An Unexpected Engagement

By colacejohansson

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Natasha Romanoff has a huge crush on CEO Steve and decides that the company's Christmas party is the perfect... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
+ bonus 📲
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers
Chapter 80
Capítulo 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Capítulo 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 14

591 21 26
By colacejohansson


I admire the ring back on my finger with a strange sense of unreality spreading through me.

How did he get there?

I'm still trying to figure it out, twenty-four hours after Steve put it on my finger again.

He simply put the ring on my finger and went back to his office on CEOs Olympus, leaving me completely confused.

Steve was a venomous snake. That alone explained the way he'd manipulated everything to get me to take that ring back and the farce it represented.

And now, not satisfied with the skein of lies to the Rogers family, I have also extended the lie to my own family!

Well, Steve couldn't have guessed that I would agree to a fake engagement to make my grandmother happy. Or maybe he did. There must be something different in CEOs' minds. Like an above-normal intelligence that made him mind-read or something. That would explain a lot: his huge professional success in such a short time, for example. Or the fact that he was fabulous in bed.

Oh dear, had he understood that by accepting the (now double) charade, it was implied that we would have sex again?

I should have explained that part better, I think as I sip my umpteenth coffee. I was actually a little nervous about having dinner in my
I was home today and had had my fill of coffee, considering that drinking whiskey during work hours was prohibited.

Certainly I didn't need any more reasons for Erin to hate me.

I still felt the rope was around my neck. Thank God I arrived on time today!

“Hi, Natasha.” Alan enters the breakfast room all smiling. "So, would you like to have lunch with me today?" Since yesterday it pierced…

- I'm sorry for yesterday. Since I was late, Erin kept picking up on me. “The truth was, I was so shaken by the day's events that I wasn't even hungry.

“I heard Steve was here in your sector,” he speculates. "I've never seen him around here."

I turn red. As if Alan could guess what was going on, something impossible.

"Have you been?" I didn't even see it. I take some more coffee, looking away.

- No? Benjamin said he saw you near your table, talking to you.

Oh shit, that computer japa was a big mouth!

Did he see the ring part? Probably not, otherwise it would have already spread.

“Oh yeah… He was asking about Erin.

"May I know what they're doing here?"

Speaking of the devil!

I almost jump when I hear Steve's voice in the coffee room door.

What is he doing here?

He runs an irritated gaze from me to Alan suspiciously.

What did he think was going on? That Alan and I were having sex on top of the coffee machine?

"Drinking coffee," I reply dryly. — And you, what are you doing here?

Alan chokes on his coffee and I realize he couldn't respond like that in front of others.


“I mean, can we help you with something, boss? I smile sweetly.

"All right, Felton?" Steve asks as Alan coughs nonstop.

"Yes, I'm sorry," he replies all red.

"Don't you have work to do?"

— Yeah… yes, I mean, I'm going to my office. Alan almost runs away and I glare at Steve.

"Why do you have to be such a dick in the ass?"

He raises an eyebrow.

- What? Do you think it's normal for employees to be flirting in the breakfast room while they're supposed to be working?

“We weren't flirting!

"Are you seeing this Alan?" Why didn't you want to accept our deal anymore?

Like? Where does he get these things?

- No!

"He seems very interested in you."

"Which doesn't mean I'm in it." “Oh shit, wrong answer! I should be saying yes, that I really wanted to go out with Alan Felton. It was good for Steve to know that she was interested in others besides him! Or rather, that I had totally gotten over my crush on him!

And there was!

“I mean, I might be interested.

- Like him? Steve asks in a serious tone, almost annoyed.

Wait! Seriously, is he all pissed off because I might be interested in another guy?

What a jerk!

Don't want anything with me and I can't want with someone else?

- He's a nice guy. Not afraid of commitment, you know? — I provoke.

- And what do you want?

“I want to be with someone who wants to be with me in the first place. The rest, who knows? Someone who is not afraid to take risks. I lift my chin.

For a kind of understanding...

"So you want an appointment?"

He insists. Maybe it's not that smart.

— Well, who doesn't? Oops! — Rio, full of sarcasm. "I forgot you don't want it!" Are you terrified of commitment or something like that!

— I'm not terrified!

- If you say…

“Natasha, you'll be drinking coffee all day…” Erin comes up screaming, but stops when she sees Steve, “Oh Steve, I didn't know you were here!

She looks totally baffled. Who wouldn't be?

Steve never showed up there!

I want to see how he gets out of this!

"I came for coffee." He takes a cup and fills it with coffee.

—Here? Erin frowns.

“It's part of the new board directive,” she explains. — The directors will drink coffee in all sectors. To get to know the employees better.

— Ah, I didn't know about this new directive...

“I think I emailed your assistant…

What an ass.

"I didn't get anything!" Must be server problem! Computer Benjamin goesssip instead of doing his job right! — I retort and take the opportunity to make the gossip's skull too. If you've been spying on me and saw Steve in my office, what else could he see? That I read novels instead of working every now and then?

“Well, I'm going back to my office,” he says at last. “And Erin, Natasha was wondering if it would be inconvenient if she left early today.


"Did she ask you?" Erin turns to me, indignant. "What were you thinking, Natasha?" Annoy Steve with this subject! Of course the
answer is no…

“I told her yes,” Steve cuts Erin off.

“But Steve…

- No problem. The work is a little slow due to the approach of Christmas, in a week.

— Well, if you've already agreed…

“See, Natasha, I said Erin would be reasonable,” he says.

Erin smiles, unsure if it was a compliment to her or not.

Steve leaves the room, leaving an angry Erin with me.

“If you annoy the CEO of the company again with a stupid question, I'll throw you out, got it?

“Clearly! I roll my eyes without her seeing.

"Now go to work since you're leaving early."

I run to my desk and check my email.

There's a message from Steve.

“Be ready at 4pm”.

Deep breath.

There was no longer any way to escape.

Here I go to take my pretend fiance to meet my parents.

At 4 pm on the spot I'm in front of the building, wondering if it wouldn't be too indiscreet if I got into Steve's car there. My cell phone beeps and I see a terse message asking me to go to the front of The Ivy, the restaurant down the back street, the same one where we had dinner with her family on Saturday.

— What a slacker! I roll my eyes. Even grudgingly I know he's right, so I walk to the restaurant and his car is already there waiting for me.

"Ready?" - Questions, starting and for a moment I lose myself in contemplation of his perfect profile. An overwhelming urge to lean over and lick his square jaw and…

I suddenly start to question myself about the decision to go back to pretending with Steve, as I'm already all attracted to him again.

I mean, when did I leave?

- All right? He takes his eyes off the traffic for a moment and looks at me.

"There's still time to give up." "I try to put the decision in his hand."

“Why would I give up?

— Because you don't know my family. They're a bit…” “How to describe my parents? I didn't even know where to start.

Steve turns his attention to the traffic with a smile.

"A little what?" Crazy people like you?

— My family is not crazy! "I take offense."

- Then fine. It's just dinner, I'll survive Natasha.

“I'm more worried about me,” I mumble and Steve doesn't say anything else.

Maybe it was right for him to have to put up with my parents.

Steve is so cocky that he's thinking it's going to be easy.

Well, maybe I have fun laughing in his face.

My parents live in a small town in a rural area near London. Dad has a sheep farm, a family business, inherited from his father.

Steve parks his car in front of our old house, now lit up with my mom's Christmas decorations, something between the traditional Christmas lights with elves and reindeer and some images of pagan gods in the middle. It's kind of scary.

And my parents walk out the door, very excited, when we get out of the car.

Mom runs and hugs Steve, who opens his eyes wide, startled.

— How amazing to meet you! She holds his head, examining him with a clinical look. — His aura is a little hazy, I bet he's a man without much spirituality, but let's fix it! I have several medicinal baths to open your chakras. He takes one of his necklaces full of stones that he swears are magic and puts it around Steve's neck. “That will help.

I'm holding back from laughing. Steve looks like he's going to run away at any moment.

“Melina, leave the poor boy alone! Dad approaches, holding his cigar in one hand and a beer in the other. - Welcome to family! Don't mind Melina, she's clueless sometimes.

“Alexei! Mom puts her hand on her hip, offended. — I'm not clueless, it's my duty to take care of our family's spiritual health! And Steve is family!

Dad rolls his eyes.

"If you continue, you'll frighten him like you did the others!"

Oh shit, they weren't going to start...

- Others? Steve frowns.

“I'm sure Steve doesn't want to know,” I cut off.

"Natasha's other boyfriends." Melina sent at least three who came to meet us with their spiritual madness.

- I did not do this! — Mom defends herself. "That Matt guy had the black aura!" Black! Do you know what it it? It's like marrying our daughter to Saruman!

— For God's sake, mother!

"You dated a Lord of the Rings villain?" Steve asks.

“He was from a biker gang, actually,” I explain.

— If we're going to talk about Natasha's vast love life, we'd better go inside!

My dad motions for us to go up the porch stairs and Steve glares at me as my mom follows my dad.

— Vast love life? He raises his eyebrow.

— It depends on the point of view — I defend myself.

My list of ex-boyfriends isn't that big. I bet Steve's is a lot longer than mine.

"How many are we talking about?" he insists as we follow my parents into the house.

"Why don't you talk about yours?" I bet it's twice mine.

“Actually, there's only one name.

- What?

- If we talk about serious relationship, I mean.

- Is playing? Did you just have a girlfriend?

“There you are!

Mom interrupts us when we enter the room. She is approaching with a tray containing two glasses of dubious-looking green liquid.

Here we go.

"Here's my love drink."

"I thought love drink was red, like red wine or at least strawberry juice!" I complain.

“Don't be naughty, dear, the goddess doesn't like that. “Mom takes the cup and gives it to Steve.

I have no choice but to take mine. Steve is sniffing the cup suspiciously.

"What's in here?" - he asks, uncertain.

“Better not to know,” I whisper.

"Do we really have to drink?"

- Of course yes! It's delicious, I guarantee it! Take it soon,” Mom encourages.

I bring the cup to my mouth.

- Not like that! she yells, causing Steve to stop moving, startled. — You have to cross your arms! Like newlyweds sipping champagne!

— Mom, come on, we're not married!

"In the eyes of the goddess, all lovers are." Soul mates when they meet…

"Okay," I cut her off. “Okay.” I stare at Steve and he's still confused.

It's funny to see him without action.

He stops undecided, not knowing what to do, and Mom rolls her eyes, taking our arms and crossing it.

- So! Exactly! She claps her hands excitedly as we try to drink the weird liquid, which actually tastes like green tea and
avocado maybe.

Suddenly a flash startles us and I see my father with an old camera in his hands.

"This one will be fine!"

Dad is a frustrated photographer. His dream was to travel the world taking pictures of bloody wars, catastrophes and other things, but he ended up staying here, taking care of the family business after grandpa died.

He photographed everything he saw in front of him. A few months ago my mother had filed for divorce after catching him in the barn photographing the local pub owner's wife naked in her hair. It wasn't easy for Mom to understand that it was just an artistic nude.

"Now that you've had Melina's slop, how about a beer, Steve?" — Dad throws him a can and I take the opportunity to get rid of Mom's magic juice.

'Thanks,' Steve accepts politely, and it's a really interesting sight to have him sitting on the old sofa in my house, drinking beer straight from the tin. — What is it, why are you staring at me?

— Nothing, it's weird to see you here at my house, drinking beer and stuff.

— I like beer, Natasha, what's the problem?

"I thought he was the kind of guy who only drinks fancy whiskey."

He laughs.

- You do not know me.

"Yeah, I don't," I whisper, feeling that urge to know everything about Steve.

Suddenly he turns around and now it's my dad who's staring at him.

"Is there a problem, sir?" Steve questions, annoyed.

“You have very good bone structure…very good. Have you thought about being a model?

I choke on my beer and Steve is staring at my dad, speechless.

"I bet you have a nice pectoral under that shirt too, would you let me see it?"

- Dad! This time I can't help but laugh at Steve's horrified face.

“I was just checking! Dad continues. "Have you thought about posing nude for some photos?"

- Like? “Steve looks like he wants to throw up.

"Dad, stop scaring him!" - I can not stop laughing. “Steve, my dad isn't hitting on you, he just loves shooting and it seems like art nudes are his new fad.

— Yes, it would be very artistic! says dad. “Then I can take you to the barn to show you some work.

"It won't show anything, because I burned all the pictures of that shameless woman!" “Mom comes back into the living room and is wearing an apron. Which indicates she's cooking.

May the great goddess have mercy on us!

Dad lowers his tone.

“Actually I kept some, hid them in the hay bag,” he whispers so Mom doesn't hear.

— I think grandma has arrived! my mother announces and I stand up when Grandma Mary enters the room.

- Grandfather! I run to hug her, glad she looks healthier than the last time I saw her. Grandma Mary lived in a nursing home a few miles away, as she didn't want to give Mom and Dad work, although they didn't mind. In fact, I think she wasfed up with my mother's healing spells. Or culinary attempts.

— My dear, how beautiful she is! She takes my shoulder, studying me like she always does. "And what news is this that your mother told me?"

She looks past me to Steve. His eyes light up.

"Is it your fiance?"

— Yes, grandma!

“Hello ma'am, I'm Steve Rogers. He takes his hand, all polite, and Grandma looks delighted.

- You are very beautiful. It's too high! She smiles contentedly at me. “Good choice, darling, better than that hairy biker.

- Grandfather!

- This is a thing of the past! She is now a bride! Let me see the ring! I show my hand with Steve's ring glowing and Grandma gets teary-eyed. “I lived to see it, after all those guys
weird… I thought it would never work!

"Mary, don't scare Natasha's fiancé!" Mom asks.

— If you're in love with our girl, I bet you don't get scared easily! Grandma pats Simon's face.

- Let's eat! Dinner is already on the table! — Mom calls excitedly.

— I've already eaten, you know I have a special diet, but I'll keep you company — Grandma explains and I know that in fact she already ate because she knows my mother's food is horrible.

"And how are you, Grandma?" And the treatment? "I sit beside you."

"I'm fine, dear, don't worry!" She pinches my cheeks and I know she says this so as not to make me sad. We all knew that Grandma's treatments only serve to postpone the inevitable. "Especially now, with a wedding on the way!" I am so happy! He stares at Steve across the table, who is looking worriedly at the potato pie Mom has served him. — You made me a very happy old woman, my son! Go take care of this girl!

- Grandfather! We are in the 21st century, I don't need anyone to take care of me - I say with affection in my voice.

“We all need someone to take care of us, my dear! And you'll take care of the little boy too, won't you?

I look at Steve with a shrug, amused. He's frowning, as if he's only just understood why I'd accepted his offer to be there today.

He understood it was for my grandmother.

“Of course I'll take care of her, Ms. Romanoff,” he says almost solemnly.

'Call me Mary, no formalities.

“Eat, Steve! - Mom insists. - It is delicious!

I put some in my mouth and drink wine on top. It's a good way to try to soften the slop taste. I should have asked Steve to stop by Mc Donald's on the way.

He chews the pie looking like he's chewing testicles and swallows with effort.

- And then? —– Mom asks anxiously.

“Delicious, ma'am. "He drinks the wine."

“You can call me Melina. Or Mom, if you like.

Oh God!

— You're not eating, darling! Mom complains to my dad, who only eats the salad.

“I'm on a diet, Melina, you know! "He lies so badly!" I knew that my dad spent every day at the pub in town before dinner and would stop by to get home and lie that he was on a diet! And my mother didn't even suspect!

“So, Steve, tell us about your family! Mom asks, curious, and Steve starts talking about the Rogers.

And I watch him talk about his family, patiently answering my parents' and my grandmother's questions, and I feel a little pain in my chest because none of this is real.

And I really wanted it to be.

"Who's going to want dessert?" Mom asks when we're done with dinner, not without some sacrifice.

“No thanks,” they all say at once.

— Oh, what a pity! I ordered an apple pie from Waitrose.

"If that's how it is, I think I'll want it," Grandma says and we join in the chorus.

After the pie, we return to the living room and I look out the window, noticing that it's snowing.

“I think we should go, the snow could get worse,” I say worriedly.

"Snow?" It never snows this time of year! “Steve steps up beside me.

— The weather is crazy, it must be the return of El Divo or something! Mom says.

— El Niño, Melina! — Dad corrects her.

— It's dangerous to drive in this snow! - Grandma says. "I'm going to sleep here tonight."

'Of course, Mary! Mom nods and looks at us. "You should do the same!"

— Mom, we have to work tomorrow, if we go now...

“I agree with your mother, we should stay,” Steve cuts me off and I stare at him blankly.

- But…

“There, it's decided. Everyone stays! — Mom defines.

— Since that's how it is, I'm going to sleep! my father announces. — Tomorrow my day will be long. Good night! Come with me, Mom, I'll take you to the guest room.

"I thought they had turned my room into a gym."

— That was the idea, we ended up giving up, since no one was going to exercise here. Dad laughs and the two disappear upstairs.

“Your room is tidy, daughter,” says Mom, winking mischievously. — If you need something, like condoms or scented candles… maybe lubricant for anal sex…

"Mother, for God's sake!" “Even Steve is blushing.

"Oh sure, I bet you haven't tried anal yet, have you?" is reallyis something that should be done more intimately...

— Mother, good night!

I take Steve's hand and pull him upstairs.

And I only stop when we enter my old room.

When he closes the door behind him, I stare at him.

And now?

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