Aren Kuboyasu X Trans Reader

By Romanian-nugget

2.5K 84 30

Listen there's not enough trans stuff for me to read ok? Also sorry all my alters were writing in the chapter... More

first day of school
a series of surprises
after school special
octopus plushie
a rooftop story
coffee and time travel
new years at the saikis
new clothes new man
trip home *super short*
arent pt.2
author note
summer vacation 2
working boys

summer vacation

620 13 10
By Romanian-nugget

I went to Japan this year for vacation. My grandparents missed us and I missed them. Both my parents were fighting with eachother the entire time on the plane there.

Me:moms. You gotta stop. Please. I want to spend time with grandpa and grandma without you guys fighting this time and ending the trip early.
Mom:fine sweetheart. But if she starts anything
Mom2:if i?! If you!
Me:guys. Stop.

We got to their house and my grandparents were waiting for us outside. They lived in the middle of no where with an old run down town a few miles away.

Gma:oh sweetie! We missed you three so much!
Gpa:how have you guys been?
Me:good! What about you guys?

We talked for a while, I heard yelling from the neighbors. They lived a little way away but not so far that I wouldn't consider them neighbors. It was an old couple, I think their name was saiki? I can't remember for sure. I've met them a few times and I remeber playing with their grandkids but that's about it. The eldest always made me feel stupid and the younger one made me feel like I wasn't allowed near them. But we had a weird way.

Me:sorry thought I heard the neighbors
Gma:oh maybe, I heard their grandson is coming to visit.
Mom2:oh did you want to go visit again?
Gpa:how bout instead we go to the amusement park?

My moms sounded happy about that idea. We all headed over there and it looked like a haunted amusement park where we'd definitely die.

Mom:oh darling let's go on the Farris wheel!
Mom2:id love that.

And that was the end of my vacation. The wheel broke and my parents were sadly at the highest part. They fell and were crushed. My grandparents took me in after that. We moved to an actual city and they sold their house, they enrolled me in a school called pk academy and in a week I'd start school. Its been a few months since they died but it still hurt everyday. They fought alot sure but they were my moms....I miss them and the sounds of their voices. I miss everything so much.

Me:hey, sorry I was uh
Gpa:its ok, hey how bout you go explore today. It's the last week of you vacation, you should get to know the city.
Me: wait are you guys not....coming?
Gpa:sweetie, we need you to know that we love and are here for you but....we also don't want you to be too dependent.
Me:I understand. I love you guys. I'll be..I'll be back tonight.
Gma:be safe.

I started walking around, I saw alot of groups of people going shopping and festivals getting set up for the last week. I heard some kids talk about pk and how they were excited to start school. I continued until I saw this little coffee shop. It looked pretty empty especially compared to the one across the street. I went in and sat down the waitress took my order and i started to go through my phone, I heard another customer come in but didn't look up.

Soon she came and brought me my meal and went to grab her other customers food. I heard breaking glass and saw coffee jelly on the floor, but as soon as I saw it there I saw it fly into the boy with pink hair mouth. I rubbed my eyes and assumed it was just me freaking out again. Just like when I was a kid. I used to see things that didn't happen, and hear things that weren't there. It only happened when I was at my grandparents which is why my parents hardly wanted to go back and see them. But I know this time its just my imagination, I just lost my parents and I'm going to a new school in a new city I've never been to. I will admit though, when I saw those things....and heard that voice it was always so comforting. The things that usually happened were wonders of the world, I saw butterflies spell my name and flowers bloomed where I ran. The voices always told me I was kind and sweet. It never let me feel like I wasn't allowed to be there. I miss it sometimes.

Mera:im so sorry saiki! Here's your replacement.

Saiki? As soon as I heard the name my phone went off, my grandma reminded me I needed to get my library card today. I paid my tab and left to the library, it wasn't far from here.

Librarian:ah ok here you are. But you know your school will have a nice library. You don't need to come here.
Me:maybe not but I'd prefer to have a library to study when school is out.
Librarian:I suppose I understand, its just not usual for kids your age to be concerned with getting a library card. Its usually children or young adults who come to get one.

I thanked the old lady and headed back home to realize its too early. The grandparents will be sad if I come back too early. I headed to the mall to buy some clothes since it made sense. I know the school has a uniform and have been very kind in allowing me to have the boys instead of the female one, normally they'd force you to be in the gender you were born as clothes but with the circumstances they allowed it. I went into the boys section and found some nice shirts and a few pants that should fit. Then my grandpa called.

Gpa:hey kiddo, the school called. Remeber when we talk to them about you being trans?
Me:yeup. Why? Did they take back what they said?
Gpa:im so sorry sweetie. They said until you at least halfway transition they won't allow you to wear the boys uniform. And if you do top surgery now you'll be out for the entire week and a few days of your first day of school.
Me:....oh um...if you think its best then ill wear the female uniform.

I heard someone behind me gasp but I ignored them. I was talking a little too loud and I was at the store I should have went to a more private place to have this conversation.

Gpa:we will try to talk them out of it. I'm so sorry sweetie. But have you by chance picked out a new name? no. Nothing feels right.
Gpa:ok. Well we love you, what are you up to?
Me:I was buying clothes but suddenly I don't feel like shopping.
Gpa:no you need some more outside clothes. You only have what you brought here. You don't have much.

He was right of course. I had maybe 2 pairs of pants and a shirt or two. I got the clothes I needed and headed back home, I could feel someone following me. I tried to ignore it and continued. As I got home my grandma was on the porch making something.

Gma:hi sweetie.
Me:hey grandma. Whatcha doing?
Gma:making a memento for your moms.
Me:thats sweet. I'm really sorry you lost your daughter that day.
Gma:....I'm sorry you lost your mother.
Me:at least I have the greatest grandma in the world.

I hugged her tightly and felt that unnerving follower leave. I went to wash the clothes I bought and grandpa came to help me.

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