The Butterfly and the Shadow...

By keishirogane08

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The Demon Slayer Corps, a military organization whose sole purpose is to battle demons led by the King of Dem... More

Character Background
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
OC Breathing Style Information
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Hashiras thoughts about the OC and OC's thoughts about the Hashira
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Valentine Chapter (Modern Era AU)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Optional Chapter (R-18)
Chapter 44

Chapter 6

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By keishirogane08

Inei's POV. Butterfly Mansion.

I let out a sigh and quietly drank my tea as I finish my story.

Shinobu: So, what Himejima-san said was true..........

I put down the tea cup, quietly swallowed the tea before I began talking.

Inei: Yes. After all, he was already a pillar during that time.

Inei: Not only him.

Inei: Uzui-san was a demon slayer during that time.

Inei: I met him when I joined him on a mission.

Inei: Then, after a month, I was being offered to become a Hashira, but I respectfully decline, all because I wanted to have some experience first.

Inei: "You wouldn't want to have an inexperienced Hashira among you, right?"

Inei: That was my reasoning.

Inei: After a year, that is where I became a pillar.

Inei: But before that, I managed to slay all the Lower Rank Moons of the Twelve Kizuki.

Shinobu: I don't know if I'll believe that story when Himejima-san told your story but........

Shinobu: How did he know?

Inei: Kagaya-sama and Gyomei-san are the only ones whom I can trust with delivering my reports.

Inei: And it was always backed up with Kagaya-sama's crow as Kagaya-sama himself that his crow be paired with mine so that there will be backing evidence.

Shinobu: So, Oyakata-sama knew it all along.

Inei: I wouldn't be surprised if Kagaya-sama knows.

I slowly stood up, grabbed my haori that was hanging on a haori rack.

Inei: I'll be going for a walk for the meantime.

Shinobu: Hm, you don't really have any injuries, you're just exhausted and all.......

Shinobu: How long have you been travelling ever since Oyakata-sama gave you those orders?

Inei: Let's see........

Inei: After two years, I met the family that Kagaya-sama wanted me to protect.

Inei: I lived with them for a year.

Inei: Then I bid my farewell to them.......

Inei: Another couple of years passed........

Inei: I went back to the family and found them dead, while the two remaining members are missing.

Shinobu: .............

Inei: That's why, after I rest, I will find them.

Shinobu: ..........

Shinobu: You're going away once more?

Inei: Yes.

Shinobu: ..............

Inei: Don't worry, I'll need to go somewhere.

Shinobu: Somewhere?

Inei: The Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

Inei: I will visit the Emperor, it's been a while since I last saw him.

Shinobu: His Majesty was the one who recommended you to be a Demon Slayer, right?

Inei: Yes.

Inei: That's why, I want to see the Emperor for a while.

Inei: And then afterwards, I will go search for the remaining members of the family that I was supposed to protect.

Inei: Don't worry, Shinobu.

Inei: I'll come back here as soon as I can.

I smiled at her, as she clasped her hands over her chest, her lips pursed.......

Inei: Come on........

Inei: Despite the hardships that we went through, we must always smile for the future will always be bright ahead.

With that, I left the Butterfly Mansion and travelled on a few the Imperial Capital, Tokyo.

Specifically, to the place, where the Emperor resides, Emperor Yoshihito or known as Emperor Taisho.

When I stepped inside the Palace, I still couldn't believe that the Imperial Guards still recognized me.

Imperial Guard 1: Wait, is that you, Inei!?

Inei: Hello, how are you guys doing?

Imperial Guard 2: That's our line you brickhead! How are you doing!?

Imperial Guard 2: You are a demon hunter now, right!?

I stick my index finger to my lips to quiet him down.

Inei: ...........

Imperial Guard 2: R-Right, sorry. Anyways, I'll lead you to his chamber.

He lead me to the chamber of His Majesty and he is delighted to see me once more.

Yoshihito: Inei, it's been nine years since I last saw you.

I bowed to the Emperor.

Inei: I am glad that you are in good health, Yoshihito-sama. I pray that good health and fortune will come to your way.

Yoshihito: Thank you, Inei.

Yoshihito: Did you come here just to visit me? If that's so, then I'm thankful.

Yoshihito: How is your life as a Demon Hunter?

I then narrated what happened to me after I left the Imperial Palace to be a Demon Slayer.

I told him everything, from me killing the Lower Rank Moons of the Twelve Kizuki, cornering the Upper Ranks One, Two, and Three of the Twelve Kizuki, becoming a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, my meeting with the Kamado Family, and my encounter with Muzan Kibutsuji.

Yoshihito: I see, you've been through a lot.......

Inei: ........

Yoshihito: Also, about the Kamado Family, I will have some of my men look for them. Can you describe the appearance of at least one of them.

Inei: Okay, then I'll go for Tanjiro, since his earrings is eye catching.

Inei: A boy with black and dark red hair, wearing a checkered haori that is color black and sea foam green haori, hanafuda earrings with the sun design, and a scar on his forehead.

Yoshihito: All right. Got it. I'll have my men look into this boy, what is his name by the way?

Inei: Tanjiro Kamado.

Yoshihito: Got it.

After a few minutes of catching up with the Imperial Staff that I worked with in the past, I decided to begin my journey to search for Tanjiro and Nezuko.

Since they won't be in the city, I decided to start at the rural areas.

Inei: Wait, that reminds me.........

I looked into the sky.

Inei: It's that time of the year again........

Inei: The Final Selection.........

I whistled three small blasts and summoned my kasugai crow, Kage.

Inei: Kage, would you mind to observe this year's Final Selection for me.

Inei: Also, if possible, if you see a boy with the hanafuda earrings and a scar on his forehead.

Kage: As you wish.

Kage flies away in a fast speed.

Inei: The fact that Muzan was the one behind the Kamado Family massacre, it would be natural for Tanjiro to hold the one responsible for his family's demise.

Inei: My gut is telling me that Tanjiro is one of this year's Demon Hunter aspirants for this year.

Inei: If my intuition turns out to be true.......then........

Inei: I pray, that Tanjiro survives the Final Selection.

A week had passed and Kage returned to me with the news.

Kage: There are five people who passed this year's Final Selection.

Inei: Five, huh? Who are they?

Kage: Genya Shinazugawa, Kanao Tsuyuri, Inosuke Hashibira, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Tanjiro Kamado.

Inei: !?

Inei: Did you say Tanjiro Kamado!?

Kage: Yes, I have confirmed the identity of the boy you were looking for and as of now, he finally received his first mission.

Inei: I see.......

Inei: All right, Kage. You're dismissed. Continue to watch Muzan's movements. He could be anywhere in Japan.

Inei: And whatever is he going to pull, we mustn't let him execute his plans.

Inei: And if possible, if one of the Twelve Kizuki is involved in one of the attacks, inform Kagaya-sama firsthand and then, I'll wait for my orders.

Kage: As you wish.

Kage flies once more, and when my crow vanished into the horizon, I smiled.

Inei: became a Demon Slayer, huh........

Inei: All right, once I found you and Nezuko.

Inei: Tanjiro, I'll make you my Tsugoko. Not as the Shadow Hashira........


As "Hinokami Hashira."

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