretcher, "I'm fine ... I can walk." I said going to take a step but stinking forward. Reid quickly caught me soon picking me up. "So I guess this is a nice icebreaker." I said mumbling. " well a icebreaker is a ship designed for breaking a channel through ice. But I think you are meaning the more modern term for 'icebreaker' though tension in a new friendship. And I don't think this would classify." He said laying me down on the stretcher. "I... you talk to much. Reid." I said as he walked beside the stretcher. " call me Spencer, being shot at together I guess would classily as a icebreaker." He smiled towards me Whitby I returned the gesture.


We got to the hospital and I was being pushed through the halls towards an empty room, "do you think this is kind of extreme for a gun shot to the leg." "A gunshot is pretty extreme Y/n" Spencer said to me. I sighed and the bright me to the room, "I'll be right outside and be back after you are all done getting patched up." Spencer said. "Okay make. Sure to call Emily or someone to see how it's going with them." I said as he left.

A nurse walked in holding a hospital gown. They don't want me to put that on do they? What about my arms ... I said now being able to feel the previous needle marks as they were being pruned into my skin.  "Uh no, do you think we could just rip my pants." I said. "No you need this, we need to give you some fluids and some blood brocade of how much you lost. " "no I don't need fluid or blood. Im okay, I just need this bullet out of my leg. " a ringing sound went off.

I looked over seeing my thing on the chair, "can you pass me that?" I asked the nurse. She grabbed my Phone and handed it to me. "Hello?" "Y/n hi it's Emily.... Reid said to call you. We got him and the unsub... we're heading over to you now, do you need anything?" "Yes can you grab my go-bag?" "Of corse is it just at the station!" "Yes it's a brown letter with my name on it." "Okay got it." "Thank you" I said and hung up.

As time went on I still refused to put on a gown, I had a few reasons on why but the main was wasn't what I was going to tell. The nurse gave me a look and made her way out. Moments later Arron walked in hiding my bag. "Someone's telling me you are not complying. " he said looking more angers then normal. "If you are going to yell at me this would be the time to do it, I have no way to walk away." I laughed a bit.

"Y/n this isn't funny, why would you do that, you risked your life. And on you're first day." He said. " Arron I'm fine I'm okay. It's hard for you to comprehend that I'm not just your little sister but a trained federal agent.... If you heard about the hangfull of things I've done before this wouldn't even compare. So stop being angry like a brother and treat me like an agent, sir." I looked over and saw the team in the doorway. Arron sighed and put the bag on the end of the bed.

He left and Emily walked in, "so is that his this normally goes?" She asked and I just nodded in response. "If yoga tent going to put on the gown at lest change into clean clothing. "She said opening up my bag "there should be a sweater and shorts in there. " I said and she pulled them out for

Emily helped me out to the bathroom and handed my things to me. I closed and locked the door, i started to get undressed I pulled off my pants and pulled up the shorts. As my shirt came off my eyes averted to the mirror. I looked down at the bruised areas along my arms due to the nettles. I pulled over the Jodie and brought the arms up high enough so I could still reserve a Iv on the lower part of my arm.


After getting my leg numbed the were able to get the bullet out and stitch it up. The doctor advised to stay off of it for awhile but it wasn't my first gun shot so I probably won't listen. A nurse walked in with items used for an Iv. She whent ti pull jf my delve more but I stoped her, "no, could you do it lower. I'm dehydrated and don't want you trying to poke me multiple times up there." I said, she gave me a questioning look but did so.

After she left I moved my self up more so I was sitting up, the door opened in in walked in the team. "Where's Arron?" I asked. "He had to go back to the station," Rossi spoke looking over. "Okay so when can I leave, where are the papers." "Slow down princess you are not going anywhere." Derek spoke. "Yeah you were just shot in the leg, you are going to stay overnight on observation then we're all taking the jet back tomorrow." Emily added.

I loaded over seeing Spencer reaching out too grab the clip board that was attached to my bed. "Okay so it's getting late, shouldn't you guys get back to the hotel?" I asked. "Well you aren't staying here along so I'm going to grab my things and come back here for the nigh." Emily said. "Oh no I can't ask you to sit in a uncomfortable hospital chair. " "well good because you didn't ask ." She smiled.

Everyone stair their goodbyes and soon left one by one, Reid stopped and looked back, "do you need anything's before I go?" He asked due to him being the last there. "Jello." I said. "What?" "You herd me mister eidetic memory." He smiled." Okay what kind?" "Surprise me," he nodded and walked out. Moments later he walked back in holding two cups of jello. "Omg you got me two?" "No I got one for myself." He said sitting down.

"Wait shouldn't you be getting back to the hotel or station? "I asked opening up my jello. "Yeah but in just going to stay here till Emily gets back." I nodded "oh okay." I dug the spoon in and took a huge bite. "Hospital jello is the only thing that hasn't let me down." I laughed. Reid nodded and took another spoonful himself.


Reid and I had some conversations about worldly problems, it was oddly nice to talk about something that doesn't consist of psychopaths or murderers. Soon Emily walked through the door with her things, Spencer said goodbye and left to go get some sleep of his own. Emily took a seat down where Reid was and smiled. "So I see you and boy wonder we're bonding" she said giving me a look, "oh Emily stop." I laughed. " we were just having a friendly conversation." I said.

"Oh do you already have some hot man you are talking to?? Or women! No disrespect here". I laughed at her comment. "No it's more of a not a person for relationships" I said she seemed to understand. As time went on, we both became tried soon we decided it was time to get some sleep. I laid down and Emily walked over to the couch that was in the room.


I walked up the plane stairs trying ti hind the lip I gained form resent events. I walked though the jet and took a seat in the back corner. Emily followed along behind me putting her things away. "It's to early"I mumbled. " I can agree in that." Rossi spoke walking into the jet. He was followed in by everyone else. Once everyone was seated the jet doors were closed and it started to take off.

The ride was normal, i engaged in conversation with Emily and Derek for most of the ride. Arron was in paperwork, Rossi as well and Reid was in a book. Or books" once we arrived back in Virginia we all got our things and put our thing into our vehicles. I looked over seeing Reid standing there with his stuff. "Do you need a ride home?" "Oh no I take the bus." "Reid?" "Yeah?" "You are not taking the buss get in the car." I said getting in myself.

The back door opened and he placed his things inside. He got in the passenger seat and I dove off. He pointed me in the way of his place. We were getting fairly close to my new place aswell. Once we get to his apartment building, I realized mine was right around the corner. "Oh you live oddly close to me." (Is almost like someone planed this out for a fan fiction)

Reid asked me where I lived and I told him the address, "hm, yeah that's just around the corner but anyways Y/n thank you for the ride." "No problem, because we live so close you can always get a ride form me if you need it." I said. He thanked me and made his way inside. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way home.

I pulled up to my apartment building and grabbed all my things. I get out of my car locking it and made my way inside, I took the elevator up to the 3 floor and made my down the hall to my place. I went to go grab my keys and open the door but the door was already unlocked. I didn't think much of it brocade it's as something I used to do a lot. I continued inside and flopped on the couch.

Even tho the case was hard, we have a positive outcome, in the end we have closure to family's and have the unsubs the help we needed. On that I made some good friends and am starting to find my place in the team even tho it's only been about 2 and a half days. It's going to take a bit to rebuild my life but it's something I'm up for.


That was a verrrry large chapter but I hoped you liked it. Please comment and vote. I'm someways looking for some ideas to add into this story. It's going to be a long one.

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

3100 Words

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