Love And War❤️

By CenasGirlForever44

50.1K 2K 204

Thinking Your Truly Happy Until You Open You're Eyes And See That It's All A Lie ❤️ More

Long Story❤️
I Miss You❤️
Happy Birthday❤️
I'll Stay With You❤️
What I Did❤️
You Did What!?❤️
She Liked You❤️
For Now❤️
Red Marks❤️
Wont See Them❤️
I Need To Tell You❤️
I Cant❤️
I Hate You❤️
He Does❤️
Told Me What?
Why Didn't You❤️
Forgive You❤️
Miss Daddy❤️
Tell Him❤️
We Need To Talk❤️
On The Way❤️
Baby On Board❤️
Baby Girl❤️
My Family❤️
Dont Tell Him❤️
Support Me❤️
The End❤️

I Want Him❤️

1.3K 53 3
By CenasGirlForever44

(Chapter 3)

After a week Nicole had her baby and she was happy that Brady was there for her, the thought of him missing the birth of his first son made her sad so she was happy when she he was the one who was with her in the middle of the night when her water broke and she needed to be taken to the hospital! She was happy that he was the one who was with her when the pain was too much to take! He was there when the nurse handed him his son and she fell in love with that sight! Unfortunately for Nicole that look didn't last long two months after having Jason, Brady left again and didn't come back for months at a time he almost missed his 1st birthday because he couldn't get a flight out and Nicole had enough she was tired of this and Brady could sense it so he began to spend more time at him sneaking out at night to get some things and seeing his mistresses then going back to spend the night with Nicole! Nikki loved her baby Jason but she didn't feel so in love with Brady anymore being that he was gone all the time and had to threaten him with divorcing him just so he could stay home for a month then leaving again Nicole hated this and was making up her mind on leaving him but something changed it all! Something that didn't make it right for her to leave him maybe this time if she really sat down to talk to him he would stay she had hope that maybe he will realize how sad he is making her and Jason and he will stay more time at home and maybe work at home but what poor Nicole didn't realize was that Brady would never change!

Brie: So when are you divorcing him?
Nikki: I can't right now!
Brie: Why?
Nikki: I'm uhh... I'm pregnant again!

She said as she broke down in tears and Brie held her!

Brie: This should be good right?
Nikki: Yeah you know I want want a bunch of kids but the fact that Brady is always gone kills me! You know that Jason is always along for daddy and it just hurts me I don't want my second child to he born into a broken home and if he or she is I can't divorce him until my baby is out!

She said as she continued crying!

Brie: Move out!
Nikki: Where am I going to go Brianna? I have no money I depend on Brady!
Brie: Come stay with me and Randy!
Nikki: No I don't want to be a burden on you guys!
Brie: You won't be besides were gone half of the time!
Nikki: Yeah but Brie I can't just leave him!
Brie: Yes you can and you will Nicole!
Nikki: Brianna I'm having his baby again how can I leave!
Brie: Fine then at least pack a few bags and keep them by the door warn him that if he isn't home more often you will leave and this time your serious!
Nikki: I don't think I even care if he's here anymore Brianna I don't love him anymore!
Brie: Then stay here and don't have sex with him anymore when the baby is born divorce him!!

Nikki nodded and Jason who was about to be Three! Stumbled into the kitchen!

Jason: Momma up ! Momma up!

He said reaching for Nicole!

Nikki: Ever since I got pregnant he's been so clingy!

She said as she reached down to grab him!

Brie: Is it just me or does Jason look more and more like John each time I see him!
Nikki: I know it's weird right it's like I had sex with John!
Brie: Did you ?
Nikki: No Brie ever since I started dating Brady he's the only man I've been with! Sexually that is!
Brie: I'm serious though Nicole he has eyes like Johns! He even has his dimples!
Nikki: I know but Brianna this is Brady's son believe me I think even though John doesn't want kids he would make a better father than Brady!
Brie: He's gone about the same!
Nikki: Yeah but John has come to see me more than Brady has!
Brie: True!
Nikki: And still this kid in me isn't his either although believe me when I got pregnant I started having crazy sex dreams about John and it's just makes me want him and then I think no Nicole one you're married and two you have kids which is something he has said many times before he doesn't want!
Brie: You have to admit he adores Jason!

Nikki nodded and she placed Jason down in his high chair as she got him some cereal!

Nikki: That's true and he's amazing with him and can get him down for a nap faster than I can! Haha I just don't know if my hormones will allow me to be near him and not just kiss him!

Brie nodded and had been fearing asking Nicole a question she knew would hurt her but it had to be done! For her own good and for the kids own good she had to know why he's gone all the time and why he made her quit her job if he would be gone all the time too!

Brie: Nicole?
Nikki: Yeah?
Brie: So you think Brady might be cheating on you?

Nikki froze and she was hurt she had never thought about that what if he was gone because of that! Was he really off cheating on her while he was gone on "business" was he with another woman or even worse with other women?

Nikki: I don't know Brianna! I don't want to think about that so can we please drop it!

She said as she stormed out of the kitchen and locked herself in her bathroom and broke down crying thinking what if he was?

With Randy and John!

Randy: I can't believe you did it again if Nicole ever finds out she might hate you!
John: She won't find out and I'm making sure Brady stops leaving her alone so much and steps up to be a good father!
Randy: How are you going to do that?
John: I'll threaten him with telling Nicole the truth.....

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