Until we meet again

By tobelaideisreal

9.1K 204 63

Mary has been sent to go live with her Godparents Anna and Simon along with their children Bash and Lily, aft... More



199 10 3
By tobelaideisreal

Mary's Point of View
Francis is home from the hospital after about a week. They had to keep him so long because his appendix burst. His parents are away for the weekend so I'm staying with him while they are gone because he is still recovering. I packed a bag and picked up some groceries then headed over. I parked then went inside. Francis wasn't on his couch, which is where he is supposed to be resting. "Francis? Where are you?" I shouted out. No one answered. I went down to the basement. Where I heard Francis in the work out room. I opened the door and saw him lifting. "Francis!" I yelled. He took his headphones out. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in." He said "What do you think you're doing?" I asked "Working out?" He looked confused. "Are you cleared to do that? Because I recall you getting surgery less than two weeks ago." I said "No I'm not cleared but it's fine, I won't over work myself." He said setting the weights down. "Oh really? Let me know when you rip a stitch open it." I said, he came over to me only in basketball shorts, his abs and and muscles in their full glory. God he looks so hot right now. "No more working out until the doctor says I can, okay?" I said "Okay." He smiled "Promise?" I asked "I promise." He kissed my forehead. "You smell disgusting." I smiled "Come shower with me? I'm too weak to do it myself." He laughed "Shut up." I laughed "You know you want to." He lifted my chin up with his pointer finger and began to kiss right behind my earlobe then started to suck gently. Oh my god. I let out a little moan. "That's my girl." He grinned then kissed my lips. "As tempting as this is, I don't think you're healed enough to have sex either." I said pulling away. "You are not acting like the fun sexy nurse I had in my mind." He laughed "Well that's too bad, go shower while I make dinner." I smiled "Hmm so we're playing house for the weekend?" He asked "Yes, I like when we do that." I said. Whenever Francis and I sleep over at each other's house we like to pretend like we are husband and wife. "I like it too, and now it feels a little more real." He gestures towards my promise ring. "Yeah it does." I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. "I'm going to go shower, I'm excited to eat this dinner." He said "Don't get too high expectations." I said "Stop it'll be great." He said, he smacked my ass. "Francis!" I jumped "Love you!" He laughed then went upstairs. He drives me crazy. I went up to the kitchen and unpacked the groceries. I brought stuff to make lasagna. My mom's recipe. I got to work. I was almost done when Francis came down the stairs. He looked like he was in pain. "You okay?" I asked "Yea I'm fine." He barely made his way over to the couch. I went over and moved the ottoman so that the couch was a rather big make shift bed. "Here, we will sleep down here." I said "You don't need to do that, take my bed. I'm good down here." He said "Well guess what." I said "What?" He smiled "You can't tell me what to do. I'm staying down here." I said "Fine, I guess I'll let you." He smiled  "Good." I said "What's on the menu?" He asked "Close your eyes it's a surprise." I smiled "Okay." He closed them. I went over and cut two pieces of the lasagna and put them on plates along with two pieces of garlic bread. I brought them over to the couch. "Open up." I laid, I fed him a piece of it. "Oh my god, this is really good." He opened his eyes. "Really? It's my moms recipe. I would always make it with her when I was little. It was my dad's favorite too." I smiled "Well your dad had good taste because this is the best i've ever eaten." He said. "He used to always make this huge deal pretending to be surprised every time my Mom and I made it together. He would be like 'You? My daughter that burns popcorn in the microwave made this?' And we would all laugh." I said smiling. "I like when you talk to me about your parents. I wish I could have met them." He said "Me too Francis." I kissed his cheek. "Do you think they would have liked me?" He asked eating more of his food. "Yes I do, what's not to like?" I asked "According to you, I joke around at inappropriate times. I believe you called me a man child." He laughed "My Father was also a man child, but in the best way like you." I said "Oh really? When you called me a man child it was not a compliment." He smiled "Stop it! I mean that you both really know how to make people smile and always make the best out of things." I said "And he also hated Grant so, two peas in a pod." I added "And what did your Mom think of Grant?" He laughed "My Mom was always relentlessly nice to everyone, but in private she was not a fan of him." I said "I'd like to think they would love me." He said "I know they would." I smiled then kissed him "Well my parents love you enough for the both of us." He laughed "That is true, your mother told me yesterday she thinks of me as her own daughter." I smiled "That would make us siblings, and that is one kink I am not into." He laughed "Stop!" I laughed "I'm so full after dinner. I'm going to have to have you come make me dinner more often" He kissed me. "Hmm I'm happy to." I said between kisses "Can you cook naked?" He laughed "You're helpless, i'm going to clean up dinner. Pick a movie." I said "Okay, I'll be nice and pick something you will like." He said "Hmm my hero." I laughed. I put the dishes in the dishwasher then wiped off the counters. After that I put the left overs in the fridge. I came back over and laid down next to Francis. I held onto his arm. "Are you in pain? Do you want me to get your meds?" I asked "No I'm okay. You being here makes me feel better than anything." He smiled "You are just so in love with me." I smiled "You have no idea." He smiled then kissed my forehead. He really does love me so much, more than i'll ever deserve. "Francis?" I asked "Yes love?" He asked "I didn't say this when you gave me the ring, but I should have." I said fidgeting with the ring. "Said what?" He looked worried. "I can see a future for us, and I know one day this ring will come off and an wedding ring will get put on. The thought of it makes me so happy." I said "You had me so worried there for a second." He took my hand and held it against his cheek. "I love you so much." I kissed him "I love you more." He smiled "Oh i'm not playing the 'I love you more' game with you. You'll never quit." I laughed "That's very true." He smiled, I yawned. "I'm exhausted, wake me up if you need anything." I said cuddling up next to him "Goodnight my love." He kissed my forehead "Goodnight." I smiled then closed my eyes.

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