Alive [Lirry]

By lilacdreams-

367K 15.8K 3.4K

❝Don't look back, live your life. Even it's only for tonight.❞ Harry Styles -- famous model and troublemaker... More

The Opposites series.
stay strong, guys ❤ (imp, pls read)


4.6K 241 91
By lilacdreams-

Sunlight hit his face as Harry slowly blinked his eyes open, and the first thing he registered after the drowsiness cleared is that for once, he was not alone in his own bed, but had his head resting on a muscular chest, arm loosely draped on their stomach.

Harry slowly lifted himself in a sitting position, staring at Liam with a smile on his face that he just couldn't erase, his cheeks flushed.

Yesterday had been amazing. Harry knew that somehow, them being the most intimate they could be, confirmed all the doubts in both their minds. Sure, both of them were still idiots but were going to work through this, and yes, they really did want to start all over again.

And having sex was a pretty good start.

Harry had no idea what would happen to them from here. Hell, Liam could even get up and freak out about them sleeping together, tell Harry he needs time and catches the next bus home.

But surprisingly, Harry would be okay with that. Not perfectly okay, but he'll live. Unlike before, when he'd just felt that he was the unluckiest in love and everything. Liam had also taught Harry a lot about himself among many other things. And Harry knew he made Liam realise a lot of things the bloke never knew about himself.

But he hoped Liam would stay. He wanted him to stay. Really really wanted Liam to stay true to his words and have a go at this. What's the worse that could happen? They both sucked at this relationship, they could be horrid at it together.

Liam stirred, slowly opening his brown eyes. He yawned, then met gazes with a smitten Harry who was admiring how beautiful and... fitting Liam looked in his bed, all ruffled hair and squinty eyes and sexy nakedness.

"Hey," Harry hummed, his heart beating fast, crossing his fingers under the bedsheets for Liam to not freak out.

But the bloke did the exact opposite, smiling like the freaking sun and pulling Harry down for a sweet but chaste morning kiss.

And yes, it was morning. Early morning. After Liam had showed up at Harry's doorstep late in the afternoon, they had just talked everything out and.. Physically expressed their feelings, Liam of course missing his bus but that was the least of their concerns.

And so Liam had crashed at Harry's house, and was now in his bed, lazily smiling up at Harry. "Hey, morning," Liam said.

"You want breakfast?" Harry asked, Liam carding his fingers though the bloke's hair.

"I do if we make it together," Liam said cheekily, making Harry laugh.

"Wow, Liam Payne being romantic. Never thought I'd see the day."

"I just feel like it. I've been having a really great day. Just trying to see if I can keep it up," Liam said softly, kissing Harry again as he put on one of Harry's shirt that were a bit tight for his muscular frame but Harry loved it.

And for now, both of them decided to enjoy their seemingly perfect day, not breaching the impending topic of where the stood now. It really could wait, Harry thought, as Liam locked their fingers together and pulled him towards his kitchen, where it had all started.


"Seriously babe, just flip it!" Harry laughed in amusement, looking over his shoulder as Liam struggled to flip the pancake. Harry shook his head. This guy weilded guns, but couldn't flip a damn pancake.

"What if it splats on my face!"

Adorable idiot.

Harry, still in just his boxers, finished setting their table, and wrapped his lanky arms around Liam's waist, leaning his chin on the boy's shoulder.

"Haz, let me concentrate!" Liam chided, but Harry just hummed, dancing his fingers along the waistband of his sweatpants that Liam was wearing.

Liam's phone rang, making Harry move away with a kiss on Liam's neck, the latter sighing in relief as he successfully flipped a pancake, Harry cheering as he checked Liam's phone, seeing it was Zayn face-timing him.

Harry grinned devilishly, lying down on his couch and holding Liam's phone up, accepting Zayn's call.

Zayn's smiling face appeared on the screen. "Hey Li-- oh, other Marcel! Hi," Zayn frowned in confusion, then his eyes widened as a shit eating grin replaced his face.

"Wait a minute. Where's Liam?" Zayn asked cheekily, Harry turning the camera towards a shirtless Liam piling pancakes onto a plane, asking Harry who it was without turning around.

"Well damn," Zayn whistled. "Domestic Liam. Never thought I'd see the day. Did you drug him or something?" Zayn asked, half-serious, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"No. He's just happy. And so am I to be honest," Harry said, making Zayn smile. Liam then sat down next to Harry who was still holding his phone, pulling the boy close and kissing his cheek, and Zayn was torn between puking and cooing.

"Well hey there gay boyfriends," Zayn nodded, Liam flipping him the bird.

"Dammit, I miss Louis now," Zayn pouted, Liam then teasing his best friend back.

They talked a bit about Zayn's job, as Harry soon brought their brunch at the couch. Zayn also made Harry and Liam admit that they were kind of in a relationship now.

Zayn then started to talk about Louis again, naturally. "Yeah, I'll finally be meeting the idiot again at-- wait, did Marcel call you yet?" Zayn asked Harry, who shook his head. Zayn smirked.

"Well, I guess he will. And I'm happy for you both. It was nice talking to you Li. Call me again soon, yeah?" Zayn asked, then abruptly hung up, in the classic Zayn-fashion.

"I guess I'll call Marce soon," Harry said to himself.

"Hey, Harry?" Liam asked when they were finished and just lounging on Harry's couch, Liam's fingers in Harry's mane of hair, just continuing their perfect day.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, having a feeling that their perfect day was about to go downhill.

"I guess I have to go back to L.A sooner or later. Talk to Jackie about my job," Liam said, and Harry nodded.

"Are you still gonna be the bodyguard for that indie singer?" Harry asked with an edge in his voice.

"Do you want me to?"

"Does it matter what I want?"

"Yes. It does," Liam said seriously, locking his eyes with Harry, who jutted his chin out.

"Then yeah. I don't want that. I want you to be my bodyguard again," Harry said in a low voice, straddling Liam's lap. "So you can be close to me at all times, and when I become lonely at fashions shows backstage, we can fučk, of course," Harry teased, kissing along Liam's jaw.

"Mhmm, sounds promising. Gotta.. gotta talk to Jackie about that," Liam said, as their lips met once again, and they both knew Liam wasn't leaving again for a while.


"Guess I'll be Harry Styles' bodyguard again," Liam said, standing at the bus station where his bus was departing in fifteen minutes.

"Yeah," Harry smiled, rocking on his heels. Liam had agreed to it after they had talked, and seriously, there wasn't any other solution. Both boys were ready.

"And Harry Styles' boyfriend too," Harry said cheekily, wrapping his fingers around Liam's scarf.

And yeah. They had talked about that too. Well, talked a little less, but yes.

"Yeah. That too," Liam said, proud of himself that he could finally return Harry's feelings the way he deserved. He had changed into a completely different and a better person because of Harry. Liam knew his parents, if they were alive, would have loved Harry and how happy he made Liam.

Liam had been stupid before, not realising what he had and was not going to waste his second chance.

"Look. Its not rocket science, Harry. I know I was an idiot, a heartless asshole and I accept that and am so damn grateful you forgave me. But I want to put that all behind us and finally promise that I'll try this with you. We're adults, I think we can handle a little relationship," Liam laughed nervously, Harry returning it cheekily, then looked down shyly.

"Yeah we can. And I know. I'll be alright now. We'll be fine. I trust you. Everybody deserves second chances. Damn, it feels like ages ago when you were my bodyguard and now you are gonna be again... it feels like we've grown up," Harry chuckled, moving closer to Liam, wrapping his arms around the older bloke's neck.

"True. And I'll promise to stay in touch yeah? Not like last time," Liam stressed again, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"I believe you, baby. I won't leave you alone, to be honest. Text you the silliest stuff," he teased.

"Look forward to it," Liam smiled, smitten, as Harry adjusted Liam's scarf with a fond smile.

"Shit, paps," Liam muttered, moving away from Harry, but the green eyed bloke pulled his boyfriend closer.

"I don't give a fuck anymore," Harry said, and Liam knew Harry wasn't just referring to the paparazzi.

"Yeah?" Liam smiled adoringly. Harry nodded.

"Yep. Do you?"

"Not at all," Liam said honestly, finally kissing Harry Styles, --who he now won't hesitate to say is his-- at the bus station amongst the bustling crowd, knowing the world could possibly see this, knowing whatever was to come, they can handle it.


It's been 84 years... And this book is not dead! It's alive! Haha. But only a few chapters left so if anyone still reads this.. haiii ily

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