By marawrites_

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#1 in Hitmen #1 in Kingpin "You look skimpy." Ashanti Carter was unexpectedly kidnapped by hit men she had n... More



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By marawrites_

One year later...

Nyla Smith

"Hello?" I questioned while answering my mothers call groggily as I stretched in my bed. I squinted my eyes at the bright sun peeking through the window.

"And good morning to you ma'am" My mother said sternly and I rolled my eyes as if she can see me.

"Good morning mama."

"Nyla, I just had a dream about fish. There were multiple fish swimming in a pond. It was lovely." My mother stated as I sucked my teeth loudly. Here she goes with this fish bullshit.

"What about Drew? I'm sure he can have kids. How come you didn't call him?" I asked glancing down at my flat stomach. I already knew about it.

"Well because you're my girl, so it's only right that I call you first." She told me confidently causing me to sigh in exhaustion.

The morning sickness started three weeks ago, but Javon probably didn't even notice due to his frequent absences. He likes handling things in the morning so he can spend the afternoons and evenings with me. As of right now, his side of the bed was empty and I was alone in the house.

I wasn't stressing or insecure about him seeing another woman however. After losing me once, he said he'll never lose me again.

"So who's the daddy?" My mother asked and from the tone of her voice, I knew she was smirking.

"Come on mama, you know Javon is." I said poking at my belly. I knew I was early in my pregnancy, but my mothers reference to it had me wondering how big I'll be. I'm petite, so maybe not too big.

"So you are pregnant! Nyla, I have to see you baby!" My mother exclaimed catching me off guard. I can't believe I fell for her trap that easily!

"Mama don't tell anybody! This is between you and I. Don't even tell Mr. Hale!" I said referring to my mothers male friend that I've only seen in pictures.

"It's only between us two? So you haven't told Drew yet?" My mother asked causing my heart to drop. Drew and I haven't spoken to each other since I got back with Javon, but my mother obviously didn't know that.

"Not yet." I informed my mother in a flat voice somewhat hoping that she'll get a hint to drop the subject. Not only was Drew my little brother, he was also the only person I trusted so I hated keeping this major part of my life a secret from him.

"Ny, are you alright?" My mother asked and I just shook my head. I didn't feel like speaking anymore.

"I'm good ma, but I gotta go. I feel funny." I lied resisting the urge to hang up.

"Well okay Nyla. Take care of yourself, and the little one. I love you baby girl." My mother said her final remarks and I nodded as if she could see me before finally ending the call.

Sighing, I tossed my phone on the empty space next to me before getting out of bed. I walked over to the small balcony attached to the bedroom and opened the door.

I entered the balcony and looked out at the clear blue water laid out in front of me. The weather was nice and breezy which led to people bringing out their boats and leisurely sailing in the water.

Feeling a sudden wave of nausea, I took a seat at the lounge chair and pulled out my phone examining my notification wall. I saw an iMessage notification from Javon and immediately opened it.

Javon- Dropped by the office because we had to resupply. I'll be back later.

I have to tell you something Von. Hurry up.

I waited a couple of seconds for his response, but it never came. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes before standing up from the chair and stretching out my limbs.

I made my way over to the adjacent bathroom and washed my face before throughly brushing my teeth. After rinsing my mouth, I stripped out of my night clothes and put my shower cap over my hair before hopping in the shower.

I closed my eyes as the warm water ran over my body. I grabbed my loofa and squirted some of my body wash on it before throughly cleaning my body.

After my shower, I put on one of Von's sweaters and a pair of cotton shorts before making my way to the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and ate it while I impatiently awaited Javon's return.

By the time I was done eating Javon still wasn't back which made me contemplate on if I should call him. I gave in to my curiosity and went straight to my contacts. Before I can call Javon however, my phone started to ring.


My eyebrows raised in excitement as read the caller I.D. Ashanti decided to leave Miami and sort of restart her life after the situation with Von was settled. We spoke to each other frequently and she was the first person I confided in about my pregnancy.

"Hey Shanti!" I happily remarked when the line connected.

"Hey Nyla! How y'all feeling today?" Ashanti asked matching my energy and I smiled thinking about how happy she seemed about my pregnancy.

"I'm having some morning sickness, but other than that we're good. How's Dallas treating you?"

"Dallas is amazing! I just bought a condo and this accountant job is great!" Ashanti sounded ecstatic about her new endeavors and honestly I was proud of her. Instead of becoming depressed after Drew rejected her, Ashanti decided to move on with her life and start on a whole new path.

"That's amazing girl! I'm just sitting here waiting for Javon to come back so I could break the news to him."

"Wait- you haven't told Von yet? What's the hold up?" My attention to the phone call was pulled away when I received a notification from the Ring doorbell. I opened the app and watched as Von typed in the code to disable the security system and unlock the door.

Right on time.

"Hello? You still there Ny?"

"H-Hold on Ashanti, I'll call you back." I said hanging up the phone before she can further question me. A sudden feeling of anxiety hit me as I stood up from my seat and approached the front door. I took a deep breath and pushed the feeling to the side while I opened the front door revealing Javon.

"Hey baby!" I pushed out a faux ecstatic tone which caused Von to eye me strangely. Instead of responding Von simply leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips before wrapping his arms around my waist and leading us inside the house.

"I came back as fast as I could. What you have to tell me mama?" Javon questioned me and my heart raced when he referred to me by that nickname.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers before taking a seat on the couch. I tried to speak but I felt crushed by some invisible pressure. All I could do was stare at Javon and I knew that he noticed that something was wrong by the way he stared at me.

"Nyla, what's up with you?" He asked in a voice laced with concern. Von took a seat next to me and grabbed at one of my shaking hands. He placed a kiss on my hand while looking in my eyes causing my heart to flutter.

I didn't respond back; I only stared at Javon. A sudden smile lit up his face and I watched Von shift a little bit before he pulled something out of his pocket. I couldn't help but to scrunch my nose in disgust when I saw that it was a large pill bottle filled with weed.

"Lemme get some papers so you can pearl this shit up and we can smoke that stress off." He said before trying to hand me the pill bottle. Von most likely took note of the disgusted look on my face and the excitement left his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I don't smoke anymore Von. The smell is also making me nauseous, so please put it away." My voice finally found came back and Javon simply nodded and put the weed away without putting up a fight.

I slid closer to Von and he opened his arms allowing me to embrace him. I was in bliss as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Von leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes getting drunk off his love.

"Javon, I love you so much." I told him with full honesty and Von let out a small laugh before placing another kiss on my head.

"I love you too Nyla-"

"Javon I'm pregnant!" I finally let the words out and it felt as if the world stopped for a second. I quickly turned around to see Javon's reaction; but he only looked stunned. My heart started to pace as I waited for his reaction.

"Are you for real Nyla? You're being honest?" Javon asked in a voice laced with anticipation and I nodded my head while a small smile spread across my face.

I felt Von's strong arms wrap around my body and the feeling of peace spread through me. I finally told Javon that we were expecting, and the way he reacted ensured me that he was happy about the news.

"Yo, I'm really 'bout to be a dad?" Javon asked me excitedly as he rubbed his hands across my stomach. I nodded and let my head rest on his shoulder. I was finally at peace and excited to embark on this new part of my life. "I need to tell my mama!"

He placed a kiss on my cheek before standing up and walking away from the living room. I watched him until he disappeared and placed my attention on my own phone. I scrolled through my contact list until I landed on Drew's number. I stared at his name and the corny picture of him that I set as his contact photo.


"It's about time you became a man my nigga!" Cross said as he roughly dapped Drew up. Drew tried to hide the large grin that graced his face but was unsuccessful as he accepted the compliment from his best friend.

Just then Nyla stepped out of the house that she resided in with her mother and brother. She decided to wear a Miami Heat jersey and black shorts which she paired with white air forces. She wanted to look cute for Javon who was on his way to pick her up and take her out to a professional basketball game.

"Damn" Cross mumbled to himself as he watched Nyla who walked down the stairs and stood before her younger brother.

"You look happy today Bub! What's up?" Nyla asked Drew while she sat next to the boys. She was surprised to see him smiling; ever since their father was killed Drew's entire demeanor and personality changed; the young man never seemed to be happy anymore.

"You can't call him that childish ass nickname anymore Ny! This nigga a man now!" Cross said which caused Drew to let out a laugh. Nyla didn't fully register what Cross meant, but she saw her brother laughing and quickly whipped out her phone and secretly took a picture of him.

"What do you mean by that?" Nyla asked as realization slowly crept in her head; she just wanted to be positive.

Drew and Cross shared a look before they looked over at Nyla who was staring intently at her little brother.

"I fucked Treasure." Drew said plainly as he watched his sisters face twist up in disgust. Drew knew that Nyla did not agree with him thirsting over Treasure because of the age gap between the two, but he still had heavy feelings for the woman.

"Andrew what the fuck! That bitch is 21 and you're only 19! She's a predator dumb ass!" Nyla roughly hit Drew on the shoulder as she scolded him.

"She's not a fucking predator, watch ya mouth." Drew grew defensive as he defended Treasure against Nyla's rude remarks. "I wanted to fuck her anyways; you acting like she raped me." Drew said under his breath and Nyla couldn't help but to shake her head.

Nyla sat in silence while the boys continued to talk amongst themselves. She watched as Javon's car finally pulled up into the neighborhood and she eagerly stood up ready to get away from Drew.

"I cooked dinner for you guys. Eat it if you want or not, I don't care." Nyla said with an obvious attitude as she grabbed the small red Kate Spade crossbody bag that her father gifted her- the last gift he gave her before his death.

"We not eating that shit!" Cross said causing both boys to erupt in laughter while Nyla rolled her eyes at their childish behavior before walking over to Javon's brand new grey Rolls Royce wraith. She faintly heard the boys admire the new car and resisted the urge to smirk over their amusement.

She entered the passenger side and placed a kiss on Von's lips before getting comfortable in her seat. While driving out of the neighborhood, Javon stole glances at Nyla who looked frustrated as she sat with her arms crossed.

"You look good baby." Javon complimented her and Nyla mumbled out a thank you while keeping her agitated composure.

Javon knew Nyla could be a hothead so he was kind of scared to question her about why she was angry, but he did anyways. "What's with the attitude Ny? You hungry?" he asked pensively as he made the almost one hour drive to the FTX Arena.

"It's Drew. He's happy about sleeping with a predator." Nyla said and Javon couldn't help but to laugh at the odd statement. Nyla audibly gasped as she looked at Javon. "Von it's not funny! He's still a kid and she's a grown ass women!"

Javon let his laughter die down before responding to Nyla's rant. "That nigga is not a kid. How old is the broad?" Javon asked as he drove smoothly in the car. Nyla took the time to look over at her boyfriend who drove expertly with his left hand while he rested his right hand on her thigh. Nyla wasn't dumb- she noticed how he was inching his hand closer and closer to her vagina. 

"Treasure's twenty one." Nyla said as she played with the ring that Javon wore on his pinky. She at least hoped that Javon would be on her side and call out Treasure for being a predator; but he seemed to think that it wasn't a big deal.

"Treasure. That's that foreign broad with the eyes?" Javon said to himself before letting out a snicker. Nyla caught on to his little comment and rolled her brown eyes. She was confused as to how her boyfriend knew how Treasure looked, but she decided not to press the issue.

There was silence between the two as Nyla waited for his response. "Well, are you gonna say something?" Nyla asked when Javon didn't respond back.

"No 'cause you gonna get mad and make this whole outing depressing" Javon responded honestly. He was really looking forward to seeing the Heat game and if Nyla was gonna have an attitude the whole time that would definitely ruin his experience.

"I won't get mad I promise. I just need someone to talk to about it." Nyla responded back as she rubbed her thumb across his knuckles. Javon stole another glance at Nyla and noticed how much she calmed down since the they've been in the car.

"Drew is 19 and he just fucked an older bitch. That's like an accomplishment for young niggas. You thinking about it from a females perspective; but to that nigga that's some grown man shit." Javon said causing Nyla to gasp. She hated everything about what Javon just said. He looked over at her and noticed the holes she was burning into the side of his head with her eyes. If looks can kill, Von would've most definitely been a corpse.

"See this why I didn't want to say shit." Javon said as he drove across a bridge. Nyla looked away from him and instead focused on the beautiful blue water underneath them.

"I can't believe you just justified my little brother being sexually assaulted. This shit is gonna traumatize him when he gets older and realize what she did!" Nyla finally stated as Javon slowly rubbed her thigh.

"Ight, imma talk to that nigga about it later alright?" Javon asked and Nyla nodded but she knew she had to be present in that conversation because she had doubts that Javon would give Drew good advice.

"Please do." Nyla said as she unlocked her phone. The first thing that popped up was the picture she took of her brother smiling and she couldn't help but to set the photo as his contact profile.

All she wanted to do was protect him.

***End of Flashback***

I felt a wave of courage and pressed the phone button hoping that my little brother would answer.

Drew Smith

"You get prettier every time I see you." I admitted without shame as I kept my eyes focused on Treasure. She was fresh out of the shower and her brown skin was glowing beautifully.

Treasure placed her dazzling olive eyes on me and I watched as a sexy smile spread across her face. She made her way over to the bed and rested her body against mine.

I watched as she turned her head to face me and I pulled her chin close before kissing her soft delicate lips.

Treasure slowly pulled away from the kiss and I placed another on her cheek. I untied her bathrobe and my eyes went directly to her small but obviously protruding belly. I ran my hand over her stomach hoping that it will give me a little kick.

"You sure he's mine?" I asked hopefully while I made eye contact with her. I paid close attention to her facial expressions and watched as she remained composed while caressing my face.

"I'm 100% positive! I stoped sleeping with Philip when he started abusing me. Plus, you're the only person I've been intimate with." Treasure confirmed what I already knew; I just wanted to hear it from her mouth.

Treasure finally filed for a divorce against Phillip and ever since then we've been fucking around unapologetically.

"Did you talk to your boys about it?" I asked her and watched as her facial expression dropped completely.

"I have; but I don't think they fully understand. With the divorce going on and me never being home, they're so confused as to how I got pregnant. And Phillip is trying to convince the judge that the real reason I'm divorcing him is because of infidelity; he claims that I've been unfaithful to him our whole marriage which isn't even true! This is so confusing!" Treasure quickly became emotional and I wrapped my arms around her as an attempt to calm her down but she resisted and broke out of my embrace. "I'm not in the mood for all that touching Drew." She stated with an edge in her voice and I let go of her.

It's them fucking hormones. Treasure's pregnancy hormones were annoying, but the doctor said they were normal. She's always had a sweet attitude; especially towards me; but now she gets moody easily.

"My bad" I mumbled out and instead focused on the interior design TV show that Treasure had me watching. She let out a huff and stood up taking off her robe. I couldn't help but to openly watch her as she delicately rubbed lotion on her belly. She then proceeded to rub lotion on her slender brown legs causing them to match the glow that she was already radiating.

"Let me help you with your back" I told Treasure and she shrugged before sitting at the edge of the bed. I got a sizable amount of her lotion and rubbed it between my palms before gently spreading it out across her back. I gently massaged her shoulders causing her to let out a soft moan.

"You're so good at these back massages Drew. Kross would definitely appreciate it when he's feeling stressed in the future." Treasure said clearly enjoying the experience.


Treasure and I decided to name our little boy Kross after my best friend who was killed in a drive by shooting.

I remained quiet as I finished moisturizing her back with only the sounds of her soft moans and the TV show filling the room.

I instinctively rubbed the leftover lotion on my hands and watched as Treasure got dressed in her pajamas. She got back in her previous position getting comfortable in my embrace and I placed a kiss on her temple.

Treasure was still in the dark about my ongoing investigation and I heard news from my lawyer that the feds definitely have dirty on me. My lawyer and I already spoke and he informed that it was definite that I would be going to jail.

***Earlier that day***

"Andrew, you have to listen to me, if you plea guilty you'll have a lesser sentence. It's the best option." My attorney John told me and I shook my head not believing that this nigga was telling me to willingly go to jail.

"What the fuck are you saying John? I don't fucking pay you all this money just for you to tell me to admit to a crime that I "supposedly" committed!" I was quickly starting to lose my patience; I've murdered countless number of people and all of a sudden me killing some random ass man was the one that was getting me in all this trouble.

"Look, two witnesses have confessed to seeing you allegedly commit a crime against the deceased Mr. Valencia. His body however cannot be located so the evidence against you isn't strong; only recounts from the witnesses. But, I know that one of them would definitely sway the jury." John said causing me to shake my head.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned him and I watched as John tidied up his attire which was obviously a sign of discomfort. I raised my eyebrows as I watched him in the act.

"I can't go into full detail Andrew-"

"Tell me the fucking witnesses John!" I finally lost my patience banging my fist on the table and watched as John fidgeted with his papers.

"Okay, relax. The first witness is a young child about 6-8 years old and the other is an older male that cannot be identified for protection purposes! That's all I can tell you." John said and I snatched the papers out of his hand looking over the details.

"Young child huh? Ain't that a bitch." I fiddled with the hair on my chin as I thought about the little boy that watched as I shot his father dead right in his face.

"His testimony would have a big impact on the jury and case in general. Just plea guilty- he's also really young so there would be some skepticism with his recollection. By pleading guilty you can have a minimum of five years due to the evidence not being substantial enough."

"Five years! Work harder and get me out of this shit." I said dismissing John who just shook his head before leaving.


"Treasure, I got something I need to tell you." I said before turning the television off. She turned her attention towards me causing me to almost get lost in her pretty eyes.

Before I could continue a vibration started to ring out and I looked over and saw that it was my phone ringing. I turned it over and saw that from the caller I.D Nyla was the one calling me. I shook my head and allowed it to ring while Treasure watched the whole ordeal.

"You guys have to make up quickly Drew. I want Kross to know his aunty even though she's not fond of me." Treasure laughed the situation off and I couldn't help but to feel apathetic. Nyla and I haven't spoken or even seen each other since she got back with Javon and although I loved my sister, I couldn't help but to look down at her for making such a dumb decision. Knowing Nyla, she would call me back to back at least 3 more times so I just set my phone on do not disturb.

"I'll call her later but look, the feds have had an open investigation against me for a little over a year now and I'm going to have to serve a sentence." I told her directly and watched as her face twisted up in horror. There was silence between us as her chest heaved and tears streamed down her face.

"Drew!" was all Treasure cried out before she put her face into my chest and I ran my hands through her hair as she cried.

"I'm sorry Treasure. I ain't mean to put all this stress on you." I sincerely apologized to her as she wept softly. She had a lot going on right now and on top of all that shit she's pregnant. I felt selfish; I knew I had an open investigation on me but I still knocked her up. "You won't do this shit alone though, I'll leave you some money and shit."

Treasure wiped the tears from her eyes before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "Drew this is your first child. I don't want you to miss any milestones." She said softly and I sat there deep in thought as it dawned on me that I won't be there physically for the first five years of my sons life.

"So what are you gonna do? Turn yourself in or wait for them to find you?" Treasure asked me as her crying subsided.

"I'm gonna turn myself in." I said plainly and Treasure gasped again while keeping her head on my chest. I watched as she nodded her head agreeing with me.

We sat in silence as I ran my hands across her soft skin. I closed my eyes and thought about the past year that I spent with Treasure. All my past feelings for her were in full swing as if they never left, I was even starting to believe that no matter how many bitches I messed with Treasure would always have a special place in my heart.

Treasure was the first and only woman that I can admit that I was in love with. I looked down at her in her beautiful and pregnant state and nodded my head; my younger self would be proud.

"Fuck I'm gonna miss you." I mumbled lowly to myself as I kissed the top of Treasure's head. She had fallen asleep against my body and I couldn't help but to dote over how divine she looked. "Im gonna ya unborn ass too." I smiled as I looked down at Treasure's protruding stomach.

"Drew let's just leave Miami and move to Ethiopia! I have family over there that wouldn't mind helping us out." Treasure pleaded as we both sat in my car. We were parked across from the police station and Treasure was holding me back from turning myself in.

I stared at Treasure strangely after hearing her pleas. It wasn't a farfetched idea, but it was irresponsible; especially on her part.

"Both of us leaving? What about your boys and your career?" I asked her and Treasure looked down at her nails as if she forgot about her responsibilities.

"Im just so caught up in trying to help you.  I finally had you to myself and now you're leaving. It's not fucking fair I don't deserve all this damn stress." She ranted and I nodded quietly while eyeing her. Treasure's statement exposed her main flaw-narcissism. Her statement rubbed me the wrong way; it seemed as if she only wanted me free so she can have me to herself.

"I don't need your help," I told her bluntly as she let out a fake laugh while rolling her eyes. "The only thing I ask of you is to not bring my son to no fucking prison to see me. Just send pictures and when his ass starts talking, I'll call y'all." I told her causing Treasure to gasp as she dropped the attitude and focused on me.

"So what I'm hearing is that you don't want to meet your son until he's five years old!? Kids don't work like that Drew, if he never sees you for the first years of his life he'll never associate you with being his father!" Treasure was livid as she screamed in my face.

"Baby, I'm not about to argue with you. I thought that shit through all night and even shed some fucking tears. This shit hurts me knowing that I won't be in my sons life for five years but I have my reasons. I don't want him to think that visiting me in jail and seeing me dressed as a criminal is normal." I vented to Treasure exposing my insecurities. Just thinking about Treasure bringing my baby to jail to see me while I was in handcuffs and unable to hold him made me feel sick.

"But Drew he needs to know you! I'm sure he wouldn't mind the circumstances. Please rethink that decision!" Treasure pleaded with me as she sobbed obviously disagreeing with my statement.

"Pictures and phone calls Treasure. I'm not repeating myself." I told her sternly and Treasure eventually nodded.

I stepped out of my car and Treasure followed suit leaving the car also. I walked over to her side and cupped her beautiful face taking another good look at it. Treasure tried to smile but her tear filled eyes exposed the immense sadness she felt.

"Relax love, it'll be over before you know it, then we'll be a happy family." I told her causing her to smile.

"I love you so much!" Treasure exclaimed before pulling my head down to her face. I closed my eyes and kissed her deeply. I slowly pulled away, but Treasure made sure to get additional kisses in.

Taking a step back, I took a good of Treasure. She leaned back on the car with a small smile on her face. Her brown skin was shining under the sun and her stomach seemed to be sticking out more.

"Take care of yourself baby. I'll see you when I see you." I had to play it off and act nonchalant as I said my final goodbye to her. Without turning back, I made the walk over to the police station and took a deep breath before walking over to the front desk.

The female police officer shot me a respectful smile and I kept a straight face as I approached her. Before speaking to her I turned around and saw that my car was still parked in front of the precinct meaning that Treasure was still there.

"Good evening! How can I help you?" The officer asked and I closed my eyes rethinking my decision; maybe running away to Ethiopia wasn't such a bad idea.

No, that would be dumb.

"I'm here to turn myself in." I simply stated before raising both my hands. The police officer stood up from her seat and kept her eyes on me while she pulled out her walkie talkie and called for backup.

Within seconds a group of police officers circled and and I was later put in handcuffs while an officer read me the Miranda Rights. I kept my composure and allowed them to lead me away.

Javon Carter

3 months later...

I gently pressed down on Nylas stomach as she rubbed it in a circular motion. "Okay, so now we know it's a girl.  I wanna name her Arizona. Would you like that?" She asked me and I looked at her with a confused expression.

"Like Arizona? The state?" I asked her just to make sure that I wasn't tripping. Nyla nodded her head while interlocking her fingers with mine.

"I had a dream that I was calling out Arizona, and anytime I said the name, I'll hear laughter." She continued and I got to thinking.

I wasn't really stressing about the name of my unborn; all I cared about was her health. "I mean shit, if you like it, I like it." I told her and watched as a smile spread across her face. I couldn't help but to lean down and place a couple kisses on her stomach. She was finally starting to show and I was excited to know that our kid was in there growing.

"Any ideas for a middle name?" She asked me and I rested my head on her stomach until she pushed it away.

"Javonia." I confidently stated while looking up at Nyla. She sucked her teeth causing me to lean in and kiss her passionately. "Be honest Ny, that's a pretty name for a girl."

"Arizona Javonia Carter! I love that name." She said and I nodded my head in agreement before linking our fingers together.

"I hope I do everything correctly this time. I can't lose another one." Nyla said quietly but I still heard her causing my smile to disappear.

"Let's not dwell in the past, Nyla. We have the little one to worry about and your happiness is all it needs to survive right now" I reassured her and she nodded her head.

"And all this damn food that she's making me crave for." Her phone started to ring and I  looked down and saw that it was an unsaved number before I looked back over at her.

"Unknown caller." I said before handing her the phone which she accepted.

"Hello?" Nyla looked and sounded confused as she placed her phone on speaker and waited for a response.

"Hello, This is a collect call from Miami Dade County Penitentiary. Say yes to accept charges." The automated voice crooned through the phone and Nyla glanced at me before focusing back on her phone.

"Yes." Was all she stated and after a few rings, the call finally connected.

"Ny...I'm in jail." I was caught by surprise when I heard it was Drew on the other end of the line and Nyla let out a gasp dropping her phone on the bed.

"Drew? What- wait, jail? What the hell I thought you were good!" She said and I tried to calm her down which she resisted.

"Yeah that old snake is no fucking help. I was set up."

"Alright, did you call your lawyer?" Nyla's voice was in a panic as she stared down at her phone waiting for Drew to answer.

"Yeah Ny everything is straight, don't worry about me. But I do have one request, you know Phillip, yeah meet with him." Drew changed up his tone and I looked over Nyla who quickly understood what he meant. I sat there confused wondering who the fuck Philip was.

"Yeah, I'd like to meet with Phillip for you, but I'm... we'll I'm expecting." Nyla said uncomfortably while she ran her hand over her flat stomach.

"Expecting? You're pregnant?" Drew asked and before Nyla could respond the phone started to beep signifying that their time was almost up.

"Yeah Drew. I'm pregnant." She responded back in a calm manner.

There was silence on both lines and I watched as Nyla grabbed my hand and pulled it closer. She started to nervously fiddle with my pinky ring and I placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Treasure is too." Drew said calmly and the call cut off. Nyla let out a deep breath while placing her phone down on the bed. She looked up at me with a forced smile before moving her body closer to mine. I softly ran my thumb over her lips before placing a kiss on them. It was clear that she and Drew still weren't seeing eye to eye and his little snub had an affect on her.

"Salvatore really set Drew up. After all we done for him." Nyla said quietly and I just sat there not knowing how to respond. Salvatore and I never associated with one another; he had his own sketchy business running his little Italian gang while I ran my drug business.

"You want me to kill him?" I asked her and she let out a small laugh while shaking her head.

"Fuck no those Italians don't even kill, they'll torture your ass to death."

"I'll take my chances." I said and Nyla shot me a side eye before laughing but I was dead ass serious. "Fuck his old ass, who is Phillip?" I questioned her brining up the nigga that Drew wanted dead.

"Oh that's just Treasure's husband. You remember Treasure right? I don't know why my brother is so obsessed with her." Nyla rolled her eyes and I traced my mind back to who she was talking about.

"Treasure, that foreign broad! Damn her eyes were sexy as hell; I always wondered how his young ass pulled her." I didn't think much about what I said until I felt a pillow slam into my back. I jumped up from the shock and was met with a jealous looking Nyla.

"You're really just gonna talk about her like that? And to my face? That shit just irked me." Nyla said dramatically while she spruced up the pillows that she messed up.

"My bad." I smiled as I watched her roll her eyes before flicking me off.

"And even if I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't want to kill Phillip. I just can't see myself killing people anymore; I couldn't even kill Asia!" Nyla exclaimed before she walked off leaving me alone in the room.

It was true, Nyla couldn't bring herself to execute Asia like she planned to; instead she told me to let her go with a warning. I was surprised she took the high road, but I didn't bother her about it.

I got up and followed Nyla into the kitchen where she stood on her tippy toes in an attempt to reach the box of saltines I had up there. I got close behind her and pulled the box down before giving it her. She thanked me before taking out a sleeve filled with crackers and indulging in them.

I took the initiative and scooped her some Rocky Roads ice cream since I knew that's what she liked to eat with her saltines. I placed the cup and spoon in front of her before taking a seat next to her on the couch.

Nyla rested her head on my shoulder and I looked down at her snack causing her to get the notion that I wanted some. Nyla smirked before getting a spoonful of the ice cream and feeding it to me.

I watched as she turned on the TV and scrolled through the channels before landing on some Lifetime movie. I previously didn't have cable on my TV due to preferring streaming services, but Nyla loved cable channels so I got it for her.

"We have to help Treasure." Nyla randomly said and I looked over at her confused. Drew knew that he was in trouble with the law before he got Treasure pregnant, so it was his fault and responsibility to figure out how he was going to take care of her while locked up.

"We already got our own things to worry about." I said while focusing on the movie. I watched as a white lady killed an old man who was hiking before hiding his body in the bushes.

"Yeah, but that's my niece or nephew. I can't just let them grow up without knowing me. I need to get in touch with Treasure." Nyla was speaking out loud, but I knew that she was mostly talking to herself; her mind was made and despite whatever I said I knew that she planned on helping raise Drew's child.

"Also, if you help take care of Drew's baby he just might forgive you for all the shit you did." Nyla continued and I shrugged my shoulders. I could care less if that nigga forgave me or not, but  I'll do anything to make her happy.

Like a mature adult, I decided to put my  animosity aside. Letting out a deep breath. I agreed to help Drew and his bitch. "Shit, let's help her then." I said causing Nyla to reach for my face. I let her pull my head down and place kisses on my lips while I returned them back.

"And that's why I love you!" She said excitedly while showing me love. 

"Yeah, I love you too shorty." I responded back before kissing her forehead.

Ashanti Carter

"Thanks for your help Tyrone." I said to the teenage boy that lived one floor below me. Tyrone saw me struggling to bring my groceries to my condo and decided to help me bring them in which I was grateful for. As a token of my gratitude I handed him a ten dollar bill which he accepted before leaving.

I let out a sigh of exhaust before taking a seat on my comfy couch. I fully adjusted to living alone in Dallas and honestly it was refreshing living in a new city far from all the drama of Miami.

For starters, I had a nice job as an accountant and I help a local barber manage his finances. The both of us were surprisingly getting closer and the thought of us being in a relationship brought a smile to my face; I was more than ready to move on from the whole Drew fiasco and start dating again.

Syair was the one who told me about how Drew started seeing his old fling Treasure right after I left and I instantly felt a type of way about it. He knew the whole time that he wasn't interested in a relationship with me, but he still led me on and I just can't forgive him for that.

Nyla told me that he was in jail and as unfortunate as that was; I hoped he used the time to reflect on his actions.

I got up from my seat and went to my fridge removing my water bottle from the shelf. I drank some water and made my way back to my seat. Peering down at my phone I noticed that Dimitri sent me a message.

Dimitri- Hey, a new Jamaican restaurant just opened right across from my shop. Do you mind checking it out with me?

A smile crept on my face as I realized that Dimitri was asking me out on a date. Before I could reply however, my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I questioned once I put my phone to my ear.

There was silence on the other end which caused me to look down and see that an unknown number was calling me. I put my phone back to my ear and waited for a couple more seconds for the person to speak.

"Shanti." Drew finally said and I rolled my eyes as he called me by my nickname.

"It's Ashanti to you." I responded back quickly and I listened to his faint laughter through the phone. "You do know having a personal phone in jail is a crime right?" I said and his laughing stopped which caused me to smile.

"It's a fucking burner Ashanti. I didn't call you to chat, I need you to do something for me and before you have a fit, I just want you to know that you're my last option so you don't really have a choice." Drew said and I let out a fake laugh while contemplating on hanging up the phone. That prison life must've made him delusional.

"Listen, I need you to go to Miami and kill Phillip Wright. I want that shit clean too, make it look like a suicide." Drew commanded and my heart sank. I knew exactly who Phillip was and I knew that Drew's motive behind wanting him dead was so that he and Treasure can have a peaceful life together.

"So you want me to kill your bitch's husband so that you guys can fuck and move on without any problems? Drew you're fucking crazy!" I screamed back at him before hanging up the phone. I barely had time to catch my breath before my phone started to ring again.

I wanted to ignore it, but I eventually answered the call; I just wanted to hear the bullshit he was was going to say.

"Ashanti you need to be mature about this shit. That nigga has been abusive to her for years and if I can kill him myself the nigga would've been dead by now, but obviously I can't do that." Drew said and I could honestly care less.

"That has nothing to do with me. I'm not gonna kill a man that has done nothing to me for some random bitch and her side nigga in jail! Fuck that!" I exclaimed before I looked out my window and saw the beautiful skyline of Dallas. I haven't killed anyone in a longtime and I wanted to put that chapter of my life behind me.

There was another round of silence from Drew and I sat there reflecting on what I just said. I sighed at how heartless my statement was; I didn't know their situation and I did feel an once of sadness for Treasure, but I still didn't like how Drew played me and still expects for me to slide for him.

"She's pregnant Ashanti." I felt my heart instantly drop. "Yeah, I knocked her up and I want to raise my son with her once I get out of here. I don't want Phillip in the picture with his conspiracies and claims. I just want to go home and raise my son peacefully."

It was now my turn to be quiet as I sat there speechless.

Treasure was pregnant.

Drew was the father.

I chewed on my lower lip as I stared down at my phone and watched the seconds pass. Tears pooled at the rims of my eyes but I wiped them away before they can fall. I have to move on. There's definitely no hope for us. I thought that I moved on from him but my reaction to this news let me know that I still had feelings for Drew.

"I'll do it." I said lowly and Drew quickly thanked me before I hung up my phone. The sun was starting to set and I started at the deep orange glow in the sky. Guess I have to make a quick trip to Miami.


I drove my rental car to the address Nyla sent and I was struck with awe as I started at the beautiful houses in the neighborhood. I parked my car and walked over to the house which I quickly noticed was the biggest on the street.

Typical Javon.

There was a gate blocking the entrance and I entered the 4 digit code that Nyla sent which unlocked the small door and I walked into the compound. I rung the doorbell and stood back as I waited for the door to open. Being in Miami filled me with anxiety; I've been watching my back every two seconds scared that someone would snatch me up and hold me captive.

Nobody answered the door so I impatiently rang the bell again and looked into the ring camera that was attached to the door so they'll know it's me. Within a couple of seconds I heard the door unlocking and let out a sigh of relief.

The door opened and I was shocked to see who was standing at the other side. I couldn't help but to openly stare at my older brother as he stood at the door. He looked the exact same as the last time I saw him, tall, beady eyed, and angry.

"Why you always looks so angry?" That definitely was not what I planned to say to him, but the words flew out my mouth. I watched as Javons facial expression remained the same as he eyed me probably getting ready to curse me out.

"Yeah it's nice to see you too Shauni." He finally said as he moved to one side of his door giving me space to enter.

I walked over to the door and gave Javon a hard stare before I eventually broke character and smiled. I gave my brother a tight hug and entered his residence. I scanned the living room in search of Nyla, but I didn't see her.

"Where's the pregnant whore?" I joked as I surveyed Javon's massive living room. It was a nice off white color consisting of nice furniture but minimal decor. My attention then shifted to the large spiral staircase and I couldn't help but to feel jealous.

Javon and I grew up with our mother and grandmother which made him the only male in our house. Due to that he was very spoiled; especially by my mother who let him get away with anything and encouraged his wayward behavior.

"She's in the bathroom. My crib nice right? I bought this shit after living in Miami for one year, one fucking year." He bragged and I knew that our sibling rivalry was still alive even though we haven't had any type of contact for over a year.

"Yeah, it's nice." I no longer felt the need to compliment his house; he was just gonna rub it  in my face like he always did. "Congrats on the baby!" I tried to sound enthusiastic, but his boasting ruined my entire mood.

"Thanks." His monotone voice matched my energy which was fine by me; I no longer had anything to say to him.

Walking over to the sitting areas, I took a seat on one of the cushions and responded back to a message from my friend Kendra. She wanted to accompany me on my trip to Miami but I had to lie and tell her it was for a funeral so she could back off.

"Von could you lower the air? It's too cold in here!" Nyla's loud ass voice echoed through the house causing me to look over at the landing. I watched as Nyla obliviously walked from one end to the other.

"Ny! Look at you!" I exclaimed as I looked at my friend is awe. She was caught by surprise as she looked down the landing towards me.

"Ashanti? You're here already!? Come up!" Nyla ushered me up and I climbed the stairs and went towards her with open arms. We shared a long embrace before I let go and got a good look at her body. Nylas stomach was round and sitting up; clear signs that she was expecting a girl.

"Ohh she's gonna be a big girl! You sure it's only one in there?" I asked as I rubbed on Nyla's growing stomach.

"She's so big! I went to my appointment last week and the doctor confirmed it's only one in here." Nyla laughed as she also looked down at her stomach.

Although she was only about 4 months pregnant; she still carried her pregnancy beautifully. The added weight looked good on her and her beautiful brown skin glowed naturally.

"Girl I need to sit down." She huffed before walking further down the hall. I followed her and was met with a second living room. It was much smaller than the main living area; but it looked much cozier. A soft grey carpet decorated the floor and large grey sectional couch faced a massive window that had views of the beach they lived by.

"I'm shocked you really want to do this. After what happened to Drew I don't think I want to kill anymore." Nyla admitted and I sighed while looking down at my bare nails.

"I just want to get it over with. Help me out- where can I find him and how the hell do I make it look like a suicide?" I asked Nyla and she smirked while nodding her head. By her clear enjoyment I started to doubt her on her previous statement about never killing again.

"Suicide huh? Okay... so Philip stays in Willis Drive Condominium. The only thing that I can think of to make it look like a suicide is if you lead him to the top of the building and force him to jump." Nyla said and I shook my head, there's no way I can lead him to top of the building without being seen.

"You know that's not going to work. I was thinking maybe seduction or..."

"Seduction? That man is fresh out of a divorce you ain't seducing shit." Both of our attention shifted to Javon who wandered up to the living room. I watched as a bright smile spread across Nyla's face while she watched him saunter in.

"So what do you suggest?"

"I work better under pressure; lemme do it with you Shauni." Javon suggested and I shook my head no. It would be less dangerous if I was the only person who did the kill.

"I can't risk it; help me come up with ways to make this kill clean." I told him and he shrugged his shoulders while taking a seat next to Nyla. Their cute little interactions warmed my heart- I was happy that everything worked out for them.

"It's understandable that Drew wants this to be untraceable, but making this shit look like a suicide is impossible. I'll just camp on a building across from his office and snipe his head off; but that's just me."

"You know what, fuck it! I'm not doing this shit! That man did nothing to me and I don't think he should lose his life because his ex wife is in a new relationship!" I finally broke down and they both stared at me strangely but I didn't care- I don't owe Drew or that woman shit.

"Oh...okay." Awkward silence filled the living room and I avoided both their judgmental gazes by staring out the window. Nyla let out an exasperated gasp but I didn't care; she wasn't the one who was going to kill a random man.

"Why the fuck are you so sensitive?" Javon asked and I shook my head ignoring him and his rude remarks- he's been bullying me my whole life and as I grew older his bullying had less of an effect on me. "I'll just call up Marion and do it with him." Javon told Nyla and she nodded her head before placing a kiss on his lips.

I no longer felt welcomed in their home and stood up getting ready to leave. I honestly didn't care about their validation anymore- I just wanted to put Miami and all the baggage that came with this city behind me.

"I'm not mad at you Ashanti, nobodies kicking you out." Nyla said and Javon let out a fake cough. There was obvious tension in the room and I was the reason behind it. "You don't have to kill Phillip if you don't want to."

"I'm not going to. It was nice seeing y'all, congrats on the baby, and I hope y'all visit me sometime." I said while proceeding to leave the house. I rushed down the stairs and heard footsteps behind me.

I didn't even bother to turn around as I made my way to the door but before I can open it, Javon placed his hand on it. Shaking my head I finally turned towards him.

"You wanted me to leave a minute ago. What's with the change of heart?" The arrogance that laced my voice was obvious and I wasn't trying to hide it either.

"We need a heart to heart. It's obvious there's animosity between us." He finally admitted that everything wasn't good between us and him admitting that made me pleased that he actually recognized my discomfort other than only focusing on himself.

I remained silent as I walked over to the living room and a took seat while he sat right next to me. Strangely enough, us being together caused me to miss my mother; we've ceased all communication with each other after I got married without her permission and the last time I saw her was at my grandmothers funeral three years ago.

"So what's your beef with me?" Javon asked and I took a deep breath getting ready to finally tell him all the shit that he put me through knowingly and unknowingly.

"Growing up I felt that I was always in competition with you- it was obvious that you were mama's favorite and I felt like she didn't give me a fraction of the love and affection that she showed you. I couldn't help but to become jealous of you and even hate you a little bit- you acted out all the time and she never punished you but me, I couldn't even hang out with friends without her embarrassing me and calling me fast." Retelling my adolescent experience was hard but now that I started I didn't want to stop.

"I mean- I knew the both you never got along but why you blaming that shit on me Ashanti?" He cut me off and I rolled my eyes not caring about his interruption.

"Let me finish Von. Anyways, I didn't feel like you were a nice big brother to me. You constantly bullied me and compared the nice things that she got for you to the shit that she scrapped up for me and I hated you for that! We would go to school and anytime I tried to talk to you or hang out, you acted as if you didn't even know me!"

"To be honest, I never expected you to pay off Nyla and Drew because I know you didn't care about me; but I know the real reason you paid it was to get back right with Nyla." I couldn't help but to shake my head. The only reason he paid off that money to Drew and Nyla was because he wanted to mend his relationship with her- he didn't pay them so I could be free.

Javon side eyed me before he let out a fake uncomfortable laugh. "Man what the fuck are you talking about?"

"After you paid them off you never called me or tried to reach out to me to see if I was okay! Matter of fact, I know you have the money so why did it take you so long to pay it off huh? Because you never fucking cared about me! You're just a narcissist- like you only care about Javon Carter and that's actually mental! " My voice was starting to rise and I stood up from the couch no longer wanting to sit next to him. Javon just sat there quietly and stared at me with his malice filled eyes but he no longer intimidated me.

"But wait- now that I think about it; when you moved down here you never even called to check up on me and ask how I was doing knowing that it was only me taking care of our elderly grandmother while living with our mother who hated my ass! You knew that we were poor and living in that tiny apartment and you didn't even send us no money but you want to brag to me about how you were able to buy a mansion in one year?! Javon fuck you!" Tears of anger started to fall from my eyes as I pointed at Javon while screaming at him. He was the only sibling I had and knowing that he didn't give a fuck about me or our poor old granny was devastating.

He just sat there quietly as I stood up waiting for him to say something. Although I was clearly heated I felt as if a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders- I never had anybody to share my feelings with, so telling Javon how much he hurt me felt so damn good.

Javon stood up slowly and I knew that he was about to kick me out of his house but I didn't even care. He could be like our selfish ass mother and cut me out his life- I was barely in it anyways. I stepped back as Javon walked closer to me but that had no effect- he pulled me into an embrace and I stood there awkwardly while registering what was happening.

"I'm sorry Ashanti. Sorry for putting you through all that shit." Javon finally apologized and that's when I accepted his embrace and hugged him back. "You're my little sister and I do care about you; I just never knew how to express it since we were never close. I understand that me being a dickhead played a major part in that, and I apologize for my behavior throughout the years."

"Apology accepted." I sniffed as I pulled away from him. I was hoping that he was being sincere with his apology so we could put this shit behind us and actually behave like siblings.

Javon's natural angry demeanor was now replaced with a more lighthearted one and he softly punched me on the shoulder which actually kind of hurt. "So what's going on in your life Shauni?" He asked and I let out a breath thinking about how my life was finally looking up.

"I work as a personal accountant for a successful barber in Dallas. He's looking towards opening a new barber shop and I'm helping him plan and budget for that." Javon raised his eyebrows and nodded as he listened to me brag about my job. I never had anything to boast about so now that I did I felt proud of myself.

"So um... how's mama?" Even though I knew that our mother didn't give a fuck about me I still cared about her and hoped that she was doing fine.

"She's good. Her and that nigga Fred got married last year in London. It was a nice ceremony." Javon answered casually and I nodded my head. I don't know who the hell Fred is and I didn't even know she was married, but knowing that she was alive was okay for me.

Now that my guard was put down, I actually looked at Javon's house and admired how beautiful and polished it was. Although it was barely decorated it was still impressive. "What ya'll naming my niece anyways?" I asked as I ran my hands across a smooth marble pillar.

"Arizona. At first I wasn't too sure, but now I actually like it."

"Arizona? That's cute but I'm shocked, I thought you were gonna say Jayla or Vonnie, you know how you are." I joked about how self obsessed Javon could be.

"Her middle name is gonna be Javonia." He said it all casually and I couldn't help but to bust out laughing. He looked over at me and laughed as well while shaking his head. "What? You don't like Javonia?"

"You know what, it's actually cute! Arizona Javonia Carter, I cant wait to meet her."

"You and me both. So about that Phillip nigga, I feel like I could use your help with killing him. Ny told me about how good you are with headshots and that nigga Marion slow as fuck so I need you." Javon said bringing the Phillip situation up and I sighed while looking down at my sneakers. I then glanced up at Javon and saw the hopeful look in his face as he waited for my answer.

"Fine! I'll do it!" I exclaimed and he pulled me in for another quick hug and I laughed at his excitement over us committing homicide. If this was the sick way I had to bond with my brother, then so be it.

"We finna show yall how the Carters do this hitman shit!"

The End.

Thank you so much for reading! The sequel is coming soon and I honestly can't wait!

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