The Oni and Dragon of Ninjago...

By LionKing232

706 5 115

This is book two for my Lego ninjago series. More

Darkness Shall rise
Pirates vs. Ninja
Double Trouble
Ninjaball run
Child's Play
Wrong place, Wrong time
The Stone Army
The Day Ninjago stood still
The Last Voyage and Leo's true Oni powers
Island of Darkness
The Last Hope and a new Enemy
Return of the overlord

Rise of the Spinjitzu Masters

79 0 21
By LionKing232

3rd POV

At Ninjago City, Dareth kicks Kozu out of his dojo.

Dareth: Heh, I told you they'd do it.

Edna: (Looks at the grayed-out sky) Oh, is it the ninja?

Lou: It must be.

Man: The ninja have won?

Lou: Haha, we're saved!

Brad: About time.

Lou: Now to get this place back in order and have Leo and his sister Mia listen to my stories.

Kozu laughs as a bright light shone in the sky.

Dareth: What the...(The Garmatron appears from the beam of light.) What is that? (Everyone runs away but Dareth stands in front of its cannons.) Oh. All right. You will have until the count of three to leave here before I unleash the power of one, hee-yah! The Dragon. Two, penguin. (Chatters. The Overlord points his cannons at Dareth.) Two and a half...

Overlord: Three. (He fires at him.)

Dareth: Haha. You missed. (He points another blaster at him.) Oh, no. (He screams and takes cover behind a building.) We shall meet again. This I swear! Where are those ninja?

The Overlord laughs as he infects more of Ninjago City with Dark Matter.

The ninja are still stuck on the Dark Island. Dr. Julien finishes bandaging Lloyd's leg.

Lloyd: Can I still fight?

Julien: Hmm, I'm sorry. That leg will take weeks to heal.

Lloyd: We don't have weeks. (Grunts)

Mia: What about Leo?

Julien: It might be months before he could be fully recovered.

Mia: We're going to have to heal him faster somehow. I could give him the oni tea but I'm not sure if that would help.

Lloyd: I'm really worried about him.

Julien: Did you say Oni tea?

Mia: Yeah. He used it during the storm before we crash-landed by the lighthouse you were trapped in.

Julien: YOU MUST GIVE HIM THE TEA NOW!!!! He said as he rushed over to Leo.

Mia quickly went back to the Bounty and made a batch of the Oni tea after that she quickly ran back to Dr. Julien and Leo

Julien: Quickly now, pour it into his mouth.

Mia did just that and she slowly backed away, being cautious of what might happen.

Julien: Miko, let's hope what you told me all those years ago works.

Then Leo started glowing and he turned into his Oni form but something was different before he woke up.

Oni Leo: What happened? He asked as he got up and rubbed his head.

Mia/Lloyd: LEO!!! They shouted, tackling Leo.

Oni Leo: Woah!!! What's gotten into you two!?

Mia/Lloyd: We're just happy that you're OK!!! They said, hugging him.

Oni Leo: Julien, please tell me you didn't?

Julien: Yes I did Leo, but it was the only way to revive you.

Oni Leo: I appreciate that, but next time just have Mia place her tear on me.

Mia and Lloyd just shook their heads and continued to hug Leo.

Oni Leo: You guys do know that I'm stuck like this until my human part finishes healing.

Mia: We know that we're just happy that you're awake and you're okay now.

Oni Leo: It'll take more than an evil spirit to keep me down. He said as he hugged them back.

Mia: Leo... I did what any hero would, like you said. The hero has to make sacrifices for the people they care about.

Oni Leo: You made me proud sis, and you even called me big bro?

Mia: Well you may be a year older than me and Lloyd but that doesn't mean we don't see you as an older brother.

Oni Leo: Same here you two, I love you guys.

Mia/Lloyd: We love you too, Leo.

Oni Leo 'whispers': Lloyd, I need you to make everyone go back to the temple of light. I'll meet you guys there. He said as he used....a new power to disappear!?

Lloyd nodded before Wu spoke.

Wu: The battle between good and evil will be decided today.

Kai: And we can't even get to the fight, much less get off this island.

Jay: Ah. I wonder if I'll ever see Nya again.

Zane: Perhaps it's best to think of our friends as we remember them in our hearts, not as they are now.

Lloyd: But I don't remember my father any other way.

Misako: Your father loved you. It was the evil of the Great Devourer that corrupted him.

Kai: Sensei, I don't understand. The prophecy said the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. Why didn't we win?

Wu: I...don't know.

Jay: Don't know? You're Sensei! You always know! You have a long white beard!

Kai: There must be some message to learn. A lesson. A word of wisdom. Just a word? Something.

Wu: For once, I'm afraid there is nothing to learn. Only that evil has won.

Lloyd: If Sensei doesn't have a lesson, then I do. I used to be nothing but trouble, but first I met Mia and Leo then I met you guys. You took me in. Showed me the importance of being brave, the importance of being strong. And most importantly, being good. (Groans) When this battle first began, when the First Spinjitzu Master fought the Overlord and his back was up against the wall and he knew it was all over, did he quit? No. He found a way to keep the fight going. He passed his Elemental Powers to us. Of all people, a bunch of kids. But there must have been a reason he chose us. I'd like to think it's because he knew we'd never back down, we'd never give up. We've learned the ancient ways of the ninja. And ninja never quit.

Mia: Damn right. She said, smiling at her boyfriend

Leo nodded in agreement.

Kai: He's right. If that means we have to swim the sea to get off this island, then so be it. (He starts wading in the ocean.)

Jay: The entire ocean? But I didn't bring my floaties.

Kai: Ugh.

Cole: Well, if you got a better plan...

Zane: I don't, but he may. (He points to his Falcon.)

Julien: Ooh, the Falcon. He must have found something.

Everyone is now climbing up a mountain on Kai's Fire Mech. They arrive at the Temple of Light.

Zane: You brought us back to the Temple of Light? I do not understand. We've already been here.

Lloyd: I think I know why but we'llll double check and see.

Misako: This location, I've seen this before. I just never understood it. (She looks at a scroll with the Temple's layouts.)

Kai: (Grunts) I think I found something. It's just like the map. (He inserts his Elemental Blade inside a slot.)

Wu: There's one more over there.

Julien: And here.

Misako: And over here.

They each insert their Blades, opening up a hidden platform.

Kai: What is it?

Jay: Cool.

Misako: It is the fighting suit the First Spinjitzu Master used when he battled the Overlord.

Cole: You mean the First Spinjitzu Master once sat here? Haha, get out of here! (He occupies the mech.) How do you make this thing work?

Julien: (Sighs) Sadly, I think time has done her in. She's only a relic now.

Wu: If it worked for the First Spinjitzu Master, perhaps it will work for the next Spinjitzu Master?

Lloyd: It's worth a shot. (Cole climbs out so Lloyd can try it.)

Cole: Hey, watch out. (He jumps off the mech.)

Lloyd: Hmm, nothing. (The mech suddenly activates.) Whoa!

Cole: Whoa!

Kai: Looking good!

Jay: Killer!

Zane: Amazing!

Oni Leo: Well would you look at that, my little brother using my creation.

Mia: *blushes and fans herself* Oh wow....

Oni Leo: Ahem, I made the mech Mia.

Mia: Shut up. I guess seeing Lloyd in the suit is what got me all flustered. She said, admitting the reason behind her blush.

Oni Leo: Well, when my uncle wore the mech it made his wife blush like crazy.

Mia: Uhhhh.... I guess her and I have something in common when it comes to our lovers.

Oni Leo: Yep, I made it that way. He teased.

Mia got mad at her brother and she tried to lightly punch him but she accidentally used her new dragon strength causing him to fall to the floor against the wall.

Oni Leo: I see pretty stars.... He said as he was in a daze before he passed out.

Mia: Whoops, sorry Leo. I guess my inner dragon decided to leave some of her strength behind. So that way in case I needed to, I can defend myself. She said, walking over to her brother then shaking him awake.

Oni Leo: I was....kidding....about....what I said. He said as his eyes were out of focus.

Mia held his head so that way he did at least get his eyes to focus.

Mia: Is that better Leo?

Oni Leo: Thanks....Mia....three?

Mia: Try to relax your eyes before looking at me or anyone else.

Leo: Woah, you look pretty Mia. He said as he was still in a daze and had a bump on his head.

Mia just sighed before healing the bump and then slapping Leo to snap him out of it.

Mia: Back to the real world, Leo?


Mia: I didn't mean to hit you that hard. I was going to lightly punch you, but then my dragon strength kicked in.

Oni Leo: You're lucky I'm in my Oni human form otherwise I'll be in a coma for a month because of that.

Mia: Leo, stop you're making me feel bad.

Oni Leo: Sorry sis, I was just stating a fact. But what do you think of my creation?

Mia: It's amazing, it makes Lloyd look awesome. *whispers* It also kind of makes him look hot.

Oni Leo 'whispers': Imagine how Lloyd's grandma would have felt back then.

Mia giggled, knowing that Lloyd's grandmother probably would have had the same reaction as she did.

Wu: How does the leg feel now?

Lloyd: Stronger.

Misako: Well, I know how he is getting to Ninjago, but what about us?

Jay: (Hears a roar outside) I know that sound. It's our Dragon!

Wu: I believe we just found our way off this rock.

The ninja head back to Ninjago.

Kai: I see Ninjago. We're not far away! (He points to purple light coming out of the clouds.)

Oni Leo: Not again.

Cole: Oh, you sure that's Ninjago?

Jay: Wow.

Kai: (Sees a building that wasn't there before) What is that thing?

Wu: Garmatron.

Misako: It's turned into a fortress?

Julien: But where's the Overlord? (They land on the ground and hide.)

Kai: He's turned everyone evil.

Jay: Oh, just like Nya.

Cole: And now they're helping his cause. I can't wait to see the look on the Overlord's face when he gets a load of us.

Jay: Oh, my goodness. (The Garmatron blasts some Dark Matter toward their direction.) Oh, sweet mother may I.

Kai: Look out, Jay!

Zane: Is that the look you were hoping for?

Jay: Zane, no.

Misako: The metamorphosis is complete. The Overlord's changed into his original form. (She points toward the top of Garmatron.)

Cole: But we can't fly up there.

Wu: We have my father's Golden mech. We have to draw their fire to help Lloyd use the mech against the Overlord.

Oni Leo: It's time I paid my respects to the overlord for the new powers. He said as he turned into his prime form, it looked stronger and more powerful.

Cole: We hear you loud and clear. (The ninja, Wu, and Misako fly on the Dragon.) Everyone, hold on tight!

Kozu: Wait. Wait. Wait. Now! (The Stone Army fires at them.)

Cole: Look out, Sensei!

Kai: Pull up! Quick, pull up!

Misako: The Stone Army is protecting its master. They will never let Lloyd get close.

Wu: Then we have to get close.

Dareth: Yeah. I knew they'd be back.

Lloyd: Time to bring out the big buttons. (He slashes at a group of Stone Warriors.) Ninja— (The mech's arm gets shot off. Nya laughs and keeps shooting at him until he falls over.)

Wu: He's been hit.

Misako: We need to protect him.

Mia: Oh shell nah, uh ah. They ain't touching my boy!!! She said, jumping off of the ultra dragon, spreading her own dragon wings to slow her fall.

Leo 'Prime form': Time to unleash chaos!!!!! He said as grabbed the helmet of shadows from Mia and puts it on as he jumped off the Ultra dragon.

Mia: Bring it on, bishes!!! She said, punching the stone Warriors as they came closer to Lloyd.

Leo 'Prime form': Stone army I command you to halt!!!!!

Lloyd: Ugh. Oh, no! Ugh.

Ninja: Ninja, go! (They jumped out and fought for Lloyd.)

Lloyd: Ah. I'm okay.

Jay: Yeah, but are we?

Zane: Ice! (He makes a shield to protect them from Dark Matter.)

Kai: Good job, Zane! (Nya breaks the Ice.) Fire!

Nya retreats back up the building. The ninja are outnumbered.)

Jay: I know we've always drawn a crowd, but this is ridiculous.

Mia: They're still not stopping.

Kai: How can you be making jokes at a time like this?

Leo turned back to normal before he spoke.

Oni Leo: Give it a shot sis. He said as he handed it over.

Jay: Hey, if I'm going down, might as well go down laughing.

Zane: If this is how we're going to go down, I'm proud to be fighting alongside my brothers.

Cole: Hear, hear. (Wu, Misako and Dr. Julien land on a nearby building.)

Wu: We need to go back and save them.

Misako: There are too many. Look. (She points to the Overlord.) His helmet must have fallen off during his transformation.

Julien: What does that matter?

Misako: He who wears the helmet, controls the Army.

Wu: What?

Misako: It was written in the scroll. What if the helmet is more than just the key to the clock? What if that helmet is the reason Garmadon was able to control the Stone Army in the first place? If we can get to that helmet, we could stop the Army.

Julien: What are we waiting for?

Lloyd: Keep fighting! Unh. Never give up!

Kai: Ninja never quit!

Ninja: Ninja, go! (They use Spinjitzu, but Nya stops them.)

Jay: We're doomed, guys.

Misako: There it is. (Dareth, having escaped being corrupted, appears near the helmet.)

Mia: *holds the helmet* Alright here we go. *puts it on, causing the Army to stop*

Misako: Wait!

Kai: What happened?

Zane: They are frozen.

Kozu: All hail the Pink Ninja! What do you command?

Jay: Pink Ninja? Wait that's Mia!!

Cole: The helmet controls the Army. Well done, Mia!!

Jay: Oh, that means we now stand a fighting chance.

Lloyd: I need to get to the top of that fortress. I may not be able to get there by myself, but with your help, I can face him.

Ninja: Ninja, go! (They activate their Elemental Blades.)

Kai: Mia get ready to command the Army to go up the tower.

Oni Leo: Mia, don't tell to attack yet because I'm going to fly to the top and weaken the overlord for Lloyd

Mia: Alright. This is going to be my first time commanding something other than elemental dragons.

Oni Leo: I believe in you sis, I love you. He said as he turned into his prime form with wings as he flew and punched the overlord in the Jaw.

Mia: Be careful, bro!!!

Leo 'Chaos form': This is now my chaos form and with it....I'LL PUMMEL YOU OVERLORD!!!!!!

Misako: Let's help them out. (They start flying, but Nya shoots them.) We're hit!

Wu: We have to land. This is as far as we can go.

Jay: Look out! (Cole gets hit with Dark Matter.)

Lloyd: Cole, come on. Get up!

Cole: Ugh. I'm hit. Go! Go on... without me. Ugh.

Kai: We need to move. Now!

Jay pushes Lloyd before he gets hit with Dark Matter, taking the shot instead.

Lloyd: Jay!

Jay: Get out of the way!

Kai: Don't look! Just keep climbing!

Zane: Ugh. From my calculations, with the distance remaining to the top, the odds are that only one of us is going to make it.

Lloyd: Then let's beat the odds! Let's—

Jay and Cole have been corrupted by Darkness and come after them, holding up their Elemental Blades.

Zane: Go on. I'll hold them back.

Mia: Lloyd come on!!! She said, grabbing his hand.

Leo 'Chaos form': Hey guys, how's it going. He said as he flew past them.

They both attempt to strike Zane, but he blocks the blades with his own. Lloyd and Kai continue up the steps and encounter a corrupted Nya inside a machine. She cackles maniacally.

Kai: Nya!

Kai: I'm gonna draw her fire so you can make it to the top.

Nya starts shooting Darkness at Kai and Lloyd. Kai blocks the darkness with his Elemental Blade.

Lloyd: No, don't! We can do this together.

Kai: No. There's only one Green Ninja. This is your fight.

Nya: (To Lloyd.) You're hurt, you hardly stand a chance!

Kai: Hiya! (He breaks her machine.) Go, Lloyd!

Mia: I'm going to help you whether the prophecy says I can or not. I love you and I'm not going to lose you.

Lloyd makes it to the top of the building and confronts the Overlord with a knocked out beaten Leo in his hands.

Lloyd: I have come here to fight you!

Overlord: You're in no shape to fight. It's over. Evil wins.

Lloyd: A ninja never quits!

Overlord: (Laughs.) You don't even have a sword.

Lloyd: I don't need a sword. (He surrounds himself with his Energy, creating a force field.)

Overlord: Then all I have to say is... goodbye.

The Overlord opens his mouth and blasts Lloyd with Darkness, nearly pushing him off the building.

Lloyd: (He looks back at the city beneath him.) Aah! (Lloyd looks back at the Overlord.) Hiyah!

Mia grabbed his hand and pulled him close, Lloyd now noticing that she was in the Sphere of energy with him. Leo was there as well as if the energy was trying to protect him. Mia kissed Lloyd trying to give him the strength that he needed and well.... It definitely worked.

Lloyd's Energy force field grows, harming the Overlord. Lloyd, Mia, and Leo become the Ultimate Spinjitzu Masters. Mia had the appearance of a full-fledged queen of elemental dragons in the form of a ninja Gi. Leo was now wide awake, healed and everything, while he had the appearance of a full-fledged king of Oni's in the form of a ninja gi as well. Lloyd's ninja gi had turned into a golden version of itself to represent that he had become the ultimate Spinjitzu master.

Misako: They have become the Ultimate Spinjitzu Masters.

Wu: This is the Final Battle.

Lloyd/Mia/Leo: We are the Ultimate Spinjitzu Masters!

Overlord: No.

The Overlord swipes at Lloyd, Mia, and Leo; the latter is pushed back. Lloyd, Mia, and Leo block his wing and are kicked backward. Lloyd, Mia, and Leo counterattack. They kick the Overlord, sending him back.

Overlord: No!

Lloyd, Mia, and Leo summon their Golden Dragons.

Dareth: Awesome!

Overlord: You can't defeat me. Where there is light, there will always be shadow!

Lloyd/Mia/Leo: Unless our light is bright enough!

The Golden Dragons tackle the Overlord, and they are all sent falling downward. All of the dragons nearly crash into Dareth. The latter covers his head. The four dragons move upward.

Lloyd/Mia/Leo: This. Ends. Now.

Overlord: You can't defeat me. (The Overlord surrounds Lloyd, Mia, and Leo with a cloud of shadow, allowing himself to grow in size. The Overlord starts laughing and attempts to devour Lloyd, Mia, and Leo, however, the latter starts resisting.) No. No! NO! NOOO! (Lloyd, Mia, and Leo use Golden Power to defeat the Overlord. The Overlord implodes, and the fog engulfing entire city disappears, with everyone who was corrupted turned back to normal.)

Kai: Ugh. What happened?

Kai and Jay: (They see Nya back to normal.) Nya! (They run towards her.)

Kai: My sister.

Jay: Nya, you're back! (They both hug Nya.)

Cole: (Helping Zane get up.) Come here, you tin can. (He hugs Zane.)

Zane: Brother.

Julien: Is this really happening? We did it?

Dareth: We did it. You did it. I did it! Heck, who didn't do it!?

Kai: Yeah. But where's Lloyd, Mia, and Leo?

Lloyd, Mia, and Leo fly down on their Dragons.

All: Lloyd, Mia, and Leo!

Misako: You were brilliant, son. You as well Leo and Mia.

Wu: Because of you three, Ninjago was saved. Because of you, there will be a tomorrow.

Kai: Speaking of which, if the Overlord should ever decide to show his face again around here, we'll be ready.

Cole: And next time, we'll be a little more humble.

Zane: And a little more wise.

Jay: And with better catchphrases.

They all start laughing but Lloyd. Misako sees Lloyd frowning.

Misako: We will all miss your father.

Mia: I'm really sorry Lloyd.

From behind them, Garmadon emerges from a pile of rocks and approaches them limping. He has been purified by Golden Power.

Garmadon: Lloyd, Mia, Leo What... What happened?

Misako: Garmadon, is it really you?

Lloyd: Dad? Oh, dad! (He runs and embraces him.)

Mia: Garmadon!!! She said, running over to him and hugged him.

But then she backed away from the hug not sure if he remembered saying dad she had his Blessing about being with Lloyd.

Garmadon himself noticed this and pulled Mia into a hug, whispering to her that he remembered.

Leo: *sigh* I guess- He was cut off by Garmadon pulling him into a hug as Leo accepted the hug.

Misako: Every ounce of evil and venom is... gone. (She embraces Garmadon.)

Garmadon: I feel good. Aha! It's been so long and Mia you may date Lloyd, just make sure to be back around 10 am.

Mia and Lloyd smiled before hugging each other while laughing happily. Lloyd started to spin Mia around causing her to laugh even more, before he kissed her on the lips in a dip pose.

Kai: Woah Lloyd!!

Leo: I taught him that.

Cole: Dang that was smooth.

Zane: Indeed.

Jay 'to Leo': Can you teach me that?

Leo 'to Jay': Maybe or maybe not?

Garmadon 'Reformed': Oh wow... I did not expect that my son would be that smooth.

Misako: Well he did get some of that from your god son.

???: Misako?

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice and saw... Garmadon!? This was confusing everyone cuz he was right with them and yet he was over there.

Leo: Hey Oni Garamadon!!! He said as he ran over and hugged him.

Oni Garamadon: Leo!!!! My darkness buddy!!! He said as he hugged Leo back

Mia: How the-!?

Leo: My powers are how.

???: Hello Wu~

Wu: What the-!? *turns around to see a second misako* How!?

Misko: My name is Misko and I'm the half of Misako that loves~ you wu while the original Misako loves garmadon.

Wu: *blushes* Oh my...

Misko: Pucker up handsome~ She said as she kissed Wu on the lips.

Wu was steaming at this point. But he did kiss her back.

Mia/Lloyd: Woah, Ok, Hello!! They said, quickly looking away. Did NOT need to see that!! They said, shivering slightly.

Leo: You're welcome, Wu. Also, Oni Garmadon, you owe me ten bucks.

Oni Garamadon: Yes I do. He said as he handed Leo ten bucks.

Mia: Well this is going to be awkward, probably more Awkward for you, Lloyd.

Lloyd: I have two dads?

Garmadons: Yes you do son.

Misako: T-two g-garmadons. She said while blushing like crazy.

Mia: Oh boy... If I was in her place, I don't know if I can handle two Lloyds.

Leo: I see Misako likes my present?

Misako: Y-Yes.

Leo: Hey Lloyd, this means you get to have double the amount of fun with your dads

Lloyd: I guess you're right.

Leo: It's great that Wu found love, right Lloyd and Mia?

Mia/Lloyd: Yeah.

Misko: I'm so happy to be with you Wu~

Wu: M-Me T-Too.

Misko: How about me and you go somewhere nice and drink some tea? She asked as she hugged Wus' arm.

Wu: That would be nice. He said as he and Misko started walking away.

Mia: Hey Lloyd, wanna go on a date~?

Lloyd: Ummm.... Sure.

Mia: *whispers about what she wants to do on the date*

Lloyd: *Blushes madly* Oh....

Leo: Hey Mia, make sure you and Lloyd come back home tomorrow morning and I bought you guys a room in a hotel, 'whispers to Mia' it's in a honeymoon sweet. He said as he handed the keys to Mia.

Mia slightly smirked before grabbing Lloyd's hand as they were walking to where their hotel room was. Lloyd was blushing madly the whole time.

Jay: Aw, would you look at that? Who would have thought we'd ever see the day? You think we should dogpile them?

Kai: Let's give them their moment. They earned it.

Cole: It's been quite a ride, fellas.

Zane: You think there will be others?

Cole: I hope so. I liked being a ninja. It's not like we have many other skills.

Jay: Ha, speak for yourself, I'm looking forward to doing a little inventing, maybe some model-building, dabble in poetry—

Kai: Jay's right. We've come a long way and there's no reason why we can't use what we've learned in our everyday lives. And who knows? We may have gotten the balance right today, but there's always tomorrow. There's no way of knowing what's around the corner. But as long as there's something worth fighting for, there's always a need for a ninja. And we'll be ready.

Everyone looks toward the rising sun.

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