Truth Doesn't Change The Way...

By dylanreuben18

88.7K 2K 1.1K

Amelia Stone has a hard time fitting in, until she meets Mr James Buchanan Barnes and everything starts to pi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

1.2K 35 22
By dylanreuben18

Amelia was shoved into a cold and damp room, the blue hues making her eyes squint. Her small body standing there, her arms crossed over her body, her knees buckling together, her mind still in shock. "Is he really dead?" Her mind traced over the events as the hair on her arms stood on its ends.

"You need to get the blood off you." Murphy's toneless voice came from the doorway as he set a towel on the chair beside him. Amelia didn't react. She could barely hear him over her running thoughts. Murphy clicked his fingers before waving in front of her face, snapping her out of it. "Did you hear me? You need to get this off you."

Amelia shook her head in disbelief as she looked down at herself, her clothes and skin drenched in dried dark blood. "No, no, n-no, this isn't real- he's not gone- he's not, right?" Her puffy eyes peered up to Murphy, as if to get some consolidation.

Murphy walked forward and grabbed her wrists to keep them still, before pushing them down by her sides. "He's dead Amelia. That's just how it is sometimes. Now clean yourself up." He turned her shoulders to face the cold shower wall.

Amelia slowly began to undress herself, being careful not to catch any of her wounds when she took her top off. "Do you have to watch?" Her small voice spoke over her shoulders, as her head looked back to Murphy. She stood in her bra and underwear, her arms clutching her freezing body.

"I can't leave you alone in case you try something." Murphy's stern tone echoed through the tiled room. He sat on the chair by the door, moving the towel onto the back of it.

Amelia's eyes scanned around the patterned tiles on the floor, trying to keep herself calm, "could you at least turn around? I... I don't feel comfortable with you seeing me shower."

Murphy huffed and crossed his arms, "oh I'm sorry that your comfort isn't at the top of my priorities. I can't just close my eyes, but trust me I wish it wasn't me watching, but Rebekah has some other plans to take care of... if you get me." Murphy let out a slight annoyed chuckle.

Amelia gulped before taking a deep breath. She pulled down her bra straps slowly, avoiding the cuts on her arms, unclipping the back she tossed her bra to one side so it wouldn't get wet. She looked back to see Murphy still watching her with a blank face. She closed her eyes as she pulled down her underwear, also tossing them aside. She pressed a metal button on the wall, making cold water trickle out of the shower head. She pressed the button again and water came out more forcefully on to her body, her jolting as piercing drops of water hit her skin.

Amelia stood with her head submerged, her hair covering her face and her arms covering her breasts. Her body stiffened from the numbingly cold water, just letting it cover her body, and washing off the blood. She watched as red streaks formed around the drain before they swirled down it.

"You need to actually wash yourself. That bloods not going to come off that easily." Murphy added, seeing her standing there in a catatonic state. "I'm not gonna give you much longer in here, so I'd hurry up if I were you."

Amelia didn't reply. She tried to keep her breathing under control and her mind quiet. But it was too loud in her head, all her thoughts ganging up on her. She heard the creaking of the chair as Murphy stood up and slowly walked towards her. "Amelia?" His voice still stood stern. "You need to wash yourself." He repeated.

Amelia stayed silent, letting a single empty tear roll down with the water into the drain. She felt completely violated, vulnerable, weak. She felt paralysed by her feelings.

Murphy took a big sigh before taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves. "Here, just let-" His hand went to touch Amelia's bloody arm before she flinched out the way, almost as if she didn't see him standing there. "I'm not going to hurt you okay. You can't just stay standing like this." Murphy grabbed a rough sponge from on the side. "Just let me help..."

Amelia still didn't respond, she couldn't find her voice. It confused her of why he was trying to be nice all of a sudden. Did he feel guilty about what he'd done? Was he planning something? She couldn't make it out, but she didn't refuse to let him help her.

His hands glided over body, the harsh sponge snagging on some of her cuts, making them bleed more. As Murphy rung out the sponge, the blood dripped into the drain. He moved her soaked hair over her shoulders to her front, exposing her back. When he stood behind her he noticed the scars streaking across her skin. He paused for a second as he wondered what happened. Murphy knew that she had a hard past, but clearly it was worse than he thought.

He turned her around and tilted her head back under the water, stroking his fingers through it, getting all the sweat and blood out. He let the water run, Amelia stood out of the water stream while he grabbed the towel. "Here" he handed it to her, not staring at her body, being modest about what had happened.

"Thank you." She spoke in hushed tones, taking the towel and wrapping her body in it.

"Are you going to heal yourself?" Murphy questioned, slight worry laced his voice.

Amelia looked down at her toes, then back up. "I'm... I'm not sure I can" she noticed some blood starting to run down her arm and onto her fingertips, as the wounds opened up from the water.

"Well... I don't think Rebekah would appreciate you getting an infection, what fun would that be." He said with a hint of laughter. "I'll get some things to stitch you up. There's some clothes on the side for you..." Murphy gestured to the chair. "I'll be back in a minute."

"But I thought-"

"I'll be back in a minute... I'm sure that's not enough time you to try anything. Besides, you're in a towel, not the best for escaping." His voice became softer, as if he began to let his guard down around her.

Amelia took the opportunity to get dressed in private, grabbing the clothes that were laid out for her. An old grey top and some underwear was all there was for her to wear. The t-shirt was practically a dress against her small frame, it covering what it needed to, however it still didn't help with how cold she felt, neither did her wet hair.

Murphy came back shortly with some bandages and a suture kit. "Sit" he pointed to the chair, which Amelia scuttled to. "I'm not going to be doing this next time, I hope you realise that." He opened the kit and began to wipe away the dripped blood.

"Next time?" She thought to herself, instead she stayed quiet, wanting to hear what else Murphy had to say.

"You've become very shy princess, no sarcastic comments to input?" He looked up at her and smirked. It seemed like Murphy was quickly going back to his usual ways. Amelia kept her gaze directed at the floor, in an attempt to keep him unprovoked. "What's with the scars on your back anyway?" He questioned as he bandaged some of the smaller cuts.

"I thought you knew everything about me?" She moved her sights to what Murphy was doing, still avoiding eye contact.

"Fair point princess" Murphy nodded and chucked a little. He began to sow up some of the bigger gashes in her arm, making her wince with the pain. "Aren't you a goddess? I didn't think you were meant to feel pain this easily."

"I'm only half... and besides, I haven't been in this business for long." She brushed some of her hair off her face and behind her ear, before sniffling from the pain. "Can I ask something?" She became shy once again.

Murphy looked up at her as he paused what he was doing. "That depends on the question."

Amelia thought for a second whether asking the question would give her more grief from him and Rebekah. "Why do you want the book so badly? It's not like you need Bucky for anything."

"Have you read the book?" Murphy resumed his stitching, making Amelia whimper slightly once again as she shook her head. "It's not just about Barnes... it's about the rest of us too. But if we had him on our side, we'd be unstoppable."

Amelia's heart rate picked up, knowing that part of their plan was to take Bucky back. Amelia's thoughts were interrupted by footsteps approaching the door.

Rebekah burst through the door, Amelia instantly noticing the red mouth shaped bruises on her neck and the top of her chest. "He wouldn't, would he?" She thought.

"God I've missed how he tastes." Rebekah leant her head against the back of the door, rubbing her fingers over her lips, looking down at Amelia to see her reaction.

Murphy scoffed, "Thats disgusting Bekah." He rolled his eyes and continued helping Amelia.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She laughed, "she can heal you idiot." Rebekah snatched the needle away from him just before he could sew up the last cut.

"She can't... she's too weak. I- I thought you wouldn't want her to get infected or anything, then she'd be no use to us." Murphy tried to reason with her.

"Ugh fine, carry on with your project." Rebekah leaned over to Amelia, practically inches away from her face and smirked. "Pathetic."

"What?" Amelia replied confused, she tried to grit her teeth to stop her from saying something that she'd regret.

Rebekah looked her up and down, making sure that Amelia saw her do so. "You. You're pathetic. I can't believe he downgraded to you." She tilted her head.

"What you're doing is wrong, on so many levels." Amelia weakly murmured to her.

Rebekah leaned down to Amelia's ear and whispered, "not when he's begging me for more it's not." She leaned back smirking, licking her lips again before leaving.

Murphy stayed silent for the rest of the stitch, knowing that he shouldn't even be helping her. Once he had finished, he opened the door and directed Amelia out, through the room where Bucky was. Amelia couldn't see Peters body anywhere, only the stain from where the blood was. She didn't say a word to Bucky, she couldn't bring herself to even look at him in that moment.

Murphy had put her back in the same room that her and Peter were sharing. The cell had been modified this time, there was a hard wooden bed, with a candle on the floor for light.

Once the door had closed behind Murphy, she felt completely alone. Her body once again gaining scars, her heart once again breaking, and her mind once again running wild.


Bucky was once again strapped to the chair, both hands and feet chained. Once Murphy had locked Amelia back in her room, Bucky lifted his head and tried to get Murphy's attention. "Hey, Murphy... is she... is she okay?" Bucky's voice showed concern.

Murphy scoffed in slight disgust, "Is she okay? Are you being serious? She watched you fuck your ex, and man you definitely enjoyed that," he laughed ending in a sigh. "Then she watched her friend get shot and bleed out: it being her fault." Murphy grabbed a chair, scraping it across the floor before landing it in front of Bucky, and sitting on it. "She's exactly how we want her right now."

"You really thought I enjoyed doing that?" Bucky's voice stayed tight.

Murphy looked him up and down, leaning his elbows on his knees, leaning forward. "I think you loved it. You should have seen yourself, man it was as if you hadn't fucked anyone in years." He paused for a moment before sitting back in his chair. "You haven't even touched Amelia yet have you?" He maniacally chuckled.

"Shut up Murphy." Bucky snapped, making eye contact with him. "I'm not discussing this with you."

Murphy folded his arms across his chest, mocking Bucky. "I bet you haven't even tasted her yet... I bet she's sweet, I bet she's a screamer. I'll put that theory to test when I'm next alone with her... she'll be screaming my name." Murphy taunted, biting his lip.

Bucky struggled around in his chair as he tried to get to Murphy, "I swear to fucking god Murphy if you lay a hand on her, I'll end you, even if it's the last thing I do."

"Oh believe me, you can try, but you're not gonna leave this place alive." He stood up strong, almost kicking the chair out from underneath him, before strutting over to Rebekah with a smirk slapped across his face.

He stood leaning against the wall with Rebekah, watching Bucky struggle and squirm in his seat. "Have you dealt with the boy?" He questioned.

"Don't worry, it's done, they'll be lucky to find him alive- if they find him." She watched over Bucky before examining Murphy. "Did you mean what you said to him?"

Murphy looked into her eyes for a second, "about what?"

"About what you'd do to her?" A slight hint of care came across her voice.

He scoffed, "you really think that badly of me? Of course I wouldn't, but he doesn't need to know that. You on the other hand need to tone it down a level." His voice lowered slightly so he wouldn't be heard by Bucky.

Rebekah took a step back in disbelief of what she had just heard. "Okay first off, I have a lot of catching up to do with him, whether you like it or not... he certainly does." She laughed slightly, "and second of all, you better not be going soft on me Murph. I know what you're like, you can't start getting attached to her... it'll end badly."

Murphy stared down at his feet as he tapped his foot, his arms crossed. "I'm not getting attached." His voice became almost guilty, as if this situation had happened before. "She's not like the others... she's... she's just different, I can't put my finger on it."

"Well stop. You'll just get hurt in the end, and besides, you know you enjoy the things I get you to do to her." Rebekah nudged his arm with her elbow, them sharing a chuckle. "Besides, you can't let her see you with your defences down, that's how she'll get you. That's how we lose." Rebekah became stern again, reminding him of the plan.

A moment of silence passed before Murphy perked up again. "I have an idea of how we could get the book."

Rebekah raised an eyebrow, intrigued my Murphy's plan. "Go on..."

"You're not gonna like it though..." Murphy looked over at Bucky, who was staring at the pair trying to figure out what they were taking about.

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