Azur Lane: The Abnormality

By MatthiasWrites

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Mental Cubes: The very material that Ship-girls began to appear after alien-like creatures called Sirens had... More

Chapter Prologue: "The Disclosure of the Unnatural"
Chapter One: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 1"
Chapter Two: "The Attack on the Alliance - Part 2"
Chapter Three: "The Injured Hornet and the Downed Pandora"
Chapter Four: "The Premonition of Enterprise's Humanity"
Chapter Five: "The Genesis of Remodeling Psyches"
Chapter Six: "The Flight from the Truth"
Chapter Seven: "Retrofitium Elcos, et Mutatio Chronologiae"
Chapter Extra One: "Bios 1"
Chapter Eight: "The Dimmed Star of Pandora, and Enterprise's Revelation"
Chapter 7.5: "To Test Our Limits!"
Chapter Nine: "Profunda Cordis"
Chapter Eleven: "The Pieces in the Board"
Chapter Twelve: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part One"
Chapter Thirteen: "The Battle Against the Orochi - Part Two"
Chapter Fourteen: "A Weakened, Achieved Dream"
Chapter Fifteen: "The Peaceful Reunion"

Chapter Ten: "To Adjust to the New Era!"

219 3 45
By MatthiasWrites

[Going through so many times in the Anime, and sometimes the WattPad Stories that are linked with the Azur Lane Lore, like 'The Charles de Gaulle in Azur Lane' by TheBriezhOne, 'Azur Lane: The Peacekeeper-Class' and 'Azur Lane: A Bunny's Brother' by Shadowgamer254, 'Azur Lane: Lost Brother' by USS_Crossfield, 'Not all of us wish for Humanity's Destruction' by KMS_Hindenburg, 'The Arrival of CVN-65' by TheLuckyYandereE, and 'The Lone Courier' by LuckyAceHigh, it was the primary pieces that put together everything for this story to be created. Along with that, other related stories like 'Jaeger-Boy' by Zap3000, and 'Battleship: Orochi' by DragonLord39, also contribute to the drive that I had, in order to write this story about Ship-boys living alongside your classic, and favorite Ship-girls in Azur Lane.]

[And if things were slightly different. That might be the whole point behind "Azur Lane: The Abnormality", my story. And it was because of those stories, that I built-off on, that I created this story, and to express what I was thinking of. I just hope that the reason I gave to you, whoever might be reading this, might understand my ambition to write this.]

[And, I hope that I don't go too far with this idea that I might cause the Story to drift off, thanks to s1xb0nes telling me to notice it, so I don't it like so.]

[So... Without further ado, let us begin!] - MatthiasWrites

Last time on Azur Lane, the fleet that was taken into the Atlantic Ocean was in a state of shock as they tried to understand, what was going on. Javelin along with Laffey, PT-72 and PT-73, were trying to find their way back towards the fleet, when they encountered Ayanami and Monowai. The Japanese Destroyer is insisting that they are still enemies because of their assault, and that fighting them was natural for them until Monowai stopped her, with Javelin stating that it isn't clear-cut, like the colors, black-and-white on paper.

It wasn't until Monowai betrays the Sakura Empire by botching their rescue attempt of him, leaving Ayanami alone as she gets dragged away by her friends. Meanwhile, the Sakura Empire is trying to wrap their heads around the loss of the Black Mental Cube, the secrets of the 1st Carrier Division, and about the phenomenon that was happening because of Pandora, who's being possessed by Conformi, her Ashen-counterpart.

And through the 4 Ship-people, who are connected to Ayanami and Monowai, Enterprise and Belfast would understand their motives, as they agree to make sure that the two Destroyers, and indirectly, their siblings, would get back to Azur Lane. And a part of the events that followed, has led to finding Pandora, who was in a tearful state after she nearly killed Akagi, the Yanderic(Yandere) sister of Kaga.

And through the events that transpired, Monowai, and a newly-resolved Ayanami, had came in just in time, to snap her out of her mind-link with Conformi. And although everything else was still rough, the two opposing fleets had managed to depart from the cold, Atlantic Ocean.

However, as Monowai and Ayanami begin to rest at their beds in the Medical Ward, along with the former Ship-boy's siblings, Mizuki and Hangetsu,  PT-72 has gotten himself in a rather... awkward talk with the Sims-Class Destroyer, Hammann, after she nearly gave away her first kiss during their sleep, and the next morning. How would the day progress to this point?


Before we are brought to the current time of day, we're brought back to when Javelin and Laffey, along with PT-72 and PT-73, had rescued Ayanami and Monowai.

Ayanami(Mind): She was in the air as she hopped across the ice pieces that were in the air to reach the energy bullet. "I don't know what I should do... But...! There's one thing that I do know!"

Monowai(Mind): As he hopped across the flying ice pieces of the Iceberg, he has a face of determination. "I should've realized it sooner... but my elders had commanded me to ignore it. However, I can't let them control my actions now!"

That's when Ayanami and Monowai had dragged their katanas, into the energy bullet before slicing it apart in two!

Ayanami/Monowai(Minds): "I know that... I don't like this!" (Ayanami) "Please... You must snap out of this! Pandora!" (Monowai)


When Ayanami and Monowai had sliced through the energy bullet, they sustained some damage to their bodies, along with their rig, and coupled with the slight scorching of their clothes from the explosion. As they two were falling, a crack appears on the ocean surface as a rift towards the starry space, filled with a Galaxy-purple background, manifests.

Both the Elco Siblings, along with Javelin and Laffey were rushing down the iceberg to reach the two Destroyers, as Javelin and PT-73, throw their anchors above them to act like an anchor point to make sure that they don't fall with them.


But, when Laffey and PT-72 got closer, and closer towards Ayanami and Monowai, and grabbed their hands, the scene turns to white. Which indicated about the passing of time.

[Flashback Ends]

[Location: Azur Lane Academy, Medical Ward]

Finally, we're brought back to the present day, as PT-72 and Hammann were dealing with a misunderstanding of a request to sleep together, Ayanami and Monowai woke up inside a medical ward, bandaged from their wounds.

Ayanami looks at herself, and her bandages, while Monowai looks at his right hand, before looking around the medical ward. He recognizes the place, as he was a former ally of Azur Lane before following the Sakura Empire's orders to attack it, and he came back after he made his betrayal towards it.

Monowai(Mind): "Okay... This must be the medical ward, and I must be in Azur Lane... Yeah, the last thing that I remember is that energy bullet exploding.... and... Wait, so they brought me back? Well, that's a good sign."

As Monowai thought to himself regarding the situation, and Ayanami looks around, and out the window, a voice rings out by the door, calling the two Destroyers to turn their attention towards whoever called them.

It was the only Aircraft Carrier of her class, and one of the ships responsible for sinking KMS Bismarck, HMS Ark Royal. The one who is currently seeing the two Destroyers, and who happens to be a lolicon towards that Ship Designation. Considering that the Destroyers, are like children, and THAT, was a big deal because, that's a huge no-no to do something to them.

And since Ayanami and Monowai are a pair of Destroyers, she's trying to keep in her urges as she commented that there's no use for escaping.

Ark Royal: (Carrying a bag of apples) "Don't even think about escaping. We've got an eye on you. But it's not like we're trying to eat you alive, or anything."

Monowai: "Ah... You must be that Carrier of the Royal Navy, Ark Royal... was it?"

Ark Royal: "Mhm."

Ayanami: "Is this the Azur Lane Base?"

Ark Royal: "You know a lot, as expected. You did your research. After the battle..." (Tossed around 2 apples at Ayanami and Monowai) " were unconscious, and we picked you two up."

Ayanami and Monowai, then catch the apples, as the latter took a bite out of it. Ark Royal stated that the two are now POWs, or Prisoners of War because of their capture, with Monowai asking her about his siblings, Mizuki and Hangetsu. Ayanami meanwhile, had decided to ask about the 4 Ship-people that she remembered, Javelin, Laffey, PT-72 and PT-73.

Ark Royal: "Officially, you two are now Prisoners of War."

Monowai: "...About my siblings, Mizuki and Hangetsu... are they okay?"

Ark Royal: "Ah... them. They were surprised about the reason of your betrayal, and decided to stay. We even questioned them, and they had no idea."

Monowai: "Uhuh..."

Ayanami: "What about those four Ship-people? How are they?"

Ark Royal: "You're worried about them, aren't you?"

Ayanami simply stares at her apple, while Monowai admits some sort of truth regarding about what he's thinking about the four Ship-people.

Monowai: "Admittedly though? I am...."

[Timeskip brought to you by HMS Kingdom of the Peacekeeper-class Battle-carriers, having a friendly chat with HMS Edward Dyson of the Orion-class Battleships]

[Shoutout to shadowgamer254 for the character mention.]

[Location: Azur Lane Academy, Royal Navy Meeting Room]

When all of this is happening, Hornet had to call Javelin and Laffey, along with Hammann and PT-72 to talk about their actions on saving Ayanami, along with a talk about a recent rumor that was spreading around, thanks to Saratoga. She said that it was reckless to save an enemy, even if it's understandable.

Hornet: "Seriously, that was really reckeless of you. A thoughtless charge, in order to save an enemy. I have to say, it's not something we'd give out medals for."

Javelin: "... I'm sorry."

PT-72: "Hornet, if I must be honest... I didn't want to fight the factions that stayed by our side. We were supposed to have a common enemy, when we're all having our swords pointed at each others' necks... This is why, from my point of view, the betrayal had to be an illogical error."

Hornet: "Hmm..."

Belfast: "Please wait. I am the one who set them off. It is I, who should be held responsible."

P. Wales: "You say that, but... We need to send out, the right message to the others."

Javelin can only look down as PT-72, who wanted to think about his name to be 'Lavern', had heard Hornet's response about what is she going to do with the four.

Hornet: "So, it's decided, then. Laffey, Javelin, PT-72, PT-73, as punishment for your actions, the two of you are assigned to prisoner supervision duties."

Considering that PT-72 and PT-73 never heard about prisoner supervision, but knows that Monowai, Mizuki, Ayanami and Hangetsu are there as P.O.Ws, they seemed to be a little glad that things are working out slightly, with Javelin and Laffey, beginning to listen to what Cleveland had to say.

Cleveland: "Prisoners of war need to be taken good care of. Those are the rules."

Javelin: "So that means..."

PT-73: "We're going to take care of those 4?"

Hornet: "Yep. We're counting on you."

Hearing that got Laffey to respond with a 'mm', with Javelin being grateful for what they had to say about their actions.

Javelin: "Yes!"

Laffey: "Mm."

As the two Destroyers were walking away, PT-72 is left alone, because PT-73 had to go help them out, and Hornet wanted to confirm something with him.

Hornet: "So... I wanted to ask... Is it true that you were called over by Hammann?"

PT-72: "Umm... yes? Why?"

Hammann: She can't help but blush profusely when PT-72 is being questioned about what he was doing last night, and it may have proved that Saratoga was spying on them, before spreading a rumor regarding it. "!!"

Hornet: "I had received word about the rumor, that Hammann had called you over because of a nightmare, but you may have kissed her in your sleep?"

PT-72: "What do you mean by that? There was a thick towel that I placed over my mouth before that happened, it was blocking my mouth from her lips."

Prince of Wales and Cleveland were a little stunned to hear that the formerly-shy Torpedo Boat, is telling it from his perspective regarding the rumor. And regarding that, Hammann had no choice but to confirm his alibi.

The three people were unaware that Wales, is currently blushing from what PT-72 is describing.

Hammann: "I-It's true though! I did call him over, but I didn't see anyone around us when we were talking a while ago! I was... h-honestly going to... slap him again, despite the fact that I... apologized to him earlier..."

Hornet: "Ahh... I see. Well, Y'all better get going, we'll displace a little order on a certain Ship-idol."
Mind: "If you did slap the young one, you're going to get a time-out."

PT-72: "O-Okay... Hammann, let's get going, we're going to be late for breakfast.."

Hammann: "R-Right..."

The two Ship-people had already left the Meeting Room, as Prince of Wales is trying to keep her composure regarding what did she heard. Her face was flushed with a slight pink tinge as she coughed to keep her demeanor.

P. Wales: "*ahem!* Well... That's settled..."

After that... has finished, Belfast decided to pour them some tea after the commotion that was caused by Saratoga's rumor.

P. Wales: "I seriously can't believe that I let them have such a sweet deal."
Mind: "What was Saratoga even thinking? I hope that Sims, isn't also involved with this."

Cleveland: "Don't overthink it."

Hornet: As she drops a couple sugar cubes into her cup of tea, she stated about keeping it mild, and to make it sweet, would make things a little better to bear. "That's right. Coffee, Tea, and life in general... Being sweet makes everything better."

P. Wales: "At any rate... This here is the real problem." She looks over at the Black Mental Cube.

As Prince of Wales had commented to them about their issue, she looked at the Black Mental Cube. It was cracked for some reason, and it was glowing with an ominous purple aura.

Cleveland: "The Cube... It's cracked?"

Belfast: "Ever since that battle, the Black Mental Cube is behaving quite abnormally. And along with that, it's somehow damaged. Unfortunately, there is no way to know, what exactly does this mean."

P. Wales: "It was said that the Black Mental Cube is the key to Project Orochi... There is no doubt that this is part of a plot, created by the SIRENS."

Hornet: "This, probably has something to do with my sister, originally, right? Why would Pandora be related to this Cube, now?"

They were beginning to ponder about how is the Black Mental Cube connected to Pandora, ever since she accidentally touched it, after she stopped Enterprise from making contact with it.

P. Wales: "Say, how is Enterprise holding up? Along with her peer, Pandora?"

Belfast: "We are currently performing diagnostics on her body, and her gear, but so far, we have not found anything out of the ordinary. As for Pandora however, we have discovered that something has caused her to have some unusual behaviors."

Cleveland: "Such as...?"

Belfast: "She officially shut herself away from any contact with others, along with her room being dusty despite the fact, that she's taking care of herself. She also ate some of Enterprise's MREs as a substitutional meal."

Cleveland: "That's horrible... She's likely becoming emotionless, just like Enterprise."

Hornet: "I always thought that she was an exceptional ship, and Pandora is her following peer, but..."

Hornet started to remember her last sighting of the Destroyer of Curiosity, at the Atlantic Ocean, she was tearing up as her artillery had bombarded both sides, her enemies and her allies.

Hornet: "Back there? Pandora was... terrifying, but she was also... crying... Why?"

P. Wales: "Hmm... The Black Mental Cube has to be responsible for that, remember what did she say back then?"


Pandora: "Y-Yes... but... I think I seen something that I wasn't supposed to see..." She said so, as she stares at the Black Mental Cube.

Things were a little silent before Belfast wanted to ask her if everything's okay.

Belfast: "Pandora, is something wrong? You seemed distracted with the Black Mental Cube."

Pandora: "N-No. I-I... I'm okay... I'm fine... M-Maybe..."

[Flashback End]

Hornet: "Yes, she did say something like that."

P. Wales: "Do you think... the Black Mental Cube, has infected her...?"

Cleveland: "As much as I want to refuse that possibility, it must be the reason why Pandora is crying..."

Hornet: "After what she'd done for us... Back at the island we went to, in order to rescue Sheffield and Edinburgh... Wake Island... To how she assisted my sister at our base... Pearl Harbor... I really hope she doesn't lose her personality after all of that, has happened over the last few days."

Cleveland: "Mhm... It's like that, it'll remove the one thing that we couldn't replace, and she is the one, who is holding it all together. I hope she doesn't die after the war is over."

Hornet: "I hope not... she does have her dreams, after-all..."

[Timeskip brought to you by a Shut-in Chibi Pandora crying from her influenced actions because of the Black Mental Cube]

[Location: Azur Lane HQ, ???]

On top of a tower's base, Enterprise is currently standing there as she felt the breeze going by. She heard the voice of Tithonus and Vestal, who were stating that her check-up isn't finished.

Vestal: "Oh, there you are."

Tithonus: "Why were you there, Enterprise? Mom said that your check-ups weren't done yet!"

Vestal(Mind): "It feels weird that he's referring to me as his mother, however, I can't help it... I do admit that I did need some help on patching everyone up."
Voice: "It's just like what he said, your check-ups aren't done yet. You need to stay put."

Enterprise: "Yes... Sorry."
Mind: "Pandora wasn't the same person that I remembered. And there were some... visions in my head, as I went to sleep. They must be connected in some way."

Vestal: "Enterprise... Are you okay?"

Enterprise: "As much as I wanted to say it, I don't think so."

Tithonus: "How so?"

Enterprise: "Ever since Pandora started to shut herself away, I've been getting worried for her... And I've been having these, dreams that are connected to her. However, no matter what happens, for now, there is no choice for us, but to fight the ones who invaded our world. Don't you agree?"

Tithonus: "I see... Mom? Let's go..."

As the young Repair Vessel decided to depart from their current location with Vestal, the latter turns around as she felt concerned for the Legendary Carrier.

Vestal: "Enterprise..."

As Enterprise looked at the ocean, she stated about what did her big sister Yorktown had told her, how she didn't understood it all, until Pandora had showed her the reason why.

Enterprise: "If you can hear me, Yorktown, I didn't understand anything. The beauty of the ocean, the emotions that were placed upon my name... I didn't understand a thing, up until Pandora came along... Maybe, this is what you were talking about?"

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hammann and Chibi PT-72 watching 'Grisaia no Kaijitsu', along with having an awkward talk about his savagery, and Hammann's personality]

[Location: Azur Lane Academy]

After the incident was resolved with PT-72 going back to the others, Ayanami, along with Monowai, are walking with Javelin and Laffey, along with the other PT-Boats who were curious about where they're going.

PT-657(Mind): "Where exactly are we going to?"

Javelin: "First off, we have to go buy the things you'll need!"

Ayanami: "Oh?"

PT-459(Mind): "You know... We were constructed after our request was fulfilled, but I never thought about where are we going to sleep... Where should we sleep?"

Javelin: "You'll be living here for a while, so you'll be needing things."

Laffey: "The shop... that we're heading to... has the things we need."

Javelin: "Yeah, let's go!"

PT-486: "Wait for us!" She said it at a distance because she got distracted before running towards them to catch up.

Ayanami happened to look around the Academy as she saw several Ship-girls and a few Ship-boys, doing their own things of their own interests. It wasn't until a ball rolled up to Ayanami's feet, along with a voice that came from an Escort Carrier.

???: "Hey! Over here!"

The voice belonged to USS Bogue, leader of the Bogue-class Escort Carriers, who also happens to be a baseball player.

Ayanami was being signaled, by Bogue to throw the baseball, back towards her so she can catch it, and also to give off a little test on her throwing skills. She tosses the baseball back to her, as Bogue catches it with her mitten, she seemed surprised by the decent speed that it went by Ayanami's throw before commenting about how she might be auspicious for joining.

Bogue: "Wow! Cool! A promising rookie has arrived!"

The Japanese Destroyer looked back to see Javelin and Laffey, both of them were a little ecstatic at her attempt with the latter clapping, while Monowai noticed the five Destroyers in front of them. It was the 'Little Beavers' group.

The two Destroyers turned around to put their attention on them.

???: "You two must be the two ships, Ayanami and Monowai."

It was Charles Ausburne speaking to them. She was leading this group that her real-life counterpart has led in World War 2, known as the Little Beavers. In the group, consisted of Charles Ausburne herself, USS Aulick, USS Thatcher, USS Spence, and USS Foote, all of whom are connected to the Fletcher-class Destroyers.

They were looking for Ayanami and Monowai ever since they received word about their arrival, as Charles Ausburne wanted to speak to them about their actions, a few words coming from the others Fletchers.

Aulick: "Yay! A new girl and boy!"

Thatcher: "Yep, those two got to be the ones, leader! Those two are from the Sakura Empire!"

Spence doesn't seemed to be... comfortable regarding the fact that Monowai and Ayanami came from the Sakura Empire, but she also happens to be one of the few ship-girls who had met PT-72 when he was constructed and created, and also, one of the few Ship-people, who can comfort her.

Spence: "S-Sakura Empire?!"

Monowai can't help but be embarrassed as he takes off his admiral's hat to reveal his cat ears, the ones whom he was hiding from. They were moving slightly as he simply avoided eye contact with the others, unaware that they were surprised that his disciplined demeanor was to hide the animalistic ears on his head.

Monowai: "I-I know.. I'm from the... the Sakura Empire.." u//~//u
Mind: "Why did I have to remove my hat? I sometimes wonder what would it be like, if I don't have these ears."

That's when Charles Ausburne walked up to Ayanami to explain about the rumors about her.

C. Ausburne: "I heard the stories. I heard that you fought to protect your Sakura Empire friends. Putting yourself in harm's way to save a friend, along with Monowai... That's justice!"

Monowai decided to look back at Charles Ausburne as Ayanami seemed surprised by her comment, before hearing the footsteps that belonged to a certain Elco Brother.

PT-72: (He was running a lot as sweat began to pour down) "Guys? Sorry that I was late... Whew!"

Spence calmed down a little as she saw PT-72, with Charles Ausburne talking to how Javelin and Laffey's efforts, along with the Elco Siblings' efforts to save their friends from the way of harm.

C. Ausburne: "Laffey, Javelin, and along with the Elco siblings, you four did great as well."

Laffey simply raised a thumbs-up with Javelin giggling a little as she scratches the back of her head, with PT-72 nodding and PT-73 putting her fingers in a 'victory' figure as she made a closed eye smile.

C. Ausburne: "You're an ally of justice, too. If you need any help, we Little Beavers will be there for you."

Ayanami: "Um, thanks."

Monowai: "I-It's a pleasure, thanks."

After the talk was done, Charles Ausburne declared that they'll see them again some time, as the Sense of Justice is calling her to somewhere else, with the rest of the Little Beavers following. Spence thought to herself as she timidly asked them to excuse herself, with Thatcher telling them that they can go play some games some time.

C. Ausburne: "See you again soon. Justice calls!"

Spence: "U-Umm... E-Excuse me!"
Mind: "I sometimes wonder... maybe some day, I might have something like a Retro-fit... And be able to be brave as PT-72... I just, hope that I might be able to do that..."

Thatcher: "Let's go play some games together sometime!"

PT-486(Mind): "I think I wanna go play with them! I'm starting to get excited~!"

After the Little Beavers left, Laffey reassures Ayanami that nobody is mad at her for coming back after she followed the Sakura Empire's influenced orders to betray them.

Laffey: "Don't worry. Nobody thinks badly of you."

Javelin: "Come on, let's go!"

It resulted with the 8 Ship-people to go to Akashi's store to find whatever did they need, with Ayanami thinking that it's rather confusingly bizarre.

Ayanami: "This feels... weird."

Monowai: "If you're kidding, I would've said no... But, it does feel weird."

Unknowingly to them, Ark Royal, being the lolicon that she is, decided to follow them in secret, unaware of the fact that Berkley Castle is getting some experimental chemicals as a sort of makeshift anesthesia and tranquilizer formula.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Hipper getting an embarrassing talk with Chibi Magnus and Chibi Eugen]

[Location: Akashi's Store]

To say about their surprise about Akashi opening her store here, near the beaches of Azur Lane, is sort of, an understatement. Ayanami doesn't know what to say as she asked the Repair Ship, as Monowai, although he knew about Akashi being taken to Azur Lane after being taken away, had no idea that Akashi had decided to open her store that contained scams of high-quality products for a price on it's quality.

Akashi: ^w^

Ayanami: "What are you doing here, Akashi?"

Akashi: "I can do business anywhere in the world, as long as there are customers."

PT-486(Distantly): "Geez, the price is kinda high for it's quality... Are you sure it ain't a mistake?"

PT-72(Distantly): "I'm not kidding, 486! This is how Akashi handles the price of these things."

Monowai: "Even though I knew that you might be taken there by those Royal Navy Maids, I didn't expect you to set up this store."

PT-486(Distantly): "Is that so Big Brother?"

Long Island came up behind the two Destroyers as she asked Akashi if there was a possible discount on the model kit that might be her Class of Aircraft Carriers, only to be denied of the possibility as she stated that it's stingy.

Long Island: "Hey, any chance of a discount on this?"

Akashi: "Not even in the slightest."

Long Island: "Boo! Stingy!"

Monowai: "Sorry about that, you know how Akashi manages this store."

Javelin: "After Akashi came, the selections got better! Although, she did have some issues stocking some of the things to her store, she had to call PT-72 for a little help, along with his sister."

Akashi: "It was getting heavy though..."

Monowai can only put his hat back on as he looked outside before looking at the shelves, while PT-72 is trying to keep PT-486 from shattering something fragile, like a decorated mug, with Ayanami, in an emotionless state, had said that the others were worried for her.

Monowai(Mind): "And that young Elco must be getting too curious..."

PT-72(Distantly): "Oi! 486! Don't go touching those!"

PT-486(Distantly): "O-Oh, sorry Big Bro!"

Ayanami: "We were all worried about you."

Some time has passed, with Berkley Castle bringing Edward Dyson, along with Polacca for a little something called, 'Lolicon Hunting', and they were going for a certain Aircraft Carrier.

While inside the store, Akashi had to explain about what she knew, combined with Monowai's testimony to create a more accurate story. The two were lining up really well that it's making the report, more true.

Ayanami: "Akagi, with the SIRENS?"

Monowai: "I figured as much, but I wasn't able to hear who was speaking to her."

Akashi: "Mhm. Akagi can be scary, but she wasn't the type to go behind her friends' backs like that."

Monowai: "Along with me seeing Kaga's reaction when Pandora mentioned about... 'reviving the dead', I think that's why Akagi is doing this."

Ayanami: "So... What's going to happen to the Sakura Empire?"

Akashi: "I don't know..."

Monowai: "Also... On a... unrelated side-note about this topic, but I also overheard some rumors on the research upon these Mental Cubes with their abnormality."

Ayanami: "What exactly did you heard?"

Monowai: "Let me get some points clear. First, the Mental Cubes can bring Ship-boys into this world, thus providing a chance on both Males and Females, like it's a first. Secondly, somehow, it can transmute SIREN Ships into their human forms, and carry the chance of Males and Females, thus creating complications. But the third one? It can somehow bring other Ship-people who originally, weren't a part of our History, like it's creating new entities on existing Ship-classes, or can generate new Ship-classes that normally, don't exist in the timeline, AND, it's capable of bringing out the cancelled Ship-people, right into this world!"

The way that Monowai is using his hands in signs to set up the message was ridiculously absurd in the way that he relays it, but it's also shocking to say the least. They didn't expect the Mental Cubes to go this far in their abnormal state, like it's possibly evolving in the form of a defect inside the crystal, like a virus that's inside a program's coding that started to improve it, rather than destroy it.

It took them a while to calm down before an awkward tension was raised in the air, with Monowai being unaware that Javelin and Laffey were also looking at him with an awkward stare, before they remembered about what they were supposed to do.

And the Japanese Destroyer thought that he was shouting out some non-sense, about the research on the Mental Cubes, while he was screaming on the inside about what he said. Like, the explanation itself about the abnormality's progression, was stupid...!

Akashi: "And.. Your point is-?"

Monowai: "The Mental Cubes, are capable of bringing out your sister ships, who were canceled in History. IJN Mihara and IJN Momotori of the Akashi-class, I believe. Heard it from the Omni-cron Operatives, but they decided to consider it, on whether or not they shall be granted permission to live."

Akashi had to cough a bit when it struck her, while Javelin and Laffey wanted to go surprise the two Destroyers with a couple mugs that they were hoping that they can choose. With Ayanami smiling a bit as she took her time on picking one.

Javelin: "Hey, Ayanami! Monowai! Which one do you like?"

Monowai: "A-Ahh... right. Hmm..."

Javelin(Inside): "Come on, pick!"

Laffey(Inside): "This one, for sure."

PT-72(Inside): "Maybe let me pick as well?"

Monowai(Inside): "Alright! Alright... Let me choose... hmm..."

Ark Royal was simply hiding her presence behind the wall as Edward Dyson, carrying an experimental tranquilizer that's pointed at them, along with Polacca, who's determined not to let Ark Royal get near to the Destroyers, decided to emit a rather... terrifying aura that forces Ark Royal to back away, right before she barely avoided a little dart that's tipped with a chemical formula that prompted her to back away.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Polacca blushing in her dreams about confessing to Chibi Dyson, before waking up in embarrassment]

[Location: Sakura Empire HQ, Docks]

Regarding the loss, and capture of the 4 Japanese Destroyers, was rather devastating to the Sakura Empire, especially at the worst time of when two Aircraft Carriers of the Shoukaku-class, were constructed at last, when they were researching further into the Mental Cube Abnormality. So, because of their mood, they weren't ready to train the new Carriers, IJN Hikari and IJN Kumo, who were wondering about why are they in a state of sorrow, as they watched from a distance. Because of the fact that they were wearing their Cloaks, it signaled the fact that they weren't ready to reveal their faces to the Sakura Empire, yet.

Yukikaze is crying for her friend, as Yuudachi doesn't seem to know about what might be happening to her in the negative aspect, with Katsuo tearing up about how he hesitated to realize that Hangetsu and Mizuki were now taken from them in secret, but because he had saved Zuikaku from incoming fire, he believed that he was in a 'Catch-22' situation.

Yukikaze(Sobbing): "--Ayanami!"

Yuudachi: "Ayanami... Captured by the enemy... I don't know what could be happening over there..."

Katsuo(Sobbing): "Hangetsu... Mizuki... They were gone as well... If I went for them, Zuikaku could've been injured, but because I left them, they were captured... Why did those two choices had to be so hard for me to choose...?"

Hotaru: "There, there... It's okay bro... It was hard, but these choices are unavoidable. Once they were made with a decision, they must remain that way..." She said as she patted Katsuo's back.

Zuikaku: "I'm sorry... I couldn't bring her back."

Shigure: "No, Zuikaku, it's not your fault..."

Hotaru: "And we just got those two Carriers, why now, out of any day though?"

Yuudachi: "Is Ayanami okay? Are they bullying her?"

Yukikaze: "She's not a lucky ship like I, Yukikaze, am... S-So maybe..."

Yukikaze ended up crying a bit more louder as she thought of a possibility, that was in her head, putting a sense of surprise on Shigure.

Shigure: "Ehhh~?!"

Yukikaze: "--Ayanami!"

Zuikaku: "--I was supposed to be the rear guard, but she saved me instead..."

As Shigure is trying to quell the situation down from the sadness about the capture on their 4 Destroyers, Hotaru had embraced Katsuo with a sibling hug so the latter can calm down, whilst trying to ignore the sorrow-filled atmosphere.

The two Gunboats were unaware about the other 3 being tearful on their own thoughts about what would happen if things were different.

Shigure: "Hey, hey! You all are getting too negative!"

Yukikaze(Tearful): "What if they weren't feeding her...?"

Yuudachi(Tearful): "What if she was the only one, who's not being served meat...?"

Zuikaku(Tearful): "If only I had been stronger... None of this could've happened..."

As Hotaru is getting mad inside, her anger gets upturned into shock by Shigure yelling about the mood being too heavy.

Hotaru(Mind): "I can't take it anymore, this is getting ridiculous-"

Shigure: "What is up with this heavy mood?!"

Hotaru: O/n/O
Mind: "What the heck?! I didn't realize that I was being near Shigure, at her right side!"

[At the Great Sakura Tree...]

Nagato is currently speaking with Shoukaku, regarding the failure of re-capturing the Black Mental Cube from Azur Lane, along with the events that had occurred.

Nagato: "So Akagi did not return."

Shoukaku: "Yes. We lost Akagi, the Commander of the entire operation, and the Black Box remained in the hands of Azur Lane. The situation is quite serious."

Nagato: "Kaga strongly insists on pushing forward with Project Orochi. Are you suspicious of her?"

Shoukaku: "It's too dangerous to move forward with the project."

Nagato: "*sigh* Doubting a friend is the last thing I want to do, but..."

Right beside her is Nagato's sister ship, IJN Mutsu, and IJN Kawakaze of the Shiratsuyu-class Destroyers. They happened to be accompanying Nagato as they were beginning to think of their decision.

Meanwhile though? Prinz Eugen is sitting down with her fellow Ironblood comrades. Which consisted of her brother Magnus Rosen, Z23Z1, whom her brother refers to as "Verena", which means 'Protector' in German, Leon Kersting, and her big sister, who happens to be the leader of the Admiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruisers, is Admiral Hipper herself.

Hipper, despite being the older sister to Prinz Eugen and Magnus Rosen, is actually immature, and she refuses to admit things like the Tsundere that she happens to be. However, due to Magnus Rosen's appearance into the world, she doesn't want to admit the fact, that she does appreciate her brother's concerns for her in secret, as he's the youngest of the Admiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruisers, who shares her point of view, whilst sharing a proportion of Prinz Eugen's maturity despite his level of shyness. But none-the-less, her personality regarding some... sensual things that she doesn't seem to be okay with, like her breast size being a chess-board no-offense, and the teasing that she compained about, sorta rubbed off on Magnus. Thus it causes him to be bothered by Prinz Eugen's habit of teasing on others, which may have turned him into one of the Male Tsunderes, probably called an 'Oranyan'.

However, at the very least, he can admit some things that can be talked about, towards the people that he can trust, like his sister ships for instance.

And right now, they were waiting for their own meals as they began to talk.

???: "Thank you for waiting."

Z1: "Things are getting really serious out here."

Z23: "The Sakura Empire, is now in a perilous situation. We, Ironblood members, are their allies. Shouldn't we be taking action at this time?"

Prinz Eugen: "Are you suggesting that we attack the Sakura Empire, while they are confused? Z23, that's very sinister of you."

Magnus Rosen: "Sister, I don't think that's what she meant."

Z23: "Like Magnus said, that's not what I meant! I was saying that we should be helping them.."

Prinz Eugen: "I'm just joking. You just can't wait to go rescue Ayanami and Monowai."

L. Kersting: "Yeah... And along with Mizuki and Hangetsu, they too, are, our allies."

Z1: "You two seemed close... Maybe a bit too close."

L. Kersting: "What exactly did you mean by that?"

Hearing her 9-year old brother questioning about what did Z1 had said, caused her, 'big sister senses' to activate as she covered Leon's ears, whilst scolding Z1.

L. Kersting: "O-Ow! Big sis, what are you doing...?"

Z23: "I-It's nothing personal like that! It's not! Also, didn't you realize that Leon is sitting with us?!"

Z1: "Alright, sorry..."

Admiral Hipper: "But she's right that this is the right time to make a move. What are we going to do?"

As they were beginning to think about their actions, IJN Hatsuharu of the Hatsuharu-class Destroyers came in with their meal. It happened to be anmitsu, a Japanese dessert of the Meiji era, right before she made a scream because of Prinz Eugen's sensual teasing.

Hatsuharu: "H-Here is your anmitsu... Ahhhhh~!"

How is Prinz Eugen teasing Hatsuharu? She's simply... rubbing her back as she said that she could eat her just like the anmitsu that they ordered, however, it was at that moment that Magnus decided to bonk his sister on the head, for the first time.

Prinz Eugen: "Oh, how cute. I can eat you whole."

???: "Miss, please refrain!"

Remembering that Leon Kersting might see the odd scene in front of him, Z23 had to cover her little brother's eyes so they wouldn't be tainted, as he wanted to ask her why is she doing this, before the others heard a 'bonk!' sound that came from the Heavy Cruiser.

Z23(Mind): "Oh, crap!" She swore in her head mentally as she covered Leon's eyes and ears to keep him from seeing what Prinz Eugen is doing.

L. Kersting: "Sis? W-What are you...?"

Admiral Hipper: "Pay attention!"


Others: "Eh?"

Prinz Eugen: "Ouch! Magnus, what the-?!" She was holding her head in pain when her brother Magnus had bonked her.

Magnus Rosen: "Sis... listen... A-As much as I love you as a sister, p-please... d-don't, do this often... You know that our Kommandant, Artur, is rather unsettled around your teasing..."

Prinz Eugen: "... You know there's a better way than to hit me on the head, r-right?"

Magnus Rosen: "I-I know, Big Sis... I just don't seem to be okay with it..." U/n/U

Prinz Eugen(Mind): "Now my brother is blushing? I know that he isn't okay with this, but maybe soon he'll grow out of it. This is somewhat embarrassing as I think about it, me being bonked on the head, by my own little brother..."

Admiral Hipper(Mind): "I sorta liked what did my brother do to my Schwester, she's really into this... teasing thing too much, but he really should consider doing something else. I mean, not that I don't mind of course, but maybe I do have a brother that I care about. He does share a point with me, when it comes to this, teasing thing."

After that slightly embarrassing action that Magnus made onto Prinz Eugen, the latter decided to get back into their current matters.

Prinz Eugen: "W-Well then. What to do."

Magnus Rosen: "S-Sorry about... what I did there, S-Sis."

Prinz Eugen: "I-It's... n-not, a big deal."

[Timeskip brought to you by Magnus Rosen trying to tolerate Prinz Eugen's teasing]

[Location: Azur Lane HQ, Royal Navy Golf Course]


The sound of a golf club hitting a golf-ball is heard, as Queen Elizabeth is aiming for the hole in the Golf Course, with Edward Dyson enjoying the slight quiet of the little activity.

???: "Nice shot."

Warspite: "Impressive as always, Your Majesty."

When Elizabeth had made her shot on the ball, Hood decided to take her turn, as she swung the golf club.


Edinburgh: "Nice shot!"

Edward Dyson: "Impressive to say the least." (Sips his cup of tea) "Think I can have a go, ladies?"

Edinburgh: "Sure!"

As Edward Dyson begins to take his place to swing his club, Elizabeth begins to talk about how, and what were the SIRENS, the very alien beings that the Ship-girls, and Ship-boys, were fighting against, to make sure that Humanity survives.

The way that she spoke about them, made Edward to think. If it weren't for the SIRENS to give Humanity, the Mental Cube in the first place in their invasion, they wouldn't be here right now. And he's somewhat thankful to be here because of them, but he's also appalled about how they are treating civilization like that, likely because of the bad people who were causing the troubles there, which is exactly the reason why the two SIREN Siblings were awakened for, in secret.

Q. Elizabeth: "What are the SIRENS? Our enemy--from where do they come from, and what do they seek? This is the question we've asked so many times. There's no way to come up with an answer, but why do the SIRENs interact with Humanity? If their goal was to eradicate Humanity, they don't need to be so indirect."

After Edward had made his swing, and it was Hole-in-One, he stated that the way she's saying it, would also make some sense, but he's also trying to put his phrasing to work so she doesn't feel offended.

Edward Dyson: "My Queen, of course the way you are saying about the SIRENs, were indeed correct, but they were also the reason why we're here, largely in thanks to their Mental Cubes. And that's also adding a condition to complicate things about the SIRENs, and what do we know of them."

Q. Elizabeth: "Umm... Yes. And the Key to this, is Project Orochi, and..."

As things were beginning to drift into place, Hood gets the golf-ball into the hole, as Edinburgh congratulates her, with the former saying the last piece.

Edinburgh: "Nice par!"

Hood: "Enterprise, and Pandora, Your Majesty?"

The Loli-Queen can only nod to that, as Edward picks up his cane to store it back.

Hood: "Come to think of it, Illustrious always has an eye on Enterprise... but I don't ever recall about her, talking about Pandora."

Warspite: "She really has an uncanny wit."

Q. Elizabeth: "That's why I assigned Belfast to Enterprise. I wonder if Belfast sees something in her?" 

Edward Dyson(Mind): "Why did that sound, like, Elizabeth is putting Belfast and Enterprise together without even realizing?"


Illustrious: "What we had feared has come true."

Belfast: "Hmm?"

Illustrious: "You must have noticed, about what's happening with Pandora and Enterprise."

Belfast can only think about what Illustrious is saying, as she stated that the Legendary Carrier's heart is still fragile, and delicate like glass, while Pandora had taken a change for the worst.

Illustrious: "No matter how powerful she is, her heart is still delicate, and at risk. While for Pandora, she couldn't talk to the others like she used to do, almost like she cut herself off from anyone, all because she thought that it was her fault about something that we don't even know."

Unicorn is mostly looking out on the balcony, as she overhead the conversation.

Illustrious: "We all know it."

Belfast: "It was unavoidable. Enterprise is now facing herself, while Pandora couldn't do it."

Illustrious: "Will they recover?"

Belfast: "I cannot say."

That's when Unicorn spoke up about how Enterprise, happens to be afraid of the sea after what had happened to her big sister, Yorktown, and Pandora might be following the same thing.

Unicorn: "I think Enterprise is afraid of the sea, and Pandora might be following her. But still, the two of them saved me."

The two of them would agree with what Unicorn has said, with Illustrious giving a smile, and Belfast with a comment.

Belfast: "Yes, you are correct."
Mind: "I hope that we can figure out, what's causing Pandora to seal herself away from us."

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Sims and Chibi Saratoga getting into trouble for causing a ruckus with their pranks, and for spreading rumors about Chibi Hammann and Chibi PT-72]

[Location: Azur Lane, Bridge]

The other Ship-people who already went to Akashi's Store, are currently going over to the Docks to relax a bit, so they can enjoy the little moment that they currently have. PT-72 is thinking about renaming himself to Lavern, but he has to meet up with Prince of Wales, first, so she would notify about the name changes.

PT-72(Mind): "The more that I think about it, I'll still be called PT-72 in my soul, but maybe a new name would be better than PT-72, so they wouldn't see me as an inanimate thing."

Ayanami: "Where are we going? Away from the base?"

Javelin: "Akashi took care of the necessities, so... Today, we're..."

That's when 2 Ford Model Ts pull up to the side, which is what Illustrious and Unicorn had used to get to the bridge. The window then lowers to reveal the two Aircraft Carriers, who happened to be seated inside.

Illustrious: "Good day."

Javelin: "Illustrious and Unicorn!"

Ayanami seemed a little pleased to see her, considering that she was ignoring her when she was ordered to attack Pearl Harbor, a while ago. Monowai kept his demeanor up as he adjusted his admiral's hat, while Illustrious asked them about what they are doing.

Illustrious: "What are you doing out here?"

Javelin: "Well, we're..."

Laffey: "On a date."

The others were looking at Laffey when she said it, out of the blue, but Monowai seems to be blushing for some reason, as he hid his face with his admiral hat.

Monowai: "U-Uhh... Laffey? Exactly, w-what kind of date, a-are you talking about...?" O/~/O

Ayanami: "Huh?"

PT-72: Although he was initially surprised by Laffey saying the word 'date', he simply hoped that what she said, she meant a 'play-date'. And he correctly guessed it in his head, as it would be proven later. "I-I... see."

PT-486: Because of her 7-year old self, she innocently asked about what did Laffey said. "What's a date?"

PT-657: Hearing 486's curiosity made 657 panic a little, as she covered her ears whilst scolding her for it. "Don't ask that! You're too young for it!" (Covers PT-486's ears)

PT-459: "I would second about Monowai's opinion, what exactly were you talking about?"

Things were being explained, as the other PT-Boats were taken back towards the Dormitories.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Spence hugging a plush of PT-72]

[Location: Market Square]

[I do apologize if my Observations are wrong in the Anime Adaptation.]

Everyone happens to be looking around the place, as it is bustling with a lot of Ship-people, most Ship-girls, but there are a few Ship-boys who might be there, minding their own business, or they were buying some things. It appeared to be busy too, considering of the activity that's currently present in the Market Square.

Some Ship-people like USS Benson, Leader of the Benson-class Destroyers, happened to be juggling some colored bowling pins with her sister, USS Bailey, for an audience.

While some others were mostly chatting, like with Hammann speaking with her sister, USS Sims, the pranking leader of the Sims-class Destroyers, who's real-life counterpart, had protected a Cimarron-class Oiler Ship, named USS Neosho, and USS Ranger speaking to USS Langley, which both of them are the only Aircraft Carriers of their class in American Naval History.

Others are simply walking by, or looking around if there's something that they can buy. Likewise to San Diego, Glowworm, and a few others, who happened to be holding treats of ice cream.

Javelin: "It's busy out here as usual!"

Monowai: "Ah, you can say that again... I wonder if it's the same over at the Omni-cron Operatives HQ?"

[Meanwhile, in the Omni-cron Operatives HQ...]

Advik: "Dr. Hemingway, this Mental Cube is seriously complex now. We had received word about SIREN Ships turning into Ship-boys and Ship-girls, and it brought over Production Boats like those three that wanted to see their siblings, and it's bringing out, cancelled Ships in our history?"

Dr. Hemingway: "Yes, yes, I can see that. But, maybe... We might find a way to fix this error in the Mental Cubes. Is everyone alright with this?"

All: "Yes, Dr. Hemingway."

Dr. Hemingway: "Good, because we may want to consider the new signals that were coming from the Mental Cubes if we want to fix it. We had received word about a particular Oiler that was destroyed in the Battle of the Coral Sea. She wanted to see someone named, Sims. I mean, she couldn't be much on the battlefield because of her armament, what do you think gentlemen...?"

[Should I get Neosho over here? What do you think? Also, am I really going too far with the idea? I'll consider withheld for now.] - MatthiasWrites

Silence is only heard as the human researchers were beginning to think, on whether or not, they should consider bringing Neosho into the world of Azur Lane, right before Lowri had made her comment, but before we can hear her entire statement, we're brought back to Azur Lane.

Lowri: "Dr. Hemingway, sir? I think I have my answer..."

[Back at Azur Lane]

Ayanami: "And, by date, you mean..."

Laffey: "We play together."

PT-72(Mind): "Oh, okay... *phew!* I thought it was something else."

Laffey decided to grab PT-72 and Ayanami by their hands, as she went over to go do some activities, with Javelin calling out to Unicorn so she can join them.

Javelin: "Come on, Unicorn!"

The Repair Carrier seemed a little happy to hear it, as she looked over to her big sister Illustrious for an answer. She gave a nod at her, signaling that she accepts, which Unicorn took her chance to follow the others.

Belfast had to go beside Illustrious, as Berkley Castle, Polacca, and Edward Dyson came in with an experimental pistol to shoot out a modified syringe, filled with the chemical formula of an anesthesia and tranquilizer solution.

The seven of them were walking around, as the other 3 PT-Boats were mostly left at the Ford Model Ts. They were mostly looking at the fresh produce in the market, with Laffey and PT-72 attempting to juggle the pins with Laffey's sisters, Benson and Bailey.

The two Destroyer Sisters were surprised at PT-72's appearance as a Ship-boy, and that he's the one who protected her during the attack on Peral Harbor, which they would congratulate him for the attempt.

Then the seven Ship-people were in a Tarot Reading Booth, that was led by HMS Erebus, the Leader of the Erebus-class Monitor Ships. Monitor Ships are mostly stationary Ships that can't attack alongside other ships, like they are a coastal defense for shallow waters, with a lacking of significant armor or speed, but known for their disproportionately large guns.

And right now, she gave a reading that reads the following from their perspective, in the left to right spectrum, that might be for Ayanami: The "Reverse Fool", The "Upright Tower", The "Reversed Hanged-Man", and the "Reversed Star".

After that was done, they were now going to eat some pancakes that were topped off with what appears to be vanilla ice-cream? Alongside with some strawberries and blueberries, some whipped cream, that's drizzled with strawberry syrup on top.

They were feeling hungry, and the pancakes were especially what they needed.

Javelin: "Wow! So delicious!"

All: "Let's eat!"

Everyone had sat down at the tables as they went to eat their pancakes, although Laffey had already ate her pancake meal already, and entirely whole with one bite as well!

Some were also taking it slow, as they ate, with Monowai and Javelin taking their manners seriously, while Unicorn is simply indulging herself with the meal's taste. It was delicious, nonetheless.

PT-72 and PT-73 were also eating their meals, only that PT-73 is just lagging behind her brother, who's already taking two-thirds of his pancake already, not wanting to miss a single bit, whilst the extroverted sister is already in the one-fourths.

Considering that Ayanami is distracted with something, Laffey took it as a chance to snag a strawberry from her pancake, which got her attention, and she's a little angry at her for taking the berry.

Laffey: "Oops."

Ayanami: "!"

Laffey: "Nom! Mmm..."

PT-72: "Laffey..." -n-

Feeling that she took something without permission, Ayanami declared that she'll face the demon's wrath, as she and the Sleepy Rabbit, would fight with their utensils. Which got Javelin a little annoyed with their manners, whilst she couldn't be a little mature in things like dances.

Ayanami: "Behold, the might of The Demon!" (Brings up her fork)

Laffey: "Bring it." (She brought out her knife and fork to spare)

Monowai: "Uhh... Gals?"




Monowai: "And... There they go."

Javelin: "Come on, mind your manners! Can't they be classier?"

Unicorn: She's simply looking at Javelin as she heard her talk, right before she heard the Elco siblings talk about finishing their food.

PT-72: "And, I think I'm actually done with my food."

PT-73: "Me too!"

And as the two Destroyers begin to clash with their utensils, whilst PT-72, Monowai and PT-73 watch them, along with Javelin and Unicorn, Ark Royal is simply watching them at a distance, right before her Lolicon Urges caused her to have a nosebleed, with Edward Dyson, Polacca and Berkley Castle right behind her with Illustrious and Belfast.

Ark Royal: (Sips her tea before she had a nosebleed) "Priceless..."

Belfast: "Ark Royal, your nose is bleeding."

Edward Dyson: "You're lucky we didn't brought our rigging, but we can nullify you into a frozen statue with this." (He pointed at Polacca, who's holding a makeshift gun)

Polacca: She can only respond to Edward's reasoning with a shaking nod, holding onto an experimental tranquilizer that was mostly makeshift.

Illustrious: "What were you doing with that gun?"

Berkley Castle: "Going after a certain Lolicon."

Belfast: "I see... Well, do as you wish. We need to make sure she doesn't do something bad to them."

Edward Dyson: "With pleasure. Polacca?"

Polacca: She puts herself into focus, with a sense of determination,  as she loads a syringe dart into the makeshift dart gun before she primed it, and points it at the Lolicon Carrier. (Loads a syringe dart, before priming the gun and pointing at Ark Royal)

Ark Royal: "W-What the?! AHH-!"

Before we can see what might happen, as Ark Royal screamed at the top of her lungs, about the tranquilizer gun in the Market Square, being pointed at her, the time skips over to Midnight.

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Akashi having difficulties on finding the parts of the next item, before Chibi Shiranui arrives]

[Time: Midnight]
[Location: Azur Lane Dormitories]

As for the others who already had nothing else to do, they were mostly relaxing in the Cafeteria. For the other six Ship-people meanwhile? They were talking about food, which the young Elco, PT-72, can't help but feel hungry for a bit as he ate his meal.

In secret, after their little thing that has occurred over at the Market Square, along with hearing the high-screaming from Ark Royal, PT-72 and PT-73 already went to Prince of Wales, over at the Royal Navy Meeting Room to discuss about the names. She started to see their point over being called by a name like 'PT-72' and 'PT-73', so she agreed to allow them to use the names 'Lavern' and 'Harleigh' for now, because they can retain their original names, but they can be called by those names that they chose for themselves, as well.

Javelin: "What's the food like in the Sakura Empire?"

Monowai: "For your question, Javelin... I'll let Ayanami say it."

Ayanami: "It's the same."

Javelin: "The same?"

PT-72: He couldn't help but hear their conversation as he ate his meal, right before he heard Edward Dyson's conversation with Polacca. It was something about, leaving her in charge with something.

There was something that PT-72, or who has another name that was established, Lavern, happened to be hearing something from Edward Dyson and Polacca's distant conversation, as PT-73, or with another name as Harleigh, can't seem to ignore it.

Edward Dyson(Distantly): "--I'm trusting that you can handle this, Polacca?"

Polacca(Distantly): "--!?" 

Edward Dyson(Distantly): "I have to ask you something after this is over, but I may need you to do this favor. Can you do this, Polacca?"

Polacca can only nod as a figure of 'yes', which by Edward shaking her hand, would mean that he accepts her response.

As the two Elco siblings were watching Polacca walk off on her own to deal with something, notably with grabbing a baton that was left in the Cafeteria, Ayanami had started to think about how she had forgotten about the entire friendship with the others in the Azur Lane Alliance, with Monowai knowing that he could've realized about the reason why did the newly established, Crimson Axis Alliance, had attacked the Azur Lane Alliance in the first place, was mainly out of fear and concern for being targetted.

Ayanami: "The grown-ups and the younger ones, are all friendly together, with one another. Sharing delicious meals. The same."

Monowai: "Yes, and I may need to apologize for following the Crimson Axis' orders on attacking the Alliance in the first place. Especially considering the fact that Ayanami had torpedoed PT-72, during the attack on Pearl Harbor."

Ayanami: "I simply didn't knew that he was there! We haven't even met properly, because of it!"

Monowai: "Yes, but here we are now. All speaking to each other, because of my revolution, and the truth behind why..."

Everyone at the table happened to be looking at Monowai and Ayanami from what they said. It wasn't until they heard a voice that came from the kitchen, that it got their attention.

???: "!!"

HMS Glowworm of the G-class Destroyers had accidentally cut her own finger, as Ark Royal started to feel a little... off, because of her Lolicon Urges. Because of that, she was going somewhat insane as she, was about to lick Glowworm's little finger wound, until she heard the voice of a hesitant Polacca.

Ark Royal: "Are you okay?!"

Glowworm: "?!"

Ark Royal: "It's a shallow cut. D-Don't worry, I will disinfect this..."

Polacca: "H... Hey...! Ark Royal!!"

Ark Royal: "H-Huh?"

Seeing that she's distracted thanks to Polacca, Glowworm decided to headbutt her, by using her own head as blood from Ark Royal's nose began to spray out, with Polacca swinging the baton down really hard on her forehead, that she may have knocked out Ark Royal with some... medium blunt force trauma.

And because of her little attempt at subduing the Lolicon a little aggressively, she started to panic a lot, on the inside, because she thought that she may have killed the Lolicon Aircraft Carrier.


Glowworm: "Million headbutt!"


Polacca: "Leave her alone!!" (Swings the baton down, REALLY hard onto Ark Royal!)


Glowworm seemed a little surprised at the Omaha-class Cruiser knocking out Ark Royal, but when Polacca opens her eyes after she closed them for swinging the baton, she saw the knocked out Carrier. When that happened, she started to shake heavily, because she thought that she may have murdered the Lolicon, and that's not exactly something to be proud of, even if it's for a good reason.

Glowworm(Mind): "Okay... Polacca had knocked her out, I mean, it is what she gets, but wow. I never thought that she had it in her!"

Polacca(Mind): "Oh god... Oh god, oh god, oh god...! D-Did I... D-Did I kill her?! I-I gotta get out here... f-fast! W-Why did I use too much force on her in the first place?! I-Is Edward going to hate me, o-once I told him?!" While she panicked in her mind, she wanted to run back otuside to find Edward. But before she could do that, she told Glowworm in a hesitant manner that she's welcome.
Voice: "U-Uhh.... Y-You're.... w-w-welcome..."

Ayanami and Monowai seemed a little concerned, from what had aspired, especially regarding Ark Royal's state of consciousness. But, thankfully for Polacca, (and unfortunately for us), Ark Royal is still alive, but unconscious. This meant that she'll live, but because she's knocked out by Polacca's subduing, it'll be a while before she'll wake up to help Azur Lane.

Monowai(Mind): "That was unexpected... But you sure that Polacca didn't had blood on her hands?"

[Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Polacca crying her heart out to Chibi Dyson, about what happened to Ark Royal in the cafeteria, while Ark Royal has nightmares about Polacca slamming her head to the ground, during in her coma]

[Location: Enterprise's Dormitory]

Enterprise turned out to be awake for a while, as she munched on a few MREs in the night. While she could've ate a bit more, based on her desire to become stronger to end the war against the SIRENs, at the cost of her own health, because of Pandora's condition, and her wish to let her see the reason why she would understand the reason behind peace, she's starting to do this for her peer's sake.

Enterprise(Mind): "Pandora... I had trained you for a while now. You are one, odd fan-girl of mine, ever since we met for the first time, since the Mental Cubes had this error. You also had an aspiring dream to become the best Ship-girl to follow my legacy, on your own path... But after what just happened, you weren't following those dreams that you were once worked for. I do hope that you can break through your shell..." She said in her mind as she looks at the Lunar Moon.

[Meanwhile, in the Sakura Empire]

[Location: Mining Shaft Depths]

Back at the Sakura Empire, of when Sheffield and Edinburgh were taking the Black Mental Cube away from Akagi and Kaga, lies the hull of the awaiting Porject Orochi. Kaga is currently standing on the deck of this massive SIREN Battle-Carrier, as Observer Alpha is right beside her.

Observer Alpha: "The Orochi awakens, with the will of countless souls, embedded into it's body. The Orochi contains everything. It has travelled on every sea, collecting each will."

Kaga: "Wills..."

Observer Alpha: "That's right. Akagi's will is here as well. You must not let it end."

Kaga: "Yes, that's right... That's why I..."

Back in the shadows, lie two new SIRENs, they were whispering to each other in secret regarding some SIREN Rebels. Their name is known, but it sounded like two SIREN Males, talking about something, but because of their inaudible voice, it can't be translated.

[Back in Azur Lane, in the Dormitories...]

In one room, Javelin, Unicorn, and Laffey were sleeping together with Monowai, and Ayanami, with their pajamas and sleepwear on them for tonight. But the last one, Ayanami, had woken up because of something that's on her mind, about the moment of when she met the four Ship-girls, including PT-73, PT-72's big sister.

Unknowingly to the other Ship-people, Pandora was crying in her bed, so she can sleep. She kept muttering about how she didn't meant to kill Akagi, when she was possessed by the Black Mental Cube's energy, that was being controlled by Conformi. Normally, the others wouldn't hear her voice from the walls, mainly because of her dorm being slightly different from the standard ones, but only thanks to an imported security camera that was making sure that nothing bad happens, out in the Hallway connecting the Dormitories, it captured footage of Ayanami leaving the dorm, and some amounts of Pandora's voice from her room.

Pandora(Crying): "I-It's all my fault... I killed Akagi... I-If only I had avoided the Black Mental Cube, I wouldn't have met this copy of myself..! And now, where did that brought me...? I just killed her because of it! I don't think she'll believe my words, if she even came back as a miracle... I think I might kill someone again, under 'her' control...! Maybe it's best that I... S-Stay away from them, so I... C-Can keep them... S-Safe..." As Pandora cried herself to sleep, her tears began to run dry as she calmed down.

As Ayanami began to walk outside, Enterprise is seen, already outside of her own dormitory as she saw Ayanami. The Carrier-girl believed that Ayanami was going to make a midnight escape, but she needed to be sure on something, whilst giving a joke as Ayanami shakes her head.

Enterprise: "What is this, an escape?"

Ayanami: (Shakes her head sideways to signal 'no')

Enterprise: "I'm joking. Were you having troubles on sleeping?"

Ayanami: She told her what was on her mind. "I do not understand."

Enterprise started to listen as she started to hear, what did Ayanami wanted to say.

Ayanami: "Azur Lane is supposed to be my enemy. But everyone is so nice to me. The fighting, the Sakura Empire... The more that I try to think about everything, the less that I understand anything."
Mind: "Is this what Monowai feels, whenever he's thinking behind that demeanor of his?"

Enterprise(Mind): "The more I think about it, the more it feels like Pandora, might be telling me to take care of myself... What would the Commander, Zack Palmer, would think about this?"

Ayanami: "I've been unable to understand anything for a while now."

Belfast happened to be walking around outside, as she saw the two Ship-girls talking to each other, who were unaware that she was watching them.

Enterprise: "Do you still want to fight, for what you believed in?"

Ayanami: "I don't know... I, honestly don't know, but... To tell you something, I don't like fighting."

Enterprise: "Ahh, I see. If I'll tell you something, I am also the same."

As Enterprise walked away, Belfast can only give a smile at her decision to tell Ayanami about what she felt on the inside, regarding the war, even if it's partially.

When the scene changes, it reverts back to the same hill of where she first saw U-chan, the little plush that Unicorn has always kept with her, before she met Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn, herself.

When Ayanami took some time on looking out into the ocean, U-chan itself, had rolled itself towards her, before bumping into her leg, which got her attention.

As she picked up the sentient plush, she turns around to see that PT-72, PT-73, Monowai, Javelin, and Laffey, had woken up to see that she had went off somewhere, after she had left the dorm.

Monowai was looking at the area around him, since he was also here for the first time, along with PT-72.

Monowai: "It is indeed beautiful, alright. So this is where you found her plush? This is how you all met at first, correct?"

Unicorn: "Mhm.. Thanks for finding U-chan that day."

Ayanami: "I didn't really do anything. I was an enemy spy, infiltrating the base..."

Monowai: "Yeah, well... We were following orders back then."

Laffey: "But that's how we were able to meet each other."

PT-72: "I wonder what would it be like if I was there...?"

As Javelin looked around as she walked, she said the exact same words that she said to Ayanami when they first met.

Javelin: "How did you find such a good spot? You must have skills!"

Monowai(Mind): "So this is how it all went?"

Javelin: "I'm Javelin, and this is..."

Laffey: "--Laffey."

Unicorn: "--Unicorn."

Javelin: She also puts her hand out to show PT-73 to Ayanami to complete the reminiscing memory, which she wasn't able to do so from before. "And this, is PT-73. Can I ask your name?"

Monowai(Mind): "That's cute. At least I know how it all went. I didn't even heard of how it all happened when we were assaulting Pearl Harbor."

Ayanami: Hearing all of that, made Ayanami realize that she's re-enacting and reminiscing about the moment that they first met her, so she completes the memory by saying her name at last. Since she didn't done it like so. "I'm Ayanami. Nice to meet you."

The scene then fades to black, as the memory was finally re-established, but something was going to happen without the other Omni-cron Operatives knowing. And it was happening at their HQ.

[Timeskip broguht to you by the Ship-people walking back to the dorms, in order to sleep]

[Location: Omni-cron Operatives Headquarters]

At the Omni-cron Operatives Headquarters, that was being led by Dr. Hemingway Rodgers, the full name of the  lead scientist who happened to be leading the research into fixing the Mental Cubes' abnormality, the two SIREN People were outside, preparing themselves for something unexpected.

They were going to go speaking with the very humans that they were killing, because something didn't seemed to be right with their objective. The SIREN People had they own names, they call themselves by their own established names.

The Male SIREN Light-Cruiser goes by the name of Hippomenes Theta, while his sister goes by the name of Courageux Lambda.

Hippomenes Theta takes the form of a 14-year old, with the following attire that's rather off from the standard issued, SIREN Color Palette and Clothing: He's normally wearing Half-long length, Feather-white Gloves and Slip-on Shoes with Abalone-grey soles, followed by Void-black colored dress pants that's kept together with a Tin-grey belt, and a simple Harbor-grey T-shirt. He doesn't have any of the tentacles that SIRENs would sometimes, or would always have on their bodies, because of his self-consciousness.

Courageux Lambda, meanwhile, is around 15-years old, making her one year older than Hippomenes. She also wears a similar set of clothing that isn't what the SIRENs would normally wear. She happened to be a B-cup person, so she wears a White-bra beneath a Teal-blue sailor shirt, a buttoned-up Porcelain-white coat, an Onyx-black colored long-skirt, and Silver-grey shoes that resembled ballerina shoes, paired with a baby heel. Her SIREN-related parts are connected to her head, by acting as her hair.

Although the two of them do have hair covering their heads in a grey-tone color, only Courageux Lambda had some tentacles that would act as, partly of her hair, and her head. But it's also super sensitive to injury if it's caught on a door. If that happens, Courageux would be in tears, and in extreme pain.

C. Lambda: "Okay... This could be a bad idea, but it's worth a shot. We did finally realize that what we're doing, is also involving a lot of innocent people who didn't deserve this destruction of humanity..."

H. Theta: "Yes. After what we did by the command of the Elite SIRENS, this could take a while for them to convince them that..."

"We're going to rebel against our SIREN Comrades...."

C. Lambda: ".....I just hope that they can let us, into their cause... Because I'm now seeing the potential that Humanity, can indeed change..."

[I do hope that I didn't took the idea too far, regarding the idea of Ship-boys appearing into the World of Azur Lane, and I know it's ridiculously long for today, but.... if you are annoyed with it, I'm sorry for writing it this long.]

[I am mostly self-doubtful about my own abilities as a Story Writer, and that, if I can write stories on my own, without something to assist them. Like, it's based on my own inspirations and memories in order to do so.]

[And, I might be going too far into this, how many Ship-people did I made for this story? The number of males? The number of females? My WattPad is already lagging right now... And, am I going to make too many Ship-people right now? Should I stop making them now? Also, do you think that Neosho should be denied access to Azur Lane? W-What do you seem to think?]

[This has became one of the most longest Chapters of this story, I'm sorry if you are bugged by this. The last one that reaches that title, is Chapter Seven. Holy crap, this exceeded the word count of 12,000 Words!]

[Did I do this story well? Hopefully the next one, won't be long like this one. See you when the next one is released? Also, maybe check if I got my grammar wrong in certan places?] - MatthiasWrites

Created on December 18th, 2021
Time: 12:21pm

Finished on December 25, 2021
Time: 5:21pm

Published on December 25, 2021
Time: 5:28pm

[Total Words Count: 12,111 Words]

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