Lost Memories: I'll Be Your S...

Von Anastasiaxo

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BOOK 2. Stacey is back at Hogwarts with more problems than ever. It is Harry's 3rd year at Hogwarts and Siriu... Mehr

Chapter 1: Disappearance
Chapter 2: Long Trip
Chapter 3: Meeting with the Traitor
Chapter 4: The Dursley's
Chapter 5: The Arrest
Chapter 6: Meeting With The Ministry
Chapter 7: Rita Skeeter's Article
Chapter 8: Dementors
Chapter 9: Memories of the Dead
Chapter 10: Buckbeak
Chapter 11: The Funeral
Chapter 12: Lessons
Chapter 13: Losing Hope
Chapter 14: Coming Together
Chapter 15: Dr. Ringe
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Three Broomsticks
Chapter 18: Demetrius' Mansion
Chapter 19: First Day
Chapter 20: The Big Mistake
Chapter 21: Saving a Life
Chapter 22: Dangerous Lust
Chapter 23: Reunited Again
Chapter 25: Everything's Alright
Chapter 26:Spinner's End
Chapter 27: Begining of Pain
Severus or Sirius?

Chapter 24: Paths Unfolding

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Von Anastasiaxo

   Severus and I walked back to castle together. My arm was throbbing and the spell I put on it was waring out and the bleeding and pain started again.

"Why does the castle have to be so far away?" I grumbled to myself gripping my shoulder.

It felt like someone was banging my head with a hammer. Severus wrapped an arm around me and whispered,

"We are almost there."

I just contentrated on something other than the pain of having my arm detaching from my body. As hard as it was I kept going. As an attempt to drift my mind I started speaking,

"Severus, where is Ron and Hermione?" I asked.

"Hermione took Ron to the hospital wing already. Because of your spells he was able to walk better."

I sighed in relief and smiled happy that Ron was doing alright. Thankfully the halls were empty as we walked in because mainly everyone was asleep. Dumbledore and Cornelius were standing in the hallway. I knew Dumbledore had probably known about all of this.

"Oh my!" Corenlius gasped, "What happened to all of you?"

Cornelius asked though he knew the answer. He was staring at Sirus' unconsious body. I couldn't bare to think what would happen to Sirius now. But I wasn't going to lose him just yet. We came this far I knew it wasn't over.

"Well Sirius and Harry nearly recieved the kiss and I trust you heard about Ron," I answered weakly.

"And what about you my dear? Look at your arm!" Cornelius exclaimed.

"Brave act actually. She was attack by a werewolf as she tried to save us all." Severus replied for me. But he was looking at Dumbledore rather angrily.

"A- a werewolf?" Cornelius asked astounded.

I nodded choking back tears. The pain was starting to subside now though and there was just some stinging pain. I squeezed Severus' hand tighly as I fought through it. I was determined to stay and listen to what Cornelius had to say. I quietly said a spell and Harry's strecher went off to the hospital wing.

"I will take Sirius to the top tower." Dumbledore said, "Stacey go take care of that arm."

"I can - ahh - bare it." I said stubbornly.

"Come now my dear. We will come along so you can hear what we are about to say." Cornelius coaxed.

I nodded and walked off with them as Severus supported me carefully and protectivly. Cornelius watched us with great interst as we walked over. He cleared his throat awkwardly before saying,

"You both make a lovely couple, unexpected yet lovely. It is good that Stacey has found someone who can protect her."

I looked at Severus and smiled before replying to Corenlius' comment,

"Thank you very much. He is amazing to me."

"That's wonderful. You better be Snape!" Corenlius joked and Severus forced a slight smile.

We finally reached the hospital wing and Madame Pomfrey rushed over to me. She didn't say anything. She just took me from Severus' grasp and laid me on the bed.

"Professor! What happened to you?" Ron exclaimed from the bed across me.

I forced a small smile but neither Severus or Cornelius answered Ron's question. As I finally sunk into the soft bed the effect of the wound hit me. I bite my lip to silence my aching cries desperately wanting to come out. My hand wander the bed looking for a place to hold onto for support. I felt the bed lower a bit and a cold hand take mine. I opened my eyes to see Severus beside me.

"Severus ..." I said trying to sound alright.

"I'm right here. Relax my love," He said softly as Madame Pomfrey started caring for my arm.

I gazed into his black eyes which comforted every part of me. The pain came back and I turned my head to the side silently enduring the pain. Severus leaned in forward and comforted me softly with gentle words. As I opened my eyes I noticed the room started spinning rapidly and I blanked out.

When I woke up I saw that Harry was still unconcious. Ron was staring at the ceiling looking rather bored. I sat up on the bed slowly and glanced at my arm. It was bandaged nicely and the pain was gone to just a buzzing sting.

"Ah good you're awake! It is fixed but it will take a while to heal competely. Lay off that arm alright? Here," Madame Pomfrey said as she rushed to my said thrusting a glass into my hand.

I reluctantly took it and sipped it. My face cringed up at the terrible taste.

"Well I would say that part is the worst of healing. The nasty medicine," Cornelius said laughing.

I turned to see Severus and him standing beside my bed now.

"Well yes it is," I said placing the glass down.

Severus came over at sat beside me on the bed.

"Sorry I had to leave, Madame Pomfrey wanted you all to rest in peace. I won't leave you now. How is your arm?" Severus asked me.

"Thank you. It is alright now, doesn't hurt as bad," I said as he kissed my forehead.

Severus got off my bed and stood beside me holding my hand as Cornelius and him continued their conversation.

"Stacey I am going to give Severus the Order of Merlin, Second Class. But I actually think he deserves the First Class." Cornelius said smiling at me.

"Oh baby that is wonderful! Congrats!" I said pulling down his arm down a little. He bent down and I kissed him happily.

"And you as well. You have been so dedicated in helping us capture Sirius Black and you have showed great commitment." Cornelius told me next.

"Really? Wow, thank you so much Sir!" I said beaming.

Severus kissed the top of my head as Corenelius started speaking again. But Severus started saying something that left me speechless. He was talking about how Sirius put a Confundus Charm on all of us to believe that he was inoccent. Sirius did no such thing but I couldn't say anything because I didn't want to rise up suspision. I let go of Severus' hand and folded my arms across my chest angrily but plastered an agreeing look on my face.

"Harry does not have a blind spot Corenlius! And he shoudn't be suspended Severus honestly!" I snapped at one point.

"Stacey be reasonable," Severus said almost warning.

"I will and this is stupid! How about I get the godfathers of you two, have him be the cause of your parents murder and then put you through what Harry went through! Are you both honestly that thick!? I see no fault in Harry Conrelius!" I ranted furiously.

Severus looked at me with fury but I didn't care. I just stared at Corenlius.

"Well how do you explain the Hogsmeade visits?" Severus asked rudely.

"I don't know! But I trust that Harry didn't do anything wrong beside he would have been able to go if I was allowed to have custody over him!" I answered almost yelling.

"Well you both have good points. I .... will see later alright? And about the custody matter Stacey, Severus does bring up some good points. Can I trust you to come to my office in 2 weeks to discuss this?" Corenlius asked unsurely.

"Alright," I said dropping the subject.

"So um ... both of you have no idea about how the dementors retreated?" Corenlius asked.

"I saw a bright light but that's all really." I answered quickly.

I heard Harry talking to Madame Pomfrey and I looked over as I started to get off the bed to see him.

"They will be preforming the kiss on Sirius anytime now," Madame Promfrey told Harry

"What?!" Harry yelled looking at me frantically.

I got off the bed quickly.

"Stacey what are you doing?" Severus asked me grabbing my arm.

"Cornelius please ... can I see him? One last time?" I asked my voice shaking slightly.

"I dont know ...." Corenlius said thoughtfully.

"Minister she can't!" Severus said shocked.

"Understand please! Just one last time ... I mean ... him and I still have our past ... please?" I asked literally begging now.

Cornelius stared at me sympethically before answering me,

"Of course, I understand how you must be feeling. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

"Stacey, I won't let you go!" Severus said still holding my hand tighly.

"No, I am sorry," I replied.

I took my hand from his grasp. I ran fast to the highest tower. I knew Sirius was there. On my way I bumped in Dumbledore.

"Stacey what are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Sirius! I want - want to see him! He is inoccent Sir please!" I gasped through my tears.

Dumbledore patted my cheeck lovingly.

"I believe you my child. GO see him now," Dumbledore told me.

I smiled gratefully and continued running up the stairs. I finally reached the top and saw the bar door where Sirius sat behind it.

"Oh Sirius!!" I yelled standing out the door pulling at the bars.

"Stacey!" He exclaimed holding my hands through the bar door.

"They - they are coming Sirius! I- I have to get you out!" I said hastily grabbing my wand, "Stand back!"

I let go of his hands but he caught them and brought me back to him.

"Sirius what - what are you doing?' I gasped, "Let me free you and then run. Don't come back here again. Just be safe."

I was become hysterical. It was happening and even Sirius had tears on his cheek.

"Stacey then what? They know you're here! They will take you to Azkaban!" Sirius said.

"I - I don't care! I will go!" I cried.

I could hardly breath now. It felt like there was a hole in my heart. 12 years of fighting was wasted, wasted for nothing.

"I won't let you go there!" Sirius said caressing my face with his hands.

"I don't - care. I will go with you! We can run away together!" I said depreatly. I couldn't lose him, I couldn't lose my best friend.

"I want to say yes but Stacey they will catch us and then give us both the kiss! Harry needs you! Lupin, Severus, Andrew, Draco, they all need you!!" Sirius said through his tears.

"I - I can't lose you!" I said knowing he was right.

"Let us enjoy this last moment together alright?" Sirius said.

He kissed my forehead and began trembling. Trembling in fear and sadness. He couldn't let go and I held him there. We were so hurt and broken. I could hardly bare this sadness. I let go of him when I heard footsteps behind us. To my good luck I saw Harry and Hermione.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Step aside Professor," Hermione said quickly.

I listened and she burst opened the door. Sirius ran out and came to me. He lifted me off the ground and held me for dear life. I held him laughing as he twirled me.

"What are you kids doing?" We asked smiling.

"I will explain later. Godma you have to say goodbye to Sirius and go back to Cornelius so that they can't blame you alright? Say you couldn't find him or something. Just lie and lie!" Harry said looking over his shoulders.

"I can do that easily. Sirius my friend this isn't goodbye. I will see you soon okay?" I said facing him again.

"We will never say goodbye Angie. Meet me later sometime soon and bring Andrew. I would love to meet him." Sirius said smiling brightly.

I kissed his cheek and ran off. Alright, pretend to be crying of fear, I told myself. It worked out and I quickly ran down the stairs to Dumbledore, Cornelius and Severus who had just left the hospital wing. I began fake crying even more.

"Ah there is Stacey - what happened?" Cornelius asked as I ran to them crying.

I went straight to Severus as he pulled me in his arms and I buried my face in his chest. So far so good. Even Severus believed this.

"My love what happened?" Severus whispered as he stroked my head his voice completely covered with worry.

"He - he isn't there!" I cried softly to him.

Severus slowly pulled me back and stared at me asking,

"Pardon me?"

"Severus, Minister don't be mad at me please! I - I went there and the door was blown off! I searched for him but - but I couldn't find him! I'm so sorry. This is all my fault!" I sobbed.

"What!?" Cornelius yelled.

"Here! Take my wand! Check the last spells I used if you don't believe me. It was nothing to do with spells strong enough to blow of the door! Check - put me under Veritasermu if you don't believe me!" I said holding out my wand.

Forget being a teacher. I could have gone into acting!

Severus stared at me with intensity and pulled me back to him obviously believing me.

"My dear don't cry! This isn't your fault! I didn't think for a second you could have done it! And clearly is you are willing to put yourself under interrogation you must be telling the truth!" Dumbledore defended catching onto my act.

"Well the circumstances do seem suspicious Stacey," Cornelius said quietly.

"Do you not see the distress she is in? How dare you accuses her of lying. Why would she lie? If Sirius Black in free she is in a lot of danger!" Severus snarled holding me even more securely.

Cornelius stared into my eyes and sighed.

"I believe you Stacey. No inquiry will be needed. I take your word for it." Cornelius said after a moment of deep thinking, "But then who else could have freed him?"

Severus tensed up and these words and I pulled back from his hold and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I have an idea ...." Severus sneered dangerously.

I glanced nervously at Cornelius and Dumbledore as Severus marched off. We all followed him but I trailed back with Dumbledore so that Cornelius was out of ear shoot.

"Marvellous acting," Dumbledore said, "I trust he will be safe."

I looked at Dumbledore and smiled slyly as I said,

"I have no idea what you are talking about Sir."

Dumbledore laughed and we continued to the hospital wing where we met up with Cornelius and Severus hastily talking. Severus was furious beyond belief. If possible he was angrier now then when we were at the Shrieking Shack. He furiously slammed the doors opened and marched in screaming as loud as ever.

"That's not good ..." I said softly beside Dumbledore.

"You know you will have to speak to him about the truth later right?" Dumbledore whispered to me.

"Oh fun," I said sarcastically knowing Severus wouldn't take it well.

Severus was screaming on the top of his lungs as we walked in. Dumbledore was calm ... Easy for him though. He wouldn't have to explain this to Severus later. Cornelius on the other hand looked almost sacred but surely angry at Severus' behaviour and that Sirius had escaped. I sighed with relief when I saw Harry and Hermione in the room again. Hermione caught my eye and she fiddled with something in her hand. I looked close enough to see her time turner. Brilliant, I thought. I had completely forgotten about that. Next I looked at Harry to whom I gave a look as if asking - Is Sirius safe? - to which he nodded happily to. But his happy face fell quickly as Severus started screaming at him. I walked up slowly behind him but Corenlius stopped me. He was red in the face with fury towards Severus at this point.

"Severus be reasonable! Consider Stacey's story! Did you see the kids Stacey?" Cornelius asked.

"Severus dear I didn't," I said calmly.

But Severus continued screaming and Cornelius began screaming at him.

"Severus STOP!" I warned cautiously.

"YOU DON'T KNOW POTTER!" shrieked Snape at all of us.

"I do," I said confidently.

Dumbledore took over and finished by saying,

"Professor Ringe if you could ..." As he motioned to the fuming Severus.

If looks could kill, Severus would have killed Harry already. I walked to Severus and stood in front of him. I looked rather tiny in front of this tall broad shouldered man who was breathing heavily because of how furious he was. Slowly and quietly I began to speak to him,

"Come with me to my office my love. We can talk there alright?"

Severus however continued to glare at Harry. Cornelius was about to come to try to help me but I shook my head in his direction. Cautiously I took Severus large warm hand in mine and kissed it sweetly.

"Enough - look at me," I coaxed as everyone watched precariously.

Slowly Severus' head looked down and his hard eyes looked into mine. I heard his rapid heartbeat slow down as he gazed at me.

"Let us go. I will meet you in my office Severus," I said gently.

Severus turned at walked out of the room going to was my office.

"I'd say that proves the love," Cornelius said, "Only a man's true love and only a special lady can calm a man's temper down. And to calm Severus when he is that angry, wow."

"I think that deserves a medal. We should just duplicate you and send you around with him all the time. Maybe then he would be less scary and rude," Ron said from his bed.

I smiled at them as they laughed at Ron's comment. I like knowing that only I could calm Severus. It was a good feeling.

"Oh Stacey dear! Here!" Madame Promfrey said.

I turned to see her cradling a sleeping Andrew. I smiled happily at him.

"Oh thank you." I said kissing my son.

I started to walk out when Cornelius that Severus seemed unstable. Dumbledore defended him which I was grateful for. Cornelius left and I made my way to my office. What a night. I walked in to see Severus sitting on my chair. He looked at me still angry. I motioned to my chamber and he nodded. I went in and lay Andrew down in his crib. I walked out and joined Severus in my office. I sat beside him and waited for him to speak first.

"I know Potter is the cause! And so do you!" Severus said furiously.

"I know," I answered quietly.

"THEN -"

"Sshh!" I hissed pressing my finger against my lips motioning to Severus to keep his voice down so that he would wake Andrew.

"Then why didn't you say anything! I looked like a fool!" Severus hissed.

"Say what? That I saw Harry and Hermione up there but I couldn't find them?" I asked softly.

"What's the truth?" Severus asked bitterly.

"Truth? I was speaking to Sirius when Harry and Hermione came and freed him. I let him escape and pulled that little act on Corenlius and you." I said shutting my eyes.

I really couldn't face him.

"Why - would - you - do - that?" Severus asked breathing hard again.

"Because I am not going to let an innocent man receive the kiss!" I said sternly.

"Innocent? Damn it! He did it!" Severus yelled.

I sighed and put a silencing charm around the room so Andrew could sleep silently.

"You were knocked out. Peter was the rat ..." I drifted off.

Severus sat back crossing his arms waiting for me to tell him the whole truth.

"Instead of explaining can I just show you?" I asked hopefully.

"No. Out with the secrets."

"Fine but its long. Like 12 years long. So basically Sirius asked me to visit him when he was first put in Azkaban. I went out him under a truth spell - very strong - and he told me how he was not their secret keeper. That's all he said and that he wasn't the cause of the Potters being dead. Anyways I went on with my life without knowing who betrayed them. I kept the secret to myself. I took the job at Azkaban to protect Sirius and keep him alive. Yeah you know that. Um went on that trip in the summer, when I disappeared for three days, to see him. He told me the truth about Peter. I have been in contact with him since he escaped. Blah blah blah. Lupin found out. Etcetera etcetera. I allowed Harry and Hermione to let him escape. And yeah." I pathetically explained.

"That was the worst explanation I have ever heard. Let me see the memories." Severus said standing.

I made my pensieve appear and put all those memories in them. Severus watched for a good 20 minutes. There was a lot to soak in. Severus finished and I took my memories back.

"I have to tell Cornelius," Severus said angrily, "That Potter did help him escape!"

"Fine then this is goodbye," I said calmly.

Severus looked at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you tell Cornelius that, he will wonder how you received that information. They will find out I helped Sirius all along and imprison me. Maybe even give me the kiss. Simple as that."

Severus stared at me as he went pale. I knew he hadn't considered that.

"Expecto Patronus," I said as a Phoenix appeared.

"What are you doing?" Severus asked snatching my wand away from means the Phoenix disappeared.

"Would you like to tell him or me?" I asked.

"Stop it! Don't make this my fault!" Severus said furiously, "YOU LIED! For 12 years!"

"I know but I had to. I knew you wouldn't understand." I said sadly.

"I would have! But you didn't give me a chance!"

"Oh so you're saying you support what I did. And that you are happy that I helped save Sirius?" I asked doubting him.

"NO! I'm not! I'm furious about it! I can't believe you! I - I don't even - even know what to say!" Severus said upset.

With that he just stormed out. But I remained calm about it. I knew why he was angry and he had every right to be. Sirius was terrible to him when they were in Hogwarts but if I could go back in time I would have done it all over again. I would have still helped Sirius through everything. Severus would simmer down and I could talk to him later. In a way I was pleased our little talk didn't last long. I was exhausted. I waved my wand shutting off the lights and dropped on my bed. I didn't even bother changing. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Sorry for the wait. Thanks for reading !! Xoxo


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