A Sleepy Girl-Sleepybois au

By Dreamsmpgang11

36K 924 655

Y/n has been in and out of horrible foster homes, and always comes back to the same rude foster care worker w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A/N & Future Stories
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

1.3K 38 9
By Dreamsmpgang11

I wake up while some Avengers movie is playing and Wilbur and Phil are asleep. Tommy looks like he is about to pass out, and Techno looks nervous, "Are you okay bubbles?" Techno looks down at me and smiles.

"Yeah. How are you?" He says quietly but I can tell something is bothering him.

"I'm good but I can tell something is bothering you. What's happening?" He sighs and looks down.

"I just feel bad I got you all suspended. I wouldn't take back what I did but I wish my actions didn't reflect on you all," He says as his head drops.

"I don't even want to go to school tomorrow. I don't think they do either. You protected me. You said you would and you did," I say as I cuddle closer to him.

"Yeah, I guess you are right," He says in defeat.

"Yes, I am right. Now you need some sleep. Night, night bubbles,"

"Goodnight munchkin," He responds with a light giggle and pulls me closer so I lay my head on his chest. Soon enough we are both out cold.


I wake up to horrible pain all over. I groan as I get up and am alone on the couch. "Good morning y/n," Wil says in a positive mood.

"Morning," I say with a big yawn.

"Here you probably need this," Then he sets some painkillers and water in front of me.

"Thanks, Wilby,"

"Why does everyone call me Wilby?" He yells and I laugh at his goofy tantrum. 

I take the medicine and go up to my room. I lay down on my bed and go on my phone. I look at the group chat and see the video. My mind is yelling at me to leave it alone but the other part is telling me just to watch it. After a few minutes of debating, I click on the video. It starts with someone running out into the halls and then the camera pans over to me getting punched in the gut. I feel the pain shoot through my entire body again, cringing at the sight of my lifeless body. Then you see Techno and his friends run over to the guys and throw them to the ground. All of them are demolishing this dude, hitting him and his friend, again and again. I then watch as Wilbur comes into frame and shields me from the fighting scene and the cameras. Then you see Tommy in the background, he is standing there shocked, then all of the sudden he gets super pale and faints, Karl catches him because he isn't fighting. The video continues showing Techno and his friends destroying these dudes and then I see a teardrop onto my phone. I wipe it away and then set my phone down. I couldn't watch anymore. I go over to my pc and play some Minecraft to pass the time and get my mind away from the pain. The day was very uneventful and boring. I ate a bit of food and played a lot of Minecraft. But the night came and terror erose.

Techno pov:

Thunder booms from outside the house and I get off Minecraft with my friends because I don't want them to hear me when there is a storm. A flash comes from outside and a boom shakes the house. I look at the clock and see that it is 2:30 am so I quietly walk downstairs and grab myself some water. The thunder roars again and I yelp, stumbling forward. I walk over get my water and take a seat on the couch. I hide under a blanket and try to block out the booms with music. That doesn't work very well though. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to see y/n, "I thought you were Tommy hiding under all of these blankets," I laugh and so does y/n. A bang of thunder hits and I yelp slightly, "Oh, now I understand. Are you scared of Thunderstorms?" I nod my head slowly and y/n hops on the couch next to me, "Now, this is where we are totally different because I love them," I look at her like she is a maniac and she laughs, "I don't know, they have always seemed to comfort me. They let me know that things aren't always supposed to be perfect and clear. Sometimes there are scary parts or sad parts but you know then it's always is clear afterward," I look at her and think about what she just said, very wise for a 13-year-old. Then all of a sudden y/n gives me a big hug and slides her way next to me under the blanket. I hug her back and she rubs my back, and every time a noise roars from outside, I get less tense. Y/n stays with me and helps me feel comfortable. She keeps me from freaking out and keeps me calm. Slowly but surely I fall asleep and I think y/n does pretty soon after.


I woke up the next morning to y/n playing with my long pink hair. "Morning," I groan and y/n drops my hair making me giggle, "It's totally fine that you are playing with my hair," I say and she nods and picks it up again. She gently runs her fingers through it and then starts twisting and looping it. I wait and soon enough my hair is in a braid. Y/n looks very proud of it and I run my hands down it. I look back at her, "It's beautiful." She smiles and then hugs me. I hug her back and then Phil comes down the stairs.

"I am so sorry Techno I was passed out and tired," He looks at us and notices my head from behind Techno, "I see you got someone else to comfort you," We all laugh and Phil sits next to us, joining in on the hug. We stay there for a few minutes then Phil gets up to make breakfast. He makes waffles and then calls down for his other two sons. We all have some food, including y/n who has one and a half waffles. We all have a pretty lazy day. I stream with Wil and we watch a few movies. The day went by very smoothly and we all just relaxed. Then we all went to sleep early so we would be ready to return to school the next day.

Word Count: 1067

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