Doctor Who: Awakening Of The...

By CaptainThunderWho

413 5 0

Before returning to Earth, the Doctor and Jo pick up an unidentified, hostile craft headed for Earth. Investi... More

BBC 1 Trailer
EPISODE 1 - Scene 1 - Princess Risborough
Scene 2 - Collection
Scene 3 - Intruders
Scene 4 - Activation
Scene 5 - Headed Away From Earth
Scene 6 - Out Of Control
Scene 7 - Prisoners
Scene 8 - Rescue
Scene 9 - Awaking
EPISODE 2 - Scene 1 - Burning Fire
Scene 2 - What Has Happened
Scene 3 - Xeros
Scene 4 - Exploring The Museum
Scene 5 - Awakening Of The Daleks
Scene 6 - Unfit
Scene 7 - Cell Together
Scene 8 - Dalek Invasion
EPISODE 3 - Scene 1 - Trapped
Scene 2 - Who I Am
Scene 3 - Spreading Across The Museum
Scene 4 - Mechanus
Scene 5 - Cornered
Scene 6 - Sorted?
Scene 8 - Back To Skaro
Scene 9 - Harrowing Time
EPISODE 4 - Scene 1 - Feeling Bad
Scene 2 - The Planet
Scene 3 - Daleks Have Swarmed Across The Galaxy
Scene 4 - Behind
Scene 5 - 2019
Scene 6 - The Dalek Invasion Of Earth
Scene 7 - Can We Trust The Master?
Scene 8 - We're Coming With You!
EPISODE 5 - Scene 1 - Arrival To 2019
Scene 2 - The Moment
Scene 3 - Wasn't Me
Scene 4 - All Destroyed
Scene 5 - Back to Xeros, Again
Scene 7 - Back Safe And Sound At UNIT HQ

Scene 6 - Doomed!

6 0 0
By CaptainThunderWho

The grey, thundering sky forms a dull foreboding over the city. The Brigadier braces himself, but then rain droplets begin appearing on the ground. Suddenly, gushes of rain begin falling from the sky. The Mechanoids are then electrocuted as electricity fries and fizzes, and all become unoperational. The Brigadier, Captain Yates, and the soldiers were all safe. They look around them as the rain continues, and the Brigadier sighs a relief.


You know, for once Mike, I'm glad that the British forecast is showery.

In the Morok museum, the Doctor and the others arrive at where the Master's office was. The door was dented, and only half-opened. It was nevertheless enough for someone to slip through.


Bal, Ten, keep your eyes peeled.

Bal and Ten watch the corridors, with their weapons primed.


We won't let you down, Moid, sir. We promise that.

The Master, the Doctor, Sergeant Benton, and Corporal Bell enter into the office.


The TARDIS! Thank goodness it's safe after all.

Corporal Bell's radio begins sounding static. We will hear Captain Yates' voice on it.

Corporal Bell:

Hello? Greyhound Leader?

Captain Yates:

Corporal, this is Mike. Listen, we've found a way of stopping the Mechanoids. Rain!


Of course! Natural precipitation! Pure hydrogen and oxygen. The Mechanoids are nothing more than robots running on electric power.

Corporal Bell:

Thank you, Captain. The Doctor thinks he can stop the Mechanoids on the planet now.

Captain Yates:

Wilko! Out.


Bal! Ten! Can you get any water on Xeros at all?


All pure forms of water are unavailable.


Then why don't we use my TARDIS?

The Doctor thinks to himself.

Sergeant Benton:

We can't trust him.


Then you will have to come inside with us and watch him.

The Master opens the TARDIS. He, the Doctor, Sergeant, and Corporal enter inside. The Mechanoids are coming down the corridor.


The Mechanoids are arriving!

Bal and Ten fire, causing the Mechanoids to spin about confused.


Hurry, Doctor!

Bal and Ten keep firing. The Mechanoids were coming from all three directions. The Master and the Doctor come out with buckets of water and come out into the open.

Mechanoid 1:


The Doctor threw water at the Mechanoid. Electricity fizzes as the robot is destroyed. The Master throws his bucket of water at the second Mechanoid, which is electrocuted. Corporal Bell throws her bucket at the third Mechanoid. The Master rushes back to his TARDIS, but Sergeant Benton blocks his entrance.


I need more water to fill my bucket!

Sergeant Benton:

Not a chance, mate.


I'll do it, Sergeant Benton.

She takes the Master's bucket and heads into his TARDIS. The Master then sighs angrily as the Sergeant aims his gun at him. Bal and Ten join in.


Coming through!

The other Mechanoids know of what is happening.

Mechanoid 2:



Phew! This is good exercise!

The Doctor, Jo, Corporal Bell, Bal, and Ten throw more water at the Mechanoids, destroying them. In one of the trips to the Master's TARDIS and back, Bal throws water over the Master, to his unhappy discontent. Bal laughs. We see a sequence of the Doctor and the others, bar the wet Master and Benton, throwing water over the Mechanoids to stop them. This includes them rushing back and from the Master's TARDIS. Finally, all the Mechanoids had been stopped. We see the corridors overflowing with unresponsive robots and water on the floor and the ground. The Doctor, Jo, Corporal Bell, Bal, and Ten approach the long stack up and watch over them.


Well, quite a collection of Mechanoids we have there.


Dead Mechanoids to be precise. And dead Daleks. And our dead people. This was once a great museum, now it has turned into a battlefield, and a tomb.


We must start up our legacy once again, Ten. The legacy of the Moroks, and how we saved the universe. Our artefacts will come with the full licence and legislations of authority from the owner, first. And we will mark our new museum as a celebration. A celebration of who we are. What we have. And who we have lost.


Like Moid?


Yes. Well, is there anything we can do for you though, Doctor? Perhaps we could have some form of celebration for you and your friends.


I think all we would like is for Xeros to become a safe and happy place. Free from imprisonment.


You could turn your museum into a little business after all.


It's a thought that we have discussed ourselves. We could be the Galactic Exhibitionists. And have millions of life forms from all across the galaxy come and view our artefacts.


We could become wealthy with the credit bars we could raise. Retire early. Compete with the other museum and art galleries like the Academia Stellaris on Sirius 5, or the Solarian Pinacotheque at Strikian and the Braxiatel Collection. Keep our jobs as happy as we are.

The Doctor and Jo are pleased to see Bal and Ten now so pleased. The Master is then escorted by Sergeant Benton.


You look like a right drip.


Especially when you have been foiled yet again.


The universe is safe, is it not? You promised me my freedom.


Yes. But first, I want to see about your TARDIS. In case Lethbridge Stewart decides to keep you as hostage. I may take it in with UNIT if that's the case. I'll need your help of course.


Of course.

The Master is led back towards his office. The Doctor calls Sergeant Benton, who stops and turns his head to look at the Doctor.


Watch his every move, Sergeant. I haven't quite finished with him for the moment.

We hear the door mechanism to the office closing. The Master had gone!

After him!

Sergeant Benton and the Doctor rush to stop the closing. They are able to push through and break in. By then, it was already too late. The Master and his TARDIS had already taken off. We see the Doctor's face fill with disappointment and anger, seeing that he had failed to capture the Master yet again...

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