By deb-iwrite

203 92 1

When she was done, she handed our different assignments to us. It was a list of names, people who were yet to... More



8 3 0
By deb-iwrite

Service ended at 6:45am. Half of the people were already gone, some still on the floor. The ministers retired to their hostels. I went home to my pain.
My parents were up early seated in the sun room, I took it that they never got any sleep even though they got home early. I greeted them and walked straight to my room. 

A package was on my bed. A red box wrapped with a milk color ribbon. I took stock of my room checking if anything was out of place. The bathroom business took me ten minutes.
The parcel on my bed bothered me so much because I didn't order for anything and was expecting nothing.
Because of this, I went out in search of Stan.  He was doing his laundry when I got there.

         "Thank God Jacob! You came back?" Stan clapped in excitement, lifting his hands in thanks to God.  "I thought you left home for good."  He chirped, smiling. I caught on to his joke.

          "No,  You know God's business is Jacob's business." I replied, returning his smile.
     "You doing okay sir? I genuinely asked."

He robbed his head  and his shoulders slumped. "It's Lena, your parents fired her."

     "Don't worry about it. Her role here is not finished. She's an angel sent here for a time like this, so she's not going anywhere till her mission is complete."

Stan just stared me as if he didn't believe my words. " I don't think it will be that easy. She's already packing."

I waved his words off. "Its not going to happen. She's not going anywhere."

      "If you say so. " He replied, still looking sullen.

Minutes passed and I watched him finish folding his clothes in silence. Then the reason why I came this way resurrected in my head.

       "Please, so do you know who left a package on my bed?" I asked.

        "Ah! A smile crossed his face. " I believe its the key to your new car. Its even in garage. Very brand new."

The shock hit me like hail stones. "That can't be! We talked about this."

Stan stopped what he was doing and stared at me in surprise. "Its a car o! Not some fast food junk. You should be happy."

My head lifted to meet the old man's inquisitive gaze. "You won't understand, you just won't."

Before he could reply, I stepped away in anger and on a mission to find my parents.

         Back in my room, I harvested red gift box and planted it in the dinning room where they could see it.  Then I made a note thanking them and at the same time rejecting the offer.
My parents and I decided already that there won't be a need for a car until I hear clearly from God.
Yet they went against our agreement and  did the opposite. And yes, I was aware this was a bribe. To keep me quiet, but I won't be failing for it.

Next, I went up to Lena's room and prayed with her. We talked about our spiritual lives and prayer strategies.
It was quite an awesome conversation. Then I apologized on my parents behalf and assured her that her stay was still on.

        The welfare department had sent Unique's contact to me. I quickly stored it on my phone and made a mental not to follow up with her and some other people
Picking a few things from my wardrobe, I took a picture of my room.

My mother had been coming into my room consistently these days. I would get home to find  my things rearranged and moved from their positions. My paranoia of sleeping at home got heightened.

          The other day, she quietly came into my room. I pretended to be asleep. After she was done digging through my things, she sprinkled some form of liquid in the room and left.
I got up and went to sleep in the guest room. From that day on, I always took pictures of my room. I'd even thought of installing cameras in my sleeping quarters.

The handle of the door creaked at the pressure from my hands when a voice creeped me out. My mother was sitting in a very hidden place behind the door.

         "Going out again?"

I swirled around and caught her eyes washing me over.

        "Yes mom, church calls." I answered. Her full image sleeked out of  hiding place.

Her white flowery gown made her light skin color glow, her beauty sparkling. Even though she had a disability which I suspected to be fake, it didn't hamper her ability to look radiant on daily bases. 

       "Did no one teach you something called 'Family'?" She asked, sustaining her gaze on me.

           A frustrated sigh escaped my lips. This was what I just didn't need now. Patiently, I waited for her to finish her reason for ambushing me.
Instead, he eyes ran down to my backpack hanging loosely on my shoulders.

        "What do you have there?" She asked, pointing.

There was no need checking on whatsoever she was pointing at. I already knew. "Just stuff, bible, books and few clothes." I answered honestly, channeling my mind to her thoughts.

         "You can no longer get in there," She pointed to her head."  I stacked it up real nice, So quit trying."

  I calmly shook my head. "Mom, you know how much I hate reading people's mind and thoughts, except for certain purposes. The thing isn't  really not my turf." I smirked, knowing fully well she couldn't read mine. 

           Her hands came down to my shoulder, before she spoke again. I guess she didn't want to get into it with me.

          "Your Dad is in church right now, just make sure you come home with him when he's done." She pleaded.

If only she knew that I was only escaping from them.

          "And about driving," She continued. "Please consider it. That way, you can add prison and hospital ministry to your calling." A scornful scowl rose on her face, then I knew she was mocking me.

Okay, one minute, I thought we were having a meaningful conversation but now I know she was fuming over my refusal to take their gift.

         "Mum, the understanding of the spirit gives light. It illuminates your mind and sharpens your perception. I am  not in a hurry to be exposed before my time. As long as it takes God to fully unveil me, then I'll wait. Prison and hospital ministry is useless when your light and fire is dead, so no. Hold unto the car until my boss" I pointed to the heavens, "Gives me the go ahead."

Bending  over to give her a peck, she moved away from me, her body now shivering.

    "Have a good day mum. God's duty calls and Jacob will always answer. "
One last wave, I exited the door quietly.

      A cluster of ministers were sitting at the worship garden when I arrived. They were practicing one of my songs.
Approaching them I yelled out my greetings. The turned around and waved a me. I quickly joined dropped my bag and joined them.

Jackson was the first to speak. "Men, we thought you had forgotten us."

I shook hands with everyone as they encircled me. "No. I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. Some family stuff  kept me away. Sorry about that."

          They went silent suddenly. I perceived something was wrong. "What's going on? Did any thing happen in the last few hours?"

      "We will always continue to commit your family to prayers, the workings of iniquity will tarry only for a limited time. But God's army will definitely prevail."  

My eyes got stuck on Chuks after his words hit home. Something was up.  

        "What's going on? Did anything happen?" I asked again.

My stomach got queasy immediately. I didn't know what to expect as a response from them, if they even decide to speak.

They kept stealing glances at each other.  I even caught  muted communications. My alarm bells went up, blasting in my head.

          "Someone, please tell me what's going on?" I begged.

Jackson cleared his throat and offered to speak.  "After the vigil, we circled back here to worship and pray, say around noon. We went into auditorium C, the same one we've been using all along."

Zulema took over, gesturing as she spoke. "We had worshiped and prayed for couple of hours when your dad , the senior pastor barged into the room. He told us to stop, but because most of us were off in the spirit, some continued to pray. He turned red with anger. I mean literal reddish glow covered him."

I gasped in shame than in shock. Well, nothing can stay hidden under the sun.
The news forced me to cover my face in literal shame. I just couldn't face my friend.  Minister Chuks tapped me and carried on from where Zulema stopped. "Men, he was shimmering in bloody red color, even his body trembled with rage.
I believed Chuks because he operates in that realm. And I have seen my father's 'twin' manifest in my very own eyes.

          "When he shouted, "Stop!" Everyone of us froze. Silence filled the room like a grave yard, so we focused on him."  Ezekiel took over.

           "Right there, in that very minute, his normal human color returned and his anger dispersed. He  was so shocked when he realized where he was. After he scanned our faces, he briskly walked out of the room."

My eyes met Diri's who hadn't said anything since I got there. He was usually the quiet one among the lot. He simply threw his faze to something on the floor while the others spoke.

            "That was how the prayer session ended." Ezekiel's voice refocused my gaze on him. All along, I hadn't even gotten to the point where I refuted their stories. I was just too weak to speak.

             "Is that why you are all here? I asked an obvious question.
They all nodded in unison, even Diri.

             " Erm,....What's his name?" Jackson scratched his head, snapping his fingers on the air.  "The secretary...."

              "Isaiah?" I offered.

His head nodded. "Yes, the one with huge glasses." It was my turn to nod. "He informed us that the senior Pastor mandated that we leave first thing tomorrow morning."

            "And we haven't even completed our visit, and remember we are also fasting." Diri complained.

            "An hour later, his Secretary informed us the pastors decision for us to leave first thing in the morning.

A very flustered Chuks chipped in. "He also barred us from praying anywhere within the church building."

          "That's why we are in this worship garden hoping that you will show and maybe mitigate the matter." Minister Ezekiel concluded.

Immediately, I felt the heaviness in his spirit. His thoughts wavered  between condemnation and forgiveness.

I knew what he was thinking, but couldn't bring myself to tell them I had been fighting for the soul of the church for months.
My head dropped and I sucked in enough air to last me an eternity. There was no explanation or denial. Just like them, I slowly eased my weight onto the concrete bench opposite me.

My eyes flooded with tears and I felt strength leave me. This was what I had tried to prevent, but my father thought it wise to bring them.
He thought they were mere kids, not knowing they were too 'Firerized' to be neutralized. He must have underestimated their abilities just because they came from his Pastor friend's church.

I shuddered when I felt a hand on me. I looked up to see Zulema's eyes on me.

     "We cannot say we understand what's going on, but we can do something about it. We can trouble the waters right here, right now. Even if it rains , we will stand here and war with you."

Her words were comforting that I had to tether my emotions.
     The rest of the team agreed and we began to pray. An hour thirty minutes later, the image of the lady that had been trapped in my dad's body, the same one I witnessed  come out of him, made its way to our direction. A seven foot evil. It stood before us, defiant.

      "Go home, all of you!" It thundered in my dad's voice.

We ignored it, but instead rained down prayers. But Ezekiel, with his eyes still shut began to chant. Spirit connection flowed through us all like a chain reaction.
We chanted deeply and intensely. Spiritually, a wall of fire stood between us and the seven foot lady.

The full measure of her powers was on display, but we plowed ahead chanting. Frustrated she went down on the ground and vanished. I fell to my knees, tired yet hopeful.

        Still feeling the fire still burning, I told my new found friends to accompany me to Unique's place. Shockingly, no of us were scared of tried to run, we just thanked God for victory.
They all agreed we go to Unique's place. Curiosity was getting a better part of me since I recently got a vision that she knew more about my parents sudden changes than she was letting on.

And Since she lived within walking distance. We opted to walk than take the bus. Plus that way, we could see the city as well.

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