Doctor Who: Awakening Of The...

De CaptainThunderWho

418 5 0

Before returning to Earth, the Doctor and Jo pick up an unidentified, hostile craft headed for Earth. Investi... Mais

BBC 1 Trailer
EPISODE 1 - Scene 1 - Princess Risborough
Scene 2 - Collection
Scene 3 - Intruders
Scene 4 - Activation
Scene 5 - Headed Away From Earth
Scene 6 - Out Of Control
Scene 7 - Prisoners
Scene 8 - Rescue
Scene 9 - Awaking
EPISODE 2 - Scene 1 - Burning Fire
Scene 2 - What Has Happened
Scene 3 - Xeros
Scene 5 - Awakening Of The Daleks
Scene 6 - Unfit
Scene 7 - Cell Together
Scene 8 - Dalek Invasion
EPISODE 3 - Scene 1 - Trapped
Scene 2 - Who I Am
Scene 3 - Spreading Across The Museum
Scene 4 - Mechanus
Scene 5 - Cornered
Scene 6 - Sorted?
Scene 8 - Back To Skaro
Scene 9 - Harrowing Time
EPISODE 4 - Scene 1 - Feeling Bad
Scene 2 - The Planet
Scene 3 - Daleks Have Swarmed Across The Galaxy
Scene 4 - Behind
Scene 5 - 2019
Scene 6 - The Dalek Invasion Of Earth
Scene 7 - Can We Trust The Master?
Scene 8 - We're Coming With You!
EPISODE 5 - Scene 1 - Arrival To 2019
Scene 2 - The Moment
Scene 3 - Wasn't Me
Scene 4 - All Destroyed
Scene 5 - Back to Xeros, Again
Scene 6 - Doomed!
Scene 7 - Back Safe And Sound At UNIT HQ

Scene 4 - Exploring The Museum

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De CaptainThunderWho

The Doctor and Jo arrive at the Museum. They stand around the outside and begin investigating.


Well, shall we go in?

They proceed inside to the collection. They walk on the left, with a collection of artefacts on the right. Both the Doctor and Jo are interested in them, whilst keeping focused on their purpose in coming.


Anyone about then? I wonder what they have cooked up for us.


I expect they're in the shadows and letting us wander around for a bit until they pull the rug from underneath the floor.

Some of the items the Doctor and Jo pass are also monsters. They include more Gell Guards, Ogrons, and a Mechanoid! The Doctor stops to look at it.

So, they have been around, haven't they?


What is that, a robot?


Of sorts, yes Jo. It's a Mechanoid, from the planet Mechanus.


They're a bit bulky.


They are. They're were designed to help serve the human race, so as long as you know their special password to prove you are one.


A password?


That's right. But after all the humans die out on Mechanus, they were sworn to protect the human race. Some of the wars they got caught up with included the Human and Draconian War. And several Dalek ones too.


Good thing he is nice and safe in there.


Yes. But you needn't worry about him, Jo. Let's see if we can find Lethbridge Stewart and his staff.

They proceed down another corridor, whereby a Morok hides between the glass containers. He then follows after them. Eventually, the Doctor and Jo find a long corridor of UNIT troops trapped inside their glasses.


Here they are. They must be near here.

They head down and eventually find the Brigadier, Captain Yates, Sergeant Benton, and Corporal Bell.

The Brigadier!


Yes, Jo. All the Brigadier and his men can be stored in these containers for the rest of time if so wished.


They can be released, can't they? Like on the spaceship?

The first Morok, spying on them, watches them from hiding.


Yes. Somehow. But they had been activated by our presence. I'm not sure we can wake up humans from slumber by that. The process of reversal is far more dangerous for a human being, Jo.

She has begun wandering back the other way to look at the UNIT troops. Without the Doctor's knowledge, Jo is taken by the Morok at gunpoint and covers her mouth so he cannot cry for help. She has then pulled away. The Doctor hears some scuffling movements.

What we need is some specialized equipment that would do the trick. More like asking the natives of this planet for... Jo? Jo?

He then runs down the corridor, and there is not a sign of her.

Jo? Jo?

The Second Morok arrives from behind the Doctor.

Morok 2:

Can I help you?


Oh yes you can. You can start by telling me who is in charge of this disgraceful museum of yours.

Morok 2:

I think I can be most helpful to you. You are an unauthorized intruder on our grounds. You will be taken to our Chief Governor for questioning.


Ah. Keeping it nice and simple, are we? He wants to see me I take it. There is in fact something else you chaps could do, is tell me where my assistant is.

Morok 2:

Your assistant?


Yes. Don't pretend you don't know who or where she is. She was here a moment ago and now she isn't.

Morok 2:

Vanished into thin air? How original. You had better explain yourself to our superior. Hopefully, he can answer your queries for you.

The Morok keeps a distance from the Doctor, keeping his weapon restricted to his person so the Doctor cannot try to push it away and escape. He ushers the Doctor down the passage to the right of the screen. Jo is held at the wall at gunpoint by the first Morok. Back inside the Chief Governor's office, Bal and Ten keep staring at the murdered predecessor in shock. They remain exactly where they were, stationary and frozen.


I... I just can't understand it. He's... shrunk and...


Correct. He has not only been murdered but shrunk down to a minuscule size and hidden away from the rest of our people.


I thought he had just been deposed because it was felt this new Governor was fresh and promising for our race. Now it has all been a, a, a ploy by this imposter.


We have been betrayed, Bal. This is the perfect evidence we need to unveil our impersonator.

Moid suddenly enters the room, furious at Ten and Bal inside without permission.


What are you two doing in here? You have no-


Sir! Apologies for the interruption, but we have something to show you. The Chief Governor is not who he claims to be.


And we have just discovered something rather disturbing that proves it. See for yourself.

Moid slowly walks around to the table and looks into the draw. His face fills with shock, and then he looks to Bal, and then to Ten...

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