Excuse Me, Can I Punch You No...

By karla353

1.3M 14.8K 1.5K

Alexandra Droz is one of New York's best kick boxers, and also a pain in the ass in school. Her bad attitude... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
****Authors note****
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authers note

chapter 20

32.2K 444 67
By karla353

****? POV****

"Look you have to get out of here!" I cried out. Maria stood there, her black eyes staring into mine with fright. Even at 18 I felt pretty wise for my age, and yeah I made bad decisions, but I am pretty sure that what she is going threw is not right. 

"You don't understand! Look just get out of here now! its not safe, he is really pissed at you, and if you don't get out, he will kill you!" Maria shook with fright. The black night surrounded us, with only the light of the moon cascading over us giving me a view of her face. 

"Mom...?" We both turn our heads and look at the 13 year old I came to know for only a little while. His dark eyes staring at us with fright. He looked at alot like his mother, with her black hair and angular face. He stood tall but was about a foot smaller then me. 

"Yes sweety?" Maria jogged up to her son. The boys eyes never leaving me, looking into me suspiciously. 

"Dad is looking for you, he seems really mad."The boys eye turn to his mother. 

"Ummm,I'm going, hey I need you to go to the car ok? We are going to leave to the house soon." the boy nodded. Maria hugged him and placed a kiss on his head. He eyed me one last time before turning away.

"Maria..listen to me...he just found out that the boy is not his son. He is mad at you to, and knowing him and his short temper, you have to get out of here before he does something drastic. Yeah he is mad at me to, but I need you to get away. Please." I plead one last time, staring into her dark eyes which seem to go on forever.

"Fine, i'll go." she huffed. I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug, just in case this was my last time seeing her. The fact that I disobeyed an order from the big man, he would probably put a bullet in my head, but I don't care, I want maria to live happy. She gives me one more smile and turns her back to me..and disappears into the night.

****Kevin POV****

Alex is SO frustrating sometimes, I want to just punch her in the face, but yet at the same time, I want to grab her and kiss her. Something about her spicy attitude just drives me insane. But the fact that she wont listen to me and keeps hanging with Tyler just pisses me off. Its Monday and I trudge my way to 1st period. My body acing for sleep. I haven't slept all weekend. After that big fight with Alex, I just haven't been in the mood. I cant let her know about my past, it would only drag her into my problems, and I moved here to get a fresh start. Also the Big Match is in a month and a half, and I have to prepare Alex for it, but I cant if all we do is argue and make out.

I walk threw the empty hallways, only a few kids sitting about reading. I have to start getting here early because I get here late and that's not setting a good example. Unlocking my classroom and turning the lights on. I was lost in thought to not notice somebody slip inside and shut the door behind me. I turn around and come face to face with Ms. Sterling. She was flashing her big smile at me. Her face caked over with a layer of make up. Her hair let lose in curly waves down her back and the front of her chest. I look at her from head to toe. Her white blouse tight around her chest, which looked a size to small for her because her boobs looked like they were going to explode out of her shirt. And a pencil skirt that reached from mid waist and the way to mid thigh. And to finish her look off, some huge black heels.

Ms. Sterling was the definition of slut, except a teacher. She would always come dressed in cloths a few sizes to small, and her face caked in make up. If it wasn't for the fact that I currently have a crush on a hot headed, 18 year old, I would have boned Ms. Sterling by now. Believe me, her body had all the curves in the right places, but I just didn't find interest in her. Not to mention she is really clingy. ever since I started working here she would follow me around and ask me to dates, but I turned her don all the time. But apparently, she still didn't get the message.

"Bonjour Mr. walker," she said, while coming up to and wrapping her hands around my tie. Her blue eyes looking up at me seductively. Like I said, if I didn't like anybody right now, I would have found that sexy as hell and gave in, but right now it was annoying. I am tired and I don't feel like dealing with her.

"Hello Ms. sterling, nice seeing you, but I really should start working right now, the bell is about to ring any minute now." I plaster a fake smile on my face and I start shoving her out of my room, but she had other plans. She walked around me and strutted to my desk, and took a seat on it. She eyed me seductively, a big smile crosses over her face. I huffed and waked over to her.

"Please Mr. Sterling I need to start-" she grabbed my tie and yanked me forward so I was in between her legs.

"Did you hear? There is a masquerade ball coming up and I wanted to see if you wanted to go with me. Also since we HAVE to go because we have to be chaperons and all, but I think we should go together." She begged. Her perfume was so strong, I felt like choking but I held it in.

"I don't know about that-" I was cut off mid sentence when my classroom door was swung open. We both turned our heads, and stared shocked at who ever just came in.

Standing at the door was Alex.

****Alex POV****

"Look, Alex I think you should talk to Kevin." Carla implied. We were currently walking threw the school, and it is early as heck. Who the heck wakes up and goes to school 30 minutes earlier before the bell rings. That is just stupid, but Carla woke me up and dragged me here at this ungodly hour. The whole way here, she kept saying how, 'If I don't face my problems, they would never get solved.' So I decided that I would stalk him down, and just talk this threw with him. Wow that sounds kinda creepy of me, but anyway I must do this. 

Carla walked off to where ever she hangs out in the morning, and I made my way to Kevin's classroom. The hallways were quiet, and empty, but there were kids sitting around the hallway reading and doing homework. Really, people really come here this early for that. I made my way over the door and paused before opening it. Okay Alex, take a deep breath. Like Carla said, my problems wont be solved unless I face it head on. 

With one fast movement I swing the door open, but freeze mid stride in when I take in the scene that is taking place in front of my eyes. Ms. Stinging, Ms. Storying, or whatever her name is... is sitting on Kevin's desk while holding his tie. He is standing in between her legs and seems to be enjoying it. They both looked at me with shocked faces. 

"Ummm, sorry, ummmmmm." I quickly shut the door and bolt down the hallway. I hear mumbling and steps behind me, but ignore it and run straight into the girls bathroom. The tears lining the lid of my eyes, threatening to come out. What a jackass, hes all here like, ohh I like you and all, but then hes in the classroom dry humping that whore of a teacher.

I sniff and walk to the mirror of the bathroom. My eyes are red from the tears that finally came out and poured across my face. I shouldn't have listened to Carla, all it did was get me hurt. Wait!! this isn't the same Alex as before. This isn't strong Alex. This is a weak excuse of girl. Aghhh I pull at my hair. 

I will show him, I will show him, I am not someone to mess with. I wipe my face and fix my unruly hair. I will show him. The sound of the bell echos around the bathroom. I look at the time on my phone, and notice its time for first period. Time flys by fast when your an emotional wreck. I walk out the bathroom into the now crowded hallway and straight to first period. Walking into the classroom, I plaster a big fake smile on my face. Tyler is sitting in the back with an empty seat next to him, and so I take it. Tyler stares at me with a confused expression at my sudden chirpiness. His black messy hair coming in front of his face in a oh so sexy way. I ignore his sudden questioning look and face the front of the classroom. 

Kevin was in the front staring intently at me. His jaw locked and his eyes staring at me with sadness, but I dont care. I wave to him, smiling at him, and turn so I'm facing Tyler. The classroom is still kinda empty with only a few students. 

"What has you so happy?" Tyler ask suspiciously. 

"Ohh nothing, just today feels soo good."

"But its a Monday." Tyler states in a monotone voice and a serous face.

"Soooo, I don't know why but I'm just happy." I stat rather loudly so Kevin can hear me. 

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you something." Tyler asks nervously. He turns his eyes away from me and stares off into the distance.

"Yeah, anything shot." I move closer to him.

"Wellll the masquerade ball is coming up and all, and some of the guys are dragging me, so I wanted to see if you would go with me...as my..... date...but it doesn't have to be...it can be just friends...but that's-"

"I would love to Tyler. I would love to go with you as a date to the dance." I say loudly. I can feel Kevin's intense stare on my back, but I ignore it. 

"Wow..okay.." Tyler smiles and lets a breath out. I am not a dance type of person, but since Carla is dragging me to it, I might as well go with someone. Also since its alright for Kevin to be all up on that whore, he shouldn't mind me going with Tyler to the dance.

"Okay class, time to begin!" Kevin stats rather madly. I turn and notice the classroom is full. My eyes connect with Kevin's, and his is a mix of anger and sadness. Jezz I wonder why hes soo sad. I smile his way, knowing this is only the beginning of the plan.

***So what do you think. i made it long :) also is Alex at fault here or is it Kevin, because obviously they should really talk this threw, and maybe afterwords have some fun.. if you know what i mean ;) but they are both so stubborn. tisk tisk.*****

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