I Thought I Knew You

By DramaLoversDream513

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Boarding school AU. Elizabeth is the new girl at Liones Academy and she bumps into an old face: Meliodas. Exc... More

An Unexpected Face
How Long's It Been?
The Deity Society
Truth Or Dare
Midnight Flight
Why do you humor him?
The Boar's Hat
The Locker Room Fight (Extra Chapter)
Jumping Out of Windows
Those Watching Eyes
Saturday Mornings
Pool Parties
The System
Miss Merlin
The Heavy Weight She Bore (Extra Chapter)
First Kiss
Knocking Back
Saintly Solitude (Extra Chappie)
Is This Love?
Running Away
War Of Pride
Always Average (Extra Chappie)
You Mean The Best
Last Hope
Idiot, Idiot, Idiot
Clan Academy
The Library
Never Real
The Bird in its cage (Extra Chapter)


31 1 0
By DramaLoversDream513

Walking down the hall, I release a heavy sigh. PE had just ended and somehow I managed to escape from the barrage of questions and making sure I was oks from the Sins and just about everyone else before deciding to head to the cafeteria.

I really needed a break from all of this Society and Commandment stuff. It was just getting out of hand and now things were just - too much, I guess. But then again, the bandage around my head could tell you that. That was a pretty serious injury, even though I was healing quite quickly, thanks to the Society and Druid club members.

Granted I still felt terrible, not to mention what thinking did to my head, and classes were a lot harder to concentrate in now, but I was healing. Thanks to their efforts, I'll be back to normal in a few days time. Maybe sooner if I stop overthinking. But at this rate it's impossible.

"Lady Elizabeth, we need to talk," Ludociel stood before me, blocking my path. His solid form obstructed my view of the hall and I sighed as I halted. Behind him was a face I recognised as Nerobasta, her light pink hair shielding her features. 

Nerobasta often followed Ludociel around, acting as some sort of assistant to him. A shadow. Even back in Celestial Prep I had questioned her reasoning for doing so. At first, it was due to her being his assistant, but pretty soon I began to see the alternative reason. Her alternative reason.

"What about?" I smile, trying to stay polite despite feeling tired of having to be involved in so many secrets and conflicts. 

Is one day of rest too much to ask for? One day? Even the greatest of beings needed at least a day of nothing but relaxation and clearheadedness. So why couldn't I have one? Why couldn't I have just one day to not think about these things?

"I promise not to waste any of your precious time," Ludociel spoke wisely, selecting his words carefully as he looked at me with narrow eyes. He always had them nearly closed because of how they looked when open. "It's just - I have some news about the demons that I thought you would benefit from hearing."

"I'm listening," I say slowly, glancing at him and then his silent assistant. Nerobasta peered back, her face plain, although she tried to offer me a smile. A nice gesture if I knew there wasn't an ulterior motive. After all, Ludociel could have just sent Tarmiel or Sariel to tell me this news, but instead he chose to deliver it himself. Clearly it was important, or even just a scheme to get me on board with their plans - otherwise he wouldn't notify me himself. He wouldn't have the time.

"Well, the Commandments have returned," Ludociel spoke promptly, watching as students walked past. Many of them were too busy to even glance in our direction. "However, judging by your injury you already knew that."

I shivered, my hand automatically going to the bandage around my head. I mask the action by acting as if I were fixing my bangs. My hair was still in the pigtails Diane insisted on, spilling gently yet orderly over my shoulders. A nice change from it being out and loose.

"I'm aware of that," I say softly as I glance away from the two Deity Society members, "Is that all or - "

"There is other news," Nerobasta spoke, her voice clear as she looked at me. She seemed to frown and yet her face was neutral. Her eyes were the only giveaway. "Meliodas isn't who you think he is. He has done noble things for the Celestial schools in the past, but he's slipping."

I frown as I look at the pair, my mind working on what to make of situation. Both students were gifted in manipulation. Deception. They gave false hope to many and knew exactly how to to play people into acting out their plans. That's how they managed to get many on their side in the feud between the schools. How they managed to convince the authorities that it was all the Demon schools' fault and how they had nothing to do with the reputation grabs between the schools and damage costs. They were always seen as innocent. Even when they weren't.

So how could I trust them? Not after what I know they are capable of. Not after I know what they've done.

"You're still trying to convert me, aren't you?" I raise a brow as I glance at them both. My arms are folded across my chest. I frown. "What proof do you have that Meliodas is talking to them?"

"We don't need evidence," Ludociel simply smirked, turning on his heel, "Not when there's a seed of doubt. If you really don't believe us then visit the club room later. We'll tell you why he's acting odd."

And with no further words the pair left. They evaporated into the crowd, the way water does in a kettle, leaving me to think it over.

I release another sigh as I begin to make my way to the cafeteria (again). It seems that I'm always getting caught in the middle of these situations. Always chopping and choosing between sides.


Lunch was usually lively, especially on a school day. Ban and Meliodas were often the cause of the rowdiness and laughter that surrounded our table. But today it seemed quiet and solemn. No-one seemed to really speak and when they did it didn't spark a lively conversation or bet like it usually did. Instead it caused more silence and thought.

"So, what held you up?" Diane raised a brow as she glanced at me. Her spoon stirred at her half-melted ice-cream. "You left before me, but you got here late."

I grimace as I think of my encounter with Ludociel and Nerobasta. They had said some things that weighed down on me, especially now that they had time to set. To grow.

A seed of doubt.

Ludociel wasn't wrong when he said that was all he needed. Doubt can grow and bloom, especially under the right circumstances. No evidence would be needed if I doubted enough. Doubt was all that was necessary to make me leave. But that was the ultimate question: how much did I doubt Meliodas? Did I even doubt him at all? I placed a lot of trust in him. If I did, then how is it logical to doubt him after a small comment?

I just didn't know the answer. Not like I would've a few days ago anyway. I would've probably trusted him all the way, but since Saturday he's been acting odd. Since Saturday, I'm not too sure anymore.

The usually bright and cheery Meliodas was still chipper, but it wasn't the same. His smile didn't reach his eyes and his jokes seemed halfhearted. Something is weighing him down and I'm going to find out what.

"Ludociel and Nerobasta stopped me earlier," I say slowly, carefully. My eyes flickered to each of the Sins, studying them. "They asked me to join again."

A silence followed. A confused and heavy silence. Not all of the Sins knew what I was talking about, and I would actually prefer it to be that way; but the ones that did looked at me and thought. They thought long and hard.

"Join what?" Ban broke the silence his tone a little aggravated. "I mean, if you're keeping secrets from us it's fine, princess, but if those bastards are involved, I wanna know."

"Ban's not wrong, Ludociel is a douche," King nodded in agreement. His head rested lazily on his palm. "He's the sort of guy who expects but never gives."

"I wouldn't say he never gives," I blurt out as I think back to Celestial Prep.

Ludociel wasn't all bad, but when he became an Archangel and was tasked with taking down the Demon schools something changed. Something snapped within him. Maybe it was the power, or perhaps just the responsibility. Maybe even his brother's disappearance. But whatever it was, it changed something and now he seems to be ever-vengeful towards the Demons and their sympathizers. To the point of where he'd abduct and sell them off. Sometimes even kill.

"What, so you're actually taking his side?" Ban chuckled, his expression darkening. I sighed and he scoffed. "You really are naive, princess."

"I wouldn't say I'm naive," I mumble, pouting a little, "I just know too much and I always get caught in the middle."

"Well, knowledge is power," Merlin chuckled as she smiled at me. Her hazel eyes glinted in the light. They showed me warmth. Understanding. She knew that I was concerned and she held that feeling too. She was going to help. "I say you accept their offer. Learn what they have and use it for your own gain."

"Of course you'd say that," Diane sighed as she looked at the Senior year. Her eyes rolled. "You crave knowledge like it's some sort of drug. But I'm not too sure, Elizabeth. Ludociel doesn't seem like a nice guy - neither does that girl that follows him around."

"Well, I crave knowledge because it is power," Merlin answered simply in response to Diane. She then glanced at the male beside her. "And I believe the princess should join them to obtain knowledge. Right, Escanor?"

"Yes, Ms Merlin," He nodded, his glasses jostling with his vigour, "Knowledge is a good asset to have. The Deity Society should have a lot on the matter we're involved in."

"But wouldn't it be dangerous for the princess to even converse with them?" Gowther spoke, his voice flat. He absentmindedly adjusted his glasses. "The Ten Commandments are here and we all know they are observing the princess and her actions. If she were to directly interact with the Deity Society members, wouldn't that be a risk to our objective?"

Silence filled the air as we all exchanged silent words. Glances and slight nods speaking more than words could. Everyone had their thought on the matter but we all agreed it was dangerous.

"It would be," Meliodas sighed his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his chair, "I say not to put too much faith into the righteous bastards."

"Well, I don't see the harm in it," I frown, slightly pissed that no-one except Merlin (and Escanor) wanted me to go and talk to the Society. It made my doubt unintentionally double.

'Maybe they're involved,' A voice whispered in my head.

'Maybe you were wrong,' Another joined.

I shake them from my head, locking them away in a mental box and putting weights on the lid. I don't need their interference right now. "It's not like they'd harm me or anything. I knew them once."

"Key word knew," Ban quipped, making the thoughts stronger. The urge to unlock them grew. So did the urge to storm out and say I was doing it anyway.

"Well, I think Liz can handle herself," Elaine smiled and I gave her one back. She knew what it was like to be outnumbered in a decision. To have everyone tell her not to do something.

"Well, you don't get a say in it right now, Elaine," King huffed, concern and frustration laced in his tone. "Since yesterday you've been acting off. I'm worried that it's because she's back."

"Yeah, sorry Laney but you don't get a say in this," Ban's tone softened as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.

I wonder who the 'she' in this situation was. An old friend? An enemy? Maybe it was the person Elaine was speaking about when she told me and Diane that she was tired of sitting on the sidelines. Whoever it was, King seemed to dislike her, so did Ban.

"It's because I have a cold!" Elaine cried out, before sneezing. It came out as an adorable squeak, making her turn red. She brushed back her light blonde hair and grabbed a tissue from her pocket. "Sorry. Anyway I support Liz all the way! You guys should let us do more."

"Well, you two can form your girl squad and count me out," Ban deadpanned his face hard, "I don't trust any of those Goddess loving bastards. They're not as clean cut as they say they are and there's something about Ludociel that I don't trust."

A murmur of agreements went around the table and I inwardly sigh. Either way I'm going to see the 'evidence' Ludociel had. If it wasn't handy in the way I intend it to be (to get a clearer image on this Demon vs Goddess situation), it may be helpful in finding out what's wrong with Meliodas. It's the only lead I have right now and so I won't give it up.

"Well, I'm still going to see what they want," I say firmly, my mind made up, "It might help with something and I know I won't end up in any danger. It's on my way to my appointment anyway."

"What appointment?"

All of the Sins seemed to home in on me, causing me to flush red. Eyes appeared to watch me intently as sweat began to bead on my hairline and I fish my mind for a loosely based lie.

"To check on my head. The nurse wants to see how I'm doing," I smile, tilting my head as the lie slipped from my tongue. A bitter taste is left in my mouth as my heart sinks into my stomach. I'd love to tell the Sins about the note from Jen and Zee, but I don't want to go through this whole debate again. It's getting tiring. Not to mention extremely condescending. Now I fully understand how Elaine feels.

"Ok just - be careful," Meliodas glanced at me, genuine fear and concern trapped in his gaze.

"I will be," I say before smiling, "I'm sure no-one will catch me by surprise anyway."

A groan went around the table. It was followed by laughter. I laughed along.


Elaine's P.O.V

"Why can't you just give us some faith?" I glance at my brother and boyfriend, disappointment and sadness in my eyes. "You two know Liz and I feel useless already as it is. We're just trying to help in the ways we can."

"It's not that we don't want you to help," King began softly, "It's - "

"It's just that I can't deal with seeing you get hurt again, Elaine!" I flinched as Ban's hand slammed on the wall beside me. He stood before me, head hung low and expression out of sight.

I sigh as I place a hand to his cheek, tears forming in my eyes. I haven't forgotten about a few years ago; neither has he. Instead I took it as a learning curb to be more cautious, to not charge in after Ban without a plan. Or at least not for a stupid reason like I had that day. But was it really stupid when I'd done it for love?

"Ban...look at me," He slowly raises his gaze, blood red eyes meeting my golden ones. His usually plain or cynical expression was gone and was replaced with a darkened one. "What happened that day wasn't your fault. I rushed in and I shouldn't have - "

"No, I should've been there," He spoke voice unwavering. Both of his hands cup my face, shaking. "If I just wasn't so stubborn and listened to you about that student, then you wouldn't have to deal with half the crap you deal with now."

"Ban..." I feel my expression soften, before I place a soft kiss to his lips. "I don't regret what I did that day. Don't hold it over yourself, please. I just want to help from now on."

He looked at me, eyes wide and quickly changing back to their usual sharp gaze. He then gave me a smile.

"Fine, I'll let ya help out from now on," He grinned before scooping me up and settling me on his shoulders.

King had long since disappeared, probably taking the cue that what we were discussing was private. But he would want to talk to me later. I doubt it'll be as easy as wiping away Ban's fear. King seemed to always be worried about me, especially after I was abducted.

"Remember our deal Elaine."

Melascula's laughter filled my mind, but I blocked it out. Instead I focused on the warm feeling I felt slowly spreading inside me. The feeling that makes me feel safe and loved. Warm and appreciated.

I still have to focus on blocking them out though, making me clench my fists and in turn grasp some of Ban's hair.

"You ok, Elaine?" Ban asked as he glanced up at me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled softly, but the pounding in my head told me differently. It told me that I'd have to tell King and Ban about my 'issue' soon. Otherwise the consequences won't be pleasant.


Ban's P.O.V

"Ya know, we shouldn't let Elizabeth go to those douches," I glance at the students passing by, each of them wearing different expressions and carrying different things to steal.

I focused on the smaller things, thinking about how easy they would be to pickpocket, before clearing my head of the old but useful habit. The bell had just rang for the final class of the day and lucky for me it was a free lesson. This meant time to scope out on the Ten Commandments as well as to see what Ludociel and those other Goddess-loving freaks wanted. Something just didn't sit right with me with the thought of that guy. He was too deceitful. Too guarded. For someone who boasted as to being divine, he had a lot of dirty tricks in his deck. Tricks that I've become aware of.

"I know, but there's no point in stopping her," Meliodas shrugged, his eyes focusing on the crowd as well. "You know she'll find a way to them and maybe she can get something out of them we can't."

"Whaddaya mean by that Cap'n?" I raise a brow as the blonde simply chuckled.

"Elizabeth has a way with people," He responded green eyes focusing on someone in the cluster of students. "I mean, they seem to trust her and vice versa. But she isn't stupid either. She'll know if they're playing her."

"Yeah right, she trusts people way too easily," I scoff as I stuff my hands into my pockets. Images of a young white-haired girl with red eyes fill my mind. Her slim build and tiny hands contrasting with her hollow face and dull skin. Her laughter rang in my ears before slowly fading away. Before any emotion can catch me out, I shake my head of the images and focus back on the present, blinking back invisible tears.

"Trust leads to trouble," I say gruffly, "Always."

"Not always, Ban, you'd be surprised with what trust can do," Meliodas chided as he began to slip into the crowd. "I'll catch ya later at the Boar Hat. I've got some last minute stuff to do."

I nodded, watching as the blonde quickly disappeared into the crowd. Cap'n definitely was a strange one. A man of many secrets and a mysterious past. But then again, all of us Sins have a dark story to bear. A permanent mark on our otherwise clean hands.

Damn, this situation's got me thinking deeply. I'm starting to sound like that freak, Gowther.

"This shit better be over soon," I mumble as I trudge towards the Boar Hat. I could really do with some booze right now. Getting wasted seems like the only thing that's the same right now.


Elizabeth's (Normal) P.O.V

The sound of my footsteps echoed down the empty halls as I made my way towards the Deity Society Clubroom. After that, I had to meet Jen and Zee. Everyone else was either in detention, out of the building, or attending a club. This left me alone in the halls, a sense of calmness washing over me with a dash of paranoia.

The halls were never this quiet, but the silence brought a sort of calm to the situation. A sort of stasis to the normal hustle and bustle of the day. So, I welcomed the silence, while also being cautious of it. After all, the Ten Commandments were here and according to Gowther's observations they've been watching me. However, I'd seen evidence of that myself, from Estarossa stalking me, to today when Derieri threw a ball at my face. The Commandments were definitely watching me and if it's for the reason Meliodas believe it's for, being alone is dangerous.

"You don't have long to think it over," An oddly familiar voice came from around the corner, breaking the silence.

I would've just passed by, but the response stopped me. Something was was off about the situation.

"I know," Was the simple reply. It sounded like Meliodas.

Interested, and hoping it would answer what was bothering him, I stopped walking and peeped around the corner. There were three people there, Meliodas and what I recognised as his brothers. Estarossa and Zeldris.

I suppressed the urge to throw up at the sight of Estarossa, thoughts and memories filling my mind. However, when I glanced over to Zeldris I didn't know what to think. He was always so quiet and stoic. Stern even. I'd never really gotten to develop an impression on him the way Estarossa more or less forced me to.

But what was Meliodas doing talking to them? Why didn't he tell the Sins about it? Or even say that he was talking to some of the Commandments?

It made no sense. So my brain continued to work while I listened in.

"Well, you'd better decide," Zeldris spoke, his tone firm, "Somehow father still believes that you can take over the schools."

"Despite betraying us by talking to that goddess," Estarossa added.

"Despite betraying us," Zeldris rolled his eyes. "Anyway, she'd better not be the reason why you're hesitating."

Silence filled the air and I decided to leave. Walking as silently as I could, I left the scene. Thoughts filled my mind as I reached the Deity Society club room and knocked on the door.

Ludociel answered immediately, a smirk on his face.

"I'm guessing you saw the evidence."

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