A New Life (MikeyXOC Tokyo Re...

By SkyrahNix

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Hanagaki Kairi liked to fight in her own universe but somehow woke up being a whole new Hanagaki Kairi (Hanag... More

Chapter 1 Strange Occurrence
Chapter 2 A New Friendship
Chapter 3 Territory
Chapter 4 Protected
Chapter 5 Serious Meeting
Chapter 6 Date
Chapter 7 Celebration
Chapter 8 A Promise
Chapter 9 Beach
Chapter 10 Claim
Chapter 11 Attack
Chapter 12 Complete
Chapter 13 Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter 14 Not According to Plan
Chapter 15 Sacrifice
Chapter 16 Home
Chapter 17 Mikey's Dark Impulse
Chapter 18 Fluff
Chapter 19 Development
Chapter 20 Disagreement
Chapter 21 I Am Lucifer
Chapter 22 Looking Back
Chapter 23 Forgiveness
Chapter 24 Confessions
Chapter 25 Christmas Eve
Chapter 26 Bleeding Christmas
Chapter 28 To A New year
Chapter 29 The Real Lucifer
Chapter 30 Demon
Chapter 31 Impressions
Chapter 32 No More secrets
Chapter 33 A Taste
Chapter 34 Preferences
Chapter 35 Heat
Chapter 36 The News
Chapter 37 Nervousness
Chapter 38 Announcement
Chapter 39 Kai's Death Day
Chapter 40 Enraged
Chapter 41 Imposter
Chapter 42 Awake
Chapter 43 A New Dark Impulse
Chapter 44 Unforeseen Future
Chapter 45 Kai's Dark Future
Chapter 46 Rebirth of the Seven Deadly Sins
Chapter 47 The New Mammon
Chapter 48 Enemy Territory
Chapter 49 Stirred up
Chapter 50 New Resolve
Chapter 51 Final Battle
Invitation to Q&A

Chapter 27 Mikey's Thoughts

1.7K 79 15
By SkyrahNix

** This chapter is a little bit special. It will be in third person following Mikey's perspective for the most part. (Ayato will be referenced as a guy considering Mikey still believes she's a he. So there's no confusion.) I hope you enjoy it!


December 25th, 2005

Mikey stared into Ayato's eyes as he sat in front of him. Draken stood behind Mikey as he sat comfortably on the couch in his room. Ayato sat on the ground in front of the couch. The three of them had just come back from their ride together. Mikey still couldn't believe what he had witnessed just a little while earlier.

"Who told you to go there?" Mikey questioned his brother.

"Asmodeus," Ayato answered without hesitation.

"He is the one that called you earlier while we were out riding?"

Ayato nodded, "Yeah. He told me to go check on Lucifer."

Mikey's eyes narrowed, "Even while he sent those other two? Did he forget you're not with Seven Deadly Sins anymore?"

His brother sighed, "Lucifer is still my friend regardless of that, Mikey."

"Is that why you still refuse to tell me who he is?"

Ayato's eyes glared, "It's not my place to tell. I already told you that."

"You'll choose him over your own brother?"

Mikey wasn't sure why he continued to be hard on his brother. It might have been because he was afraid he would lose Ayato again. Only this time it would be permanent. Now that Ayato had come back, Mikey did not want to let him go. He didn't want to ever experience losing a brother again. Strange after Mikey had temporarily thought Ayato was an enemy. He understood he was a fool after talking to Kairi about the situation. Maybe him being protective of Ayato was his way to try to mend that. But now he was just sounding like a possessive older brother.

"Did you forget that he was willing to sacrifice his own life to save me? Or that he helped free me?" Ayato shot back, "I owe him. Don't you think? But no, I only have one brother. No one can replace you, Mikey. If that is what you are worried about."

Ayato saw right through him. Mikey looked away in a huff.

"But there is something you should know about Lucifer."

Mikey turned his head in interest. After what he witnessed, he couldn't help wanting to know more about Lucifer. That guy had an aura about him. It was like Lucifer had an aura of a demon ready to kill. Mikey really thought Lucifer was about to kill Taiju. It shocked Mikey that Lucifer showed self-restraint. But even still, the way that he could put fear in someone after one strike. Mikey thought himself as invincible but after seeing Lucifer in action once again, he wasn't quite sure. If he was to fight Lucifer, would he be able to win?

"What is it?" Draken questioned.

Mikey looked over his shoulder at his taller friend. Draken showed a look of interest. It seemed that Mikey wasn't the only one in the room to want to know about Lucifer.

"Lucifer is...How do I put this..." Ayato paused, closing his eyes as if to try to form his thoughts, "Someone that carries everyone's burdens on his back. He is desperate to protect the people he cares about that he will do stupid ass shit to do it. Like almost killing himself."

"Speak for yourself," Draken said.

"Yeah. You nearly died to save Baji."

This was something that made Mikey feel bitter. That day he had almost lost another brother. He could have lost Baji. He could have lost people precious to him. Again.

"And I don't regret that," Ayato said, "But that's not the point. The point is that Lucifer won't tell me what is really going on. I can tell there's something more that he isn't telling me but I can tell that Lucifer is suffering and fighting on his own. I'm afraid that he really will end up dead."

Mikey could relate on some level with Lucifer. Mikey was suffering and took on so many burdens but he wouldn't tell anyone about it. He didn't want to drag anyone into his suffering. Though, his heart felt like it was slowly losing the mass amount of pain that once weighed him down because of Kai being in his life. She made everything feel like they would work out. Like he deserved to be happy.

Maybe that was why he was so wary of Lucifer. He saw himself in Lucifer. Did he also have dark impulses? Would the people he cares about be safe while Lucifer was alive? What if Lucifer lost himself? Would Mikey be able to defeat him?

"Why should we know that?" Mikey finally asked.

"Because I think you should know that he isn't a bad guy. He might be reckless with his own life but he does everything he can to try to protect everyone. And another thing." Mikey waited patiently for Ayato to continue. "Lucifer is not a threat to Toman so you can stop looking at him like an enemy."

I hope you are right, Yato.


December 26th, 2005

"M-Mikey-kun?" Mikey heard Takemitchy's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Takemitchy, where's your sister? She hasn't answered any of my texts or calls."

Mikey had grown concerned over his girlfriend. It was now past noon and she hadn't responded to him. He worried that she disappeared once again. Or worse.

"O-Oh. My sister? Well she uh."

Mikey's eyes narrowed, "Where is she?"

He heard the younger boy sigh, "She's sleeping."

Sleeping? That wasn't like his Kai. She always woke up early. He often woke up to her text messages.

"She's sick with a fever and she told me not to tell you so you wouldn't worry."

Mikey did not miss a beat, "I'll be there soon."

"Wait! Mikey-!"

Mikey did not waste any time. He hung up the phone to go collect things she might need. He would be there for her. He was going to take care of her so that she recovered faster.


When Mikey arrived at the Hanagaki residence, he did not imagine seeing his girlfriend buried under so many blankets. He turned to Takemitchy as he stood just outside of his sister's door with a look of worry. Mikey had practically forced himself in the house. Takemitchy could not stop the Toman's leader from entering. Nothing would ever stop Mikey from being there for his girlfriend.

"I got it from here, Takemitchy," Mikey said with a smile, raising his hand with a plastic bag, "I brought her medicine and some of Emma's cooking. I'll take good care of your sister. So don't worry."

"Mikey-kun..." Takemitchy said in a state of awe, "You really like my sister."

"Don't be silly, Takemitchy," Mikey said as he made his way into the room, putting the plastic bag on the coffee table in the middle of the room. He turned to the boy with a warm smile that showed all his affection for Kai, "I don't just like your sister. I love her."

Takemichi seemed to be speechless as the words slipped so casually from Mikey's mouth. He could tell that Mikey really meant every word. That's why he needed to know.

"What would you do if she was gone?"

Mikey's smile disappeared in an instant as it was replaced with a dark look. Takemichi gulped, wishing he had never asked Mikey that stupid question. Just by the look in Mikey's eyes, Takemichi knew that the bleak future would come to pass. Kairi was the one that was keeping Mikey from falling into his own darkness.

"Nevermind. Forget I asked," Takemitchy said as he turned to leave the couple alone.

"Takemitchy," he stopped his tracks to hear what Mikey was about to say, "Losing your sister isn't something I can survive."

What Mikey meant was that if Kai were to be taken from him, the part of him that cared would not survive. Mikey knew that his dark impulses would win. The time she had disappeared for a few days was hell to him. He had felt himself falling deeper and deeper in his own darkness. He did not feel anything but emptiness. He didn't even enjoy his favourite foods. He felt himself slipping away. That terrified him.

When she visited him at his school that day, he was overjoyed. The darkness that threatened to devour him had almost left completely. He could not be angry with her. He was just happy that she was still with him. He realized just how hopelessly in love with her he truly was. She meant everything to him. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for her. Losing her meant losing a big part of himself.

Takemitchy left them not long after that. Mikey moved towards his sleeping girlfriend. Her back was facing him as she faced the wall. He quietly kneeled down next to the bed, leaning in to gently move some of the hair that was stuck against her sweaty forehead.

Her eyes fluttered open. She turned slightly to look at him. He hated seeing her feverish.

"Mikey?" she let out, moving to lay down on her back, "What are you- Take told you, didn't he?"

Mikey smiled gently, "I forced it out of him. Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. But I did bring some medicine and Emma made you some rice porridge if you can eat."

He felt his heart skip a beat as she smiled at him. He thought she would be mad that he did not listen and came over without being invited. But she smiled.

"Can you help me sit up?" she asked him.

He nodded, moving to sit on the bed to support her. He placed one strong arm around her to lift up her upper torso. She took in a sharp breath as she sat up. He let her lean on him for support. Her body was hot against his. He could feel her damp clothes. He hated that his girlfriend was suffering.

"How did you get so sick, Kai?"

"I might have pushed myself a little too hard and now I am paying for it. I'll be fine though." She looked up at him with a strained smile, "So don't worry."

He sighed, "You should take better care of yourself. You shouldn't push yourself past your limit."

"Hai. Hai."


Mikey tucked his girlfriend into bed after helping her eat the porridge and giving her the medicine. He hoped that she would start to feel better soon. He caressed her flushed cheek with gentle fingers as he kneeled beside her bed.

"I love you, Mikey," she softly said to him.

Those words that were suddenly spoken to him made his heart pound so hard that he heard it in his ears. He felt heat rise in his cheeks. She had caught him off guard. Did she know just how much he loved hearing her say that? He still felt as if it were all just a dream.

Kai knew about his dark impulses. She knew that he had almost killed Kazutora. She knew things that terrified him because he was so afraid she would leave him. Or worse. Fear him. Yet, she easily said those words to him. She loved him despite it all. He truly felt as if he did not deserve her. But he could not give her up. Instead, he vowed that he would do everything in his power to make her happy and give her reasons to stay by his side.

"I love you so fucking much," he responded with adoration dripping with every word as he gently rubbed his thump on her cheek, "I'll spend our whole lives proving that to you."

She smiled at him. The look in her eyes as she looked at him made him feel like the world had stopped and they were the only ones left. He could feel the love she had for him. And boy, did it ever make him feel many things.

"Don't leave me," she said, her voice sounding desperate.

"I won't. I'll be right here. Now sleep. You need your rest."

She weakly nodded before shutting her eyes.

Mikey listened as her breath evened to show that she had fallen asleep. He watched her in amazement. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't believe that he had been so lucky to have met her. She had changed his whole world from the moment he first laid his eyes on her. He never would have thought that these feelings would become so intense. The most surprising thing to him is that she returned his feelings.

Shit. Just how crazy am I about you, Kai? You'll take responsibility for what you have done to me, right? He smiled at her sleeping face. Everything I am. Everything I have. Is yours. I'm all yours. I hope that you'll be all mine too.


Mikey felt his phone vibrate in his pants' pocket. He fished the phone out of his pocket to glance at the caller ID. His eyes narrowed at the name on the screen.

"What is it?"

"Commander, Lucifer would like to talk to you."


Mikey found it strange that it was Kisaki calling him about Lucifer. If anyone would tell him that Lucifer wanted to have a meeting with him, he would have thought it would be Ayato to tell him.

"I'm busy."

"He said it was about yesterday. He wants justice or he will declare war on Toman."

Mikey's face became expressionless. Ayato had just told him that Lucifer was not a threat. What was this about? He remembered Lucifer said that he wasn't blaming the incident on Toman. Had he changed his mind? It didn't matter.

Mikey looked at Kai, "I'm busy."

Nothing in the world could make him leave her side right now. Not when she was in this state.

"Set up a meeting after New Years. I'm sure he can wait."

If not, Lucifer would die. How dare he try to get Mikey to leave Kai's side for even a moment.

"I'll let him know."

Mikey hung up without another word. He let out a sigh. Had he done the right thing? What if Seven Deadly Sins really did declare war on Toman. They had the numbers. And Lucifer seemed to be just as strong as Mikey.

Mikey had never doubted his own ability to win in a fight. Toman would always win because he would make sure they would never lose. But this was different. Seven Deadly Sins was the only gang that made him the most worried. They were increasing numbers at a fast rate. Their reputation rose to the top. And now, with the destruction of the Tokyo Syndicate, they are seen as the most powerful gang in Tokyo.

Just who the hell are you, Lucifer?

How did this guy come out of nowhere, establish a gang that rose to the top in a matter of months? Toman was founded over two years ago and while it had a reputation for being powerful, it was nothing compared to Seven Deadly Sins. Whoever Lucifer was, Mikey couldn't let his guard down. Not until he found out what Lucifer really wanted.


** Oh shit. What is Kisaki up to now? Whatever it is, it can't be good.

Hope you all like it! Let me know if you guys want more chapters from Mikey's third person perspective. I'm thinking I will do that once in a while from now on. Let me know what you think though. Yay or Nay?

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas for those of you celebrating. <3

See yall next chapter! ^-^ 

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