Kamen Rider Zi-O X High schoo...

By RisingHopper01

287K 4.3K 5.3K

Y/N has moved to Kuoh Town with his uncle to start his new life at Kuoh Academy. Y/N has a strange dream of b... More

Y/N L/N (Zi-O)
Harem (Updated)
Tale Of Ohma Zi-O
New School, New Beginnings
Kamen Rider! Devil! Best Match?
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore!
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore! Part 2
Haunting Moving Day! A Friendly Ghost Needs Help?
I Choose You To Be My Master! Oni And Devil Together At Last
A Greeedy Arranged Marriage
Time Traveling Training Camp
Mirror's Takeover
Hope is lost
The Power Of The Destroyer Will Extinguish The Flames!
Normal Devil Days (Season 1 Special)
Oppai Chimera (OVA 1)
The Mummy Who Loves Oppai (OVA 2)
Season 2: A Magical New Start! It's Showtime!
A Promotion Towards Kingship! The New King's Blade!
A Kamen Rider Joins The Church? I Become King But At A Cost
The Start Of A New Decisive Battle
We Will Answer The Cries Of The Innocent
Nexus Time! The Connection To The Full Power Of A Rider!
 Scorching Heat! Bathing Suits! Space! The Three Greatest Things Of Summer!
Open House....Open House....Open House!
The Time Stopping Vampire!
Building Up To The Leader's Summit!
 Unexpected  Visitors
Season 2 Finale: I Am The King!
The Underwear Stealing Virus! (Season 2  Special)
Season 3: I Walk The Path Of The King! Let's Start This With God Speed!
Three Powers Become One! I'll Become Stronger Than A God!
The Return Of God! Orange You Glad To See Me?
The Haunting Mistake Of My Dead Future
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon)
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon) Ending
You'll Be The Hand To Reach Out For Others
The Great Ancestor! (Side Story canon)
The First Of Our Generation
Beating A Time Traveled High Sorce! (Mid Season 3 Special Canon)
Currently writing but had to show this
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 1
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 2
A Glimpse Of The Grand Time
A Special Rider Christmas!
Our Soft Boiled Time Together
Season 3 Finale: The Mother Oni
Season 3 Special

Inheriting A Legendary Generation!

4.3K 78 137
By RisingHopper01

Y/N is sitting on the porch of the old run down house. He has been calling this old house home for the past 3 months. Kuroka the girl who pounced on him has her head on his lap. Y/N is petting Kuroka's head making her purr.

Y/N: "My days have become like this for awhile now. When I first met Kuroka she was very cautious of me. But after a few days I gain her trust. She told her parents died now she's living alone with her sister. They had to leave their home because they couldn't pay to stay. She's now the only one who can protect her little sister. A lot of devil have been mistreating her and her sister, that's why she is very aggressive towards strangers."

Y/N remembers first falling into this time. He decided to explore his location to learn where he is. Y/N ended up meeting Kuroka who was scavenging for food in the outskirts of town. There first meeting wasn't a nice one. He stayed in the forest in the outskirts she and her sister currently reside in since he had no where to go. Y/N and her gotten in a few fights during that time. Another devil's treated her like garbage that's why she stays away from any towns or city's to avoid another's. Y/N was able to show Kuroka that she can trust him. Ever since then they became good friends. He later found the run down house out the outskirts of the devil town. Kuroka and her sister would come visit every now and then. Y/N continues to pet Kuroka.

Y/N: "Hey Kuroka, how's your sister doing?"

Kuroka: "*Purr* I think she's doing fine but today I felt a little worried. *Purr* She was coughing this morning but she said she was okay. *Purr* I told her to rest up today."

Y/N: "Oh that's why your here alone."

Kuroka: "*Purr* Yes, I should get going though. *Purr* I just wanted to get some head pats from you."

Y/N: "You do love getting head pats from me."

Kuroka: "*Purr* Y/N knows exactly how to get the right spots. *Purr*" Y/N looks up at the devil sky.

Y/N: "I hope Shirone is okay. Kuroka has brought her to my house a few times. She kinda of reminds me of Koneko....I wonder how everyone is doing?"

In the present time the maids and butlers are running throughout the mansion fixing everything. Inside the master bedroom Asia is healing Zeoticus and Venelana. Rias is standing next to her biting her thumb.

Rias: "How is it going, Asia?"

Asia: "It's just like Koneko and Grayfia. The injuries that...A-Akeno caused to them are really bad." Rias remembers when she arrive back in the present time. Issei, Kiba, and Xenovia told her they found Koneko, Grayfia, and her parents in Koneko's room. They were hanging by their arms and legs. Akeno apologies to everyone for what she did. Once Sir Zechs heard what happened he quickly made his way to the mansion. He even brought some guards and put Akeno under arrest. She is now locked in a room to make sure she doesn't do anything else. Rias then thinks about the conservative she had with Sir Zechs before coming to check on Asia and her parents. She and Sir Zechs are in their father's office.

Flashback Sir Zechs: "I will not discuss this any further Rias!"

Flashback Rias: "She was being controlled by Aevi!"

Flashback Sir Zechs: "From what I've heard from Akeno herself is that she deliberately took the watch to become an Another Rider." Flashback Rias makes a face that she's caught.

Flashback Sir Zechs: "Akeno has attacked three well known devil's our parents and Grayfia. Also she attacked a member of your Peerage. She even wanted to harm Milicas my own son, your nephew. Now your fiancé can't be found after the fight. I have no choice but to put Akeno under house arrest until I can figure out what to do with her."

Flashback Rias: "What will you do her?"

Flashback Sir Zechs: "*Sigh* I will have to dispose of her even if the process of being stray devil was stopped.....I'm sorry Rias I don't want to do anything to her but she did do this out of her own volition." Current Rias bites her thumb harder making it bleed. Asia finishes healing Rias' parents.

Asia: "That's the best I can do." Asia turns to Rias to see her bloody thumb. She grabs her hand and begins to heal it.

Asia: "....I'm worried too...everyone is. President don't worry once Y/N gets back I'm sure everything will go back to normal!" Asia gives Rias a smile who smiles back.

Rias: "Yes." Rias and Asia leave her parents room and head to living room. They enter to see the rest of the Occult Club are sitting wondering what to do.

Issei: "President, what do we do?"

Rias: "For once...I don't know...." Everyone has a down mood until Xenovia breaks the silence.

Xenovia: "Um where's Woz? He knows a lot about Another Riders maybe he can convince Sir Zechs-sama that Akeno was being controlled."

Rias: "He isn't here, he left to look for Y/N."

Kiba: "The best we can do is wait."

Woz is kneeling in Ohma Zi-O's throne room.

Woz: "And now Y/N is lost in the time stream."

Sougo: "......"

Woz: "Waga Maou?" Sougo sighs while standing up.

Sougo: "Woz go back to the Gremory mansion and make sure nothing happens to Akeno." Sougo walks past Woz.

Woz: "What will you do Waga Maou?"

Sougo: "I will go find Y/N myself."

Woz: "What!?" Woz stand up and walks with Sougo.

Woz: "Are you sure you want to do that?! I understand going to the wedding party and the Leader's Summit but that during a time you had enough power to fight the other leaders!" Sougo stops and turns to Woz.

Sougo: "You are correct my old friend and your concern isn't missed placed but we have a two problems to take care of. Sir Zechs will have no choice but to execute Akeno. That's why I'm sending you to stop it. While I look for Y/N myself."

Woz: "....Very well Waga Maou." Sougo waves his hand for a time portal to open. He walks into the portal for it to quickly close.

Woz: "Be careful Sougo."

Back in the past Y/N is walking through the devil town. When he sees Rias with Akeno and Kiba. He quickly puts his hood on to cover his face.

Y/N: "WHAT!? Why are they here!? Arh! I forgot I'm still in the Gremory territory! Just keep on walking like nothing is happening."

Rias: "Aaarrrah! I can't believe my father has agreed to make him my fiancé! I can't stand him!"

Kiba: "Who did the President get paired with?"

Akeno: "Oh you never met him have you Kiba? His name his Riser Phoenix from the Phoenix family, he's known to be quite the womanizer." Y/N walks past his friends until Kuroka comes running towards him.

Kuroka: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "AHHH! KUROKA!?" Kuroka hugs Y/N and looks up at him.

Kuroka: "Please help! Shirone, her condition has gotten worst!"

Y/N: "What?" Y/N and Kuroka run back to the forest they live in. Kuroka leads the way to where she lives, a small cave with a leaf covering. They walk inside and Y/N sees the small girl with white hair in a old blanket.

Kuroka: "Shirone, I'm back. Don't worry I brought someone to help."

Shirone: "Kuroka...*cough*" Y/N kneels next to the girl to check on her. He touches her forehead to feel she's burning hot.

Y/N: "Her temperature isn't good. Her face is completely red."

Shirone: "Big sis...I can't see...everything is blurry."

Y/N: "Blurry vision...this is bad...All I can do is check her temperature."

Voice: "It seems your friend has been infected by the Aerico flu."

(Aerico is a disease demon from Greek folklore. Issei and Saji apparently got a devil cold in the actually story. I can't find a name for it, I just made one up. And I know a cold and a flu are different lol.)

Y/N and Kuroka quickly turn to see Rias, Akeno, and Kiba at the entrance of the cave. Kuroka glares and hisses at them. Y/N turns back to Shirone and begins to sweat not sure what to do.

Y/N: "What do I do!?" Y/N stares at Shirone. He can see how much in pain she is. Y/N fixes his hood so no one will be able to notice his face. He quickly picks up Shirone and turns to Rias.

Y/N: "Kuroka, we don't have time. Shirone is really sick we have to move her somewhere more comfortable. You three if you wanna help then I'll gladly accept it." Y/N walks towards the entrance carrying Shirone. Kuroka follows Y/N glaring at Rias and her small Peerage. Y/N, Kuroka, Rias, and her Peerage arrive at Y/N's rundown house.

Rias: "This is where you want to take her?"

Y/N: "It's better than the cave also do we look like we can afford a house?" Rias looks at Y/N's dusty old cloak and Kuroka's old kimono.

Rias: "I apologize."

Y/N: "It's alright." They enter the rundown house. Y/N places Shirone on a old bed.

Rias: "Umm are you sure you want to lay her on that?"

Y/N: "It's okay I got a sweet deal from the guy who was selling it." Y/N feels proud of himself and Rias nervously laughs. Shirone coughs violently making Kuroka kneel at the bed side to check on her.

Kuroka: "Shirone!"

Shirone: "Big sister Kuroka..*Cough*" Y/N turns to Rias.

Y/N: "How do we cure her?"

Akeno: "You'll need to get her some medicine but medicine for Aerico flu is rather expensive."

Y/N: "Well Kuroka and me aren't the wealthy type."

Rias: "I can buy it for you." Kuroka quickly glares at Rias.

Kuroka: "What do you want in return!?"

Rias: "Nothing I only want to help you. It seemed you were very distressed. Now that I know it's a sibling that is in trouble, I will help you with all my capabilities because I have an older brother. If I saw him like that I would feel the same way you do."

Kiba: "Are you sure about this, Lady Rias?" Akeno smiles knowing very well how Rias acts.

Rias: "Yes I am."

Kuroka: "I don't believe you! You devils have always treated me and my sister like trash!" Y/N walks up to Kuroka kneeling next to her and holds her hand.

Y/N: "Kuroka, we don't have any money and Shirone needs that medicine. If you don't trust them then trust me. I promise I'll get that medicine no matter what. Watch over your sister while I get the medicine." Kuroka blushes and nods to Y/N.

Y/N: "By the way call me Ohma from now on. I don't want them to know my name."

Kuroka: "O-Okay?" He stands up to face Rias and her peerage.

Y/N: "I don't know any shops that sell medicine. Can you show me one?"

Rias: "Of course I'll lead the way." Y/N follows Rias and her peerage out of his run down house and into the devil city. He follows her for a few minutes until they reach a small house with flowers at the front.

Rias: "This place will have medicine you need." Y/N walks to the front door to open it and enter the house. Rias and her peerage follow him. Y/N looks around to see multiple jars filled with different things on shelves. An lady is sitting at a desk working on something.

She turns to see Y/N and Rias with peerage standing at the front of the store.

Lady: "Welcome, welcome. How may I help you?"

Rias: "Hello grandma."

Y/N: "Grandma? This lady looks way younger than any grandma I've seen. Oh wait I forgot she's a devil."

Lady: "Oh Lady Rias this is a surprise."

Rias: "This is Jenny, she has been taking care of my family for years now."

Jenny: "Is someone in the Gremory family sick?"

Rias: "No...."

Jenny: "Hm? Are you here to visit this old lady?" Rias gestures to Y/N.

Rias: "Actually my friend here has a member of his peerage who has come down with a sickness." The lady looks at Y/N who waves at her.

Jenny: "Oh hello, how can I help you sir?"

Y/N: "Hello my name is Y....Ohma! I almost gave them my real name. My name is Ohma and a friend of mine, she's not part of peerage just a friend. Her sister is sick umm Lady Rias said it was called "Aerico Flu." The lady's eyes go wide when she hears the name of the sickness.

Jenny: "Oh my...That is rather dangerous."

Y/N: "Umm I have a question. I thought us Devils couldn't get sick."

Jenny: "No offense deary but from your attire I don't think you had an education."

Y/N: "I get by with what I know. Oh I take no offense by the way."

Jenny: "I'm glad you don't. I will teach you a little if you don't mind."

Y/N: "Of course not! I'd love to know more!" The lady nods to Y/N.

Jenny: "Devils can't get sick from human sicknesses but they are some sicknesses in the devil world that can make a devil sick. These sicknesses can only be contracted by devils. One of these is the Aerico Flu. It is a deadly virus and it wiped out 15 million devils." The lady stands up walking around her store. Y/N and the others follow her.

Jenny: "Our medicine practices look more medieval than humans. That's because we didn't need medicine until we discovered Devil Sicknesses. Higher ranking devils have theorized that a devil had a virus in his body and wasn't able to cause any sicknesses. It somehow was able to spread to something else and mutant in a way to able to infect Devils. Some think it may be similar to how humans are able to learn magic. The virus was able to adapt to beings with magical abilities. One of these days as the Aerico Flu. It was a terrible sickness, our numbers of devils were already low thanks to the war. If we didn't find a cure for the Aerico Flu the devil race would ended right there. That's one of the reason's why we use Evil Pieces to reincarnate humans as devils."

Y/N: "I didn't know that the devil race was so close to extinction." The lady grabs a jar and holds it to look at it. She begins to pick out more jars and placing them on her table. The younger devils watch her.

Jenny: "I think that's it." The lady opens the jar for her to make a sad face.

Jenny: "I'm sorry Lady Rias and Master Ohma. I'm all out of  Jasper Clover."

Y/N: "Jasper Clover?"

Jenny: "It's a special type of Red Clover with Jasper colored petals. It's the only herd that can cure Aerico Flu." Y/N slams his hands on her table.

Y/N: "A-Are you sure there isn't another herd!?"

Jenny: "No...and Jasper Clover isn't in season. They usually bloom in spring and early summer." Rias bites her thumb.

Y/N: "Back in my current time it was summer. Here in this time it's winter. Rias must be on winter break. Damn it! If only I fell during summer vacation. What about another store!? They might have it!"

Jenny: "It's unlikely Aerico Flu is not that threatening to devils who have money. Have you heard of vaccines in the human world? We devils adopted that but it's still not as advance as humans."

Y/N: "Damn it!"

Rias: "Wait grandma, isn't there place where Jasper Clover's can bloom?"

Jenny: "Yes there is but that place is dangerous."

Y/N: "Please tell us!" She looks at Y/N can tell he really wants to help.

Jenny: "Okay. The BloodBush Forest is where Jasper Clover's are known to bloom all year around, but it's really dangerous place. It's full of beasts even high ranking Devils have a problem fighting." Y/N bows to the Jenny.

Y/N: "Thank you! I will get some Jasper Clover!" Y/N opens the front to leave but stops once he hears the Jenny speak up.

Jenny: "Huh!? You're going!? It's too dangerous! You'll die if you go there!"

Y/N: "I have to try! I made a promise to save Shirone!" Y/N leaves the store. Rias bows to the Jenny and follows Y/N. Kiba and Akeno do the same and follow Rias.

Jenny: "W-Wait....!" Y/N is walking towards the outskirts of town. Rias and her peerage catch up to him.

Rias: "Are you going alone?"

Y/N: "Yes!"

Rias: "Are you sure?"

Y/N: "Yes!"

Rias: "Okay then I just have one last question. Do you know where the BloodBush Forest is?" An embarrassed Y/N stops and turns to Rias.

Y/N: "....No." Rias, Akeno giggle and Kiba laughs to himself.

Rias: "Here's another question now that you have calmed down. How are you going to get there if you knew the location of the BloodBush Forest?"

Y/N: "....No idea."

Rias: "Then I will take us there."

Kiba: "Wait this has become really dangerous! Maybe we can ask your father, Lady Rias."

Rias: "I agreed to help and I will."

Akeno: "*Giggle* This is how are master acts, Yuuto. We have to follow her no matter what."

Kiba: "Y-Yes."

Y/N: "We have to tell Kuroka then we'll leave." Y/N, Rias, and her peerage reach his run down house. Once Kuroka sees Y/N she runs up to him.

Kuroka: "Did you get it!?" Y/N places his hands on Kuroka's shoulders.

Y/N: "Don't freak out, the store we went too is all out but we have decided to head to the forest where the herd is growing."

Kuroka: "B-But..."

Y/N: "Kuroka, I made a promise."

Kuroka: "....Then take me with you!"

Y/N: "I can't put you in danger!"

Kuroka: "She's my sister I have to protect her!" Y/N sighs and nods to Kuroka.

Y/N: "Okay." Y/N asks Rias if it's possible to take Shirone to Jenny's shop for her to take care of Shirone. Rias tells Y/N that they can. Once they finish taking Shirone to the medicine store they take griffin's to the BloodBush Forest. They land on the outskirts of the forest. Y/N gets off the griffin and helps Kuroka off. He walks up to the forest tree line.

Rias: "Be careful even though we're not in the forest itself but we can still be attacked by any beast that feels courageous enough to leave it."

Y/N: "Right." Kuroka, Rias, and her peerage stand next to Y/N.

Akeno: "Grandma said that Jasper Clover will grow in special places that are less dense in the forest." Akeno takes out a map.

Akeno: "She marked down some places where we can find Jasper Clover."

Kiba: "Let's hope we don't encounter any beasts." They all enter the forest with Akeno leading.

Deep in the forest on top of a massive tree's branch sits a man in black clothing. He stares at  a blank ridewatch in his hand.

Man: "One step closer to eliminating the Heisei Era." A person in white clothes walks up to the man.

(Only picture I can find of Tid and Finis together)

Person: "To be able to cross worlds that are governed by different laws. We're surpassing Swartz with every step." The man turns to the person.

Man: "Finis...where's the boy?"

Finis: "Aevi is training his powers. He's getting stronger day by day. He's able to summon time clones which is very unique ability."

Man: "Good."

Finis: "I didn't think that you were the type to care, Tid."

Tid: "I don't but having that child on our side will help us if Swartz ever tries to stop us."

Finis: "I don't think he will. His horizon isn't as broad as ours."

Tid: "Soon we will reach Reality." Finis holds up her own blank ridewatch.

In the current time Woz arrives back at the Gremory mansion. He notices the guards standing at the entrance and around the mansion.

Woz: "Sir Zechs seems to have arrived." Woz walks up to the front door for the guards to stop him.

Guard: "Who are you?"

Woz: "My name is Woz, retainer of Y/N L/N." The two guards look at each other then back at Woz.

Guard: "Sorry about the Master Woz."

2nd Guard: "Things are a little tense." They let Woz through and he enters the mansion. Woz heads to the living room to see Rias and her peerage.

Issei: "Woz?!" Everyone look at the entrance of the living room to see Woz. Rias runs up to him to grab his hand.

Rias: "Did you find Y/N!?" Woz sighs and removes his hand from her grip.

Woz: "I apologize but I haven't found him." Everyone looks distraught when they hear this.

Woz: "But don't worry, Sougo has decided to look for Y/N, himself." Rias quickly looks up at Woz.

Xenovia: "Ohma Zi-O is going to look for Y/N!?"

Woz: "Yes, he asked me to come back to make sure nothing happens to Akeno."

Issei: "You can convince Sir Zechs to let Akeno free, right!?"

Woz: "Hopefully." Everyone has a smile on their faces.

Rias: "Then I'll prepare a meeting with my older brother."

Woz: "I will do my best to free Akeno."

In the past with Y/N and the others. They have looked at two locations marked on the map. They didn't find any blooming Jasper Clover and there's only one place left, the most dangerous location deep in the forest. Kuroka is staying close to Y/N still not trusting the others.

Y/N: "Are we close to the last location?"

Akeno: "We're half way there." Y/N looks at Kuroka.

Y/N: "Listen Kuroka, we are lucky currently but if we end up fighting a monster, you are going to have to trust those three."

Kuroka: "I don't know if I can...."

Y/N: "I know there were devils who treated you and your sister poorly but that...Rias. She looks like someone who won't treat us badly." Kuroka stares at Rias.

Kuroka: "How are you so sure?"

Y/N: "She's Rias Gremory her family owns this domain. Why would someone like her help us? Because it truly is out the kindness of her heart."

Kuroka: "Then maybe I can trust her..."

Y/N: "By the way Kuroka can you fight? Usually our fights were more like cat and mouse."

Kuroka: "Yes I can. Me and my sister are a special type of Nekomata known as a Nekoshou. As a Nekoshou I can Youjutsu and Senjutsu."

Y/N: "Just like Kitsune, Nekomata's are also real. I believe all Youkai are real, now that I meet two." Akeno hears rustling in the bushes making her stop.

Akeno: "Stop!" This makes everyone stop in there tracks.

Rias: "Everyone stay alert." Kiba unsheathes his sword. Akeno, Rias, Y/N, and Kuroka get ready for whatever is coming. They all watch the bushes rustle until a rooster's head up pops out of the bush. Everyone stares at it.

Y/N: "A giant rooster?"

(They only see the head)

Rias: "It's a Cockatrice! Be careful of it's poisonous breath! It says if you inhale it you'll die in a matter of seconds!" The cockatrice looks at everyone and cluck roars at them. It starts to crazily run at the group.

It lunges at the group making them jump out of the way. The cockatrice hits the ground flopping around.

Rias: "Akeno! Yuuto!"

Akeno: "Yes!"

Kiba: "Yes!" Akeno transforms into her miko attire. Kiba uses his Knight ability to run at the cockatrice taking advantage of flopping beast. The cockatrice stops moving and it quickly looks at Kiba. It quick whips it's tail at him.

Y/N: "Look out!" Kiba tries to block the attack but is thrown back making him drop his sword. He slams on a tree getting knocked out.

Rias: "Yuuto!" Rias and Akeno go to check on Kiba.

Y/N: "I can't transform or I'll screw up the timeline!" Y/N notices Kiba's sword on the ground.

Y/N: "Kuroka cover me!"

Kuroka: "Yes!" Y/N runs towards the cockatrice with Kuroka behind him. The cockatrice quickly looks at Y/N and stands up. Y/N stops and stares at the giant chicken. It quickly starts to peck at Y/N. Y/N dodges the pecks with his new found speed thanks to Tendou Souji.

Rias: "He's able to dodge its attacks." A white energy blast hits the cockatrice's face making it turn to Kuroka.

Rias: "Akeno now!"

Akeno: "Yes!" Rias and Akeno fire their energy blasts at the cockatrice alongside Kuroka. Y/N sees his chance and grabs Kiba's sword. The cockatrice looks at Y/N and whips it's tail at him. Y/N jumps to dodge the tail. The cockatrice is about to whip it's tail back at Y/N but thanks to Kuroka, Rias, and Akeno the energy blasts make it stagger by hitting it in the face. It gets angry that it got hit in the face again and it runs towards Kuroka first since she's alone. Y/N in a flash appears in front of Kuroka. Blood shoots out of the cockatrice's wing making it stagger back.

Rias: "Amazing!"

Akeno: "He's really powerful."

Rias: "We may of found a diamond in the rough."

The cockatrice stands in one place not moving. It starts to stomp its feet and going around circles. Akeno picks up a knocked out Kiba. Everyone regroups and watch the cockatrice.

Y/N: "What is it doing?" The cockatrice lets out a cluck roar at everyone.

Akeno: "I'm guessing we made it angry." The cockatrice runs at the group. Everyone jumps to dodge it's rushing attack but instead of it falling forward it spins whipping everyone with its tail. Everyone is sent sent flying into trees. Kuroka slowly sits up to see the cockatrice coming after her. It pecks at her and Kuroka rolls out of the way. The cockatrice hits the ground and has its beak stuck in the ground. It struggles to pull its beak out. Kuroka stands up to get away from the cockatrice but it notices her trying to get away. The cockatrice moves it's body to whip Kuroka against the tree.

Kuroka: "AH!" The cockatrice removes its beck for it to notice its stuck in one of the trees roots. It's start to thrash about trying to remove its beck. Underneath Kuroka the ground starts to collapse. She falls into a hole covered in tree roots. The cockatrice uses its foot to kick off the tree root. It looks around to see Kuroka in the hole. The cockatrice pecks at Kuroka for her to move slightly to dodge the attack. It continues to peck at Kuroka. Y/N slowly gets up to see the cockatrice attacking the ground.

Kuroka: "Help!"

Y/N: "Kuroka!" The cockatrice stops attacking and reels back. Purple smoke starts to spew out of its mouth.

Y/N: "The poison breath!" Y/N runs towards the cockatrice. It's ready to breath it's poison on Kuroka when Y/N stabs its neck making it stagger away. Y/N makes the cockatrice run away from the location by using his sword. It sprays it's poison randomly around the forest. Y/N yells out to Kuroka as the cockatrice runs away.

Y/N: "Kuroka, check on the others! I'll handle this giant chicken!"

Kuroka: "Y/N!" The cockatrice runs though the forest trying to scape Y/N off him by hitting trees.

Y/N: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop that!" The cockatrice thrashes in a way the sword gets dislodged. Y/N is thrown on the ground. The cockatrice ruffles it's feathers then looks at Y/N. Y/N stands up holding Kiba's sword in front of him.

Y/N: "No one is around to see this." He stabs Kiba's sword in the ground and takes out his driver. Y/N places his driver in his waist for a belt to appear on him.

Ziku Driver!

He takes his Zi-O ridewatch to twist it and push it's button.


The clocks appear behind Y/N who slides the Zi-O watch on his driver then making it spin.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Magenta watch straps appear around Y/N giving him his rider wear. Magenta katakana flies out of the giant clock behind him. The magenta katakana flies back and slots on Y/N's helmet.

Y/N: "I have to finish this quickly." Y/N takes out the Kabuto ridewatch and twists it. The cockatrice runs at Y/N who rolls out of the way. He pushes the button on the ridewatch.


He stands up and slides the ridewatch on his driver. Y/N pushes the button on his driver and makes it spin.

Armor Time! Change Beetle! Kabuto!

Hexagon's appear on Y/N giving him the Kabuto armor. The cockatrice turns around and gets ready to run at Y/N again. Y/N summons his Zikan Girade.

Zikan Girade!

The cockatrice runs at Y/N with its poison breath spewing out the corners of its beck. Y/N slots the Kabuto watch on his Zikan Girade and runs at the cockatrice. When it's about to breath it's poison he goes into clock up. Y/N cuts the cockatrice's throat and lands behind it.

Finish Time! Clock Giri Giri Slash!

The cockatrice wobbles with its throat cut as it's poison breath flows out of the wound. Y/N quickly removes his ridewatches and driver to put them away. The cockatrice falls on the ground. He grabs Kiba's sword and runs back to check on the others. Y/N runs though the bushes back to the location where Kuroka and the others are at. He sees Kuroka helping the others up to their feet.

Y/N: "Is everyone okay?"

Rias: "I think we should be saying that. Where's the Cockatrice?" Y/N leads the way to the cockatrice's body.

Akeno: "A-Amazing! You were able to defeat a cockatrice!"

Rias: "T-Truly astounding." Y/N hands Kiba his sword.

Y/N: "Thanks to your weapon I couldn't of done it."

Kiba: "Uhh thank you."

Kuroka: "Wow! Ohma, I know you were strong but this strong! You're amazing!" Rias holds her chin and stares at Y/N.

Rias: "He is strong." Kuroka quickly holds Y/N's arm and glares at Rias.

Rias: "Well now that the threat is over why don't we continue to the last location? Akeno lead the way."

Akeno: "Yes, President." Kiba looks at sword then walks with Y/N.

Kiba: "I was wondering did someone teach how to fight with a sword?"

Y/N: "No, I'm self taught but a good friend of mine I used to know taught me a few things." Y/N smiles at Kiba underneath his hood. They continue to follow Akeno deeper into the forest. In a tree a boy is sitting on a branch who watched the whole battle with the cockatrice.

Aevi: "A Kamen Rider here? I have to tell Tid and Finis." Aevi disappears heading to tell his seniors what he saw.

Woz is sitting in Rias' father's office with Sir Zechs.

Sir Zechs: "I know what you want to talk to me about but I already have all the evidence pointing to that Akeno herself took the watch out of her own volition."

Woz: "I'm not here to change your mind about Akeno." Sir Zechs stares at Woz for a few seconds until he finally speaks up.

Sir Zechs: "What?"

Woz: "You hear it from Akeno herself. The damning evidence is her words. I'm only here to warn you."

Sir Zechs: "Warn me?"

Woz: "If anything happens to Akeno Himejima the wrath of Ohma Zi-O will fall upon you." A sweat drop falls down Sir Zechs brow.

Sir Zechs: "W-What do you mean?"

Woz: "That girl is now Y/N's lover."

Sir Zechs: "*Sigh* Fine, Akeno Himejima will be given over to Y/N....When he comes to retrieve her, himself. If he does not arrive in 24 hours then Akeno will be taken into custody until we can give her a trail. I'm sure you can understand how severe these actions are." Sir Zechs grins at Woz making Woz glare at him. Woz then smirks and rests back in his chair.

Woz: "Very well he will be here by tonight."

Sir Zechs: "He seems confident even though Y/N is lost in the time stream."

Aevi is running up to Tid and Finis.

Aevi: "Tid! Finis!"

Finis: "Aevi, what's wrong child?" Finis kneels down as Aevi runs up to them.

Aevi: "I saw something."

Tid: "I don't care if you saw a strange monster. They're everywhere."

Aevi: "It's not that! I saw a Kamen Rider!" Tid turns to Finis and Aevi.

Tid: "Show us."

Akeno looks at the map then ahead of her.

Akeno: "It should be around here." The group takes a few steps though some bushes when they reach a opening. Y/N looks around for the Jasper Clover.

Rias: "I found it!" Everyone regroups with Rias who carefully picks the plant and stores it in a jar.

Rias: "Here." Rias hands Kuroka the jar. Kuroka takes it from her.

Rias: "I hope I gained your trust now?"

Kuroka: "....Thank you...Lady Rias." Y/N smiles at Kuroka and Rias.

Y/N: "Now that we got the Jasper Clover. Let's get out of this forest before anything else comes knocking."

Tid: "What do we have here?" The group turns to see Tid, Finis, and Aevi.

Rias: "Who are you?"

Y/N: "Aevi!? But who are those two!?"

Tid: "Aevi, which one is the Kamen Rider?"

Akeno: "Kamen Rider?"

Aevi: "The one in the clock." Aevi points at Y/N.

Tid: "A Kamen Rider from this world. I wonder what kind of Another Rider you'll make." Tid, Finis, and Aevi all walk towards Y/N.

Rias: "Everyone get ready! They don't look like they're going to let us leave!" Tid stops time before anyone can get ready. He gets close to Y/N and holds up a blank ridewatch to him. Before he can push it's button an energy blast hits the ground next to them. This makes time start again.

Y/N: "Run!" Everyone starts to run back to where they came.

Tid: "Ahhhh!" Tid tries to time stop them again but another energy blast hits the ground near them. Y/N stops and turns around making the others stop.

Rias: "What are you doing!?"

Y/N: "Go get out of here! I'll hold them off!"

Akeno: "You have no idea what's attacking with those energy blasts!"

Y/N: "I know but they're after me! If I keep running with you they'll end up catching us again! If we get caught we won't be able to get the Jasper Clover to Shirone! Now go!"

Akeno: "Rias?"

Rias: "....Let's go! We have to take the Jasper Clover to Shirone! You better come back." Rias, Akeno, and Kiba run away while Kuroka stares at Y/N.

Y/N: "I promise I'll be fine...go." Kuroka bites her lip then runs after Rias and her peerage. The smoke clears for Tid, Finis, and Aevi to see that only Y/N is standing in front of them.

Voice: "Now this is a some nostalgia." The Time Jackers turn around to see Ohma Zi-O.

Tid: "Ohma Zi-O."

Finis: "I'm not surprised you would be able to travel to different worlds with different laws."

Aevi: "But why is he here?" Y/N places his driver on his waist.

Y/N: "Ohma-sama who are these people?"

Sougo: "Just some pests who need to be driven out. Y/N takes out his Zi-O ridewatch and transforms.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Finis: "Zi-O? What's going on here?" Y/N and Sougo both run at the Time Jackers. Tid tries to stop time but Sougo waves his hand destroying the time stop. Sougo punches Tid in the face as Y/N does the same to Finis. They both are thrown back by their attacks and Aevi stares in shock. Aevi jumps back and summons multiple time copies of himself. The time copies at jump at Y/N and Sougo. The two riders begin to fight off the time copies. Tid and Finis both get up holding their cheek. They both look at Y/N and Sougo holding off the Aevi copies.

Tid: "I don't understand what's going on but I'm not letting Ohma Zi-O ruin my plans." Tid walks off leaving Aevi and Finis behind. Finis watches Tid leave.

Finis: "Sooner or later we would go our separate ways. We both have plans that don't match with each other." Finis watches closely at the fight when she finds her chance. Y/N and Sougo end up back to back both kicking a Aevi copy when Finis appears beside them.

Finis: "I'll be taking your power, Maou. You as well Zi-O." Finis places there hand on Y/N and Sougo draining their power.

Y/N: "Ahhh!"

Sougo: "Ahhh!" They both fall to one knee as Finis walks around them. Finis stands next to the original Aevi.

Sougo:  "Still sneaky as ever Time Jackers." Finis looks at the blank ridewatch. The power she stole from Y/N and Sougo flows into the ridewatch to make a Anotherwatch.

Finis: "Who knew my plans would be the one to succeed." Finis pushes the button on the Another Ichigo watch.

Distorted Voice: Ichigo!

Aevi: "Finis?"

Finis: "Ah little one I will finally achieve my goal." Finis shoves the anotherwatch inside her.


(Gif is too big and I can't find a video)

Dark read energy wraps around Finis transforming her into Another Ichigo.

Distorted Voice: Ichigo!

Y/N: "That huge thing can't be a Another Rider!"

Sougo: "It truly is a Another Rider my prince." Sougo falls over hitting the ground.

Y/N: "Sougo-sama!" Y/N holds Sougo to check on him.

Sougo: "I'm fine..." Y/N uses his shoulder to help Sougo on his feet.

Y/N: "I don't think you are and we need to take that thing out."

Another Ichigo: "Ha ha ha ha! Now the true history of the Kamen Riders will be reset!"

Y/N: "Reset? What do you mean by that!?"

Another Ichigo: "Ha ha ha! You don't know Zi-O!? Shocker an evil organization created the first Kamen Rider! Meaning Kamen Riders were evil and it should of stayed that way! But that Takeshi Hongo...that bastard! He made it where Kamen Riders are warriors of good! But now that I have the power of Ohma Zi-O I will rewrite this fake timeline with the true one!" The engine of Another Ichigo revs up and it starts to move towards Y/N.

Y/N: "Come on!" Y/N runs with Sougo as Another Ichigo gets closer. Y/N and Sougo both jump down the slope he walked up with the others. They are almost squished by Another Ichigo's tire. Y/N rolls down the slope to hit a tree making him let go of Sougo. They both roll down the slope breaking small bushes or small trees or hit a tree trucks.

Y/N: "Ow..." Y/N gets up and looks around.

Y/N: "Sougo-sama!"

Sougo: "Over here my prince!" Y/N runs towards the direction he heard Sougo's voice. He sees Sougo's hand sticking out some broken branches. Y/N removes the branches helping Sougo back to his feet.

Another Ichigo: "This forest isn't going to keep hidden from me!" Y/N hears the revving of the engine. He starts to walk with Sougo on his shoulder.

Y/N: "Why do I feel so weak?"

Sougo: "It's because of that Another Rider. Every second it stays alive it changes the history of Kamen Riders. Since there are no good Kamen Riders are powers are being taken away from us." Y/N and Sougo's rider wear beings to blur and static with electricity.

(Like Sento and Banjou did in the second episode)

Y/N gets a quick glimpse at Sougo. An old man with pure white hair wearing robes.

(Just reminder of what he's wearing)

Y/N: "Wait it can't be!?"

Another Ichigo: "Where are you!? You insects!" Another Ichigo summons fireballs and launches them into the forest.

Rias and the others hear the explosions. They stop and turn to look back wondering what happened.

Kiba: "What was that?"

Rias: "I don't know but we have to keep going." Kuroka stares out in the forest then at the herbs. She quickly hands it to Rias.

Rias: "Eh why?"

Kuroka: "Please take this to my sister!"

Rias: "What are you going to do!?"

Kuroka: "I'm going to bring Ohma back with us!"

Akeno: "Wait!" Kuroka runs back to where they found the Jasper Clover.

The fireballs hit the forest all around Y/N and Sougo. Dirt and broken trees fly around them.

Another Ichigo: "Ha ha ha ha!" Aevi watches Finis destroy the forest.

Aevi: "I wanna have some fun too...." A fireball hits next to Y/N and Sougo sending them flying. They roll on the ground and Y/N tries to get up. His and Sougo's rider wear blur again making him fall on the ground.

Y/N: "Sougo...."

Sougo: "Ahh...hhh..."

Y/N: "I feel so weak."

Another Ichigo: "Ah, there you are! Let's start with you, Maou!" Another Ichigo goes after Sougo swinging it's giant hand at him. Y/N is able to use his remaining strength to get up and run in front of Sougo. He summons Zikan Girade to block the attack. Another Ichigo hears a clank.

Another Ichigo: "Huh?"

Y/N: "Arh!"

Another Ichigo: "You still have some strength!" Another Ichigo reels back again. Y/N quickly removes his Zi-O watch and takes out his Zi-O II. He pushes it's button and slots the two watches on his driver.

Zi-O II!

Y/N makes his driver spin.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider~! (Rider~!) Zi-O! (Zi-O!) Zi-O~! II!

Y/N summons Saikyo Girade and fuses it with Zikan Girade to make Saikyo Zikan Girade. He swings his sword at Another Ichigo's arm hitting it away.

Another Ichigo: "You wretched insect!" Another Ichigo swings it's another hand at Y/N who hits it away. The engine on Another Ichigo's bike for it to go forward. Y/N flips the switch in the Zi-O face on his sword.

Saikyo Finish Time!

The golden blade shots up with the magenta katakana on its side. Y/N's rider wear blurs and it almost doesn't come back. He swings the golden blade at Another Ichigo.

King Giri Giri Slash!

The golden blade makes contact with Another Ichigo's tire. The golden blade shatters for the tire to hit Y/N into the air. Another Ichigo slams it's fist on Y/N sending him flying into the ground. Y/N hits the ground making a creator. He stands up then falls face first losing his Zi-O II form but still in his Zi-O form.

Another Ichigo: "Ha ha ha ha!" Y/N looks up to see Another Ichigo swings it's giant hand at him. He closes his eyes when he hears a loud clank. Y/N opens his eyes to see Sougo in front him with a giant red magic circle.

Barrier, Please!

Another Ichigo's hand bounces off the barrier.

Another Ichigo: "Why are you so hard to kill!? Just give up!" Another Ichigo begins to slam her fists on the barrier. Sougo can feel the force of the punches.

Sougo: "Arrrrh!" Y/N notices the barrier is cracking. With one last punch the barrier breaks making Ohma Zi-O fall to one knee.

Another Ichigo: "This is the end!" Y/N feels defeated and he thinks to himself.

Y/N: "I'm sorry Rias...Xenovia...Asia...Akeno. I won't be making it back." Y/N hears Sougo's bellowing laugh.

Sougo: "Ha ha ha ha! I congratulate you! If only you were able to kill with your own power! Such a fruitless win!"

Y/N: "Even though we're about to lose, he's still confident. How are you still so confident?"

Sougo: "Why give my enemy the satisfaction of seeing me broken? Even in my weaken state I will stand tall! Ha ha ha ha!" Y/N smiles underneath his helmet.

Y/N: "I guess you're right! Come on you big bug! Is that all you got?! You had so many chances to kill us! Yet you can't!"

Another Ichigo: "Shut up! This is where you die! Haaaaa!" A white energy blast hits Another Ichigo's face before it can attack Y/N and Sougo.

Another Ichigo: "What!?" Y/N and Sougo look to the right to see Kuroka.

Y/N: "Kuroka!"

Kuroka: "Y/N, I'm here to help!"

Another Ichigo: "Ha ha ha! You powerless thing want to save them!? Aevi, hold her down and make her watch me kill that Zi-O!"

Aevi: "Okay Finis-san." Two time copies of Aevi grab Kuroka arms. Kuroka tries to use her strength but the two Aevi doesn't move an inch.

Kuroka: "W-what!?"

Another Ichigo: "Wait there like a good little girl and watch me kill these two! Then I'll do the same to you!"

Y/N: "No I need to save Kuroka! I have too!" Y/N tries to get up but is too weak to do it. Another Ichigo reels back ready to attack Y/N and Sougo.

Voice: "Do you wanna save that woman?"

Y/N: "Yes!"

Voice: "Why?"

Y/N: "She was treated poorly by everyone. I was the only one who was able to connect with her. I gain her trust and we became friends. No one else with help her. If I die now! No one will save Kuroka! I'm the only one who can save her!"

Voice: "If it was someone else would you help them with the same consideration?"

Y/N: "Of course! Because that's why I am a Kamen Rider! No matter who it is! Human, Devil, Angel, or Fallen Angel! I will protect the innocent!" Y/N can feel two people lift him up to his feet. He looks right then left to see two similar looking Kamen Riders.

Y/N: "W-Who are you two!?"

Rias and her peerage get on the Griffins to fly off. While flying away they can see Another Ichigo.

Rias: "What is that monster?"

Akeno: "Whatever it is, I hope Ohma and Kuroka can make it to back."

Kiba: "Yes."

Y/N can't believe what he's looking at.

Kamen Rider: "We are the Showa Riders, Kamen Rider Ichigo and Nigo." Nigo nods to Y/N when his name is said.

Y/N: "Showa Riders?"

Kamen Rider Nigo: "We are also the first and second Kamen Riders."

Y/N: "Wait the first...then you are Takeshi Hongo!"

Kamen Rider: "Correct young man."

Y/N: "Why are you two here?"

Kamen Rider: "We have been watching you. You have shown us multiple times that you have the heart of a Kamen Rider. You even accepted the fact we all can evil inside us but it's the actions we take is that makes us good."

Kamen Rider Nigo: "You even showed that it doesn't matter what walk of life it is. You'll protect it with all your strength."

Kamen Rider: "That's why we have decided to let you inherit our power." Kamen Rider Ichigo and Nigo hand Y/N a ridewatch each.

Y/N takes the two ridewatches from them.

Kamen Rider Nigo: "Show them the power of the Showa Riders!"

Kamen Rider: "The power of a Kamen Rider!" The two Showa Riders glow and disappear. Sougo turns to look at Y/N to see him glowing.

Sougo: "What is this?"

Another Ichigo: "What is going on!?"

Kuroka: "Y/N." Y/N takes the Ichigo ridewatch and twists it.

He pushes the button on top of the watch.

1! (Ichigo!)

He slides the ridewatch in his driver and makes it spin.

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Opening. The very first one)

Armor Time! (First 13 seconds of Kamen Rider Opening) Rider! Henshin! 1!

(Yes even the bike engine)

Y/N jumps in the air for the wind to blow towards him. The Ichigo armor flies towards him on the wind. It floats around Y/N then slots on him. Y/N lands on the ground as the wind circles around his neck. A red muffler scarf appears around his neck.

(He has a scarf around his neck)

(If the video doesn't show up it's Birth of Zi-O song)

Another Ichigo: "What!? How!?"

Sougo: "Magnificent! Well since he isnt here I guess I will do it for him. I don't think I can be as good as he is....IWAE! The one who has now inherited a legendary legacy! Chosen by me Ohma Zi-O! The future King Of Time Y/N L/N! In this form he is known as Kamen Rider Zi-O Ichigo Armor!" Y/N jumps at Another Ichigo throwing a punch at it's chest.

Y/N: "Rider Punch!" Wind swirls around Y/N's fist as it hits Another Ichigo sending it flying back.

Aevi: "Whoa whoa!" Aevi runs out of the way of Another Ichigo who hits the ground.

Another Ichigo: "How is this possible!? How did you get Ichigo's power!?" Y/N lands and looks at Another Ichigo as wind blows around him for his muffler to wave in the wind. Another Ichigo gets back on it's wheels.

Y/N: "You may look Hongo-san but you don't have his power. You're using Sougo-sama's power over time to destroy the Kamen Rider Timeline. Me, I inherited the first and second Showa Riders power!" Y/N takes out the Nigo ridewatch and twists it then pushes it button.

2! (Nigo!)

He slots it in his Zikan Girade pushing the swords button.

Finish Time!

Another Ichigo drives at Y/N who runs at Another Ichigo. Another Ichigo launches fireballs at Y/N. Y/N swings his sword cutting them down.

Another Ichigo: "What!?" Sougo can see wind swirling around Zikan Girade.

Sougo: "Ah! The wind around the blade is making the fireballs dissipate!" Y/N gets ready and with one swing he slashes all the way across Another Ichigo's motorcycle body.

Rider Giri Giri Slash!

Y/N: "Rider Slash!" Another Ichigo crashes on the ground. Y/N jumps towards Kuroka swinging Zikan Girade at the Aevi copies. The two copies jump away from his attacks. Y/N grabs Kuroka and jumps away. He lands next to Sougo putting Kuroka down.

Kuroka: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes, don't worry I'm going to finish this." Y/N pushes the buttons on his ridewatches.

Finish Time! 1!

Y/N sprints at Another Ichigo. Another Ichigo picks itself up and turns to see Y/N running at it. He jumps and extends his right leg.

Y/N: "Rider Kick!" Y/N's right foot hits Another Ichigo's chest. Wind swirls around his foot then Another Ichigo is sent flying back.

Rider Time Break!

Another Ichigo explodes for Y/N to turn around to do Ichigo's pose. Finis falls on the ground with Another Ichigo's watch falling next to her. The Anotherwatch sparks then shatters. Aevi walks up to Finis to help them stand up.

Finis: "Come Aevi, I now know what to do. I'll finish off Ohma Zi-O when he's younger by using a Reiwa Rider." Finis walks away with Aevi. Aevi looks back at Y/N.

Aevi: "Kamen Riders are so cool! I wanna see more of what they can do." Aevi grins evilly then follows Finis. Sougo stands popping his neck watching Y/N de-henshin.

Sougo: "That boy...never stops amazing me. So you Showa Rider's have decided he's worthy of your power. I'm surprised, you Showa Rider's don't like us Heisei Riders." Kuroka jumps at Y/N hugging him. Kuroka gets face to face with Y/N making him blush.

Kuroka: "Y/N! I wanna have your babies!"

Y/N: "....I always thought I should only have one lover. I captured many hearts huh? I guess they also captured mine. Ha ha! I couldn't help but fall in love with more than one girl. I can't believe I'm saying this...I'm making a harem!" Y/N pulls Kuroka closer to him.

Y/N: "I'll happily give you babies." Kuroka smiles happily and hugs Y/N, purring.

Sougo: "I don't want to ruin the moment but Y/N we have to leave. We already altered time in a way but it seems everything will be fine." Y/N let's go of Kuroka.

Y/N: "Yes....Lets get out of this forest first." The three head back to where Y/N and Kuroka first arrived with the others. Y/N picks Kuroka up and places her on top of the griffin.

Y/N: "I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave without me. Rias and the others should be back at town. You're sister should be okay now."

Kuroka: "You're not coming back!? Then take me and Shirone with you!" Y/N looks at the ground.

Y/N: "I can't....."

Kuroka: "Why not!?"

Y/N: "Because I'm not from here. I'm a...Demon Prince, this is my predecessor." Y/N gestures to Sougo.

Y/N: "He's the Demon King of Time, Ohma Zi-O."

Kuroka: "Ohma...Hold on you're a prince? I don't understand why were you in living in the outskirts of town?"

Y/N: "Let's just say I got lost."

Kuroka: "But you said..."

Y/N: "I know, I plan to keep that promise. Trust me, okay?" Y/N hands Kuroka the Ichigo ridewatch.

Y/N: "Kuroka find a devil you can pledge your servitude too. Make sure it's not Rias and take your sister with you. Please follow what I'm telling you. Once I came back I promise I'll get you and Shirone into my peerage. When I come get you give this back to me, okay?" Kuroka takes the watch and holds it close.

Kuroka: "I will wait for you as long as I need too." Y/N smiles at Kuroka.

Y/N: "Tell Rias and the others Ohma died trying to save you." Kuroka nods to Y/N.

Y/N: "I promise I'll come back for you and tell the whole truth." Y/N slaps the griffin's backside for it to fly off. Kuroka looks back at Y/N who is waving goodbye to her. Sougo opens a time portal for him and Y/N.

Sougo: "Let's leave this time and back to ours."

Y/N: "Yes, Sougo-sama." Y/N and Sougo enter the time portal for it to close. They step out of the time portal to appear at the Gremory mansion at the current time. The two begin to walk towards the mansion. Y/N looks at the sky to notice it's almost night.

Y/N: "How long was I gone?"

Sougo: "Almost a day."

Y/N: "I hope everyone is okay."

Sougo: "I made sure Woz was watching over them."

Y/N: "Good ol' Woz huh?"

Sougo "Ha ha indeed....My prince I do not have a woman who I can share my life with him nor did I have children because of that fact. Watching you grow has made me proud. I wonder is this feeling a father would have when he sees his son grow?"

Y/N: "....I don't know but I won't stop making you proud, Sougo. You chose me to be your successor I won't let you down."

Sougo: "I know you won't my prince. Watch over those girls, Y/N. They care about you as much as you do them." They both stop at the fountain. Y/N looks at Sougo.

Y/N: "I will, Sougo." Sougo puts his hand on Y/N's shoulder and nods to him. They both continue to walk to the front door. The two guards notice them and quickly stand up straight.

Guard: "It's good to see you safe Master Y/N!"

Guard 2: "And it's an honor to meet you here Ohma Zi-O-sama!"

Sougo: "At easy, I'm here to see Sir Zechs."

Y/N: "Can you let us in?"

Guard: "Of course!" The guards open the door for Y/N and Sougo to enter the mansion. Walter walks by to see Y/N and Sougo.

Walter: "Y/N! I'm glad you're alive! Please follow me I'll take to where everyone is." Walter leads Y/N and Sougo to the living room.

Walter: "Lady Rias!" Rias turns to look at Walter.

Rias: "Walter why are you...." Y/N walks in for Rias to run at him. She puts her head on his chest.

Rias: "I'm so happy you're back." Y/N holds Rias and pats her head.

Y/N: "I told you I'll come back." Everyone else runs up to see Y/N.

Kiba: "Welcome back Y/N." Y/N let's get of Rias to look at Kiba.

Y/N: "Great to be back." Rias steps next to Y/N. Asia runs up at Y/N jumping at him wrapping her arms around his neck. Y/N hugs Asia back wrapping his arm around her small body.

Aisa: "I'm so glad you're okay. I prayed for you to come back safely."

Y/N: "Thank you, Asia." Y/N and Asia stop hugging each other. He looks at Gasper to pat his head making him smile.

Xenovia: "It really is good to have you back." Y/N walks up to Xenovia and hugs her.

Xenovia: "Y-Y/N!?"

Y/N: "I'm happy to see you guys again. It was only a few hours for all of you but for me it was three months." Issei is a jealous at Y/N who's getting hugs from the girls. Y/N let's go of Xenovia and walks up to Issei.

Issei: "I thought I would have to protect everyone by myself. Good thing your back you can pick up the your slack!"

Y/N: "What can't handle it by yourself?" The two high five, Y/N turns around to look at everyone.

Y/N: "Where's Koneko?"

Rias: "She....was a victim..."

Y/N: "Oh..."

Issei: "Y/N, can you help Akeno!?" Y/N looks at Issei.

Y/N: ".....I'll try, where is she?"

Woz: "Waga Maou." Y/N looks at the entrance of the living room to see Woz standing in the opening.

Woz "Follow me." Y/N follows Woz to the room Akeno is in. The guards nods to Woz and lets them in. Akeno looks at the door to see it open and Y/N walk in. She gets up from sitting at the end of her bed but sits back down. Woz pokes his head in to speak.

Woz: "I'll leave you two alone." Woz closes the door and looks at the guard.

Woz: "You are relieved of your post." The guard has no idea what to say so he leaves. Woz rests his back on the wall facing the door.

Woz: "Good luck, Waga Maou."

Inside the room Y/N walks up to Akeno.

Y/N: "Hey are you okay?" Akeno looks away from Y/N.

Y/N: "By the look of things you look okay. No weird wings or monstrous look. I'm glad you are okay." Akeno stays silent not uttering a single word. Y/N kneels in front of Akeno for her to move away a little.

Y/N: "Why don't you look at me?"

Akeno: "Is it okay for me to feel this happy because of the things I done?"

Y/N: "Of course you can."

Akeno: "But I-"

Y/N: "I don't care what you did or what your reasons are because I could of been you. I know how to feels not wanting to accept a side of you." Y/N grabs Akeno's chin and moves her head to face him.

Y/N: "When you want to talk to me, I'll be right here ready to listen." Y/N kisses Akeno's forehead. Tears rundown Akeno's face. Y/N stands up and holds his hand out to Akeno.

Y/N: "Now let's show everyone that the Vice President is ready to come back!" Akeno wipes away her tears and grabs Y/N's hand.

Akeno: "Yes!" Y/N helps on her feet and they walk out the door together. They see Woz standing in front of them reading his book.

Woz: "Oh are you two done?"

Y/N: "Yeah." Woz closes his book.

Woz: "Waga Maou, Sir Zechs would like a meeting with you."

Y/N is sitting in a chair in front of the desk Sir Zechs is sitting at. Ohma Zi-O, Woz, Akeno, Rias, and her peerage are standing next to the wall.

Issei: "Why seen you helping Y/N, king guy!?"

Sougo: "Silence degenerate, unlike you Y/N want to be a competent king. He needs to learn how to hold us own in a meeting." Issei angrily stares at Sougo.

Sir Zechs: "Y/N, I hope you understand how severe Akeno's actions are."

Y/N: "....I do there's nothing I can say that can help Akeno's case but I believe Akeno was taken advantage of. Something tragic happen in her past I'm sure of it. Something must of reminded her about that. Aevi then took advantage of that."

Sir Zechs: "That is speculation on your part."

Y/N: "But you know half it is true." Sir Zechs tilts his head at Y/N.

Y/N: "You're the current Lucifer and brother of Rias. I have to say...you're complete siscon!" Y/N has one foot on the desk and the other on his chair. He is shoving his index finger in Sir Zechs' face

Sir Zechs: Eh!?"

Kiba, Akeno, Asia, Gasper, Issei, Xenovia: "EH!?" Rias blush and holds her forehead. Sougo chuckles to himself and Woz smirks.

Y/N: "You wouldn't want someone dangerous joining Rias Peerage! You look at everyone's backgrounds and you know what happened to Akeno!" Sir Zechs sighs and sits up straight.

Sir Zechs: "....Yes, I do know what happened to Akeno. That's why I agreed with Woz."

Y/N: "Huh? Agreed to what?" A dumbfounded Y/N lowers his finger.

Sir Zechs: "Akeno is now one of Y/N's fiancé's meaning she's protected by Ohma Zi-O. If we laid a hand on Akeno we would of felt the wraith of Ohma Zi-O. That's why Akeno will be transferred over to you." Sir Zechs words surprises everyone.

Sir Zechs: "Since the Demon Prince wouldn't want his first fiancé to be without a Queen, Akeno will stay with Rias so they may protect each other. I'm sure the other high ranking devils will accept this but since no one else except me and Azazel know what happened will keep this between us." Y/N sits back in his seat.

Y/N: "Oh really?"

Sir Zechs: "Yes it will be our little secret. I never wanted to take Akeno into custody but I had too. I can't let everyone think just because my sister's peerage has done something wrong they get special treatment. Even the severity of the situation left me no choice. I'm sorry Akeno."

Akeno: "No I should be the one to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused and for harming your family, Sir Zechs-sama, Lady Rias." Akeno bows to Sir Zechs then to Rias.

Rias: "You don't have to apologize to me."

Akeno: "I need too if I don't I wouldn't feel any better." Rias grabs Akeno's hands.

Rias: "I understand but with me you don't need apologize. You're my best friend that's why it's okay. I believe you wouldn't harm my family because you wanted too."

Akeno: "...Thank you Rias. I'm happy that you still considered me your best friend."

Issei: "We all still consider you our friend! Isn't that right everyone!?"

Asia: "Yes!"

Kiba: "Of course!"

Xenovia: "There's no doubt about!"

Gasper: "Y-Yes!"

Rias: "See everyone still cares about you." Rias let's go of Akeno's hands.

Akeno: "Thank you everyone but there's still one person who I cause so much pain too."

Y/N: "Koneko."

Akeno: "Yes, I hope she can forgive me."

Y/N: "I'm sure she will." Sir Zechs smiles then stands up.

Sir Zechs: "Now that these problems are finished. I have to head back I have a lot of work planning the reception. I have to leave but you all should have dinner. Rias watch over our parents. Greyfia watch over them all."

Rias: "Yes, brother."

Grayfia "Yes, Sir Zechs-sama."

Sougo: "My prince I will also take my leave too. You did good in the meeting."

Sir Zechs: "I agree he did." Y/N smiles at the complement.

Everyone is eating at the dining room table. Grayfia comes out the kitchen with a trey of food. Rias stands up and walks up to her.

Rias: "I'll help you take my parents food to them." Rias takes one of the trays from Grayfia.

Grayfia: "Very well thank you Lady Rias."

Y/N: "Do it quickly you don't want your food to get cool. I'm sure your worried about your parents but if they find out your not eating properly. They start to worry and we don't wanna stress them out."

Rias: "Yes I will."

Rias: "I'll be back in a minute." Rias walks out of the dining room with Grayfia.

Y/N: "Oh! Where's Azazel?"

Kiba: "Asia was going to heal him but he told her not too."

Xenovia: "Then he left this morning. He said he would be back in a day."

Y/N: "Huh? I wonder what he's doing with no arm."

Issei: "Hey Y/N! You said it was three months for you, how is that possible?"

Woz: "I suggest you don't try to understand it. Just accept the fact."

Issei: "Eh why? Is it because you think I'm dumb?"

Woz: "I do think you're dumb but trying to understand how time works can make any person go insane. Dumb or smart."

Issei: "Is time really that complicated?"

Woz: "Let's say you wanted to go back in to time to listen to meet a famous musician you like. You go back in time but find out no one has ever heard of this musician even the family don't know who your talking about. Lucky you brought all his CD's for him to sign. You decide to publish all those songs and in turn become that famous musician. Time continues like nothing happened. Bootstrap Paradox."

Issei: "Wait but....If your the musician then what about the original guy....? Did he die!? Wait you said he never existed! But he did right!?" Issei stares at his hands trying to figure out what happened to the original guy.

Woz: "I told you not to think about it."

Xenovia: "I never knew Time could be so complicated."

Woz: "That's why it should never be tempered with. As you can see things haven't changed because Waga Maou understood the rules." Y/N starts to sweat when Woz complements him.

Y/N: "Ha ha yeah...I have question what would happen if I gave someone something in the past and they gave it to me in the future? Also if I meet someone in the past and pretended to be someone else would they remember that person?" Woz glares at Y/N.

Woz: "What did you do?" Y/N can feel the piercing gaze of Woz making him sweat more. Rias walks back in to notice Woz is glaring at Y/N.

Rias: "What's going on?"

Y/N: "R-Rias, Akeno, Kiba..do you remember one winter break you met a guy by the name of Ohma?"

Kiba: "Winter break..." Akeno tilts her head at Y/N then looks up thinking to herself. Rias holds her chin to think.

Rias: "Ohma was Y/N!"

Akeno: "That was you!" Akeno quickly stands up slamming her hands on the table.

Kiba: "What!? How is that possible!?"

Woz: "Don't think about it just take it at face value Kiba-kun."

Kiba: "R-Right."

Y/N: "Yes that was me."

Woz: "Well as long as nothing drastically has changed. What is the other thing?"

Y/N: "Kuroka." Akeno looks at Rias who is making a serious face then looks back to Y/N.

Akeno: "....What about her?"

Y/N: "I gave her a ridewatch."

Woz: "Waga Maou! Why did you do that!?" Y/N places the Nigo ridewatch on the table. Woz is shocked to see that ridewatch.

Woz: "How did you get that ridewatch!?" Woz picks up the Nigo ridewatch.

Xenovia: "What's wrong Woz? He got a new ridewatch isn't that good? He's closer to 20 now."

Woz: "No he isn't....this is a Showa Rider's ridewatch. Waga Maou has to get all 20 Heisei Rider ridewatches."

Asia: "Showa? Heisei?"

Kiba: "What's the difference between Showa Riders and Heisei Riders?"

Issei: "Aren't they the same thing?"

Woz: "Generations of Kamen Riders. The Showa Riders consists of Kamen Rider Ichigo, Nigo, V3, RiderMan, X, Amazon, Stronger, Skyrider, Super-1, ZX, Black, Black RX, Shin, ZO, and J. While Y/N is collecting the Heisei Riders I'm sure you remember there names during the Riser fight."

Akeno: "Yes."

Kiba: "Is it okay for Y/N to collect the Showa Riders watches?"

Woz: "Uhh no it's fine...just surprising. The Showa Riders don't like the Heisei Riders. They even had a war against each other. It was a diverse to draw out the real enemy but they continued it after the real enemy was stopped. It was the act of kindness that Kamen Rider Gaim showed by saving a single flower is when the Showa Riders decided to stop attacking the Heisei Riders."

Y/N: "I didn't know that."

Woz: "It wasn't information I thought you would need. How did you get this?"

Y/N: "Hongo-san and Nigo-san both helped me while I was fighting Another Ichigo."

Woz: "Takeshi Hongo and Hayato Ichimonji met with you? Wait Another Ichigo!?

Y/N: "Yes." Woz starts to think to himself.

Rias: "So that monster we saw while we left was a Another Rider."

Y/N: "Yes."

Kiba: "It's crazy we met Another Riders without knowing."

Akeno: "More like Y/N changed our past and we ended up meeting Another Riders earlier in our life's."

Issei: "So confusing."

Woz: "What did they say to you?"

Y/N: "They said I was worthy of inheriting their power."

Akeno: "It makes sense why you would be worthy."

Rias "I agree."

Gasper: "Y/N is really kind!"

Asia: "Yes!"

Issei: "You also beat down all those bad guys!"

Kiba: "You helped everyone at this table."

Xenovia: "You even agreed to help me practice." Xenovia nods her head.

Y/N: "Ha ha ha! Yeah! Sword practicing!"

Xenovia: "No making..."

Y/N: "SWORD PRACTICING! Ha ha." Y/N scratches the back of his head.

Woz: "Well if nothing too drastic has changed, we're okay. You have the Nigo ridewatch but where's the Ichigo ridewatch?"

Y/N: "I gave Kuroka the Ichigo ridewatch as a promise to her that I would add her and her sister to my Peerage. I told her to find a someone she can plead her servitude too. Rias, do you think you use your connections to find her?" Rias looks at Akeno for her to shake her head no.

Rias: "That would be no problem! I'm sure we can find her and her sister then they'll be your first Peerage members. Take good care of them, okay?" Rias smiles at Y/N.

Y/N: "Of course I will! Just like how you took care of me, I'll take care of them!"

Rias: "I know you will."

After dinner everyone heads off to sleep. Y/N is sleeping with Xenovia and Asia.

Asia: "I thought I would have to sleep alone for awhile but it was only a night."

Xenovia: "But for Y/N it was three months right?"

Y/N: "Yeah...." Y/N pulls Asia and Xenovia closer holding them both.

Y/N: "Let me enjoy this please." Asia and Xenovia blush.

Asia & Xenovia: "Y-Yes." Y/N falls asleep with Asia and Xenovia in his arms. In the middle of the night Xenovia moves to kick Y/N in the throat.

Y/N: "Rrrrrrah!"

Woz is in Sougo's throne room.

Woz: "This book has changed, it now has history of Y/N obtaining the Showa powers."

Sougo: "Time has truly changed..." Sougo begins to cough loudly. Woz quickly stops kneeling to check on Sougo.

Woz: "Sougo! Are you okay?"

Sougo: "*Cough* Yes, losing my power has made this old body weak but I will feel better in a few hours." Woz looks sad when he stares at Sougo.

Woz: "Is your time coming sooner than expected because of that fight?"

Rias is sitting at the foot of her bed to hear someone knock on her door.

Rias: "Come in." Akeno walks in Rias' room and closes the door behind her.

Akeno: "I know it's unbelievable how things turn out like this but you need to tell Y/N about Kuroka." Rias bites her thumb.

Rias: "I know...I'll tell him at the reception."

In a cave Kuroka is looking at the Ichigo ridewatch.

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Zi-O opening)

Bikou walks in the cave.

Bikou: "Hey it's time to go, Kuroka. Hm? What's that your holding?"

Kuroka: "A relic of my past..."

Bikou: "I heard about your past why are you holding onto something to remind of it?"

Kuroka: "Because I still believe in what it represents." Kuroka puts away the Ichigo ridewatch and leaves with Bikou.

A time mazine lands in the outskirts of the town in the Gremory territory. The ramp opens to hit the ground. A young man steps outside to look around.

Man: "Mom and dad said not to go out and find out what caused the lost of me and dads Rider powers. They said to leave it to him but he's too busy. I'll find out what is it myself."

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