Doctor Who: Awakening Of The...

By CaptainThunderWho

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Before returning to Earth, the Doctor and Jo pick up an unidentified, hostile craft headed for Earth. Investi... More

BBC 1 Trailer
EPISODE 1 - Scene 1 - Princess Risborough
Scene 2 - Collection
Scene 3 - Intruders
Scene 4 - Activation
Scene 5 - Headed Away From Earth
Scene 6 - Out Of Control
Scene 7 - Prisoners
Scene 8 - Rescue
Scene 9 - Awaking
EPISODE 2 - Scene 1 - Burning Fire
Scene 2 - What Has Happened
Scene 3 - Xeros
Scene 4 - Exploring The Museum
Scene 5 - Awakening Of The Daleks
Scene 6 - Unfit
Scene 7 - Cell Together
Scene 8 - Dalek Invasion
EPISODE 3 - Scene 1 - Trapped
Scene 3 - Spreading Across The Museum
Scene 4 - Mechanus
Scene 5 - Cornered
Scene 6 - Sorted?
Scene 8 - Back To Skaro
Scene 9 - Harrowing Time
EPISODE 4 - Scene 1 - Feeling Bad
Scene 2 - The Planet
Scene 3 - Daleks Have Swarmed Across The Galaxy
Scene 4 - Behind
Scene 5 - 2019
Scene 6 - The Dalek Invasion Of Earth
Scene 7 - Can We Trust The Master?
Scene 8 - We're Coming With You!
EPISODE 5 - Scene 1 - Arrival To 2019
Scene 2 - The Moment
Scene 3 - Wasn't Me
Scene 4 - All Destroyed
Scene 5 - Back to Xeros, Again
Scene 6 - Doomed!
Scene 7 - Back Safe And Sound At UNIT HQ

Scene 2 - Who I Am

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By CaptainThunderWho

The Doctor and his friends arrive around near the start. We see the exhibits of being such as the Ogrons and the Mechanoids in their captivity.


No. I don't think I've got my bearings.

Sergeant Benton:

Where are the rest of the people who run the place? They were just behind us.


Maybe they have been slaughtered like the rest of their people, so it seems.


Doctor, we can't keep playing a cat and mouse game for the Dalek to finish us off.


I quite agree. It will take us too long to find out if this place has any explosives. But I have an idea. You see this large robot here, Brigadier. This Mechanoid has been in conflict with the Daleks before. They're not necessarily harmful to humans, but I think they would help in stopping that Dalek and returning everything back to their proper time and place.

Captain Yates:

Well how?


I think I know how, Captain Yates. Not only can we process and deprocess specimens in their captivity, but we can also transfer the holding cell to another area on the planet. I'm thinking, if we can use your TARDIS, Doctor, and return it back to its home planet, then they will help us stop the Dalek.


I think the plan might just work.


Right, well you better get on with it you scientists. Ms Grant, you give them a helping hand.


What about you?


My duty is with my men. We will fend off that Dalek best we can.


Good luck, Brigadier.


Thank you, Doctor. Right, forward!

The Brigadier leads his men. We now see the Dalek proceeding through the corridors, hunting them down. The Master has begun his holographic programming on the Mechanoid. Bullets can be heard to fire, as can the Dalek's war cry and its firepower.


There! Done!

The glass container vanishes into thin air.


Are you sure it is back in my TARDIS?


Quite sure, Doctor. Still encased in its container. I do know how this program work.


Well let's go. Back to the TARDIS.

They leave the museum. UNIT troops fire their machine guns at the Dalek but have little to no effect. It retaliates fire by exterminating them. After a montage of seeing a number of troops being destroyed, the Dalek proceeds closer to us with its plunger in the air still.



The Doctor, Jo, and the Master have dashed back to the TARDIS. We see them run from the hill back to the police box. With the doors unlocked by the Doctor, they all head inside. The Mechanoid in its massive casing is present, situated at the back of the console. The doors are set to close, and the Doctor and Master quickly begin operating the TARDIS.


Doors closed.


Materializing now.


Course coordinates for Mechanus, programed.

We see the TARDIS' column beginning to rise up and down again as they materialized.

Well, I must say, I owe it to you both for rescuing me out of a difficult situation.


Don't think you've gotten out of this so easily. You are still an escaped prisoner. And when this is all over, you will still have a lot to make up for.


You don't actually think we are rescuing you, do you? We are only helping you because it is the right thing to do.


Not for our sakes. But for the sake of every man, woman, and child in the universe, no matter how small or large they are, what colour they are, how many big spots they have, or how sharp their teeth are.


Of course. I understand.


Don't listen to him, Jo. People never change. They can adapt, but those like the Master will always be bent on galactic conquest.


Quite right, Doctor. People do never change.


No matter how many times you try to save people, sometimes you have to let others save themselves.


And some people never change. You just said it yourself. They will always have to help themselves but will never be able to. Like our Morok friends.


And yourself?


I am a different case, Doctor. I enjoy what I do, and haven't been led into turmoil and chaos. I only led it.

The Master laughs.

You could say the same thing, Doctor. You have potentially led the Mechanoids into a war of absolute catastrophe. Then you will have to question who you really are, whether you are really a hurter or a helper.

The Doctor stops to think to himself about the manipulative thoughts the Master has put into his head...

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