Lost Memories: I'll Be Your S...

By Anastasiaxo

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BOOK 2. Stacey is back at Hogwarts with more problems than ever. It is Harry's 3rd year at Hogwarts and Siriu... More

Chapter 1: Disappearance
Chapter 2: Long Trip
Chapter 3: Meeting with the Traitor
Chapter 4: The Dursley's
Chapter 5: The Arrest
Chapter 6: Meeting With The Ministry
Chapter 7: Rita Skeeter's Article
Chapter 8: Dementors
Chapter 9: Memories of the Dead
Chapter 10: Buckbeak
Chapter 11: The Funeral
Chapter 12: Lessons
Chapter 13: Losing Hope
Chapter 14: Coming Together
Chapter 15: Dr. Ringe
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Three Broomsticks
Chapter 18: Demetrius' Mansion
Chapter 19: First Day
Chapter 20: The Big Mistake
Chapter 21: Saving a Life
Chapter 22: Dangerous Lust
Chapter 23: Reunited Again
Chapter 24: Paths Unfolding
Chapter 25: Everything's Alright
Chapter 27: Begining of Pain
Severus or Sirius?

Chapter 26:Spinner's End

1.5K 50 3
By Anastasiaxo

"Bye Harry dear," I sailing kissing his forehead, "Try to enjoy yourself. Summer will be over before you know it!"

We were at King Cross Station. I had already said goodbye to everyone else at Platform 9 3/4 except for Draco. I had to wish him in the train because as soon as we got off Lucius came and took him away from me. Typical Lucius. I waited till all the commotion was over to talk to Harry. Andrew was in his stroller beside us and Severus was somewhere keeping himself busy. There weren't too many muggles around which I was thankful for.

"Oh would you hurry up?" Petunia snapped from behind Harry and I.

I shot her a nasty look and Vernon put his hand on his wife's shoulder trying to calm her temper. Harry also turned around angry and was about to say something to Petunia when Severus came behind me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the back of my head protectively. Severus could be miles away but he always knew exactly when someone was rude to me.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't speak to Stacey like that Petunia," Severus sneered.

Petunia's eyes widened. It had clearly been numerous years since she had last seen Severus.

"S-Severus?" She stammered somewhat fearful.

"Yes, so leave Stacey while she tries to wish Potter." Severus said coldly.

Even Vernon didn't want to mess with Severus at this point. He just ushered Petunia away and left us. Severus smirked victoriously and released me.

"Thanks," I said smiling.

"I will be waiting at the exit with our luggage." Severus whispered to me be before walking off with our packed trolley.

Harry watched us uneasily for a while. Looking back from Severus who was walking away to me standing in front of him.

"Harry stop that," I laughed.

"It's just so ...weird. I would have never in my life guessed that you two would date." Harry thought out loud very confused.

"Oh never mind that -"

"So you're moving in with him?" Harry interrupted curiously.

"Yes, I am." I replied coolly.

"Well ... Alright. So um ... Anyways yeah I will try to live through what I can with them this summer but thankfully I am going to the Weasley's Burrow after." Harry told me changing the subject.

"Oh that's wonderful!" I exclaimed. I truly was happy for him.

"Do you think you can drop by for a visit?" Harry asked with hope, "I heard George and Fred were going to invite you over anyways. They said they wanted to discuss some business matters with you?"

"Yes I will try and pay a visit. Yup well the twins and I have similar interests," I replied smiling mysteriously.

"Like pranks?" Harry asked laughing.


"Is Sirius alright? Did you hear from him again?"

"Yes Harry I did. He is fine. We will try to find him a home to hide in so we can all visit him soon. And we will try to clear his name." I comforted.

"Alright good! ... But what about Peter?" Harry asked.

My fists clenched just at that very name and my heartbeat picked up.

"I - I don't know Harry. Lets just hope he gets what he deserves," I said trying to hide my fury. I took a breath and continued, "Anyways Harry I have to get moving. Lots of packing to do!"

"Alright. Take care. See you soon Godma," Harry said hugging me.

I wished Harry goodbye and then he said goodbye to Andrew. He ran off to catch up with the Dursleys who were waiting for him looking rather annoyed. Oh well. I pushed Andrew in his stroller to Severus who was patiently waiting for me.

"Ready?" Severus asked kissing me lightly.

"Yeah so am I going to Spinner's end first?" I asked.

"Yes. Relax for a bit and then finish packing." Severus told me, "Can we apparate?"

I nodded and took his hand. The three of us and our luggage was taken to his home. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we entered. This was actually happening. I had moved in with him. I noticed that the house was baby proofed and I smiled. I took Andrew from his stroller and placed him in the playpen which I made appear. Severus just watched me busy myself. I went to get the suitcases when Severus grabbed my hand.

"I will do it later. Come," Severus said.

I followed him to the living room where I could keep an eye on Andrew. I sat down on the couch and Severus went off to get us some tea. When he came back I was in deep thought. He sat beside me.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Severus said placing the tea on the table.

"What do you think of Clyde?" I asked placing my legs on his lap, bringing him closer and taking a sip of tea.

He rubbed my bare legs as he listened to me speak. It was a beautiful summer day and I was wearing shorts and cropped tee with my hair pulled into a loose ponytail.

"He's alright," Severus answered, "Why?"

"Like do you trust him? ... Do you think he would be a good father?" I asked staring at the tea.

Severus looked at me curiously not liking the question. But I hadn't noticed. I was still drinking the tea blabbing on,

"Do you think he will be a good father to my kid? I think he would be an excellent father ... He is responsible most of the time. And he would take care of the child for me wouldn't he? Yeah he would. We've been close for years so yeah I guess he is a trustworthy father. Plus he is good with kids."

"Are you ... Pregnant with his child?" Severus asked hesitantly with hurt and anger in his voice as he stared at my stomach.

I snapped back into reality now.

"What huh? No of course not!" I said patting my stomach.

"Then I'm confused," Severus said still talking cautiously, "Why do you want to know if he would be a good father to your child?"

I felt bad at his worry. I thought it was so sweet how he was so afraid that I would leave him. It was rather romantic. The look on his face when he asked that showed nothing but pain. It warmed my heart to know someone loved me that much.

"Oh my love," I said laughing, "I want kids now but the only person who I would want to have kids with is you. Clyde is just my best friend just like Lupin and John are."

He looked at me almost,dare I say, blushing at my words about how I wanted to have kids with him. I was true though. I really did want a family with him.

"You are so sweet," I giggled kissing him.

His lips lingered on mine when he said,

"I hope I can be the father of your children someday."

I felt my heart leapt. I sat back and gazed at him ecstatic.

"Really?" I asked feeling chocked up.

"Really Stacey," Severus replied kissing my bare legs, "So now what about Clyde?"

"Severus I want to give him shared custody of Andrew." I said looking at Andrew.


"Not because I don't want Andrew to think of you as a father. I want that but if Voldemort comes back we are going to be so caught up in the war. With your deal with Dumbledore and me becoming one of his preys for torture -"

"You aren't," Severus said sternly.

"Yes I am," I replied accepting the truth.

"You don't know how he will torture people! He will have you begging ... Begging for death. Don't talk about it like its no big deal!" Severus said afraid for my safety as he ran his fingers though his hair. "He will only stop torturing when it is time to ... To have you killed. And you won't be. I won't let it happened."

I took my legs off him and sat beside him resting my head on his chest as he put his arm around me drawing me closer. I could hear his heartbeat beating faster as he dwelled on the thought. I drew my hand up and down his thigh as he began to relax resting his head on my head.

"We won't talk about that now. Anyways with us being incredibly busy Severus I need someone to look after Andrew and take care of him ... If ..." I drifted not wanting to finish my sentence.

"You don't have to say it. I understand. Andrew needs someone protective, responsible, and not as involved in this war so they can watch over him."

I nodded silently as Severus continued,

"I think Clyde would be a great father towards Andrew. But you have to get them more acquainted with each other. So Andrew gets used to the new surroundings."

"Exactly. Plus looking after Andrew is hard when we are in Hogwarts. I just want what's best for him and I don't think it's me," I said softly.

"You are a wonderful mother and he loves you. But you can't do it all, he will understand. You can visit him whenever you want and you will have custody over him. He will still be your son,"

"So it's settled? I'll talk it over with Clyde and then work out everything. Problem solved," I said.

Although it hurt knowing I wouldn't be able to spend time with Andrew I had to think of him above myself. Severus and I sat there together for a while talking occasionally but more so just enjoying the time together.

"Did you hear who is going to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Severus asked me.

"No, who?"

"Alastor Moody,"

I laughed and said,

"Oh that's wonderful! Ha there isn't going to be a dull moment with him around. He is a great guy. I've actually been wanting to visit him. Should we?"

"You can but I am not of a people person,"Severus told me.

"Alright fine. What else is there is this year?"

"Then there is the Triwizarding Tournament,"

"Geez this is one busy year. Isn't Igor the head of one of the schools?" I asked.

I felt Severus tense up underneath me so I stroked his chest calmingly. Igor was a past Death Eater and yeah memories. No need to dwell on it.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up. Anyways I'm quite excited for it though."

"Don't worry. Yeah I want to know who the Hogwarts champion will be."

"Yeah, but I'm more so excited for the Yule Ball," I said dreamily.

Severus chuckled and said,

"Of course you are. Does the name Alexander Kov ring a bell?"

I giggled. Back in our Hogwart years there was supposed to be Triwizarding Tournament. Alexander Kov was one of the champions from the visiting schools and he asked me to the Yule Ball. Sadly the tournament was cancelled soon after the ball because of complains of it not being safe with Voldemort around.

"Yes it does. He was so sweet. I wonder where he is now. We lost contact years ago," I said reminiscing.

"The boy you asked first regretted turning you down all his life but he will always be great full for what you did for him that day." Severus said tracing his fingers on my back.

"I wanted to help," I said smiling as I nuzzled my face into his warm chest.

"I'm so happy you're here," Severus whispered.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him. The amount of love I felt for him was unimaginable. I heard the mail slot and I looked at Severus confused. I wasn't aware of the muggle ways here.

"It's the mail ... but I don't get muggle mail ever." Severus said thoughtfully.

I slid off the couch and went to the door. It wasn't muggle mail, it was from Amber and John. The envelope was beautifully decorated. It opened it and read the first few lines,

'Your invited to join us in celebrating ...'

I jumped up screaming in happiness.

"Stacey?" Severus called from inside.

I ran to the living room screaming his name and laughing.

"Babe what is it?" He asked standing.

I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around him. He effortlessly carried me still very confused. He stumbled a bit and we fell back on the couch. I let go and showed him the card screaming,


He laughed at my gleeful face and read the invitation.

"That's amazing," Severus said.

"Here," I said taking the note attached for me. I rested one hand on Severus' thigh still sitting on him. I began to read out loud, "My dearest Stacey, John proposed to me when we were celebrating our anniversary a few months ago. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I wanted it to be a surprise. You are my best friend (needless to say) and I was hoping Rose and you could be my brides maids at my wedding. Clyde will be John's best man. I'm not saying I hope you can come I am saying you and Severus ARE coming to my wedding. Oh and of course little Andrew as well."

I left some parts out because that was the dress shopping, invitations, preparation and of course details on the proposal.

"Brides maid huh?" Severus teased.

"Yes! Oh I can't wait. I am so incredibly happy for the both of them. My best friends are getting married!" I sighed happily putting the note on the table behind me.

"You are a real romantic aren't you?" Severus asked laughing.

"Yes -" I stopped talking when I saw a patronus come into the living room.

It was the shape of a swan ... It was from Rose.

"3 ... 2 ...1," Severus counted down.

And he was right on time. Rose's voice boomed through along with her happy squeals. We listened and laughed at this overjoyed girl. The patronus vanished leaving Severus and I there laughing.

"Oh my," I sighed, "I will reply to them later. Let's starting moving things in shall we?"

Severus agreed and I took Andrew as we apparatus into my apartment. I found Lupin's luggage there but he wasn't. Alright, what do I take? I decided to leave all the furniture there for Lupin.

I walked to my bedroom and looked through everything. I was just making sure I could use the spell I wanted. When I realized everything was in place I decided it was a good time to say the spell. With a wave of my wand all my clothes and personal items were packed in boxes in front of Severus.

"Well that was easy," Severus said looking around at the boxes.

I walked outside and joined him. I heard the doorknob moving and I turned to see Lupin walking in.

"I wasn't really expecting visitors," Lupin laughed hugging me.

"Sorry I just wanted to pack up my things so now you can move in properly." I said as Lupin took Andrew from me.

"I can't thank you enough Stacey,"

"You don't have to. I just wanted make sure you'll always be safe."

Lupin looked hesitantly at Severus and then at me. I knew he wanted ask me something but he wasn't sure if he could say it around Severus. So I helped him out a bit.

"What's up Lupin?" I asked.

"I was wondering ... you told him about you helping ...?" Lupin said softly.

"Yes, she told me everything." Severus answered for me.

Lupin relaxed a bit before continuing,

"Have you got any owls from Sirius? I got a few but no news recently."

"Yeah I have," I said hesitantly looking at Severus who just nodded at me, "He is fine and so is Buckbeak. He is really enjoying the free life but he said he misses us a lot."

Lupin nodded happily. I pulled something out from my back pocket. It was the letter to transfer the apartment over to Lupin.

"Here. I just need your signature and then give it to the superintendent. Then everything will be yours," I said as I handed the paper to Lupin.

"Thank you for that!" Lupin said starting to read it over.

"I will see you later Lupin. I have to finish packing."

"Alright take care," Lupin replied kissing my check and giving me Andrew.

I went back to Severus and we apparated off with our luggage.

Basically everything but the utensils, food and furniture was packed. I had all my pictures, books, and other things with me.

"Where do we start?" I asked Severus placing Andrew down safely so Severus and I could get to work.

"Most of it is in the bedroom right?" Severus asked.


"So up we go." Severus said pulling out his wand and waving it around.

My boxes and suitcases all went upstairs upstairs before us. I followed Severs up to see his bedroom seemed to look bigger. There was Andrews crib there already and a separate room for Andrew for when he was older.

"Is the room bigger?" I asked walking around.

"Yes. I put a charm on it for us so there will be more room," Severus told me walking up behind me.

We worked hard that afternoon to organize my things and put everything away; along with Andrew's things of course. By the time we were finished I was exhausted. I looked around and it really looked nice and homy. I traced my fingers over the furniture and looked out at my photo album which wasn't put properly. I was going to fix it but instead I took it out and walked over to the couch near the fireplace in our room. Our room. I say down and opened it up flipping through it. Severus walked and saw me.

"What's that?" He asked standing at the door.

"It's a gift from Lupin. A photo album of my parents and I," I answered touching the pictures longing for my parents.

"You miss them don't you?"

"People say it gets better in time. But it doesn't. You just get used to the pain," I answered.

Severus walked over and stood beside me. He bent down a bit and titled my head up gently with his hand so I was facing him.

"They would be so proud of you." Severus told me.

I smiled at him closing the book and placing it down beside me. Severus and I spent time together for a while before going done to make dinner. When everything was over I put Andrew to sleep for the night and had a quick shower. Severus was somewhere in the house keeping to himself. I decided to just put a robe on after I got out of the shower. I cleaned up a bit because we hadn't completely earlier and replied to Amber and Rose before changing from my robe. I also wrote to Clyde telling about how and why I wanted to give him shared custody. I had no rush changing out of my robe because I knew Severus wasn't coming upstairs for a while.

I put an oversized shirt on later that ended mid way of my thighs and went quietly downstairs to where Severus was. Before reaching him I just wandered around. When I was done walking around I went to Severus. He was in his study siting on a red chair. Along the walls were countless amount of books. Severus was reading the Daily Prophet ... the article about Sirius' escape. I leaned against the doorframe and watched him with interest. After a bit Severus crumbled the newspaper and threw it in the fireplace near him grumbling angrily.

"Something wrong my love?" I asked folding my hands across my chest.

"No nothing. Is Andrew asleep?" Severus asked changing the subject.

I nodded watching the newspaper burn.

"You know I'm going to clear his name right?" I said not looking at him.

"I know you aren't going to stop trying." Severus said picking up another book, "Stace he tried to kill me."

I sighed upset that he hadn't let that go but I didn't saying anything. There wasn't any need for me too. When I didn't reply he bent his head to the book he had in his hands and continued reading it. I glanced at the time. It was 10 and I was pretty tired. I had no idea where the time had gone.

"Are you coming to bed?" I asked.

Severus looked at the time and shook his head replying,

"Um no. I'm going to stay here for a while."

"Okay, good night." I said as I went back upstairs.

I crawled onto the bed and slept on one side so I was closer to Andrew. I was sleepy but I could fall asleep. Weird. I just lay there in bed for an hour or so. My mind felt so clouded with thoughts for some reason. It almost felt like someone invaded my mind looking for something. I sat up concentrating on what exactly I was feeling. I heard footsteps and Severus walked into the room.

"Still awake?" Severus asked walking to the other side and getting on the bed.

"Yeah ... I can't sleep." I replied softly.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Um nothing. Just overwhelmed with thoughts." I answered.

"Come here," He whispered.

I turned to face him and scooted over to him wrapping my legs around him and tucking my face under his neck. He held me close and kissed my forehead.

"Better?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied quietly, "Baby you don't mind right? The whole Sirius situation."

Severus sighed as his hands wandered my body.

"I hate Sirius Stacey. But I love you so much. I can look past it for your sake." Severus told me.

"Thank you so much. I love you too," I replied.

We melted into each others embrace feeling safe and happy. Severus fell asleep before me and later on I slowly drifted off as well.


One more chapter until the book ends. But there will be more! The next books will be very dramatic and eventful because Voldemort is coming back. I hope you all continue reading. Love always xoxo

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